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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/sync/engine/

Issue 9699057: [Sync] Move 'sync' target to sync/ (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Address Tim's comments Created 8 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/sync/engine/
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/ b/chrome/browser/sync/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index b91e8d17740d004b11151bbed6545d6c9a014b6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/conflict_resolver.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/service_constants.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/sessions/status_controller.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/util/cryptographer.h"
-#include "sync/protocol/nigori_specifics.pb.h"
-using std::list;
-using std::map;
-using std::set;
-using syncable::BaseTransaction;
-using syncable::Directory;
-using syncable::Entry;
-using syncable::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics;
-using syncable::Id;
-using syncable::IsRealDataType;
-using syncable::MutableEntry;
-using syncable::WriteTransaction;
-namespace browser_sync {
-using sessions::ConflictProgress;
-using sessions::StatusController;
-namespace {
-} // namespace
-ConflictResolver::ConflictResolver() {
-ConflictResolver::~ConflictResolver() {
-void ConflictResolver::IgnoreLocalChanges(MutableEntry* entry) {
- // An update matches local actions, merge the changes.
- // This is a little fishy because we don't actually merge them.
- // In the future we should do a 3-way merge.
- // With IS_UNSYNCED false, changes should be merged.
- entry->Put(syncable::IS_UNSYNCED, false);
-void ConflictResolver::OverwriteServerChanges(WriteTransaction* trans,
- MutableEntry * entry) {
- // This is similar to an overwrite from the old client.
- // This is equivalent to a scenario where we got the update before we'd
- // made our local client changes.
- // TODO(chron): This is really a general property clobber. We clobber
- // the server side property. Perhaps we should actually do property merging.
- entry->Put(syncable::BASE_VERSION, entry->Get(syncable::SERVER_VERSION));
- entry->Put(syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, false);
-ConflictResolver::ProcessSimpleConflict(WriteTransaction* trans,
- const Id& id,
- const Cryptographer* cryptographer,
- StatusController* status) {
- MutableEntry entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, id);
- // Must be good as the entry won't have been cleaned up.
- CHECK(entry.good());
- // This function can only resolve simple conflicts. Simple conflicts have
- if (!entry.Get(syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE) ||
- !entry.Get(syncable::IS_UNSYNCED)) {
- // This is very unusual, but it can happen in tests. We may be able to
- // assert NOTREACHED() here when those tests are updated.
- }
- if (entry.Get(syncable::IS_DEL) && entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_IS_DEL)) {
- // we've both deleted it, so lets just drop the need to commit/update this
- // entry.
- entry.Put(syncable::IS_UNSYNCED, false);
- entry.Put(syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, false);
- // we've made changes, but they won't help syncing progress.
- // METRIC simple conflict resolved by merge.
- }
- // This logic determines "client wins" vs. "server wins" strategy picking.
- // By the time we get to this point, we rely on the following to be true:
- // a) We can decrypt both the local and server data (else we'd be in
- // conflict encryption and not attempting to resolve).
- // b) All unsynced changes have been re-encrypted with the default key (
- // occurs either in AttemptToUpdateEntry, SetPassphrase, or
- // RefreshEncryption).
- // c) Base_server_specifics having a valid datatype means that we received
- // an undecryptable update that only changed specifics, and since then have
- // not received any further non-specifics-only or decryptable updates.
- // d) If the server_specifics match specifics, server_specifics are
- // encrypted with the default key, and all other visible properties match,
- // then we can safely ignore the local changes as redundant.
- // e) Otherwise if the base_server_specifics match the server_specifics, no
- // functional change must have been made server-side (else
- // base_server_specifics would have been cleared), and we can therefore
- // safely ignore the server changes as redundant.
- // f) Otherwise, it's in general safer to ignore local changes, with the
- // exception of deletion conflicts (choose to undelete) and conflicts
- // where the non_unique_name or parent don't match.
- if (!entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_IS_DEL)) {
- // TODO(nick): The current logic is arbitrary; instead, it ought to be made
- // consistent with the ModelAssociator behavior for a datatype. It would
- // be nice if we could route this back to ModelAssociator code to pick one
- // of three options: CLIENT, SERVER, or MERGE. Some datatypes (autofill)
- // are easily mergeable.
- // See
- bool name_matches = entry.Get(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME) ==
- entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME);
- bool parent_matches = entry.Get(syncable::PARENT_ID) ==
- entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_PARENT_ID);
- bool entry_deleted = entry.Get(syncable::IS_DEL);
- // This positional check is meant to be necessary but not sufficient. As a
- // result, it may be false even when the position hasn't changed, possibly
- // resulting in unnecessary commits, but if it's true the position has
- // definitely not changed. The check works by verifying that the prev id
- // as calculated from the server position (which will ignore any
- // unsynced/unapplied predecessors and be root for non-bookmark datatypes)
- // matches the client prev id. Because we traverse chains of conflicting
- // items in predecessor -> successor order, we don't need to also verify the
- // successor matches (If it's in conflict, we'll verify it next. If it's
- // not, then it should be taken into account already in the
- // ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition calculation). This works even when there
- // are chains of conflicting items.
- //
- // Example: Original sequence was abcde. Server changes to aCDbe, while
- // client changes to aDCbe (C and D are in conflict). Locally, D's prev id
- // is a, while C's prev id is D. On the other hand, the server prev id will
- // ignore unsynced/unapplied items, so D's server prev id will also be a,
- // just like C's. Because we traverse in client predecessor->successor
- // order, we evaluate D first. Since prev id and server id match, we
- // consider the position to have remained the same for D, and will unset
- // it's UNSYNCED/UNAPPLIED bits. When we evaluate C though, we'll see that
- // the prev id is D locally while the server's prev id is a. C will
- // therefore count as a positional conflict (and the local data will be
- // overwritten by the server data typically). The final result will be
- // aCDbe (the same as the server's view). Even though both C and D were
- // modified, only one counted as being in actual conflict and was resolved
- // with local/server wins.
- //
- // In general, when there are chains of positional conflicts, only the first
- // item in chain (based on the clients point of view) will have both it's
- // server prev id and local prev id match. For all the rest the server prev
- // id will be the predecessor of the first item in the chain, and therefore
- // not match the local prev id.
- //
- // Similarly, chains of conflicts where the server and client info are the
- // same are supported due to the predecessor->successor ordering. In this
- // case, from the first item onward, we unset the UNSYNCED/UNAPPLIED bits as
- // we decide that nothing changed. The subsequent item's server prev id will
- // accurately match the local prev id because the predecessor is no longer
- // TODO(zea): simplify all this once we can directly compare server position
- // to client position.
- syncable::Id server_prev_id = entry.ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(
- entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_PARENT_ID));
- bool needs_reinsertion = !parent_matches ||
- server_prev_id != entry.Get(syncable::PREV_ID);
- DVLOG_IF(1, needs_reinsertion) << "Insertion needed, server prev id "
- << " is " << server_prev_id << ", local prev id is "
- << entry.Get(syncable::PREV_ID);
- const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics =
- entry.Get(syncable::SPECIFICS);
- const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& server_specifics =
- entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_SPECIFICS);
- const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& base_server_specifics =
- entry.Get(syncable::BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS);
- std::string decrypted_specifics, decrypted_server_specifics;
- bool specifics_match = false;
- bool server_encrypted_with_default_key = false;
- if (specifics.has_encrypted()) {
- DCHECK(cryptographer->CanDecryptUsingDefaultKey(specifics.encrypted()));
- decrypted_specifics = cryptographer->DecryptToString(
- specifics.encrypted());
- } else {
- decrypted_specifics = specifics.SerializeAsString();
- }
- if (server_specifics.has_encrypted()) {
- server_encrypted_with_default_key =
- cryptographer->CanDecryptUsingDefaultKey(
- server_specifics.encrypted());
- decrypted_server_specifics = cryptographer->DecryptToString(
- server_specifics.encrypted());
- } else {
- decrypted_server_specifics = server_specifics.SerializeAsString();
- }
- if (decrypted_server_specifics == decrypted_specifics &&
- server_encrypted_with_default_key == specifics.has_encrypted()) {
- specifics_match = true;
- }
- bool base_server_specifics_match = false;
- if (server_specifics.has_encrypted() &&
- IsRealDataType(GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(base_server_specifics))) {
- std::string decrypted_base_server_specifics;
- if (!base_server_specifics.has_encrypted()) {
- decrypted_base_server_specifics =
- base_server_specifics.SerializeAsString();
- } else {
- decrypted_base_server_specifics = cryptographer->DecryptToString(
- base_server_specifics.encrypted());
- }
- if (decrypted_server_specifics == decrypted_base_server_specifics)
- base_server_specifics_match = true;
- }
- // We manually merge nigori data.
- if (entry.GetModelType() == syncable::NIGORI) {
- // Create a new set of specifics based on the server specifics (which
- // preserves their encryption keys).
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics =
- entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_SPECIFICS);
- sync_pb::NigoriSpecifics* server_nigori = specifics.mutable_nigori();
- // Store the merged set of encrypted types (cryptographer->Update(..) will
- // have merged the local types already).
- cryptographer->UpdateNigoriFromEncryptedTypes(server_nigori);
- // The local set of keys is already merged with the server's set within
- // the cryptographer. If we don't have pending keys we can store the
- // merged set back immediately. Else we preserve the server keys and will
- // update the nigori when the user provides the pending passphrase via
- // SetPassphrase(..).
- if (cryptographer->is_ready()) {
- cryptographer->GetKeys(server_nigori->mutable_encrypted());
- }
- // TODO(zea): Find a better way of doing this. As it stands, we have to
- // update this code whenever we add a new non-cryptographer related field
- // to the nigori node.
- if (entry.Get(syncable::SPECIFICS).nigori().sync_tabs()) {
- server_nigori->set_sync_tabs(true);
- }
- // We deliberately leave the server's device information. This client will
- // add it's own device information on restart.
- entry.Put(syncable::SPECIFICS, specifics);
- DVLOG(1) << "Resovling simple conflict, merging nigori nodes: " << entry;
- status->increment_num_server_overwrites();
- OverwriteServerChanges(trans, &entry);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- } else if (!entry_deleted && name_matches && parent_matches &&
- specifics_match && !needs_reinsertion) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Resolving simple conflict, everything matches, ignoring "
- << "changes for: " << entry;
- // This unsets both IS_UNSYNCED and IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, and sets the
- // BASE_VERSION to match the SERVER_VERSION. If we didn't also unset
- // IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, then we would lose unsynced positional data from
- // adjacent entries when the server update gets applied and the item is
- // re-inserted into the PREV_ID/NEXT_ID linked list. This is primarily
- // an issue because we commit after applying updates, and is most
- // commonly seen when positional changes are made while a passphrase
- // is required (and hence there will be many encryption conflicts).
- OverwriteServerChanges(trans, &entry);
- IgnoreLocalChanges(&entry);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- } else if (base_server_specifics_match) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Resolving simple conflict, ignoring server encryption "
- << " changes for: " << entry;
- status->increment_num_server_overwrites();
- OverwriteServerChanges(trans, &entry);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- } else if (entry_deleted || !name_matches || !parent_matches) {
- OverwriteServerChanges(trans, &entry);
- status->increment_num_server_overwrites();
- DVLOG(1) << "Resolving simple conflict, overwriting server changes "
- << "for: " << entry;
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- } else {
- DVLOG(1) << "Resolving simple conflict, ignoring local changes for: "
- << entry;
- IgnoreLocalChanges(&entry);
- status->increment_num_local_overwrites();
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- }
- // Now that we've resolved the conflict, clear the prev server
- // specifics.
- entry.Put(syncable::BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS, sync_pb::EntitySpecifics());
- } else { // SERVER_IS_DEL is true
- // If a server deleted folder has local contents it should be a hierarchy
- // conflict. Hierarchy conflicts should not be processed by this function.
- // We could end up here if a change was made since we last tried to detect
- // conflicts, which was during update application.
- if (entry.Get(syncable::IS_DIR)) {
- Directory::ChildHandles children;
- trans->directory()->GetChildHandlesById(trans,
- entry.Get(syncable::ID),
- &children);
- if (0 != children.size()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Entry is a server deleted directory with local contents, "
- << "should be a hierarchy conflict. (race condition).";
- }
- }
- // The entry is deleted on the server but still exists locally.
- if (!entry.Get(syncable::UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty()) {
- // If we've got a client-unique tag, we can undelete while retaining
- // our present ID.
- DCHECK_EQ(entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_VERSION), 0) << "For the server to "
- "know to re-create, client-tagged items should revert to version 0 "
- "when server-deleted.";
- OverwriteServerChanges(trans, &entry);
- status->increment_num_server_overwrites();
- DVLOG(1) << "Resolving simple conflict, undeleting server entry: "
- << entry;
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- // Clobber the versions, just in case the above DCHECK is violated.
- entry.Put(syncable::SERVER_VERSION, 0);
- entry.Put(syncable::BASE_VERSION, 0);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, we've got to undelete by creating a new locally
- // uncommitted entry.
- SyncerUtil::SplitServerInformationIntoNewEntry(trans, &entry);
- MutableEntry server_update(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, id);
- CHECK(server_update.good());
- CHECK(server_update.Get(syncable::META_HANDLE) !=
- entry.Get(syncable::META_HANDLE))
- << server_update << entry;
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ResolveSimpleConflict",
- }
- }
-bool ConflictResolver::ResolveConflicts(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
- const Cryptographer* cryptographer,
- const ConflictProgress& progress,
- sessions::StatusController* status) {
- bool forward_progress = false;
- // Iterate over simple conflict items.
- set<Id>::const_iterator conflicting_item_it;
- set<Id> processed_items;
- for (conflicting_item_it = progress.SimpleConflictingItemsBegin();
- conflicting_item_it != progress.SimpleConflictingItemsEnd();
- ++conflicting_item_it) {
- Id id = *conflicting_item_it;
- if (processed_items.count(id) > 0)
- continue;
- // We have a simple conflict. In order check if positions have changed,
- // we need to process conflicting predecessors before successors. Traverse
- // backwards through all continuous conflicting predecessors, building a
- // stack of items to resolve in predecessor->successor order, then process
- // each item individually.
- list<Id> predecessors;
- Id prev_id = id;
- do {
- predecessors.push_back(prev_id);
- Entry entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, prev_id);
- // Any entry in conflict must be valid.
- CHECK(entry.good());
- Id new_prev_id = entry.Get(syncable::PREV_ID);
- if (new_prev_id == prev_id)
- break;
- prev_id = new_prev_id;
- } while (processed_items.count(prev_id) == 0 &&
- progress.HasSimpleConflictItem(prev_id)); // Excludes root.
- while (!predecessors.empty()) {
- id = predecessors.back();
- predecessors.pop_back();
- switch (ProcessSimpleConflict(trans, id, cryptographer, status)) {
- break;
- forward_progress = true;
- break;
- }
- processed_items.insert(id);
- }
- }
- return forward_progress;
-} // namespace browser_sync
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