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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/sync/engine/

Issue 9699057: [Sync] Move 'sync' target to sync/ (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Address Tim's comments Created 8 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/sync/engine/
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/ b/chrome/browser/sync/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 761aeba69fcd079de7b69c7358b111c2b169fb22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/process_commit_response_command.h"
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_proto_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncproto.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/sessions/sync_session.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/util/time.h"
-using syncable::WriteTransaction;
-using syncable::MutableEntry;
-using syncable::Entry;
-using std::set;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using syncable::BASE_VERSION;
-using syncable::GET_BY_ID;
-using syncable::ID;
-using syncable::IS_DEL;
-using syncable::IS_DIR;
-using syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE;
-using syncable::IS_UNSYNCED;
-using syncable::PARENT_ID;
-using syncable::SERVER_IS_DEL;
-using syncable::SERVER_PARENT_ID;
-using syncable::SERVER_VERSION;
-using syncable::SYNCER;
-using syncable::SYNCING;
-namespace browser_sync {
-using sessions::OrderedCommitSet;
-using sessions::StatusController;
-using sessions::SyncSession;
-using sessions::ConflictProgress;
-ProcessCommitResponseCommand::ProcessCommitResponseCommand() {}
-ProcessCommitResponseCommand::~ProcessCommitResponseCommand() {}
-std::set<ModelSafeGroup> ProcessCommitResponseCommand::GetGroupsToChange(
- const sessions::SyncSession& session) const {
- std::set<ModelSafeGroup> groups_with_commits;
- syncable::Directory* dir = session.context()->directory();
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir);
- const StatusController& status = session.status_controller();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < status.commit_ids().size(); ++i) {
- groups_with_commits.insert(
- GetGroupForModelType(status.GetUnrestrictedCommitModelTypeAt(i),
- session.routing_info()));
- }
- return groups_with_commits;
-SyncerError ProcessCommitResponseCommand::ModelNeutralExecuteImpl(
- sessions::SyncSession* session) {
- const StatusController& status = session->status_controller();
- const ClientToServerResponse& response(status.commit_response());
- const vector<syncable::Id>& commit_ids(status.commit_ids());
- if (!response.has_commit()) {
- // TODO(sync): What if we didn't try to commit anything?
- LOG(WARNING) << "Commit response has no commit body!";
- }
- const CommitResponse& cr = response.commit();
- int commit_count = commit_ids.size();
- if (cr.entryresponse_size() != commit_count) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Commit response has wrong number of entries! Expected:" <<
- commit_count << " Got:" << cr.entryresponse_size();
- for (int i = 0 ; i < cr.entryresponse_size() ; i++) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Response #" << i << " Value: " <<
- cr.entryresponse(i).response_type();
- if (cr.entryresponse(i).has_error_message())
- LOG(ERROR) << " " << cr.entryresponse(i).error_message();
- }
- }
- return SYNCER_OK;
-SyncerError ProcessCommitResponseCommand::ModelChangingExecuteImpl(
- SyncSession* session) {
- SyncerError result = ProcessCommitResponse(session);
- ExtensionsActivityMonitor* monitor = session->context()->extensions_monitor();
- if (session->status_controller().HasBookmarkCommitActivity() &&
- session->status_controller().syncer_status()
- .num_successful_bookmark_commits == 0) {
- monitor->PutRecords(session->extensions_activity());
- session->mutable_extensions_activity()->clear();
- }
- return result;
-SyncerError ProcessCommitResponseCommand::ProcessCommitResponse(
- SyncSession* session) {
- syncable::Directory* dir = session->context()->directory();
- StatusController* status = session->mutable_status_controller();
- const ClientToServerResponse& response(status->commit_response());
- const CommitResponse& cr = response.commit();
- const sync_pb::CommitMessage& commit_message =
- status->commit_message().commit();
- // If we try to commit a parent and child together and the parent conflicts
- // the child will have a bad parent causing an error. As this is not a
- // critical error, we trap it and don't LOG(ERROR). To enable this we keep
- // a map of conflicting new folders.
- int transient_error_commits = 0;
- int conflicting_commits = 0;
- int error_commits = 0;
- int successes = 0;
- set<syncable::Id> conflicting_new_folder_ids;
- set<syncable::Id> deleted_folders;
- ConflictProgress* conflict_progress = status->mutable_conflict_progress();
- OrderedCommitSet::Projection proj = status->commit_id_projection();
- if (!proj.empty()) { // Scope for WriteTransaction.
- WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, SYNCER, dir);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < proj.size(); i++) {
- CommitResponse::ResponseType response_type =
- ProcessSingleCommitResponse(&trans, cr.entryresponse(proj[i]),
- commit_message.entries(proj[i]),
- status->GetCommitIdAt(proj[i]),
- &conflicting_new_folder_ids,
- &deleted_folders);
- switch (response_type) {
- case CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE:
- ++error_commits;
- break;
- case CommitResponse::CONFLICT:
- ++conflicting_commits;
- // Only server CONFLICT responses will activate conflict resolution.
- conflict_progress->AddServerConflictingItemById(
- status->GetCommitIdAt(proj[i]));
- break;
- case CommitResponse::SUCCESS:
- // TODO(sync): worry about sync_rate_ rate calc?
- ++successes;
- if (status->GetCommitModelTypeAt(proj[i]) == syncable::BOOKMARKS)
- status->increment_num_successful_bookmark_commits();
- status->increment_num_successful_commits();
- break;
- case CommitResponse::OVER_QUOTA:
- // We handle over quota like a retry, which is same as transient.
- case CommitResponse::RETRY:
- case CommitResponse::TRANSIENT_ERROR:
- ++transient_error_commits;
- break;
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Bad return from ProcessSingleCommitResponse";
- }
- }
- }
- SyncerUtil::MarkDeletedChildrenSynced(dir, &deleted_folders);
- int commit_count = static_cast<int>(proj.size());
- if (commit_count == (successes + conflicting_commits)) {
- // We consider conflicting commits as a success because things will work out
- // on their own when we receive them. Flags will be set so that
- // HasMoreToSync() will cause SyncScheduler to enter another sync cycle to
- // handle this condition.
- return SYNCER_OK;
- } else if (error_commits > 0) {
- } else if (transient_error_commits > 0) {
- } else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Inconsistent counts when processing commit response";
- return SYNCER_OK;
- }
-void LogServerError(const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& res) {
- if (res.has_error_message())
- LOG(WARNING) << " " << res.error_message();
- else
- LOG(WARNING) << " No detailed error message returned from server";
- syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
- const sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse& pb_server_entry,
- const sync_pb::SyncEntity& commit_request_entry,
- const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id,
- std::set<syncable::Id>* conflicting_new_folder_ids,
- set<syncable::Id>* deleted_folders) {
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& server_entry =
- *static_cast<const CommitResponse_EntryResponse*>(&pb_server_entry);
- MutableEntry local_entry(trans, GET_BY_ID, pre_commit_id);
- CHECK(local_entry.good());
- bool syncing_was_set = local_entry.Get(SYNCING);
- local_entry.Put(SYNCING, false);
- CommitResponse::ResponseType response = (CommitResponse::ResponseType)
- server_entry.response_type();
- if (!CommitResponse::ResponseType_IsValid(response)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Commit response has unknown response type! Possibly out "
- "of date client?";
- return CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE;
- }
- if (CommitResponse::TRANSIENT_ERROR == response) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Transient Error Committing: " << local_entry;
- LogServerError(server_entry);
- return CommitResponse::TRANSIENT_ERROR;
- }
- if (CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE == response) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Error Commiting: " << local_entry;
- LogServerError(server_entry);
- return response;
- }
- if (CommitResponse::CONFLICT == response) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Conflict Committing: " << local_entry;
- // TODO(nick): conflicting_new_folder_ids is a purposeless anachronism.
- if (!pre_commit_id.ServerKnows() && local_entry.Get(IS_DIR)) {
- conflicting_new_folder_ids->insert(pre_commit_id);
- }
- return response;
- }
- if (CommitResponse::RETRY == response) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Retry Committing: " << local_entry;
- return response;
- }
- if (CommitResponse::OVER_QUOTA == response) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Hit deprecated OVER_QUOTA Committing: " << local_entry;
- return response;
- }
- if (!server_entry.has_id_string()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Commit response has no id";
- return CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE;
- }
- // Implied by the IsValid call above, but here for clarity.
- DCHECK_EQ(CommitResponse::SUCCESS, response) << response;
- // Check to see if we've been given the ID of an existing entry. If so treat
- // it as an error response and retry later.
- if (pre_commit_id != {
- Entry e(trans, GET_BY_ID,;
- if (e.good()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Got duplicate id when commiting id: " << pre_commit_id <<
- ". Treating as an error return";
- return CommitResponse::INVALID_MESSAGE;
- }
- }
- if (server_entry.version() == 0) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Server returned a zero version on a commit response.";
- }
- ProcessSuccessfulCommitResponse(commit_request_entry, server_entry,
- pre_commit_id, &local_entry, syncing_was_set, deleted_folders);
- return response;
-const string& ProcessCommitResponseCommand::GetResultingPostCommitName(
- const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry,
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response) {
- const string& response_name =
- SyncerProtoUtil::NameFromCommitEntryResponse(entry_response);
- if (!response_name.empty())
- return response_name;
- return SyncerProtoUtil::NameFromSyncEntity(committed_entry);
-bool ProcessCommitResponseCommand::UpdateVersionAfterCommit(
- const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry,
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response,
- const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id,
- syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry) {
- int64 old_version = local_entry->Get(BASE_VERSION);
- int64 new_version = entry_response.version();
- bool bad_commit_version = false;
- if (committed_entry.deleted() &&
- !local_entry->Get(syncable::UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty()) {
- // If the item was deleted, and it's undeletable (uses the client tag),
- // change the version back to zero. We must set the version to zero so
- // that the server knows to re-create the item if it gets committed
- // later for undeletion.
- new_version = 0;
- } else if (!pre_commit_id.ServerKnows()) {
- bad_commit_version = 0 == new_version;
- } else {
- bad_commit_version = old_version > new_version;
- }
- if (bad_commit_version) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Bad version in commit return for " << *local_entry
- << " new_id:" << << " new_version:"
- << entry_response.version();
- return false;
- }
- // Update the base version and server version. The base version must change
- // here, even if syncing_was_set is false; that's because local changes were
- // on top of the successfully committed version.
- local_entry->Put(BASE_VERSION, new_version);
- DVLOG(1) << "Commit is changing base version of " << local_entry->Get(ID)
- << " to: " << new_version;
- local_entry->Put(SERVER_VERSION, new_version);
- return true;
-bool ProcessCommitResponseCommand::ChangeIdAfterCommit(
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response,
- const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id,
- syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry) {
- syncable::WriteTransaction* trans = local_entry->write_transaction();
- if ( != pre_commit_id) {
- if (pre_commit_id.ServerKnows()) {
- // The server can sometimes generate a new ID on commit; for example,
- // when committing an undeletion.
- DVLOG(1) << " ID changed while committing an old entry. "
- << pre_commit_id << " became " << << ".";
- }
- MutableEntry same_id(trans, GET_BY_ID,;
- // We should trap this before this function.
- if (same_id.good()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "ID clash with id " <<
- << " during commit " << same_id;
- return false;
- }
- SyncerUtil::ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(
- trans, local_entry,;
- DVLOG(1) << "Changing ID to " <<;
- }
- return true;
-void ProcessCommitResponseCommand::UpdateServerFieldsAfterCommit(
- const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry,
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response,
- syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry) {
- // We just committed an entry successfully, and now we want to make our view
- // of the server state consistent with the server state. We must be careful;
- // |entry_response| and |committed_entry| have some identically named
- // fields. We only want to consider fields from |committed_entry| when there
- // is not an overriding field in the |entry_response|. We do not want to
- // update the server data from the local data in the entry -- it's possible
- // that the local data changed during the commit, and even if not, the server
- // has the last word on the values of several properties.
- local_entry->Put(SERVER_IS_DEL, committed_entry.deleted());
- if (committed_entry.deleted()) {
- // Don't clobber any other fields of deleted objects.
- return;
- }
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_IS_DIR,
- (committed_entry.folder() ||
- committed_entry.bookmarkdata().bookmark_folder()));
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_SPECIFICS,
- committed_entry.specifics());
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_MTIME,
- ProtoTimeToTime(committed_entry.mtime()));
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_CTIME,
- ProtoTimeToTime(committed_entry.ctime()));
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT,
- entry_response.position_in_parent());
- // TODO(nick): The server doesn't set entry_response.server_parent_id in
- // practice; to update SERVER_PARENT_ID appropriately here we'd need to
- // get the post-commit ID of the parent indicated by
- // committed_entry.parent_id_string(). That should be inferrable from the
- // information we have, but it's a bit convoluted to pull it out directly.
- // Getting this right is important: SERVER_PARENT_ID gets fed back into
- // old_parent_id during the next commit.
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_PARENT_ID,
- local_entry->Get(syncable::PARENT_ID));
- local_entry->Put(syncable::SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME,
- GetResultingPostCommitName(committed_entry, entry_response));
- if (local_entry->Get(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE)) {
- // This shouldn't happen; an unapplied update shouldn't be committed, and
- // if it were, the commit should have failed. But if it does happen: we've
- // just overwritten the update info, so clear the flag.
- local_entry->Put(IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, false);
- }
-void ProcessCommitResponseCommand::OverrideClientFieldsAfterCommit(
- const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry,
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response,
- syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry) {
- if (committed_entry.deleted()) {
- // If an entry's been deleted, nothing else matters.
- DCHECK(local_entry->Get(IS_DEL));
- return;
- }
- // Update the name.
- const string& server_name =
- GetResultingPostCommitName(committed_entry, entry_response);
- const string& old_name =
- local_entry->Get(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME);
- if (!server_name.empty() && old_name != server_name) {
- DVLOG(1) << "During commit, server changed name: " << old_name
- << " to new name: " << server_name;
- local_entry->Put(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME, server_name);
- }
- // The server has the final say on positioning, so apply the absolute
- // position that it returns.
- if (entry_response.has_position_in_parent()) {
- // The SERVER_ field should already have been written.
- DCHECK_EQ(entry_response.position_in_parent(),
- local_entry->Get(SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT));
- // We just committed successfully, so we assume that the position
- // value we got applies to the PARENT_ID we submitted.
- syncable::Id new_prev = local_entry->ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(
- local_entry->Get(PARENT_ID));
- if (!local_entry->PutPredecessor(new_prev)) {
- // TODO(lipalani) : Propagate the error to caller.
- }
- }
-void ProcessCommitResponseCommand::ProcessSuccessfulCommitResponse(
- const sync_pb::SyncEntity& committed_entry,
- const CommitResponse_EntryResponse& entry_response,
- const syncable::Id& pre_commit_id, syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry,
- bool syncing_was_set, set<syncable::Id>* deleted_folders) {
- DCHECK(local_entry->Get(IS_UNSYNCED));
- if (!UpdateVersionAfterCommit(committed_entry, entry_response, pre_commit_id,
- local_entry)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Bad version in commit return for " << *local_entry
- << " new_id:" << << " new_version:"
- << entry_response.version();
- return;
- }
- // If the server gave us a new ID, apply it.
- if (!ChangeIdAfterCommit(entry_response, pre_commit_id, local_entry)) {
- return;
- }
- // Update our stored copy of the server state.
- UpdateServerFieldsAfterCommit(committed_entry, entry_response, local_entry);
- // If the item doesn't need to be committed again (an item might need to be
- // committed again if it changed locally during the commit), we can remove
- // it from the unsynced list. Also, we should change the locally-
- // visible properties to apply any canonicalizations or fixups
- // that the server introduced during the commit.
- if (syncing_was_set) {
- OverrideClientFieldsAfterCommit(committed_entry, entry_response,
- local_entry);
- local_entry->Put(IS_UNSYNCED, false);
- }
- // Make a note of any deleted folders, whose children would have
- // been recursively deleted.
- // TODO(nick): Here, commit_message.deleted() would be more correct than
- // local_entry->Get(IS_DEL). For example, an item could be renamed, and then
- // deleted during the commit of the rename. Unit test & fix.
- if (local_entry->Get(IS_DIR) && local_entry->Get(IS_DEL)) {
- deleted_folders->insert(local_entry->Get(ID));
- }
-} // namespace browser_sync

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