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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/

Issue 9838085: Move files inside chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus to chromeos/dbus (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/
diff --git a/chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/ b/chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/
deleted file mode 100644
index 729c3458fa650615821bbf3837e51defa1aa2640..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/cros_disks_client.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "dbus/bus.h"
-#include "dbus/message.h"
-#include "dbus/object_path.h"
-#include "dbus/object_proxy.h"
-#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
-namespace chromeos {
-namespace {
-const char* kDefaultMountOptions[] = {
- "rw",
- "nodev",
- "noexec",
- "nosuid",
-const char* kDefaultUnmountOptions[] = {
- "force",
-// Checks if retrieved media type is in boundaries of DeviceMediaType.
-bool IsValidMediaType(uint32 type) {
- return type < static_cast<uint32>(cros_disks::DEVICE_MEDIA_NUM_VALUES);
-// Translates enum used in cros-disks to enum used in Chrome.
-// Note that we could just do static_cast, but this is less sensitive to
-// changes in cros-disks.
-DeviceType DeviceMediaTypeToDeviceType(uint32 media_type_uint32) {
- if (!IsValidMediaType(media_type_uint32))
- cros_disks::DeviceMediaType media_type =
- cros_disks::DeviceMediaType(media_type_uint32);
- switch (media_type) {
- case(cros_disks::DEVICE_MEDIA_UNKNOWN):
- case(cros_disks::DEVICE_MEDIA_USB):
- case(cros_disks::DEVICE_MEDIA_SD):
- return DEVICE_TYPE_SD;
- case(cros_disks::DEVICE_MEDIA_OPTICAL_DISC):
- case(cros_disks::DEVICE_MEDIA_MOBILE):
- default:
- }
-// Pops a bool value when |reader| is not NULL.
-// Returns true when a value is popped, false otherwise.
-bool MaybePopBool(dbus::MessageReader* reader, bool* value) {
- if (!reader)
- return false;
- return reader->PopBool(value);
-// Pops a string value when |reader| is not NULL.
-// Returns true when a value is popped, false otherwise.
-bool MaybePopString(dbus::MessageReader* reader, std::string* value) {
- if (!reader)
- return false;
- return reader->PopString(value);
-// Pops a uint32 value when |reader| is not NULL.
-// Returns true when a value is popped, false otherwise.
-bool MaybePopUint32(dbus::MessageReader* reader, uint32* value) {
- if (!reader)
- return false;
- return reader->PopUint32(value);
-// Pops a uint64 value when |reader| is not NULL.
-// Returns true when a value is popped, false otherwise.
-bool MaybePopUint64(dbus::MessageReader* reader, uint64* value) {
- if (!reader)
- return false;
- return reader->PopUint64(value);
-// Pops an array of strings when |reader| is not NULL.
-// Returns true when an array is popped, false otherwise.
-bool MaybePopArrayOfStrings(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
- std::vector<std::string>* value) {
- if (!reader)
- return false;
- return reader->PopArrayOfStrings(value);
-// The CrosDisksClient implementation.
-class CrosDisksClientImpl : public CrosDisksClient {
- public:
- explicit CrosDisksClientImpl(dbus::Bus* bus)
- : proxy_(bus->GetObjectProxy(
- cros_disks::kCrosDisksServiceName,
- dbus::ObjectPath(cros_disks::kCrosDisksServicePath))),
- weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
- }
- // CrosDisksClient override.
- virtual void Mount(const std::string& source_path,
- MountType type,
- MountCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {
- dbus::MethodCall method_call(cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- cros_disks::kMount);
- dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
- writer.AppendString(source_path);
- writer.AppendString(""); // auto detect filesystem.
- std::vector<std::string> mount_options(kDefaultMountOptions,
- kDefaultMountOptions +
- arraysize(kDefaultMountOptions));
- writer.AppendArrayOfStrings(mount_options);
- proxy_->CallMethod(&method_call, dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnMount,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- callback,
- error_callback));
- }
- // CrosDisksClient override.
- virtual void Unmount(const std::string& device_path,
- UnmountCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {
- dbus::MethodCall method_call(cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- cros_disks::kUnmount);
- dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
- writer.AppendString(device_path);
- std::vector<std::string> unmount_options(kDefaultUnmountOptions,
- kDefaultUnmountOptions +
- arraysize(kDefaultUnmountOptions));
- writer.AppendArrayOfStrings(unmount_options);
- proxy_->CallMethod(&method_call, dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnUnmount,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- device_path,
- callback,
- error_callback));
- }
- // CrosDisksClient override.
- virtual void EnumerateAutoMountableDevices(
- EnumerateAutoMountableDevicesCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {
- dbus::MethodCall method_call(cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- cros_disks::kEnumerateAutoMountableDevices);
- proxy_->CallMethod(
- &method_call, dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnEnumerateAutoMountableDevices,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- callback,
- error_callback));
- }
- // CrosDisksClient override.
- virtual void FormatDevice(const std::string& device_path,
- const std::string& filesystem,
- FormatDeviceCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {
- dbus::MethodCall method_call(cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- cros_disks::kFormatDevice);
- dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
- writer.AppendString(device_path);
- writer.AppendString(filesystem);
- proxy_->CallMethod(&method_call, dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnFormatDevice,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- device_path,
- callback,
- error_callback));
- }
- // CrosDisksClient override.
- virtual void GetDeviceProperties(const std::string& device_path,
- GetDevicePropertiesCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {
- dbus::MethodCall method_call(cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- cros_disks::kGetDeviceProperties);
- dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
- writer.AppendString(device_path);
- proxy_->CallMethod(&method_call,
- dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnGetDeviceProperties,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- device_path,
- callback,
- error_callback));
- }
- // CrosDisksClient override.
- virtual void SetUpConnections(
- MountEventHandler mount_event_handler,
- MountCompletedHandler mount_completed_handler) OVERRIDE {
- static const SignalEventTuple kSignalEventTuples[] = {
- { cros_disks::kDeviceAdded, DEVICE_ADDED },
- { cros_disks::kDeviceScanned, DEVICE_SCANNED },
- { cros_disks::kDeviceRemoved, DEVICE_REMOVED },
- { cros_disks::kDiskAdded, DISK_ADDED },
- { cros_disks::kDiskChanged, DISK_CHANGED },
- { cros_disks::kDiskRemoved, DISK_REMOVED },
- { cros_disks::kFormattingFinished, FORMATTING_FINISHED },
- };
- const size_t kNumSignalEventTuples = arraysize(kSignalEventTuples);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumSignalEventTuples; ++i) {
- proxy_->ConnectToSignal(
- cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- kSignalEventTuples[i].signal_name,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnMountEvent,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- kSignalEventTuples[i].event_type,
- mount_event_handler),
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnSignalConnected,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
- proxy_->ConnectToSignal(
- cros_disks::kCrosDisksInterface,
- cros_disks::kMountCompleted,
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnMountCompleted,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- mount_completed_handler ),
- base::Bind(&CrosDisksClientImpl::OnSignalConnected,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
- private:
- // A struct to contain a pair of signal name and mount event type.
- // Used by SetUpConnections.
- struct SignalEventTuple {
- const char *signal_name;
- MountEventType event_type;
- };
- // Handles the result of Mount and calls |callback| or |error_callback|.
- void OnMount(MountCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback,
- dbus::Response* response) {
- if (!response) {
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- callback.Run();
- }
- // Handles the result of Unount and calls |callback| or |error_callback|.
- void OnUnmount(const std::string& device_path,
- UnmountCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback,
- dbus::Response* response) {
- if (!response) {
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- callback.Run(device_path);
- }
- // Handles the result of EnumerateAutoMountableDevices and calls |callback| or
- // |error_callback|.
- void OnEnumerateAutoMountableDevices(
- EnumerateAutoMountableDevicesCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback,
- dbus::Response* response) {
- if (!response) {
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- dbus::MessageReader reader(response);
- std::vector<std::string> device_paths;
- if (!reader.PopArrayOfStrings(&device_paths)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid response: " << response->ToString();
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- callback.Run(device_paths);
- }
- // Handles the result of FormatDevice and calls |callback| or
- // |error_callback|.
- void OnFormatDevice(const std::string& device_path,
- FormatDeviceCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback,
- dbus::Response* response) {
- if (!response) {
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- dbus::MessageReader reader(response);
- bool success = false;
- if (!reader.PopBool(&success)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid response: " << response->ToString();
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- callback.Run(device_path, success);
- }
- // Handles the result of GetDeviceProperties and calls |callback| or
- // |error_callback|.
- void OnGetDeviceProperties(const std::string& device_path,
- GetDevicePropertiesCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback,
- dbus::Response* response) {
- if (!response) {
- error_callback.Run();
- return;
- }
- DiskInfo disk(device_path, response);
- callback.Run(disk);
- }
- // Handles mount event signals and calls |handler|.
- void OnMountEvent(MountEventType event_type,
- MountEventHandler handler,
- dbus::Signal* signal) {
- dbus::MessageReader reader(signal);
- std::string device;
- if (!reader.PopString(&device)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid signal: " << signal->ToString();
- return;
- }
- handler.Run(event_type, device);
- }
- // Handles MountCompleted signal and calls |handler|.
- void OnMountCompleted(MountCompletedHandler handler, dbus::Signal* signal) {
- dbus::MessageReader reader(signal);
- unsigned int error_code = 0;
- std::string source_path;
- unsigned int mount_type = 0;
- std::string mount_path;
- if (!reader.PopUint32(&error_code) ||
- !reader.PopString(&source_path) ||
- !reader.PopUint32(&mount_type) ||
- !reader.PopString(&mount_path)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid signal: " << signal->ToString();
- return;
- }
- handler.Run(static_cast<MountError>(error_code), source_path,
- static_cast<MountType>(mount_type), mount_path);
- }
- // Handles the result of signal connection setup.
- void OnSignalConnected(const std::string& interface,
- const std::string& signal,
- bool successed) {
- LOG_IF(ERROR, !successed) << "Connect to " << interface << " " <<
- signal << " failed.";
- }
- dbus::ObjectProxy* proxy_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<CrosDisksClientImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
-// A stub implementaion of CrosDisksClient.
-class CrosDisksClientStubImpl : public CrosDisksClient {
- public:
- CrosDisksClientStubImpl() {}
- virtual ~CrosDisksClientStubImpl() {}
- virtual void Mount(const std::string& source_path,
- MountType type,
- MountCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {}
- virtual void Unmount(const std::string& device_path,
- UnmountCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {}
- virtual void EnumerateAutoMountableDevices(
- EnumerateAutoMountableDevicesCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {}
- virtual void FormatDevice(const std::string& device_path,
- const std::string& filesystem,
- FormatDeviceCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {}
- virtual void GetDeviceProperties(const std::string& device_path,
- GetDevicePropertiesCallback callback,
- ErrorCallback error_callback) OVERRIDE {}
- virtual void SetUpConnections(
- MountEventHandler mount_event_handler,
- MountCompletedHandler mount_completed_handler) OVERRIDE {}
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CrosDisksClientStubImpl);
-} // namespace
-// DiskInfo
-DiskInfo::DiskInfo(const std::string& device_path, dbus::Response* response)
- : device_path_(device_path),
- is_drive_(false),
- has_media_(false),
- on_boot_device_(false),
- device_type_(DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN),
- total_size_in_bytes_(0),
- is_read_only_(false),
- is_hidden_(true) {
- InitializeFromResponse(response);
-DiskInfo::~DiskInfo() {
-// Initialize |this| from |response| given by the cros-disks service.
-// Below is an example of |response|'s raw message (long string is ellipsized).
-// message_type: MESSAGE_METHOD_RETURN
-// destination: :1.8
-// sender: :1.16
-// signature: a{sv}
-// serial: 96
-// reply_serial: 267
-// array [
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceFile"
-// variant string "/dev/sdb"
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsDrive"
-// variant bool true
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsMediaAvailable"
-// variant bool true
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsMounted"
-// variant bool false
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsOnBootDevice"
-// variant bool false
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsOpticalDisc"
-// variant bool false
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsReadOnly"
-// variant bool false
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceIsVirtual"
-// variant bool false
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceMediaType"
-// variant uint32 1
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceMountPaths"
-// variant array [
-// ]
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DevicePresentationHide"
-// variant bool true
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DeviceSize"
-// variant uint64 7998537728
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DriveIsRotational"
-// variant bool false
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "DriveModel"
-// variant string "TransMemory"
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "IdLabel"
-// variant string ""
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "IdUuid"
-// variant string ""
-// }
-// dict entry {
-// string "NativePath"
-// variant string "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-4/...
-// }
-// ]
-void DiskInfo::InitializeFromResponse(dbus::Response* response) {
- dbus::MessageReader response_reader(response);
- dbus::MessageReader array_reader(response);
- if (!response_reader.PopArray(&array_reader)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid response: " << response->ToString();
- return;
- }
- // TODO(satorux): Rework this code using Protocol Buffers.
- typedef std::map<std::string, dbus::MessageReader*> PropertiesMap;
- PropertiesMap properties;
- STLValueDeleter<PropertiesMap> properties_value_deleter(&properties);
- while (array_reader.HasMoreData()) {
- dbus::MessageReader* value_reader = new dbus::MessageReader(response);
- dbus::MessageReader dict_entry_reader(response);
- std::string key;
- if (!array_reader.PopDictEntry(&dict_entry_reader) ||
- !dict_entry_reader.PopString(&key) ||
- !dict_entry_reader.PopVariant(value_reader)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid response: " << response->ToString();
- return;
- }
- properties[key] = value_reader;
- }
- MaybePopBool(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceIsDrive], &is_drive_);
- MaybePopBool(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceIsReadOnly], &is_read_only_);
- MaybePopBool(properties[cros_disks::kDevicePresentationHide], &is_hidden_);
- MaybePopBool(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceIsMediaAvailable], &has_media_);
- MaybePopBool(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceIsOnBootDevice],
- &on_boot_device_);
- MaybePopString(properties[cros_disks::kNativePath], &system_path_);
- MaybePopString(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceFile], &file_path_);
- MaybePopString(properties[cros_disks::kDriveModel], &drive_model_);
- MaybePopString(properties[cros_disks::kIdLabel], &label_);
- MaybePopUint64(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceSize], &total_size_in_bytes_);
- uint32 media_type_uint32 = 0;
- if (MaybePopUint32(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceMediaType],
- &media_type_uint32)) {
- device_type_ = DeviceMediaTypeToDeviceType(media_type_uint32);
- }
- std::vector<std::string> mount_paths;
- if (MaybePopArrayOfStrings(properties[cros_disks::kDeviceMountPaths],
- &mount_paths) && !mount_paths.empty())
- mount_path_ = mount_paths[0];
-// CrosDisksClient
-CrosDisksClient::CrosDisksClient() {}
-CrosDisksClient::~CrosDisksClient() {}
-// static
-CrosDisksClient* CrosDisksClient::Create(DBusClientImplementationType type,
- dbus::Bus* bus) {
- return new CrosDisksClientImpl(bus);
- return new CrosDisksClientStubImpl();
-} // namespace chromeos
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