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Unified Diff: ui/gfx/compositor/

Issue 10365007: ui: Move compositor/ directory out of gfx/, up to ui/. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: fix DEPS Created 8 years, 8 months ago
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Index: ui/gfx/compositor/
diff --git a/ui/gfx/compositor/ b/ui/gfx/compositor/
deleted file mode 100644
index df70518717eb43620513d227ebaad33237ebfcbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/gfx/compositor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ui/gfx/compositor/layer_animator.h"
-#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "ui/base/animation/animation_container.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/compositor/compositor.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/compositor/layer.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/compositor/layer_animation_delegate.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/compositor/layer_animation_observer.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/compositor/layer_animation_sequence.h"
-namespace ui {
-class LayerAnimator;
-namespace {
-static const base::TimeDelta kDefaultTransitionDuration =
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(120);
-static const base::TimeDelta kTimerInterval =
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10);
-} // namespace;
-// LayerAnimator public --------------------------------------------------------
-LayerAnimator::LayerAnimator(base::TimeDelta transition_duration)
- : delegate_(NULL),
- preemption_strategy_(IMMEDIATELY_SET_NEW_TARGET),
- transition_duration_(transition_duration),
- tween_type_(Tween::LINEAR),
- is_started_(false),
- disable_timer_for_test_(false) {
-LayerAnimator::~LayerAnimator() {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < running_animations_.size(); ++i)
- running_animations_[i].sequence->OnAnimatorDestroyed();
- ClearAnimations();
-// static
-bool LayerAnimator::disable_animations_for_test_ = false;
-// static
-LayerAnimator* LayerAnimator::CreateDefaultAnimator() {
- return new LayerAnimator(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0));
-// static
-LayerAnimator* LayerAnimator::CreateImplicitAnimator() {
- return new LayerAnimator(kDefaultTransitionDuration);
-void LayerAnimator::SetTransform(const Transform& transform) {
- base::TimeDelta duration = transition_duration_;
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationElement> element(
- LayerAnimationElement::CreateTransformElement(transform, duration));
- element->set_tween_type(tween_type_);
- StartAnimation(new LayerAnimationSequence(element.release()));
-Transform LayerAnimator::GetTargetTransform() const {
- LayerAnimationElement::TargetValue target(delegate());
- GetTargetValue(&target);
- return target.transform;
-void LayerAnimator::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
- base::TimeDelta duration = transition_duration_;
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationElement> element(
- LayerAnimationElement::CreateBoundsElement(bounds, duration));
- element->set_tween_type(tween_type_);
- StartAnimation(new LayerAnimationSequence(element.release()));
-gfx::Rect LayerAnimator::GetTargetBounds() const {
- LayerAnimationElement::TargetValue target(delegate());
- GetTargetValue(&target);
- return target.bounds;
-void LayerAnimator::SetOpacity(float opacity) {
- base::TimeDelta duration = transition_duration_;
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationElement> element(
- LayerAnimationElement::CreateOpacityElement(opacity, duration));
- element->set_tween_type(tween_type_);
- StartAnimation(new LayerAnimationSequence(element.release()));
-float LayerAnimator::GetTargetOpacity() const {
- LayerAnimationElement::TargetValue target(delegate());
- GetTargetValue(&target);
- return target.opacity;
-void LayerAnimator::SetVisibility(bool visibility) {
- base::TimeDelta duration = transition_duration_;
- // Tween type doesn't matter for visibility.
- StartAnimation(new LayerAnimationSequence(
- LayerAnimationElement::CreateVisibilityElement(
- visibility, duration)));
-bool LayerAnimator::GetTargetVisibility() const {
- LayerAnimationElement::TargetValue target(delegate());
- GetTargetValue(&target);
- return target.visibility;
-void LayerAnimator::SetDelegate(LayerAnimationDelegate* delegate) {
- DCHECK(delegate);
- delegate_ = delegate;
-void LayerAnimator::StartAnimation(LayerAnimationSequence* animation) {
- OnScheduled(animation);
- if (!StartSequenceImmediately(animation)) {
- // Attempt to preempt a running animation.
- switch (preemption_strategy_) {
- ImmediatelySetNewTarget(animation);
- break;
- ImmediatelyAnimateToNewTarget(animation);
- break;
- EnqueueNewAnimation(animation);
- break;
- ReplaceQueuedAnimations(animation);
- break;
- // TODO(vollick) Add support for blended sequences and use them here.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- FinishAnyAnimationWithZeroDuration();
- UpdateAnimationState();
-void LayerAnimator::ScheduleAnimation(LayerAnimationSequence* animation) {
- OnScheduled(animation);
- if (is_animating()) {
- animation_queue_.push_back(make_linked_ptr(animation));
- ProcessQueue();
- } else {
- StartSequenceImmediately(animation);
- }
- UpdateAnimationState();
-void LayerAnimator::ScheduleTogether(
- const std::vector<LayerAnimationSequence*>& animations) {
- // Collect all the affected properties.
- LayerAnimationElement::AnimatableProperties animated_properties;
- std::vector<LayerAnimationSequence*>::const_iterator iter;
- for (iter = animations.begin(); iter != animations.end(); ++iter) {
- animated_properties.insert((*iter)->properties().begin(),
- (*iter)->properties().end());
- }
- // Scheduling a zero duration pause that affects all the animated properties
- // will prevent any of the sequences from animating until there are no
- // running animations that affect any of these properties.
- ScheduleAnimation(new LayerAnimationSequence(
- LayerAnimationElement::CreatePauseElement(animated_properties,
- base::TimeDelta())));
- // These animations (provided they don't animate any common properties) will
- // now animate together if trivially scheduled.
- for (iter = animations.begin(); iter != animations.end(); ++iter) {
- ScheduleAnimation(*iter);
- }
- UpdateAnimationState();
-bool LayerAnimator::IsAnimatingProperty(
- LayerAnimationElement::AnimatableProperty property) const {
- for (AnimationQueue::const_iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter) {
- if ((*queue_iter)->properties().find(property) !=
- (*queue_iter)->properties().end()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void LayerAnimator::StopAnimatingProperty(
- LayerAnimationElement::AnimatableProperty property) {
- while (true) {
- RunningAnimation* running = GetRunningAnimation(property);
- if (!running)
- break;
- FinishAnimation(running->sequence);
- }
-void LayerAnimator::StopAnimating() {
- while (is_animating())
- FinishAnimation(running_animations_[0].sequence);
-void LayerAnimator::AddObserver(LayerAnimationObserver* observer) {
- if (!observers_.HasObserver(observer))
- observers_.AddObserver(observer);
-void LayerAnimator::RemoveObserver(LayerAnimationObserver* observer) {
- observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
- // Remove the observer from all sequences as well.
- for (AnimationQueue::iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter) {
- (*queue_iter)->RemoveObserver(observer);
- }
-// LayerAnimator protected -----------------------------------------------------
-bool LayerAnimator::ProgressAnimation(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence,
- base::TimeDelta delta) {
- return sequence->Progress(delta, delegate());
-bool LayerAnimator::HasAnimation(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) const {
- for (AnimationQueue::const_iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter) {
- if ((*queue_iter).get() == sequence)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// LayerAnimator private -------------------------------------------------------
-void LayerAnimator::Step(base::TimeTicks now) {
- TRACE_EVENT0("ui", "LayerAnimator::Step");
- last_step_time_ = now;
- // We need to make a copy of the running animations because progressing them
- // and finishing them may indirectly affect the collection of running
- // animations.
- RunningAnimations running_animations_copy = running_animations_;
- bool needs_redraw = false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < running_animations_copy.size(); ++i) {
- if (!HasAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence))
- continue;
- base::TimeDelta delta = now - running_animations_copy[i].start_time;
- if (delta >= running_animations_copy[i].sequence->duration() &&
- !running_animations_copy[i].sequence->is_cyclic()) {
- FinishAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence);
- } else if (ProgressAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence, delta))
- needs_redraw = true;
- }
- if (needs_redraw)
- delegate()->ScheduleDrawForAnimation();
-void LayerAnimator::SetStartTime(base::TimeTicks start_time) {
- // Do nothing.
-base::TimeDelta LayerAnimator::GetTimerInterval() const {
- return kTimerInterval;
-void LayerAnimator::UpdateAnimationState() {
- if (disable_timer_for_test_)
- return;
- static ui::AnimationContainer* container = NULL;
- if (!container) {
- container = new AnimationContainer();
- container->AddRef();
- }
- const bool should_start = is_animating();
- if (should_start && !is_started_)
- container->Start(this);
- else if (!should_start && is_started_)
- container->Stop(this);
- is_started_ = should_start;
-LayerAnimationSequence* LayerAnimator::RemoveAnimation(
- LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- linked_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> to_return;
- // First remove from running animations
- for (RunningAnimations::iterator iter = running_animations_.begin();
- iter != running_animations_.end(); ++iter) {
- if ((*iter).sequence == sequence) {
- running_animations_.erase(iter);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Then remove from the queue
- for (AnimationQueue::iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter) {
- if ((*queue_iter) == sequence) {
- to_return = *queue_iter;
- animation_queue_.erase(queue_iter);
- break;
- }
- }
- return to_return.release();
-void LayerAnimator::FinishAnimation(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> removed(RemoveAnimation(sequence));
- sequence->Progress(sequence->duration(), delegate());
- ProcessQueue();
- UpdateAnimationState();
-void LayerAnimator::FinishAnyAnimationWithZeroDuration() {
- // Special case: if we've started a 0 duration animation, just finish it now
- // and get rid of it. We need to make a copy because Progress may indirectly
- // cause new animations to start running.
- RunningAnimations running_animations_copy = running_animations_;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < running_animations_copy.size(); ++i) {
- if (!HasAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence))
- continue;
- if (running_animations_copy[i].sequence->duration() == base::TimeDelta()) {
- running_animations_copy[i].sequence->Progress(
- running_animations_copy[i].sequence->duration(), delegate());
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> removed(
- RemoveAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence));
- }
- }
- ProcessQueue();
- UpdateAnimationState();
-void LayerAnimator::ClearAnimations() {
- // Abort should never affect the set of running animations, but just in case
- // clients are badly behaved, we will use a copy of the running animations.
- RunningAnimations running_animations_copy = running_animations_;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < running_animations_copy.size(); ++i) {
- if (!HasAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence))
- continue;
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> removed(
- RemoveAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence));
- if (removed.get())
- removed->Abort();
- }
- // This *should* have cleared the list of running animations.
- DCHECK(running_animations_.empty());
- running_animations_.clear();
- animation_queue_.clear();
- UpdateAnimationState();
-LayerAnimator::RunningAnimation* LayerAnimator::GetRunningAnimation(
- LayerAnimationElement::AnimatableProperty property) {
- for (RunningAnimations::iterator iter = running_animations_.begin();
- iter != running_animations_.end(); ++iter) {
- if ((*iter).sequence->properties().find(property) !=
- (*iter).sequence->properties().end())
- return &(*iter);
- }
- return NULL;
-void LayerAnimator::AddToQueueIfNotPresent(LayerAnimationSequence* animation) {
- // If we don't have the animation in the queue yet, add it.
- bool found_sequence = false;
- for (AnimationQueue::iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter) {
- if ((*queue_iter) == animation) {
- found_sequence = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found_sequence)
- animation_queue_.push_front(make_linked_ptr(animation));
-void LayerAnimator::RemoveAllAnimationsWithACommonProperty(
- LayerAnimationSequence* sequence, bool abort) {
- // For all the running animations, if they animate the same property,
- // progress them to the end and remove them. Note, Aborting or Progressing
- // animations may affect the collection of running animations, so we need to
- // operate on a copy.
- RunningAnimations running_animations_copy = running_animations_;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < running_animations_copy.size(); ++i) {
- if (!HasAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence))
- continue;
- if (running_animations_copy[i].sequence->HasCommonProperty(
- sequence->properties())) {
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> removed(
- RemoveAnimation(running_animations_copy[i].sequence));
- if (abort)
- running_animations_copy[i].sequence->Abort();
- else
- running_animations_copy[i].sequence->Progress(
- running_animations_copy[i].sequence->duration(), delegate());
- }
- }
- // Same for the queued animations that haven't been started. Again, we'll
- // need to operate on a copy.
- std::vector<LayerAnimationSequence*> sequences;
- for (AnimationQueue::iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter)
- sequences.push_back((*queue_iter).get());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sequences.size(); ++i) {
- if (!HasAnimation(sequences[i]))
- continue;
- if (sequences[i]->HasCommonProperty(sequence->properties())) {
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> removed(
- RemoveAnimation(sequences[i]));
- if (abort)
- sequences[i]->Abort();
- else
- sequences[i]->Progress(sequences[i]->duration(), delegate());
- }
- }
-void LayerAnimator::ImmediatelySetNewTarget(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- // Ensure that sequence is disposed of when this function completes.
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence> to_dispose(sequence);
- const bool abort = false;
- RemoveAllAnimationsWithACommonProperty(sequence, abort);
- LayerAnimationSequence* removed = RemoveAnimation(sequence);
- DCHECK(removed == NULL || removed == sequence);
- sequence->Progress(sequence->duration(), delegate());
-void LayerAnimator::ImmediatelyAnimateToNewTarget(
- LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- const bool abort = true;
- RemoveAllAnimationsWithACommonProperty(sequence, abort);
- AddToQueueIfNotPresent(sequence);
- StartSequenceImmediately(sequence);
-void LayerAnimator::EnqueueNewAnimation(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- // It is assumed that if there was no conflicting animation, we would
- // not have been called. No need to check for a collision; just
- // add to the queue.
- animation_queue_.push_back(make_linked_ptr(sequence));
- ProcessQueue();
-void LayerAnimator::ReplaceQueuedAnimations(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- // Remove all animations that aren't running. Note: at each iteration i is
- // incremented or an element is removed from the queue, so
- // animation_queue_.size() - i is always decreasing and we are always making
- // progress towards the loop terminating.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < animation_queue_.size();) {
- bool is_running = false;
- for (RunningAnimations::const_iterator iter = running_animations_.begin();
- iter != running_animations_.end(); ++iter) {
- if ((*iter).sequence == animation_queue_[i]) {
- is_running = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_running)
- scoped_ptr<LayerAnimationSequence>(
- RemoveAnimation(animation_queue_[i].get()));
- else
- ++i;
- }
- animation_queue_.push_back(make_linked_ptr(sequence));
- ProcessQueue();
-void LayerAnimator::ProcessQueue() {
- bool started_sequence = false;
- do {
- started_sequence = false;
- // Build a list of all currently animated properties.
- LayerAnimationElement::AnimatableProperties animated;
- for (RunningAnimations::const_iterator iter = running_animations_.begin();
- iter != running_animations_.end(); ++iter) {
- animated.insert((*iter).sequence->properties().begin(),
- (*iter).sequence->properties().end());
- }
- // Try to find an animation that doesn't conflict with an animated
- // property or a property that will be animated before it. Note: starting
- // the animation may indirectly cause more animations to be started, so we
- // need to operate on a copy.
- std::vector<LayerAnimationSequence*> sequences;
- for (AnimationQueue::iterator queue_iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- queue_iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++queue_iter)
- sequences.push_back((*queue_iter).get());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sequences.size(); ++i) {
- if (!sequences[i]->HasCommonProperty(animated)) {
- StartSequenceImmediately(sequences[i]);
- started_sequence = true;
- break;
- }
- // Animation couldn't be started. Add its properties to the collection so
- // that we don't start a conflicting animation. For example, if our queue
- // has the elements { {T,B}, {B} } (that is, an element that animates both
- // the transform and the bounds followed by an element that animates the
- // bounds), and we're currently animating the transform, we can't start
- // the first element because it animates the transform, too. We cannot
- // start the second element, either, because the first element animates
- // bounds too, and needs to go first.
- animated.insert(sequences[i]->properties().begin(),
- sequences[i]->properties().end());
- }
- // If we started a sequence, try again. We may be able to start several.
- } while (started_sequence);
-bool LayerAnimator::StartSequenceImmediately(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- // Ensure that no one is animating one of the sequence's properties already.
- for (RunningAnimations::const_iterator iter = running_animations_.begin();
- iter != running_animations_.end(); ++iter) {
- if ((*iter).sequence->HasCommonProperty(sequence->properties()))
- return false;
- }
- // All clear, actually start the sequence. Note: base::TimeTicks::Now has
- // a resolution that can be as bad as 15ms. If this causes glitches in the
- // animations, this can be switched to HighResNow() (animation uses Now()
- // internally).
- base::TimeTicks start_time = is_animating()
- ? last_step_time_
- : base::TimeTicks::Now();
- running_animations_.push_back(RunningAnimation(sequence, start_time));
- // Need to keep a reference to the animation.
- AddToQueueIfNotPresent(sequence);
- // Ensure that animations get stepped at their start time.
- Step(start_time);
- return true;
-void LayerAnimator::GetTargetValue(
- LayerAnimationElement::TargetValue* target) const {
- for (AnimationQueue::const_iterator iter = animation_queue_.begin();
- iter != animation_queue_.end(); ++iter) {
- (*iter)->GetTargetValue(target);
- }
-void LayerAnimator::OnScheduled(LayerAnimationSequence* sequence) {
- if (observers_.might_have_observers()) {
- ObserverListBase<LayerAnimationObserver>::Iterator it(observers_);
- LayerAnimationObserver* obs;
- while ((obs = it.GetNext()) != NULL) {
- sequence->AddObserver(obs);
- }
- }
- sequence->OnScheduled();
-} // namespace ui
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