| (Empty) |
1 // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file | |
2 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a | |
3 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. | |
4 | |
5 class MessageKind { | |
6 final String template; | |
7 const MessageKind(this.template); | |
8 | |
9 static final GENERIC = const MessageKind('#{1}'); | |
10 | |
11 static final NOT_ASSIGNABLE = const MessageKind( | |
12 '#{2} is not assignable to #{1}'); | |
13 static final VOID_EXPRESSION = const MessageKind( | |
14 'expression does not yield a value'); | |
15 static final VOID_VARIABLE = const MessageKind( | |
16 'variable cannot be of type void'); | |
17 static final RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID = const MessageKind( | |
18 'cannot return value from void function'); | |
19 static final RETURN_NOTHING = const MessageKind( | |
20 'value of type #{1} expected'); | |
21 static final MISSING_ARGUMENT = const MessageKind( | |
22 'missing argument of type #{1}'); | |
23 static final ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT = const MessageKind( | |
24 'additional argument'); | |
25 static final METHOD_NOT_FOUND = const MessageKind( | |
26 'no method named #{2} in class #{1}'); | |
27 static final MEMBER_NOT_STATIC = const MessageKind( | |
28 '#{1}.#{2} is not static'); | |
29 static final NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE = const MessageKind( | |
30 '#{1} is only available in instance methods'); | |
31 | |
32 static final UNREACHABLE_CODE = const MessageKind( | |
33 'unreachable code'); | |
34 static final MISSING_RETURN = const MessageKind( | |
35 'missing return'); | |
36 static final MAYBE_MISSING_RETURN = const MessageKind( | |
37 'not all paths lead to a return or throw statement'); | |
38 | |
39 static final CANNOT_RESOLVE = const MessageKind( | |
40 'cannot resolve #{1}'); | |
41 static final CANNOT_RESOLVE_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind( | |
42 'cannot resolve constructor #{1}'); | |
43 static final CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE = const MessageKind( | |
44 'cannot resolve type #{1}'); | |
45 static final DUPLICATE_DEFINITION = const MessageKind( | |
46 'duplicate definition of #{1}'); | |
47 static final NOT_A_TYPE = const MessageKind( | |
48 '#{1} is not a type'); | |
49 static final NOT_A_PREFIX = const MessageKind( | |
50 '#{1} is not a prefix'); | |
51 static final NO_SUPER_IN_OBJECT = const MessageKind( | |
52 "'Object' does not have a superclass"); | |
53 static final CANNOT_FIND_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind( | |
54 'cannot find constructor #{1}'); | |
55 static final CANNOT_FIND_CONSTRUCTOR2 = const MessageKind( | |
56 'cannot find constructor #{1} or #{2}'); | |
57 static final CYCLIC_CLASS_HIERARCHY = const MessageKind( | |
58 '#{1} creates a cycle in the class hierarchy'); | |
59 static final INVALID_RECEIVER_IN_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind( | |
60 'field initializer expected'); | |
61 static final NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC = const MessageKind( | |
62 "'super' is only available in instance methods"); | |
63 static final DUPLICATE_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind( | |
64 'field #{1} is initialized more than once'); | |
65 static final ALREADY_INITIALIZED = const MessageKind( | |
66 '#{1} was already initialized here'); | |
67 static final INIT_STATIC_FIELD = const MessageKind( | |
68 'cannot initialize static field #{1}'); | |
69 static final NOT_A_FIELD = const MessageKind( | |
70 '#{1} is not a field'); | |
71 static final CONSTRUCTOR_CALL_EXPECTED = const MessageKind( | |
72 "only call to 'this' or 'super' constructor allowed"); | |
73 static final INVALID_FOR_IN = const MessageKind( | |
74 'invalid for-in variable declaration.'); | |
75 static final INVALID_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind( | |
76 'invalid initializer'); | |
77 static final FUNCTION_WITH_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind( | |
78 'only constructors can have initializers'); | |
79 static final REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_CYCLE = const MessageKind( | |
80 'cyclic constructor redirection'); | |
81 static final REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_HAS_BODY = const MessageKind( | |
82 'redirecting constructor cannot have a body'); | |
83 static final REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_HAS_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind( | |
84 'redirecting constructor cannot have other initializers'); | |
85 static final SUPER_INITIALIZER_IN_OBJECT = const MessageKind( | |
86 "'Object' cannot have a super initializer"); | |
87 static final DUPLICATE_SUPER_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind( | |
88 'cannot have more than one super initializer'); | |
89 static final NO_MATCHING_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind( | |
90 'no matching constructor found'); | |
91 static final NO_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind( | |
92 '#{1} is a #{2}, not a constructor'); | |
93 static final FIELD_PARAMETER_NOT_ALLOWED = const MessageKind( | |
94 'a field parameter is only allowed in generative constructors'); | |
95 static final INVALID_PARAMETER = const MessageKind( | |
96 "cannot resolve parameter"); | |
97 static final NOT_INSTANCE_FIELD = const MessageKind( | |
98 '#{1} is not an instance field'); | |
99 static final NO_CATCH_NOR_FINALLY = const MessageKind( | |
100 "expected 'catch' or 'finally'"); | |
101 static final EMPTY_CATCH_DECLARATION = const MessageKind( | |
102 'expected a variable in catch declaration'); | |
103 static final EXTRA_CATCH_DECLARATION = const MessageKind( | |
104 'extra variable in catch declaration'); | |
105 static final UNBOUND_LABEL = const MessageKind( | |
106 'cannot resolve label #{1}'); | |
107 static final NO_BREAK_TARGET = const MessageKind( | |
108 'break statement not inside switch or loop'); | |
109 static final NO_CONTINUE_TARGET = const MessageKind( | |
110 'continue statement not inside loop'); | |
111 static final EXISTING_LABEL = const MessageKind( | |
112 'original declaration of duplicate label #{1}'); | |
113 static final DUPLICATE_LABEL = const MessageKind( | |
114 'duplicate declaration of label #{1}'); | |
115 static final UNUSED_LABEL = const MessageKind( | |
116 'unused label #{1}'); | |
117 static final INVALID_CONTINUE = const MessageKind( | |
118 'target of continue is not a loop or switch case'); | |
119 static final TYPE_VARIABLE_AS_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind( | |
120 'cannot use type variable as constructor'); | |
121 static final INVALID_BREAK = const MessageKind( | |
122 'target of break is not a statement'); | |
123 static final INVALID_USE_OF_SUPER = const MessageKind( | |
124 'super not allowed here'); | |
125 static final INVALID_CASE_DEFAULT = const MessageKind( | |
126 'default only allowed on last case of a switch'); | |
127 static final INVALID_ARGUMENT_AFTER_NAMED = const MessageKind( | |
128 'non-named argument after named argument'); | |
129 | |
130 static final NOT_A_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT = const MessageKind( | |
131 'not a compile-time constant'); | |
132 static final CYCLIC_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANTS = const MessageKind( | |
133 'cycle in the compile-time constant computation'); | |
134 | |
135 static final KEY_NOT_A_STRING_LITERAL = const MessageKind( | |
136 'map-literal key not a string literal'); | |
137 | |
138 static final NO_SUCH_LIBRARY_MEMBER = const MessageKind( | |
139 '#{1} has no member named #{2}'); | |
140 | |
141 static final CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_INTERFACE = const MessageKind( | |
142 "cannot instantiate interface '#{1}'"); | |
143 | |
144 static final CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_TYPEDEF = const MessageKind( | |
145 "cannot instantiate typedef '#{1}'"); | |
146 | |
147 static final NO_DEFAULT_CLASS = const MessageKind( | |
148 "no default class on enclosing interface '#{1}'"); | |
149 | |
150 static final CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE = const MessageKind( | |
151 "cyclic reference to type variable #{1}"); | |
152 static final TYPE_NAME_EXPECTED = const MessageKind( | |
153 "class or interface name exptected"); | |
154 | |
155 static final CANNOT_EXTEND = const MessageKind( | |
156 "#{1} cannot be extended"); | |
157 | |
158 static final CANNOT_IMPLEMENT = const MessageKind( | |
159 "#{1} cannot be implemented"); | |
160 | |
161 static final ILLEGAL_SUPER_SEND = const MessageKind( | |
162 "#{1} cannot be called on super"); | |
163 | |
164 toString() => template; | |
165 } | |
166 | |
167 class Message { | |
168 final kind; | |
169 final List arguments; | |
170 String message; | |
171 | |
172 Message(this.kind, this.arguments); | |
173 | |
174 String toString() { | |
175 if (message === null) { | |
176 message = kind.template; | |
177 int position = 1; | |
178 for (var argument in arguments) { | |
179 String string = slowToString(argument); | |
180 message = message.replaceAll('#{${position++}}', string); | |
181 } | |
182 } | |
183 return message; | |
184 } | |
185 | |
186 bool operator==(other) { | |
187 if (other is !Message) return false; | |
188 return (kind == other.kind) && (toString() == other.toString()); | |
189 } | |
190 | |
191 String slowToString(object) { | |
192 if (object is SourceString) { | |
193 return object.slowToString(); | |
194 } else { | |
195 return object.toString(); | |
196 } | |
197 } | |
198 } | |
199 | |
200 class TypeWarning { | |
201 final Message message; | |
202 TypeWarning.message(this.message); | |
203 TypeWarning(MessageKind kind, List<Type> arguments) | |
204 : message = new Message(kind, arguments); | |
205 String toString() => message.toString(); | |
206 } | |
207 | |
208 class ResolutionError { | |
209 final Message message; | |
210 ResolutionError.message(this.message); | |
211 ResolutionError(MessageKind kind, List<Type> arguments) | |
212 : message = new Message(kind, arguments); | |
213 String toString() => message.toString(); | |
214 } | |
215 | |
216 class ResolutionWarning { | |
217 final Message message; | |
218 ResolutionWarning.message(this.message); | |
219 ResolutionWarning(MessageKind kind, List<Type> arguments) | |
220 : message = new Message(kind, arguments); | |
221 String toString() => message.toString(); | |
222 } | |
223 | |
224 class CompileTimeConstantError { | |
225 final Message message; | |
226 CompileTimeConstantError.message(this.message); | |
227 CompileTimeConstantError(MessageKind kind, List<Type> arguments) | |
228 : message = new Message(kind, arguments); | |
229 String toString() => message.toString(); | |
230 } | |