| (Empty) |
1 <!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 <html> | |
3 <head> | |
4 <script src="../../js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> | |
5 <style> | |
6 :invalid { background: rgb(255, 0, 0); } | |
7 :valid { background: rgb(0, 0, 255); } | |
8 </style> | |
9 </head> | |
10 <body> | |
11 <script> | |
12 description('Check if :valid/:invalid CSS pseudo selectors are lively applied'); | |
13 | |
14 function $(id) { | |
15 return document.getElementById(id); | |
16 } | |
17 | |
18 function backgroundOf(element) { | |
19 return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue
('background-color'); | |
20 } | |
21 | |
22 var invalidColor = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'; | |
23 var validColor = 'rgb(0, 0, 255)'; | |
24 | |
25 var parent = document.createElement('div'); | |
26 document.body.appendChild(parent); | |
27 | |
28 debug('Removing a checked radio button from a required radio button group by a D
OM tree mutation:'); | |
29 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio name=group1 required id=radio1>' + | |
30 '<input type=radio name=group1 checked id=radio2>'; | |
31 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'validColor'); | |
32 shouldBe('parent.removeChild($("radio2")); backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidC
olor'); | |
33 debug(''); | |
34 | |
35 debug('Removing a checked radio button from a required radio button group by nam
e attribute change:'); | |
36 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio name=group1 required id=radio1>' + | |
37 '<input type=radio name=group1 checked id=radio2>'; | |
38 shouldBe('$("radio2").name = "group2"; backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidColor
'); | |
39 debug(''); | |
40 | |
41 debug('Removing a checked radio button from a required radio button group by typ
e change:'); | |
42 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio name=group1 required id=radio1>' + | |
43 '<input type=radio name=group1 checked id=radio2>'; | |
44 shouldBe('$("radio2").type = "text"; backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidColor')
; | |
45 debug(''); | |
46 | |
47 debug('Make a radio button group required by required attribute change:'); | |
48 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio name=group1 id=radio1>' + | |
49 '<input type=radio name=group1 id=radio2>'; | |
50 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'validColor'); | |
51 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio2"))', 'validColor'); | |
52 shouldBe('$("radio1").required = true; backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidColor
'); | |
53 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio2"))', 'invalidColor'); | |
54 debug(''); | |
55 | |
56 debug('Make a radio button group not required by required attribute change:'); | |
57 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio required name=group1 id=radio1>' + | |
58 '<input type=radio name=group1 id=radio2>'; | |
59 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidColor'); | |
60 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio2"))', 'invalidColor'); | |
61 shouldBe('$("radio1").required = false; backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'validColor'
); | |
62 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio2"))', 'validColor'); | |
63 debug(''); | |
64 | |
65 | |
66 debug('Removing one of multiple required attributes:'); | |
67 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio required name=group1 id=radio1>' + | |
68 '<input type=radio required name=group1 id=radio2>'; | |
69 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidColor'); | |
70 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio2"))', 'invalidColor'); | |
71 shouldBe('$("radio1").required = false; backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'invalidColo
r'); | |
72 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio2"))', 'invalidColor'); | |
73 debug(''); | |
74 | |
75 debug('Adding a radio button with the required attribute to a radio button group
:'); | |
76 parent.innerHTML = '<input type=radio name=group1 id=radio1>'; | |
77 shouldBe('backgroundOf($("radio1"))', 'validColor'); | |
78 var requiredRadioButton = document.createElement('input'); | |
79 requiredRadioButton.type = 'radio'; | |
80 requiredRadioButton.name = 'group1'; | |
81 requiredRadioButton.required = true; | |
82 shouldBe('parent.appendChild(requiredRadioButton); backgroundOf($("radio1"))', '
invalidColor'); | |
83 shouldBe('backgroundOf(requiredRadioButton)', 'invalidColor'); | |
84 debug(''); | |
85 | |
86 debug('Removing a radio button with the required attribute from a radio button g
roup:'); | |
87 shouldBe('parent.removeChild(requiredRadioButton); backgroundOf($("radio1"))', '
validColor'); | |
88 debug(''); | |
89 | |
90 parent.innerHTML = ''; | |
91 </script> | |
92 <script src="../../js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script> | |
93 </body> | |
94 </html> | |