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Unified Diff: third_party/libusb/libusb/os/darwin_usb.c

Issue 9866021: Revert 129069 - Import libusb 1.0.9-rc3 into third_party. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 8 years, 9 months ago
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Index: third_party/libusb/libusb/os/darwin_usb.c
--- third_party/libusb/libusb/os/darwin_usb.c (revision 129100)
+++ third_party/libusb/libusb/os/darwin_usb.c (working copy)
@@ -1,1751 +0,0 @@
- * darwin backend for libusb 1.0
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Nathan Hjelm <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <mach/clock.h>
-#include <mach/clock_types.h>
-#include <mach/mach_host.h>
-#include <mach/mach_port.h>
-#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
- #include <objc/objc-auto.h>
-#include <IOKit/IOCFBundle.h>
-#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>
-#include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>
-#include "darwin_usb.h"
-/* async event thread */
-static pthread_mutex_t libusb_darwin_at_mutex;
-static pthread_cond_t libusb_darwin_at_cond;
-static clock_serv_t clock_realtime;
-static clock_serv_t clock_monotonic;
-static CFRunLoopRef libusb_darwin_acfl = NULL; /* async cf loop */
-static int initCount = 0;
-/* async event thread */
-static pthread_t libusb_darwin_at;
-static int darwin_get_config_descriptor(struct libusb_device *dev, uint8_t config_index, unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, int *host_endian);
-static int darwin_claim_interface(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int iface);
-static int darwin_release_interface(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int iface);
-static int darwin_reset_device(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle);
-static void darwin_async_io_callback (void *refcon, IOReturn result, void *arg0);
-static const char *darwin_error_str (int result) {
- switch (result) {
- case kIOReturnSuccess:
- return "no error";
- case kIOReturnNotOpen:
- return "device not opened for exclusive access";
- case kIOReturnNoDevice:
- return "no connection to an IOService";
- case kIOUSBNoAsyncPortErr:
- return "no async port has been opened for interface";
- case kIOReturnExclusiveAccess:
- return "another process has device opened for exclusive access";
- case kIOUSBPipeStalled:
- return "pipe is stalled";
- case kIOReturnError:
- return "could not establish a connection to the Darwin kernel";
- case kIOUSBTransactionTimeout:
- return "transaction timed out";
- case kIOReturnBadArgument:
- return "invalid argument";
- case kIOReturnAborted:
- return "transaction aborted";
- case kIOReturnNotResponding:
- return "device not responding";
- case kIOReturnOverrun:
- return "data overrun";
- case kIOReturnCannotWire:
- return "physical memory can not be wired down";
- default:
- return "unknown error";
- }
-static int darwin_to_libusb (int result) {
- switch (result) {
- case kIOReturnUnderrun:
- case kIOReturnSuccess:
- case kIOReturnNotOpen:
- case kIOReturnNoDevice:
- case kIOReturnExclusiveAccess:
- case kIOUSBPipeStalled:
- case kIOReturnBadArgument:
- case kIOUSBTransactionTimeout:
- case kIOReturnNotResponding:
- case kIOReturnAborted:
- case kIOReturnError:
- case kIOUSBNoAsyncPortErr:
- default:
- }
-static int ep_to_pipeRef(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t ep, uint8_t *pipep, uint8_t *ifcp) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- /* current interface */
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface;
- int8_t i, iface;
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX(dev_handle), "converting ep address 0x%02x to pipeRef and interface", ep);
- for (iface = 0 ; iface < USB_MAXINTERFACES ; iface++) {
- cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- if (dev_handle->claimed_interfaces & (1 << iface)) {
- for (i = 0 ; i < cInterface->num_endpoints ; i++) {
- if (cInterface->endpoint_addrs[i] == ep) {
- *pipep = i + 1;
- *ifcp = iface;
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX(dev_handle), "pipe %d on interface %d matches", *pipep, *ifcp);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* No pipe found with the correct endpoint address */
- usbi_warn (HANDLE_CTX(dev_handle), "no pipeRef found with endpoint address 0x%02x.", ep);
- return -1;
-static int usb_setup_device_iterator (io_iterator_t *deviceIterator, long location) {
- CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
- if (!matchingDict)
- return kIOReturnError;
- if (location) {
- CFMutableDictionaryRef propertyMatchDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- if (propertyMatchDict) {
- CFTypeRef locationCF = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberLongType, &location);
- CFDictionarySetValue (propertyMatchDict, CFSTR(kUSBDevicePropertyLocationID), locationCF);
- /* release our reference to the CFNumber (CFDictionarySetValue retains it) */
- CFRelease (locationCF);
- CFDictionarySetValue (matchingDict, CFSTR(kIOPropertyMatchKey), propertyMatchDict);
- /* release out reference to the CFMutableDictionaryRef (CFDictionarySetValue retains it) */
- CFRelease (propertyMatchDict);
- }
- /* else we can still proceed as long as the caller accounts for the possibility of other devices in the iterator */
- }
- return IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDict, deviceIterator);
-static usb_device_t **usb_get_next_device (io_iterator_t deviceIterator, UInt32 *locationp) {
- io_cf_plugin_ref_t *plugInInterface = NULL;
- usb_device_t **device;
- io_service_t usbDevice;
- long result;
- SInt32 score;
- if (!IOIteratorIsValid (deviceIterator))
- return NULL;
- while ((usbDevice = IOIteratorNext(deviceIterator))) {
- result = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(usbDevice, kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID,
- kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &plugInInterface,
- &score);
- /* we are done with the usb_device_t */
- (void)IOObjectRelease(usbDevice);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == result && plugInInterface)
- break;
- usbi_dbg ("libusb/darwin.c usb_get_next_device: could not set up plugin for service: %s\n", darwin_error_str (result));
- }
- if (!usbDevice)
- return NULL;
- (void)(*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(DeviceInterfaceID),
- (LPVOID)&device);
- (*plugInInterface)->Stop(plugInInterface);
- IODestroyPlugInInterface (plugInInterface);
- /* get the location from the device */
- if (locationp)
- (*(device))->GetLocationID(device, locationp);
- return device;
-static kern_return_t darwin_get_device (uint32_t dev_location, usb_device_t ***darwin_device) {
- kern_return_t kresult;
- UInt32 location;
- io_iterator_t deviceIterator;
- kresult = usb_setup_device_iterator (&deviceIterator, dev_location);
- if (kresult)
- return kresult;
- /* This port of libusb uses locations to keep track of devices. */
- while ((*darwin_device = usb_get_next_device (deviceIterator, &location)) != NULL) {
- if (location == dev_location)
- break;
- (**darwin_device)->Release(*darwin_device);
- }
- IOObjectRelease (deviceIterator);
- if (!(*darwin_device))
- return kIOReturnNoDevice;
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
-static void darwin_devices_detached (void *ptr, io_iterator_t rem_devices) {
- struct libusb_context *ctx = (struct libusb_context *)ptr;
- struct libusb_device_handle *handle;
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv;
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv;
- io_service_t device;
- long location;
- bool locationValid;
- CFTypeRef locationCF;
- UInt32 message;
- usbi_info (ctx, "a device has been detached");
- while ((device = IOIteratorNext (rem_devices)) != 0) {
- /* get the location from the i/o registry */
- locationCF = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty (device, CFSTR(kUSBDevicePropertyLocationID), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
- IOObjectRelease (device);
- if (!locationCF)
- continue;
- locationValid = CFGetTypeID(locationCF) == CFNumberGetTypeID() &&
- CFNumberGetValue(locationCF, kCFNumberLongType, &location);
- CFRelease (locationCF);
- if (!locationValid)
- continue;
- usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(handle, &ctx->open_devs, list, struct libusb_device_handle) {
- dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)handle->dev->os_priv;
- /* the device may have been opened several times. write to each handle's event descriptor */
- if (dpriv->location == location && handle->os_priv) {
- priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)handle->os_priv;
- write (priv->fds[1], &message, sizeof (message));
- }
- }
- usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock);
- }
-static void darwin_clear_iterator (io_iterator_t iter) {
- io_service_t device;
- while ((device = IOIteratorNext (iter)) != 0)
- IOObjectRelease (device);
-static void *event_thread_main (void *arg0) {
- IOReturn kresult;
- struct libusb_context *ctx = (struct libusb_context *)arg0;
- CFRunLoopRef runloop;
- /* Tell the Objective-C garbage collector about this thread.
- This is required because, unlike NSThreads, pthreads are
- not automatically registered. Although we don't use
- Objective-C, we use CoreFoundation, which does. */
- objc_registerThreadWithCollector();
- /* hotplug (device removal) source */
- CFRunLoopSourceRef libusb_notification_cfsource;
- io_notification_port_t libusb_notification_port;
- io_iterator_t libusb_rem_device_iterator;
- usbi_info (ctx, "creating hotplug event source");
- runloop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent ();
- CFRetain (runloop);
- /* add the notification port to the run loop */
- libusb_notification_port = IONotificationPortCreate (kIOMasterPortDefault);
- libusb_notification_cfsource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource (libusb_notification_port);
- CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent (), libusb_notification_cfsource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- /* create notifications for removed devices */
- kresult = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification (libusb_notification_port, kIOTerminatedNotification,
- IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName),
- (IOServiceMatchingCallback)darwin_devices_detached,
- (void *)ctx, &libusb_rem_device_iterator);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- usbi_err (ctx, "could not add hotplug event source: %s", darwin_error_str (kresult));
- pthread_exit (NULL);
- }
- /* arm notifiers */
- darwin_clear_iterator (libusb_rem_device_iterator);
- usbi_info (ctx, "thread ready to receive events");
- /* let the main thread know about the async runloop */
- libusb_darwin_acfl = CFRunLoopGetCurrent ();
- /* signal the main thread */
- pthread_mutex_lock (&libusb_darwin_at_mutex);
- pthread_cond_signal (&libusb_darwin_at_cond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&libusb_darwin_at_mutex);
- /* run the runloop */
- CFRunLoopRun();
- usbi_info (ctx, "thread exiting");
- /* delete notification port */
- IONotificationPortDestroy (libusb_notification_port);
- IOObjectRelease (libusb_rem_device_iterator);
- CFRelease (runloop);
- libusb_darwin_acfl = NULL;
- pthread_exit (NULL);
-static int darwin_init(struct libusb_context *ctx) {
- host_name_port_t host_self;
- if (!(initCount++)) {
- /* create the clocks that will be used */
- host_self = mach_host_self();
- host_get_clock_service(host_self, CALENDAR_CLOCK, &clock_realtime);
- host_get_clock_service(host_self, SYSTEM_CLOCK, &clock_monotonic);
- mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), host_self);
- pthread_mutex_init (&libusb_darwin_at_mutex, NULL);
- pthread_cond_init (&libusb_darwin_at_cond, NULL);
- pthread_create (&libusb_darwin_at, NULL, event_thread_main, (void *)ctx);
- pthread_mutex_lock (&libusb_darwin_at_mutex);
- while (!libusb_darwin_acfl)
- pthread_cond_wait (&libusb_darwin_at_cond, &libusb_darwin_at_mutex);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&libusb_darwin_at_mutex);
- }
- return 0;
-static void darwin_exit (void) {
- if (!(--initCount)) {
- mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), clock_realtime);
- mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), clock_monotonic);
- /* stop the async runloop */
- CFRunLoopStop (libusb_darwin_acfl);
- pthread_join (libusb_darwin_at, NULL);
- }
-static int darwin_get_device_descriptor(struct libusb_device *dev, unsigned char *buffer, int *host_endian) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- /* return cached copy */
- memmove (buffer, &(priv->dev_descriptor), DEVICE_DESC_LENGTH);
- *host_endian = 0;
- return 0;
-static int get_configuration_index (struct libusb_device *dev, int config_value) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- UInt8 i, numConfig;
- IOUSBConfigurationDescriptorPtr desc;
- IOReturn kresult;
- /* is there a simpler way to determine the index? */
- kresult = (*(priv->device))->GetNumberOfConfigurations (priv->device, &numConfig);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- for (i = 0 ; i < numConfig ; i++) {
- (*(priv->device))->GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr (priv->device, i, &desc);
- if (desc->bConfigurationValue == config_value)
- return i;
- }
- /* configuration not found */
-static int darwin_get_active_config_descriptor(struct libusb_device *dev, unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, int *host_endian) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- int config_index;
- if (0 == priv->active_config)
- config_index = get_configuration_index (dev, priv->active_config);
- if (config_index < 0)
- return config_index;
- return darwin_get_config_descriptor (dev, config_index, buffer, len, host_endian);
-static int darwin_get_config_descriptor(struct libusb_device *dev, uint8_t config_index, unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, int *host_endian) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- IOUSBConfigurationDescriptorPtr desc;
- IOReturn kresult;
- usb_device_t **device = NULL;
- if (!priv)
- if (!priv->device) {
- kresult = darwin_get_device (priv->location, &device);
- if (kresult || !device) {
- usbi_err (DEVICE_CTX (dev), "could not find device: %s", darwin_error_str (kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- /* don't have to open the device to get a config descriptor */
- } else
- device = priv->device;
- kresult = (*device)->GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr (device, config_index, &desc);
- if (kresult == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- /* copy descriptor */
- if (libusb_le16_to_cpu(desc->wTotalLength) < len)
- len = libusb_le16_to_cpu(desc->wTotalLength);
- memmove (buffer, desc, len);
- /* GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr returns the descriptor in USB bus order */
- *host_endian = 0;
- }
- if (!priv->device)
- (*device)->Release (device);
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-/* check whether the os has configured the device */
-static int darwin_check_configuration (struct libusb_context *ctx, struct libusb_device *dev, usb_device_t **darwin_device) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- IOUSBConfigurationDescriptorPtr configDesc;
- IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest request;
- kern_return_t kresult;
- io_iterator_t interface_iterator;
- io_service_t firstInterface;
- if (priv->dev_descriptor.bNumConfigurations < 1) {
- usbi_err (ctx, "device has no configurations");
- return LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER; /* no configurations at this speed so we can't use it */
- }
- /* find the first configuration */
- kresult = (*darwin_device)->GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr (darwin_device, 0, &configDesc);
- priv->first_config = (kIOReturnSuccess == kresult) ? configDesc->bConfigurationValue : 1;
- /* check if the device is already configured. there is probably a better way than iterating over the
- to accomplish this (the trick is we need to avoid a call to GetConfigurations since buggy devices
- might lock up on the device request) */
- /* Setup the Interface Request */
- request.bInterfaceClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- request.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- request.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- request.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- kresult = (*(darwin_device))->CreateInterfaceIterator(darwin_device, &request, &interface_iterator);
- if (kresult)
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- /* iterate once */
- firstInterface = IOIteratorNext(interface_iterator);
- /* done with the interface iterator */
- IOObjectRelease(interface_iterator);
- if (firstInterface) {
- IOObjectRelease (firstInterface);
- /* device is configured */
- if (priv->dev_descriptor.bNumConfigurations == 1)
- /* to avoid problems with some devices get the configurations value from the configuration descriptor */
- priv->active_config = priv->first_config;
- else
- /* devices with more than one configuration should work with GetConfiguration */
- (*darwin_device)->GetConfiguration (darwin_device, &priv->active_config);
- } else
- /* not configured */
- priv->active_config = 0;
- usbi_info (ctx, "active config: %u, first config: %u", priv->active_config, priv->first_config);
- return 0;
-static int darwin_cache_device_descriptor (struct libusb_context *ctx, struct libusb_device *dev, usb_device_t **device) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv;
- int retries = 5, delay = 30000;
- int unsuspended = 0, try_unsuspend = 1, try_reconfigure = 1;
- int is_open = 0;
- int ret = 0, ret2;
- IOUSBDevRequest req;
- UInt8 bDeviceClass;
- UInt16 idProduct, idVendor;
- (*device)->GetDeviceClass (device, &bDeviceClass);
- (*device)->GetDeviceProduct (device, &idProduct);
- (*device)->GetDeviceVendor (device, &idVendor);
- priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- /* try to open the device (we can usually continue even if this fails) */
- is_open = ((*device)->USBDeviceOpenSeize(device) == kIOReturnSuccess);
- /**** retrieve device descriptor ****/
- do {
- /* Set up request for device descriptor */
- memset (&(priv->dev_descriptor), 0, sizeof(IOUSBDeviceDescriptor));
- req.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBIn, kUSBStandard, kUSBDevice);
- req.bRequest = kUSBRqGetDescriptor;
- req.wValue = kUSBDeviceDesc << 8;
- req.wIndex = 0;
- req.wLength = sizeof(priv->dev_descriptor);
- req.pData = &(priv->dev_descriptor);
- /* according to Apple's documentation the device must be open for DeviceRequest but we may not be able to open some
- * devices and Apple's USB Prober doesn't bother to open the device before issuing a descriptor request. Still,
- * to follow the spec as closely as possible, try opening the device */
- ret = (*(device))->DeviceRequest (device, &req);
- if (kIOReturnOverrun == ret && kUSBDeviceDesc == priv->dev_descriptor.bDescriptorType)
- /* received an overrun error but we still received a device descriptor */
- ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret && (0 == priv->dev_descriptor.idProduct ||
- 0 == priv->dev_descriptor.bNumConfigurations ||
- 0 == priv->dev_descriptor.bcdUSB)) {
- /* work around for incorrectly configured devices */
- if (try_reconfigure && is_open) {
- usbi_dbg("descriptor appears to be invalid. resetting configuration before trying again...");
- /* set the first configuration */
- (*device)->SetConfiguration(device, 1);
- /* don't try to reconfigure again */
- try_reconfigure = 0;
- }
- ret = kIOUSBPipeStalled;
- }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret && is_open && try_unsuspend) {
- /* device may be suspended. unsuspend it and try again */
-#if DeviceVersion >= 320
- UInt32 info;
- /* IOUSBFamily 320+ provides a way to detect device suspension but earlier versions do not */
- (void)(*device)->GetUSBDeviceInformation (device, &info);
- try_unsuspend = info & (1 << kUSBInformationDeviceIsSuspendedBit);
- if (try_unsuspend) {
- /* resume the device */
- ret2 = (*device)->USBDeviceSuspend (device, 0);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret2) {
- /* prevent log spew from poorly behaving devices. this indicates the
- os actually had trouble communicating with the device */
- usbi_dbg("could not retrieve device descriptor. failed to unsuspend: %s",darwin_error_str(ret2));
- } else
- unsuspended = 1;
- try_unsuspend = 0;
- }
- }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret) {
- usbi_dbg("kernel responded with code: 0x%08x. sleeping for %d ms before trying again", ret, delay/1000);
- /* sleep for a little while before trying again */
- usleep (delay);
- }
- } while (kIOReturnSuccess != ret && retries--);
- if (unsuspended)
- /* resuspend the device */
- (void)(*device)->USBDeviceSuspend (device, 1);
- if (is_open)
- (void) (*device)->USBDeviceClose (device);
- if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- /* a debug message was already printed out for this error */
- if (LIBUSB_CLASS_HUB == bDeviceClass)
- usbi_dbg ("could not retrieve device descriptor %.4x:%.4x: %s. skipping device", idVendor, idProduct, darwin_error_str (ret));
- else
- usbi_warn (ctx, "could not retrieve device descriptor %.4x:%.4x: %s. skipping device", idVendor, idProduct, darwin_error_str (ret));
- return -1;
- }
- usbi_dbg ("device descriptor:");
- usbi_dbg (" bDescriptorType: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.bDescriptorType);
- usbi_dbg (" bcdUSB: 0x%04x", priv->dev_descriptor.bcdUSB);
- usbi_dbg (" bDeviceClass: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.bDeviceClass);
- usbi_dbg (" bDeviceSubClass: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.bDeviceSubClass);
- usbi_dbg (" bDeviceProtocol: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.bDeviceProtocol);
- usbi_dbg (" bMaxPacketSize0: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0);
- usbi_dbg (" idVendor: 0x%04x", priv->dev_descriptor.idVendor);
- usbi_dbg (" idProduct: 0x%04x", priv->dev_descriptor.idProduct);
- usbi_dbg (" bcdDevice: 0x%04x", priv->dev_descriptor.bcdDevice);
- usbi_dbg (" iManufacturer: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.iManufacturer);
- usbi_dbg (" iProduct: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.iProduct);
- usbi_dbg (" iSerialNumber: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.iSerialNumber);
- usbi_dbg (" bNumConfigurations: 0x%02x", priv->dev_descriptor.bNumConfigurations);
- /* catch buggy hubs (which appear to be virtual). Apple's own USB prober has problems with these devices. */
- if (libusb_le16_to_cpu (priv->dev_descriptor.idProduct) != idProduct) {
- /* not a valid device */
- usbi_warn (ctx, "idProduct from iokit (%04x) does not match idProduct in descriptor (%04x). skipping device",
- idProduct, libusb_le16_to_cpu (priv->dev_descriptor.idProduct));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int process_new_device (struct libusb_context *ctx, usb_device_t **device, UInt32 locationID, struct discovered_devs **_discdevs) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *priv;
- struct libusb_device *dev;
- struct discovered_devs *discdevs;
- UInt16 address;
- UInt8 devSpeed;
- int ret = 0, need_unref = 0;
- do {
- dev = usbi_get_device_by_session_id(ctx, locationID);
- if (!dev) {
- usbi_info (ctx, "allocating new device for location 0x%08x", locationID);
- dev = usbi_alloc_device(ctx, locationID);
- need_unref = 1;
- } else
- usbi_info (ctx, "using existing device for location 0x%08x", locationID);
- if (!dev) {
- break;
- }
- priv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev->os_priv;
- (*device)->GetDeviceAddress (device, (USBDeviceAddress *)&address);
- ret = darwin_cache_device_descriptor (ctx, dev, device);
- if (ret < 0)
- break;
- /* check current active configuration (and cache the first configuration value-- which may be used by claim_interface) */
- ret = darwin_check_configuration (ctx, dev, device);
- if (ret < 0)
- break;
- dev->bus_number = locationID >> 24;
- dev->device_address = address;
- (*device)->GetDeviceSpeed (device, &devSpeed);
- switch (devSpeed) {
- case kUSBDeviceSpeedLow: dev->speed = LIBUSB_SPEED_LOW; break;
- case kUSBDeviceSpeedFull: dev->speed = LIBUSB_SPEED_FULL; break;
- case kUSBDeviceSpeedHigh: dev->speed = LIBUSB_SPEED_HIGH; break;
- default:
- usbi_warn (ctx, "Got unknown device speed %d", devSpeed);
- }
- /* save our location, we'll need this later */
- priv->location = locationID;
- snprintf(priv->sys_path, 20, "%03i-%04x-%04x-%02x-%02x", address, priv->dev_descriptor.idVendor, priv->dev_descriptor.idProduct,
- priv->dev_descriptor.bDeviceClass, priv->dev_descriptor.bDeviceSubClass);
- ret = usbi_sanitize_device (dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- break;
- /* append the device to the list of discovered devices */
- discdevs = discovered_devs_append(*_discdevs, dev);
- if (!discdevs) {
- break;
- }
- *_discdevs = discdevs;
- usbi_info (ctx, "found device with address %d at %s", dev->device_address, priv->sys_path);
- } while (0);
- if (need_unref)
- libusb_unref_device(dev);
- return ret;
-static int darwin_get_device_list(struct libusb_context *ctx, struct discovered_devs **_discdevs) {
- io_iterator_t deviceIterator;
- usb_device_t **device;
- kern_return_t kresult;
- UInt32 location;
- kresult = usb_setup_device_iterator (&deviceIterator, 0);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- while ((device = usb_get_next_device (deviceIterator, &location)) != NULL) {
- (void) process_new_device (ctx, device, location, _discdevs);
- (*(device))->Release(device);
- }
- IOObjectRelease(deviceIterator);
- return 0;
-static int darwin_open (struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- usb_device_t **darwin_device;
- IOReturn kresult;
- if (0 == dpriv->open_count) {
- kresult = darwin_get_device (dpriv->location, &darwin_device);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "could not find device: %s", darwin_error_str (kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- dpriv->device = darwin_device;
- /* try to open the device */
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->USBDeviceOpenSeize (dpriv->device);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "USBDeviceOpen: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- switch (kresult) {
- case kIOReturnExclusiveAccess:
- /* it is possible to perform some actions on a device that is not open so do not return an error */
- priv->is_open = 0;
- break;
- default:
- (*(dpriv->device))->Release (dpriv->device);
- dpriv->device = NULL;
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- } else {
- /* create async event source */
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->CreateDeviceAsyncEventSource (dpriv->device, &priv->cfSource);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "CreateDeviceAsyncEventSource: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- (*(dpriv->device))->USBDeviceClose (dpriv->device);
- (*(dpriv->device))->Release (dpriv->device);
- dpriv->device = NULL;
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- priv->is_open = 1;
- CFRetain (libusb_darwin_acfl);
- /* add the cfSource to the aync run loop */
- CFRunLoopAddSource(libusb_darwin_acfl, priv->cfSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- }
- }
- /* device opened successfully */
- dpriv->open_count++;
- /* create a file descriptor for notifications */
- pipe (priv->fds);
- /* set the pipe to be non-blocking */
- fcntl (priv->fds[1], F_SETFD, O_NONBLOCK);
- usbi_add_pollfd(HANDLE_CTX(dev_handle), priv->fds[0], POLLIN);
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "device open for access");
- return 0;
-static void darwin_close (struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- int i;
- if (dpriv->open_count == 0) {
- /* something is probably very wrong if this is the case */
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "Close called on a device that was not open!\n");
- return;
- }
- dpriv->open_count--;
- /* make sure all interfaces are released */
- for (i = 0 ; i < USB_MAXINTERFACES ; i++)
- if (dev_handle->claimed_interfaces & (1 << i))
- libusb_release_interface (dev_handle, i);
- if (0 == dpriv->open_count) {
- if (priv->is_open) {
- /* delete the device's async event source */
- if (priv->cfSource) {
- CFRunLoopRemoveSource (libusb_darwin_acfl, priv->cfSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- CFRelease (priv->cfSource);
- }
- /* close the device */
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->USBDeviceClose(dpriv->device);
- if (kresult) {
- /* Log the fact that we had a problem closing the file, however failing a
- * close isn't really an error, so return success anyway */
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "USBDeviceClose: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- }
- }
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->Release(dpriv->device);
- if (kresult) {
- /* Log the fact that we had a problem closing the file, however failing a
- * close isn't really an error, so return success anyway */
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "Release: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- }
- dpriv->device = NULL;
- }
- /* file descriptors are maintained per-instance */
- usbi_remove_pollfd (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), priv->fds[0]);
- close (priv->fds[1]);
- close (priv->fds[0]);
- priv->fds[0] = priv->fds[1] = -1;
-static int darwin_get_configuration(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int *config) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- *config = (int) dpriv->active_config;
- return 0;
-static int darwin_set_configuration(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int config) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- int i;
- /* Setting configuration will invalidate the interface, so we need
- to reclaim it. First, dispose of existing interfaces, if any. */
- for (i = 0 ; i < USB_MAXINTERFACES ; i++)
- if (dev_handle->claimed_interfaces & (1 << i))
- darwin_release_interface (dev_handle, i);
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->SetConfiguration (dpriv->device, config);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- /* Reclaim any interfaces. */
- for (i = 0 ; i < USB_MAXINTERFACES ; i++)
- if (dev_handle->claimed_interfaces & (1 << i))
- darwin_claim_interface (dev_handle, i);
- dpriv->active_config = config;
- return 0;
-static int darwin_get_interface (usb_device_t **darwin_device, uint8_t ifc, io_service_t *usbInterfacep) {
- IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest request;
- uint8_t current_interface;
- kern_return_t kresult;
- io_iterator_t interface_iterator;
- *usbInterfacep = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
- /* Setup the Interface Request */
- request.bInterfaceClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- request.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- request.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- request.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
- kresult = (*(darwin_device))->CreateInterfaceIterator(darwin_device, &request, &interface_iterator);
- if (kresult)
- return kresult;
- for ( current_interface = 0 ; current_interface <= ifc ; current_interface++ ) {
- *usbInterfacep = IOIteratorNext(interface_iterator);
- if (current_interface != ifc)
- (void) IOObjectRelease (*usbInterfacep);
- }
- /* done with the interface iterator */
- IOObjectRelease(interface_iterator);
- return 0;
-static int get_endpoints (struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int iface) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- /* current interface */
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- kern_return_t kresult;
- u_int8_t numep, direction, number;
- u_int8_t dont_care1, dont_care3;
- u_int16_t dont_care2;
- int i;
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "building table of endpoints.");
- /* retrieve the total number of endpoints on this interface */
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->GetNumEndpoints(cInterface->interface, &numep);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "can't get number of endpoints for interface: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- /* iterate through pipe references */
- for (i = 1 ; i <= numep ; i++) {
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->GetPipeProperties(cInterface->interface, i, &direction, &number, &dont_care1,
- &dont_care2, &dont_care3);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "error getting pipe information for pipe %d: %s", i, darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "interface: %i pipe %i: dir: %i number: %i", iface, i, direction, number);
- cInterface->endpoint_addrs[i - 1] = ((direction << 7 & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) | (number & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_MASK));
- }
- cInterface->num_endpoints = numep;
- return 0;
-static int darwin_claim_interface(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int iface) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- io_service_t usbInterface = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
- IOReturn kresult;
- IOCFPlugInInterface **plugInInterface = NULL;
- SInt32 score;
- /* current interface */
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- kresult = darwin_get_interface (dpriv->device, iface, &usbInterface);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- /* make sure we have an interface */
- if (!usbInterface && dpriv->first_config != 0) {
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "no interface found; setting configuration: %d", dpriv->first_config);
- /* set the configuration */
- kresult = darwin_set_configuration (dev_handle, dpriv->first_config);
- if (kresult != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "could not set configuration");
- return kresult;
- }
- kresult = darwin_get_interface (dpriv->device, iface, &usbInterface);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "darwin_get_interface: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- }
- if (!usbInterface) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "interface not found");
- }
- /* get an interface to the device's interface */
- kresult = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService (usbInterface, kIOUSBInterfaceUserClientTypeID,
- kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &plugInInterface, &score);
- /* ignore release error */
- (void)IOObjectRelease (usbInterface);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- if (!plugInInterface) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "plugin interface not found");
- }
- /* Do the actual claim */
- kresult = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface,
- CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBInterfaceInterfaceID),
- (LPVOID)&cInterface->interface);
- /* We no longer need the intermediate plug-in */
- IODestroyPlugInInterface (plugInInterface);
- if (kresult || !cInterface->interface) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "QueryInterface: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- /* claim the interface */
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->USBInterfaceOpen(cInterface->interface);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "USBInterfaceOpen: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- /* update list of endpoints */
- kresult = get_endpoints (dev_handle, iface);
- if (kresult) {
- /* this should not happen */
- darwin_release_interface (dev_handle, iface);
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "could not build endpoint table");
- return kresult;
- }
- cInterface->cfSource = NULL;
- /* create async event source */
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->CreateInterfaceAsyncEventSource (cInterface->interface, &cInterface->cfSource);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "could not create async event source");
- /* can't continue without an async event source */
- (void)darwin_release_interface (dev_handle, iface);
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- /* add the cfSource to the async thread's run loop */
- CFRunLoopAddSource(libusb_darwin_acfl, cInterface->cfSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- usbi_info (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "interface opened");
- return 0;
-static int darwin_release_interface(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int iface) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- /* current interface */
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- /* Check to see if an interface is open */
- if (!cInterface->interface)
- /* clean up endpoint data */
- cInterface->num_endpoints = 0;
- /* delete the interface's async event source */
- if (cInterface->cfSource) {
- CFRunLoopRemoveSource (libusb_darwin_acfl, cInterface->cfSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- CFRelease (cInterface->cfSource);
- }
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->USBInterfaceClose(cInterface->interface);
- if (kresult)
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "USBInterfaceClose: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->Release(cInterface->interface);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "Release: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- cInterface->interface = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_set_interface_altsetting(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int iface, int altsetting) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- /* current interface */
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- if (!cInterface->interface)
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->SetAlternateInterface (cInterface->interface, altsetting);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- darwin_reset_device (dev_handle);
- /* update list of endpoints */
- kresult = get_endpoints (dev_handle, iface);
- if (kresult) {
- /* this should not happen */
- darwin_release_interface (dev_handle, iface);
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "could not build endpoint table");
- return kresult;
- }
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_clear_halt(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, unsigned char endpoint) {
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)dev_handle->os_priv;
- /* current interface */
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface;
- uint8_t pipeRef, iface;
- IOReturn kresult;
- /* determine the interface/endpoint to use */
- if (ep_to_pipeRef (dev_handle, endpoint, &pipeRef, &iface) != 0) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "endpoint not found on any open interface");
- }
- cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
-#if (InterfaceVersion < 190)
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->ClearPipeStall(cInterface->interface, pipeRef);
- /* newer versions of darwin support clearing additional bits on the device's endpoint */
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->ClearPipeStallBothEnds(cInterface->interface, pipeRef);
- if (kresult)
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "ClearPipeStall: %s", darwin_error_str (kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_reset_device(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->ResetDevice (dpriv->device);
- if (kresult)
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "ResetDevice: %s", darwin_error_str (kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_kernel_driver_active(struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int interface) {
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- io_service_t usbInterface;
- CFTypeRef driver;
- IOReturn kresult;
- kresult = darwin_get_interface (dpriv->device, interface, &usbInterface);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (HANDLE_CTX (dev_handle), "darwin_get_interface: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- driver = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty (usbInterface, kIOBundleIdentifierKey, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
- IOObjectRelease (usbInterface);
- if (driver) {
- CFRelease (driver);
- return 1;
- }
- /* no driver */
- return 0;
-/* attaching/detaching kernel drivers is not currently supported (maybe in the future?) */
-static int darwin_attach_kernel_driver (struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int interface) {
- (void)dev_handle;
- (void)interface;
-static int darwin_detach_kernel_driver (struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, int interface) {
- (void)dev_handle;
- (void)interface;
-static void darwin_destroy_device(struct libusb_device *dev) {
- (void)dev;
-static int submit_bulk_transfer(struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->os_priv;
- IOReturn ret;
- uint8_t is_read; /* 0 = we're reading, 1 = we're writing */
- uint8_t transferType;
- /* None of the values below are used in libusb for bulk transfers */
- uint8_t direction, number, interval, pipeRef, iface;
- uint16_t maxPacketSize;
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface;
- /* are we reading or writing? */
- is_read = transfer->endpoint & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN;
- if (ep_to_pipeRef (transfer->dev_handle, transfer->endpoint, &pipeRef, &iface) != 0) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "endpoint not found on any open interface");
- }
- cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- (*(cInterface->interface))->GetPipeProperties (cInterface->interface, pipeRef, &direction, &number,
- &transferType, &maxPacketSize, &interval);
- /* submit the request */
- /* timeouts are unavailable on interrupt endpoints */
- if (transferType == kUSBInterrupt) {
- if (is_read)
- ret = (*(cInterface->interface))->ReadPipeAsync(cInterface->interface, pipeRef, transfer->buffer,
- transfer->length, darwin_async_io_callback, itransfer);
- else
- ret = (*(cInterface->interface))->WritePipeAsync(cInterface->interface, pipeRef, transfer->buffer,
- transfer->length, darwin_async_io_callback, itransfer);
- } else {
- if (is_read)
- ret = (*(cInterface->interface))->ReadPipeAsyncTO(cInterface->interface, pipeRef, transfer->buffer,
- transfer->length, transfer->timeout, transfer->timeout,
- darwin_async_io_callback, (void *)itransfer);
- else
- ret = (*(cInterface->interface))->WritePipeAsyncTO(cInterface->interface, pipeRef, transfer->buffer,
- transfer->length, transfer->timeout, transfer->timeout,
- darwin_async_io_callback, (void *)itransfer);
- }
- if (ret)
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "bulk transfer failed (dir = %s): %s (code = 0x%08x)", is_read ? "In" : "Out",
- darwin_error_str(ret), ret);
- return darwin_to_libusb (ret);
-static int submit_iso_transfer(struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_transfer_priv *tpriv = usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer);
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- uint8_t is_read; /* 0 = we're writing, 1 = we're reading */
- uint8_t pipeRef, iface;
- UInt64 frame;
- AbsoluteTime atTime;
- int i;
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface;
- /* are we reading or writing? */
- is_read = transfer->endpoint & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN;
- /* construct an array of IOUSBIsocFrames, reuse the old one if possible */
- if (tpriv->isoc_framelist && tpriv->num_iso_packets != transfer->num_iso_packets) {
- free(tpriv->isoc_framelist);
- tpriv->isoc_framelist = NULL;
- }
- if (!tpriv->isoc_framelist) {
- tpriv->num_iso_packets = transfer->num_iso_packets;
- tpriv->isoc_framelist = (IOUSBIsocFrame*) calloc (transfer->num_iso_packets, sizeof(IOUSBIsocFrame));
- if (!tpriv->isoc_framelist)
- }
- /* copy the frame list from the libusb descriptor (the structures differ only is member order) */
- for (i = 0 ; i < transfer->num_iso_packets ; i++)
- tpriv->isoc_framelist[i].frReqCount = transfer->iso_packet_desc[i].length;
- /* determine the interface/endpoint to use */
- if (ep_to_pipeRef (transfer->dev_handle, transfer->endpoint, &pipeRef, &iface) != 0) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "endpoint not found on any open interface");
- }
- cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- /* Last but not least we need the bus frame number */
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->GetBusFrameNumber(cInterface->interface, &frame, &atTime);
- if (kresult) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "failed to get bus frame number: %d", kresult);
- free(tpriv->isoc_framelist);
- tpriv->isoc_framelist = NULL;
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
- }
- /* schedule for a frame a little in the future */
- frame += 4;
- if (cInterface->frames[transfer->endpoint] && frame < cInterface->frames[transfer->endpoint])
- frame = cInterface->frames[transfer->endpoint];
- /* submit the request */
- if (is_read)
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->ReadIsochPipeAsync(cInterface->interface, pipeRef, transfer->buffer, frame,
- transfer->num_iso_packets, tpriv->isoc_framelist, darwin_async_io_callback,
- itransfer);
- else
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->WriteIsochPipeAsync(cInterface->interface, pipeRef, transfer->buffer, frame,
- transfer->num_iso_packets, tpriv->isoc_framelist, darwin_async_io_callback,
- itransfer);
- cInterface->frames[transfer->endpoint] = frame + transfer->num_iso_packets / 8;
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "isochronous transfer failed (dir: %s): %s", is_read ? "In" : "Out",
- darwin_error_str(kresult));
- free (tpriv->isoc_framelist);
- tpriv->isoc_framelist = NULL;
- }
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int submit_control_transfer(struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct libusb_control_setup *setup = (struct libusb_control_setup *) transfer->buffer;
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->os_priv;
- struct darwin_transfer_priv *tpriv = usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer);
- IOReturn kresult;
- bzero(&tpriv->req, sizeof(tpriv->req));
- /* IOUSBDeviceInterface expects the request in cpu endianess */
- tpriv->req.bmRequestType = setup->bmRequestType;
- tpriv->req.bRequest = setup->bRequest;
- /* these values should be in bus order from libusb_fill_control_setup */
- tpriv->req.wValue = OSSwapLittleToHostInt16 (setup->wValue);
- tpriv->req.wIndex = OSSwapLittleToHostInt16 (setup->wIndex);
- tpriv->req.wLength = OSSwapLittleToHostInt16 (setup->wLength);
- /* data is stored after the libusb control block */
- tpriv->req.pData = transfer->buffer + LIBUSB_CONTROL_SETUP_SIZE;
- tpriv->req.completionTimeout = transfer->timeout;
- tpriv->req.noDataTimeout = transfer->timeout;
- /* all transfers in libusb-1.0 are async */
- if (transfer->endpoint) {
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface;
- uint8_t pipeRef, iface;
- if (ep_to_pipeRef (transfer->dev_handle, transfer->endpoint, &pipeRef, &iface) != 0) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "endpoint not found on any open interface");
- }
- cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->ControlRequestAsyncTO (cInterface->interface, pipeRef, &(tpriv->req), darwin_async_io_callback, itransfer);
- } else
- /* control request on endpoint 0 */
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->DeviceRequestAsyncTO(dpriv->device, &(tpriv->req), darwin_async_io_callback, itransfer);
- if (kresult != kIOReturnSuccess)
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "control request failed: %s", darwin_error_str(kresult));
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_submit_transfer(struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- switch (transfer->type) {
- return submit_control_transfer(itransfer);
- return submit_bulk_transfer(itransfer);
- return submit_iso_transfer(itransfer);
- default:
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX(transfer), "unknown endpoint type %d", transfer->type);
- }
-static int cancel_control_transfer(struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- IOReturn kresult;
- usbi_info (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "WARNING: aborting all transactions control pipe");
- if (!dpriv->device)
- kresult = (*(dpriv->device))->USBDeviceAbortPipeZero (dpriv->device);
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_abort_transfers (struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_device_priv *dpriv = (struct darwin_device_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->dev->os_priv;
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->os_priv;
- struct darwin_interface *cInterface;
- uint8_t pipeRef, iface;
- IOReturn kresult;
- if (ep_to_pipeRef (transfer->dev_handle, transfer->endpoint, &pipeRef, &iface) != 0) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX (transfer), "endpoint not found on any open interface");
- }
- cInterface = &priv->interfaces[iface];
- if (!dpriv->device)
- usbi_info (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "WARNING: aborting all transactions on interface %d pipe %d", iface, pipeRef);
- /* abort transactions */
- (*(cInterface->interface))->AbortPipe (cInterface->interface, pipeRef);
- usbi_info (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "calling clear pipe stall to clear the data toggle bit");
- /* clear the data toggle bit */
-#if (InterfaceVersion < 190)
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->ClearPipeStall(cInterface->interface, pipeRef);
- /* newer versions of darwin support clearing additional bits on the device's endpoint */
- kresult = (*(cInterface->interface))->ClearPipeStallBothEnds(cInterface->interface, pipeRef);
- return darwin_to_libusb (kresult);
-static int darwin_cancel_transfer(struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- switch (transfer->type) {
- return cancel_control_transfer(itransfer);
- return darwin_abort_transfers (itransfer);
- default:
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX(transfer), "unknown endpoint type %d", transfer->type);
- }
-static void darwin_clear_transfer_priv (struct usbi_transfer *itransfer) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_transfer_priv *tpriv = usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer);
- if (transfer->type == LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS && tpriv->isoc_framelist) {
- free (tpriv->isoc_framelist);
- tpriv->isoc_framelist = NULL;
- }
-static void darwin_async_io_callback (void *refcon, IOReturn result, void *arg0) {
- struct usbi_transfer *itransfer = (struct usbi_transfer *)refcon;
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *priv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)transfer->dev_handle->os_priv;
- UInt32 message, size;
- usbi_info (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "an async io operation has completed");
- size = (UInt32) arg0;
- /* send a completion message to the device's file descriptor */
- write (priv->fds[1], &message, sizeof (message));
- write (priv->fds[1], &itransfer, sizeof (itransfer));
- write (priv->fds[1], &result, sizeof (IOReturn));
- write (priv->fds[1], &size, sizeof (size));
-static int darwin_transfer_status (struct usbi_transfer *itransfer, kern_return_t result) {
- if (itransfer->flags & USBI_TRANSFER_TIMED_OUT)
- result = kIOUSBTransactionTimeout;
- switch (result) {
- case kIOReturnUnderrun:
- case kIOReturnSuccess:
- case kIOReturnAborted:
- case kIOUSBPipeStalled:
- usbi_warn (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "transfer error: pipe is stalled");
- case kIOReturnOverrun:
- usbi_err (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "transfer error: data overrun");
- case kIOUSBTransactionTimeout:
- usbi_err (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "transfer error: timed out");
- itransfer->flags |= USBI_TRANSFER_TIMED_OUT;
- default:
- usbi_err (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "transfer error: %s (value = 0x%08x)", darwin_error_str (result), result);
- }
-static void darwin_handle_callback (struct usbi_transfer *itransfer, kern_return_t result, UInt32 io_size) {
- struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer);
- struct darwin_transfer_priv *tpriv = usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer);
- int isIsoc = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS == transfer->type;
- int isBulk = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK == transfer->type;
- int isControl = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_CONTROL == transfer->type;
- int isInterrupt = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTERRUPT == transfer->type;
- int i;
- if (!isIsoc && !isBulk && !isControl && !isInterrupt) {
- usbi_err (TRANSFER_CTX(transfer), "unknown endpoint type %d", transfer->type);
- return;
- }
- usbi_info (ITRANSFER_CTX (itransfer), "handling %s completion with kernel status %d",
- isControl ? "control" : isBulk ? "bulk" : isIsoc ? "isoc" : "interrupt", result);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == result || kIOReturnUnderrun == result) {
- if (isIsoc && tpriv->isoc_framelist) {
- /* copy isochronous results back */
- for (i = 0; i < transfer->num_iso_packets ; i++) {
- struct libusb_iso_packet_descriptor *lib_desc = &transfer->iso_packet_desc[i];
- lib_desc->status = darwin_to_libusb (tpriv->isoc_framelist[i].frStatus);
- lib_desc->actual_length = tpriv->isoc_framelist[i].frActCount;
- }
- } else if (!isIsoc)
- itransfer->transferred += io_size;
- }
- /* it is ok to handle cancelled transfers without calling usbi_handle_transfer_cancellation (we catch timeout transfers) */
- usbi_handle_transfer_completion (itransfer, darwin_transfer_status (itransfer, result));
-static int op_handle_events(struct libusb_context *ctx, struct pollfd *fds, POLL_NFDS_TYPE nfds, int num_ready) {
- struct usbi_transfer *itransfer;
- UInt32 io_size;
- IOReturn kresult;
- ssize_t ret;
- UInt32 message;
- usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock);
- for (i = 0; i < nfds && num_ready > 0; i++) {
- struct pollfd *pollfd = &fds[i];
- struct libusb_device_handle *handle;
- struct darwin_device_handle_priv *hpriv = NULL;
- usbi_info (ctx, "checking fd %i with revents = %x", fds[i], pollfd->revents);
- if (!pollfd->revents)
- continue;
- num_ready--;
- list_for_each_entry(handle, &ctx->open_devs, list, struct libusb_device_handle) {
- hpriv = (struct darwin_device_handle_priv *)handle->os_priv;
- if (hpriv->fds[0] == pollfd->fd)
- break;
- }
- if (!(pollfd->revents & POLLERR)) {
- ret = read (hpriv->fds[0], &message, sizeof (message));
- if (ret < (ssize_t)sizeof (message))
- continue;
- } else
- /* could not poll the device-- response is to delete the device (this seems a little heavy-handed) */
- switch (message) {
- /* remove the device's async port from the runloop */
- if (hpriv->cfSource) {
- if (libusb_darwin_acfl)
- CFRunLoopRemoveSource (libusb_darwin_acfl, hpriv->cfSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- CFRelease (hpriv->cfSource);
- hpriv->cfSource = NULL;
- }
- usbi_remove_pollfd(HANDLE_CTX(handle), hpriv->fds[0]);
- usbi_handle_disconnect(handle);
- /* done with this device */
- continue;
- read (hpriv->fds[0], &itransfer, sizeof (itransfer));
- read (hpriv->fds[0], &kresult, sizeof (IOReturn));
- read (hpriv->fds[0], &io_size, sizeof (UInt32));
- darwin_handle_callback (itransfer, kresult, io_size);
- break;
- default:
- usbi_err (ctx, "unknown message received from device pipe");
- }
- }
- usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock);
- return 0;
-static int darwin_clock_gettime(int clk_id, struct timespec *tp) {
- mach_timespec_t sys_time;
- clock_serv_t clock_ref;
- switch (clk_id) {
- /* CLOCK_REALTIME represents time since the epoch */
- clock_ref = clock_realtime;
- break;
- /* use system boot time as reference for the monotonic clock */
- clock_ref = clock_monotonic;
- break;
- default:
- }
- clock_get_time (clock_ref, &sys_time);
- tp->tv_sec = sys_time.tv_sec;
- tp->tv_nsec = sys_time.tv_nsec;
- return 0;
-const struct usbi_os_backend darwin_backend = {
- .name = "Darwin",
- .init = darwin_init,
- .exit = darwin_exit,
- .get_device_list = darwin_get_device_list,
- .get_device_descriptor = darwin_get_device_descriptor,
- .get_active_config_descriptor = darwin_get_active_config_descriptor,
- .get_config_descriptor = darwin_get_config_descriptor,
- .open = darwin_open,
- .close = darwin_close,
- .get_configuration = darwin_get_configuration,
- .set_configuration = darwin_set_configuration,
- .claim_interface = darwin_claim_interface,
- .release_interface = darwin_release_interface,
- .set_interface_altsetting = darwin_set_interface_altsetting,
- .clear_halt = darwin_clear_halt,
- .reset_device = darwin_reset_device,
- .kernel_driver_active = darwin_kernel_driver_active,
- .detach_kernel_driver = darwin_detach_kernel_driver,
- .attach_kernel_driver = darwin_attach_kernel_driver,
- .destroy_device = darwin_destroy_device,
- .submit_transfer = darwin_submit_transfer,
- .cancel_transfer = darwin_cancel_transfer,
- .clear_transfer_priv = darwin_clear_transfer_priv,
- .handle_events = op_handle_events,
- .clock_gettime = darwin_clock_gettime,
- .device_priv_size = sizeof(struct darwin_device_priv),
- .device_handle_priv_size = sizeof(struct darwin_device_handle_priv),
- .transfer_priv_size = sizeof(struct darwin_transfer_priv),
- .add_iso_packet_size = 0,
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