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Unified Diff: chrome/tools/build/win/

Issue 9701050: Make setup.exe compatible with the component build. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: comment nits Created 8 years, 7 months ago
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Index: chrome/tools/build/win/
diff --git a/chrome/tools/build/win/ b/chrome/tools/build/win/
index 78bc63b9e04a03fbc810391b2527ccf2dbf3a8fa..8675f17308fa6a3dc83f0b8dd2d0a4c32ac32184 100755
--- a/chrome/tools/build/win/
+++ b/chrome/tools/build/win/
@@ -312,6 +312,115 @@ def CreateResourceInputFile(
+# Copies component build DLLs and generates required config files and manifests
+# in order for chrome.exe and setup.exe to be able to find those DLLs at
+# run-time.
+# This is meant for developer builds only and should never be used to package
+# an official build.
+def DoComponentBuildTasks(staging_dir, build_dir, current_version):
+ # Get the required directories for the upcoming operations.
+ chrome_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, CHROME_DIR)
+ version_dir = os.path.join(chrome_dir, current_version)
+ installer_dir = os.path.join(version_dir, 'Installer')
+ # |installer_dir| is technically only created post-install, but we need it
+ # now to add setup.exe's config and manifest to the archive.
+ if not os.path.exists(installer_dir):
+ os.mkdir(installer_dir)
+ # Copy all the DLLs in |build_dir| to the version directory.
+ dlls = glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, '*.dll'))
+ for dll in dlls:
+ shutil.copy(dll, version_dir)
+ exe_config = (
+ "<configuration>\n"
+ " <windows>\n"
+ " <assemblyBinding xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1'>\n"
+ " <probing privatePath='{rel_path}'/>\n"
+ " </assemblyBinding>\n"
+ " </windows>\n"
+ "</configuration>")
+ # Write chrome.exe.config to point to the version directory.
+ chrome_exe_config_file = open(
+ os.path.join(chrome_dir, 'chrome.exe.config'), 'w')
+ chrome_exe_config_file.write(exe_config.format(rel_path=current_version))
+ chrome_exe_config_file.close()
+ # Write setup.exe.config to point to the version directory (which is one
+ # level up from setup.exe post-install).
+ setup_exe_config_file = open(
+ os.path.join(installer_dir, 'setup.exe.config'), 'w')
+ setup_exe_config_file.write(exe_config.format(rel_path='..'))
+ setup_exe_config_file.close()
+ # Build a list containing the name of each DLL found in |build_dir|.
+ dll_names = []
+ for dll in dlls:
+ dll_names.append(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dll))[0])
+ # Build the manifests for chrome.exe and setup.exe in which we list all the
+ # DLLs as side by side assembly dependencies.
+ # TODO (gab): These extra properties should be merged with the existing
+ # chrome/app/chrome.exe.manifest and
+ # chrome/installer/setup/setup.exe.manifest.
+ exe_manifest_parts = [
+ "<assembly\n"
+ " xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'>\n"
+ " <trustInfo xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3'>\n"
+ " <security>\n"
+ " <requestedPrivileges>\n"
+ " <requestedExecutionLevel level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'/>\n"
+ " </requestedPrivileges>\n"
+ " </security>\n"
+ " </trustInfo>\n"]
+ for name in dll_names:
+ exe_manifest_parts.append(
+ " <dependency>\n"
+ " <dependentAssembly>\n"
+ " <assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='chrome.{dll_basename}'\n"
+ " version='' processorArchitecture='x86'\n"
+ " language='*'/>\n"
+ " </dependentAssembly>\n"
+ " </dependency>\n".format(dll_basename=name))
+ exe_manifest_parts.append("</assembly>")
+ exe_manifest = ''.join(exe_manifest_parts)
+ # Write chrome.exe.manifest beside chrome.exe.
+ chrome_exe_manifest_file = open(
+ os.path.join(chrome_dir, 'chrome.exe.manifest'), 'w')
+ chrome_exe_manifest_file.write(exe_manifest)
+ chrome_exe_manifest_file.close()
+ # Write setup.exe.manifest beside setup.exe in |version_dir|/Installer.
+ setup_exe_manifest_file = open(
+ os.path.join(installer_dir, 'setup.exe.manifest'), 'w')
+ setup_exe_manifest_file.write(exe_manifest)
+ setup_exe_manifest_file.close()
+ # Write chrome.{dllname}.manifest in the version directory for each DLLs
+ # listed as a dependency in the previous step.
+ # TODO (gab): The properties should probably be merged with the existing
+ # chrome/app/chrome.dll.manifest which could be duplicated for every extra
+ # DLL in the component build.
+ for name in dll_names:
+ dll_manifest = (
+ "<assembly\n"
+ " xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'>\n"
+ " <assemblyIdentity name='chrome.{dll_basename}' version=''\n"
+ " type='win32' processorArchitecture='x86'/>\n"
+ " <file name='{dll_basename}.dll'/>\n"
+ "</assembly>".format(dll_basename=name))
+ dll_manifest_file = open(os.path.join(
+ version_dir,
+ "chrome.{dll_basename}.manifest".format(dll_basename=name)), 'w')
+ dll_manifest_file.write(dll_manifest)
+ dll_manifest_file.close()
def main(options):
"""Main method that reads input file, creates archive file and write
resource input file.
@@ -338,6 +447,9 @@ def main(options):
staging_dir, options.build_dir,
options.enable_hidpi, options.enable_metro)
+ if options.component_build == '1':
+ DoComponentBuildTasks(staging_dir, options.build_dir, current_version)
version_numbers = current_version.split('.')
current_build_number = version_numbers[2] + '.' + version_numbers[3]
prev_build_number = ''
@@ -393,6 +505,8 @@ def _ParseOptions():
parser.add_option('--enable_metro', default='0',
help='Whether to include resource files from the "METRO" section of the '
'input file.')
+ parser.add_option('--component_build', default='0',
+ help='Whether this archive is packaging a component build.')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if not options.build_dir:
@@ -401,12 +515,15 @@ def _ParseOptions():
if not options.staging_dir:
parser.error('You must provide a staging dir.')
+ if not options.input_file:
+ parser.error('You must provide an input file')
if not options.output_dir:
options.output_dir = options.build_dir
if not options.resource_file_path:
- options.options.resource_file_path = os.path.join(options.build_dir,
+ options.resource_file_path = os.path.join(options.build_dir,
return options
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