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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/sync/engine/

Issue 9699057: [Sync] Move 'sync' target to sync/ (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Address Tim's comments Created 8 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/sync/engine/
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/ b/chrome/browser/sync/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4dfbaa45f862dd4e5249e78141a308a94b51ab0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1233 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/sync_scheduler.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/rand_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/proto_enum_conversions.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/util/data_type_histogram.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/util/logging.h"
-#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
-using base::TimeDelta;
-using base::TimeTicks;
-namespace browser_sync {
-using sessions::SyncSession;
-using sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot;
-using sessions::SyncSourceInfo;
-using syncable::ModelTypeSet;
-using syncable::ModelTypeSetToString;
-using syncable::ModelTypePayloadMap;
-using sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo;
-namespace {
-bool ShouldRequestEarlyExit(
- const browser_sync::SyncProtocolError& error) {
- switch (error.error_type) {
- case browser_sync::SYNC_SUCCESS:
- case browser_sync::MIGRATION_DONE:
- case browser_sync::THROTTLED:
- case browser_sync::TRANSIENT_ERROR:
- return false;
- case browser_sync::NOT_MY_BIRTHDAY:
- case browser_sync::CLEAR_PENDING:
- // If we send terminate sync early then |sync_cycle_ended| notification
- // would not be sent. If there were no actions then |ACTIONABLE_ERROR|
- // notification wouldnt be sent either. Then the UI layer would be left
- // waiting forever. So assert we would send something.
- DCHECK(error.action != browser_sync::UNKNOWN_ACTION);
- return true;
- case browser_sync::INVALID_CREDENTIAL:
- // The notification for this is handled by PostAndProcessHeaders|.
- // Server does no have to send any action for this.
- return true;
- // Make the default a NOTREACHED. So if a new error is introduced we
- // think about its expected functionality.
- default:
- return false;
- }
-bool IsActionableError(
- const browser_sync::SyncProtocolError& error) {
- return (error.action != browser_sync::UNKNOWN_ACTION);
-} // namespace
-SyncScheduler::DelayProvider::DelayProvider() {}
-SyncScheduler::DelayProvider::~DelayProvider() {}
- : mode(UNKNOWN),
- had_nudge(false) {
-SyncScheduler::WaitInterval::~WaitInterval() {}
-#define ENUM_CASE(x) case x: return #x; break;
-const char* SyncScheduler::WaitInterval::GetModeString(Mode mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- }
- return "";
- : purpose(UNKNOWN),
- is_canary_job(false) {
-SyncScheduler::SyncSessionJob::~SyncSessionJob() {}
-SyncScheduler::SyncSessionJob::SyncSessionJob(SyncSessionJobPurpose purpose,
- base::TimeTicks start,
- linked_ptr<sessions::SyncSession> session, bool is_canary_job,
- const tracked_objects::Location& from_here) : purpose(purpose),
- scheduled_start(start),
- session(session),
- is_canary_job(is_canary_job),
- from_here(from_here) {
-const char* SyncScheduler::SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(
- SyncScheduler::SyncSessionJob::SyncSessionJobPurpose purpose) {
- switch (purpose) {
- }
- return "";
-TimeDelta SyncScheduler::DelayProvider::GetDelay(
- const base::TimeDelta& last_delay) {
- return SyncScheduler::GetRecommendedDelay(last_delay);
-GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource GetUpdatesFromNudgeSource(
- NudgeSource source) {
- switch (source) {
- return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NOTIFICATION;
- return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::LOCAL;
- return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::SYNC_CYCLE_CONTINUATION;
- return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::DATATYPE_REFRESH;
- return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::UNKNOWN;
- default:
- return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::UNKNOWN;
- }
-SyncScheduler::WaitInterval::WaitInterval(Mode mode, TimeDelta length)
- : mode(mode), had_nudge(false), length(length) { }
-// Helper macros to log with the syncer thread name; useful when there
-// are multiple syncer threads involved.
-#define SLOG(severity) LOG(severity) << name_ << ": "
-#define SDVLOG(verbose_level) DVLOG(verbose_level) << name_ << ": "
-#define SDVLOG_LOC(from_here, verbose_level) \
- DVLOG_LOC(from_here, verbose_level) << name_ << ": "
-namespace {
-const int kDefaultSessionsCommitDelaySeconds = 10;
-bool IsConfigRelatedUpdateSourceValue(
- GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource source) {
- switch (source) {
- case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::RECONFIGURATION:
- case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::MIGRATION:
- case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NEW_CLIENT:
- case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NEWLY_SUPPORTED_DATATYPE:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
-} // namespace
-SyncScheduler::SyncScheduler(const std::string& name,
- sessions::SyncSessionContext* context,
- Syncer* syncer)
- : weak_ptr_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)),
- weak_ptr_factory_for_weak_handle_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)),
- weak_handle_this_(MakeWeakHandle(
- weak_ptr_factory_for_weak_handle_.GetWeakPtr())),
- name_(name),
- sync_loop_(MessageLoop::current()),
- started_(false),
- syncer_short_poll_interval_seconds_(
- TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDefaultShortPollIntervalSeconds)),
- syncer_long_poll_interval_seconds_(
- TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDefaultLongPollIntervalSeconds)),
- sessions_commit_delay_(
- TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDefaultSessionsCommitDelaySeconds)),
- mode_(NORMAL_MODE),
- // Start with assuming everything is fine with the connection.
- // At the end of the sync cycle we would have the correct status.
- server_connection_ok_(true),
- connection_code_(HttpResponse::SERVER_CONNECTION_OK),
- delay_provider_(new DelayProvider()),
- syncer_(syncer),
- session_context_(context) {
- DCHECK(sync_loop_);
-SyncScheduler::~SyncScheduler() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- StopImpl(base::Closure());
-void SyncScheduler::OnCredentialsUpdated() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- // TODO(lipalani): One issue here is that if after
- // the auth error we happened to do gettime and it succeeded then
- // the |connection_code_| would be briefly OK however it would revert
- // back to SYNC_AUTH_ERROR at the end of the sync cycle. The
- // referenced bug explores the option of removing gettime calls
- // altogethere
- if (HttpResponse::SYNC_AUTH_ERROR == connection_code_) {
- OnServerConnectionErrorFixed();
- }
-void SyncScheduler::OnConnectionStatusChange() {
- if (HttpResponse::CONNECTION_UNAVAILABLE == connection_code_) {
- // Optimistically assume that the connection is fixed and try
- // connecting.
- OnServerConnectionErrorFixed();
- }
-void SyncScheduler::OnServerConnectionErrorFixed() {
- DCHECK(!server_connection_ok_);
- connection_code_ = HttpResponse::SERVER_CONNECTION_OK;
- server_connection_ok_ = true;
- PostTask(FROM_HERE, "DoCanaryJob",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::DoCanaryJob,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
-void SyncScheduler::UpdateServerConnectionManagerStatus(
- HttpResponse::ServerConnectionCode code) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "New server connection code: "
- << HttpResponse::GetServerConnectionCodeString(code);
- bool old_server_connection_ok = server_connection_ok_;
- connection_code_ = code;
- // Note, be careful when adding cases here because if the SyncScheduler
- // thinks there is no valid connection as determined by this method, it
- // will drop out of *all* forward progress sync loops (it won't poll and it
- // will queue up Talk notifications but not actually call SyncShare) until
- // some external action causes a ServerConnectionManager to broadcast that
- // a valid connection has been re-established
- if (HttpResponse::CONNECTION_UNAVAILABLE == code ||
- HttpResponse::SYNC_AUTH_ERROR == code) {
- server_connection_ok_ = false;
- SDVLOG(2) << "Sync auth error or unavailable connection: "
- << "server connection is down";
- } else if (HttpResponse::SERVER_CONNECTION_OK == code) {
- server_connection_ok_ = true;
- SDVLOG(2) << "Sync server connection is ok: "
- << "server connection is up, doing canary job";
- }
- if (old_server_connection_ok != server_connection_ok_) {
- const char* transition =
- server_connection_ok_ ? "down -> up" : "up -> down";
- SDVLOG(2) << "Server connection changed: " << transition;
- }
-void SyncScheduler::Start(Mode mode, const base::Closure& callback) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- std::string thread_name = MessageLoop::current()->thread_name();
- if (thread_name.empty())
- thread_name = "<Main thread>";
- SDVLOG(2) << "Start called from thread "
- << thread_name << " with mode " << GetModeString(mode);
- if (!started_) {
- started_ = true;
- PostTask(FROM_HERE, "SendInitialSnapshot",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::SendInitialSnapshot,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
- PostTask(FROM_HERE, "StartImpl",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::StartImpl,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), mode, callback));
-void SyncScheduler::SendInitialSnapshot() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- scoped_ptr<SyncSession> dummy(new SyncSession(session_context_.get(), this,
- SyncSourceInfo(), ModelSafeRoutingInfo(),
- std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*>()));
- SyncEngineEvent event(SyncEngineEvent::STATUS_CHANGED);
- sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot snapshot(dummy->TakeSnapshot());
- event.snapshot = &snapshot;
- session_context_->NotifyListeners(event);
-void SyncScheduler::StartImpl(Mode mode, const base::Closure& callback) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "In StartImpl with mode " << GetModeString(mode);
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK(!session_context_->account_name().empty());
- DCHECK(syncer_.get());
- Mode old_mode = mode_;
- mode_ = mode;
- AdjustPolling(NULL); // Will kick start poll timer if needed.
- if (!callback.is_null())
- callback.Run();
- if (old_mode != mode_) {
- // We just changed our mode. See if there are any pending jobs that we could
- // execute in the new mode.
- DoPendingJobIfPossible(false);
- }
-SyncScheduler::JobProcessDecision SyncScheduler::DecideWhileInWaitInterval(
- const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK(wait_interval_.get());
- DCHECK_NE(job.purpose, SyncSessionJob::CLEAR_USER_DATA);
- DCHECK_NE(job.purpose, SyncSessionJob::CLEANUP_DISABLED_TYPES);
- SDVLOG(2) << "DecideWhileInWaitInterval with WaitInterval mode "
- << WaitInterval::GetModeString(wait_interval_->mode)
- << (wait_interval_->had_nudge ? " (had nudge)" : "")
- << (job.is_canary_job ? " (canary)" : "");
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::POLL)
- return DROP;
- DCHECK(job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE ||
- job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION);
- if (wait_interval_->mode == WaitInterval::THROTTLED)
- return SAVE;
- DCHECK_EQ(wait_interval_->mode, WaitInterval::EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF);
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) {
- if (mode_ == CONFIGURATION_MODE)
- return SAVE;
- // If we already had one nudge then just drop this nudge. We will retry
- // later when the timer runs out.
- if (!job.is_canary_job)
- return wait_interval_->had_nudge ? DROP : CONTINUE;
- else // We are here because timer ran out. So retry.
- return CONTINUE;
- }
- return job.is_canary_job ? CONTINUE : SAVE;
-SyncScheduler::JobProcessDecision SyncScheduler::DecideOnJob(
- const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CLEAR_USER_DATA ||
- job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CLEANUP_DISABLED_TYPES)
- return CONTINUE;
- // See if our type is throttled.
- syncable::ModelTypeSet throttled_types =
- session_context_->GetThrottledTypes();
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE &&
- job.session->source().updates_source == GetUpdatesCallerInfo::LOCAL) {
- syncable::ModelTypeSet requested_types;
- for (ModelTypePayloadMap::const_iterator i =
- job.session->source().types.begin();
- i != job.session->source().types.end();
- ++i) {
- requested_types.Put(i->first);
- }
- if (!requested_types.Empty() && throttled_types.HasAll(requested_types))
- return SAVE;
- }
- if (wait_interval_.get())
- return DecideWhileInWaitInterval(job);
- if (mode_ == CONFIGURATION_MODE) {
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE)
- return SAVE;
- else if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION)
- return CONTINUE;
- else
- return DROP;
- }
- // We are in normal mode.
- DCHECK_NE(job.purpose, SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION);
- // Freshness condition
- if (job.scheduled_start < last_sync_session_end_time_) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Dropping job because of freshness";
- return DROP;
- }
- if (server_connection_ok_)
- return CONTINUE;
- SDVLOG(2) << "Bad server connection. Using that to decide on job.";
- return job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE ? SAVE : DROP;
-void SyncScheduler::InitOrCoalescePendingJob(const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK(job.purpose != SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION);
- if (pending_nudge_.get() == NULL) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Creating a pending nudge job";
- SyncSession* s = job.session.get();
- scoped_ptr<SyncSession> session(new SyncSession(s->context(),
- s->delegate(), s->source(), s->routing_info(), s->workers()));
- SyncSessionJob new_job(SyncSessionJob::NUDGE, job.scheduled_start,
- make_linked_ptr(session.release()), false, job.from_here);
- pending_nudge_.reset(new SyncSessionJob(new_job));
- return;
- }
- SDVLOG(2) << "Coalescing a pending nudge";
- pending_nudge_->session->Coalesce(*(job.session.get()));
- pending_nudge_->scheduled_start = job.scheduled_start;
- // Unfortunately the nudge location cannot be modified. So it stores the
- // location of the first caller.
-bool SyncScheduler::ShouldRunJob(const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK(started_);
- JobProcessDecision decision = DecideOnJob(job);
- SDVLOG(2) << "Should run "
- << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job.purpose)
- << " job in mode " << GetModeString(mode_)
- << ": " << GetDecisionString(decision);
- if (decision != SAVE)
- return decision == CONTINUE;
- DCHECK(job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE || job.purpose ==
- SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION);
- SaveJob(job);
- return false;
-void SyncScheduler::SaveJob(const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK_NE(job.purpose, SyncSessionJob::CLEAR_USER_DATA);
- // TODO(sync): Should we also check that job.purpose !=
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Saving a nudge job";
- InitOrCoalescePendingJob(job);
- } else if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION){
- SDVLOG(2) << "Saving a configuration job";
- DCHECK(wait_interval_.get());
- SyncSession* old = job.session.get();
- SyncSession* s(new SyncSession(session_context_.get(), this,
- old->source(), old->routing_info(), old->workers()));
- SyncSessionJob new_job(job.purpose, TimeTicks::Now(),
- make_linked_ptr(s), false, job.from_here);
- wait_interval_->pending_configure_job.reset(new SyncSessionJob(new_job));
- } // drop the rest.
- // TODO(sync): Is it okay to drop the rest? It's weird that
- // SaveJob() only does what it says sometimes. (See
- //
-// Functor for std::find_if to search by ModelSafeGroup.
-struct ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs {
- explicit ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs(ModelSafeGroup group) : group(group) {}
- bool operator()(ModelSafeWorker* w) {
- return group == w->GetModelSafeGroup();
- }
- ModelSafeGroup group;
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleClearUserData() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- PostTask(FROM_HERE, "ScheduleClearUserDataImpl",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::ScheduleClearUserDataImpl,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
-// TODO(sync): Remove the *Impl methods for the other Schedule*
-// functions, too.
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleCleanupDisabledTypes() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SyncSessionJob job(SyncSessionJob::CLEANUP_DISABLED_TYPES, TimeTicks::Now(),
- make_linked_ptr(CreateSyncSession(SyncSourceInfo())),
- false,
- ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job);
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleNudge(
- const TimeDelta& delay,
- NudgeSource source, ModelTypeSet types,
- const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2)
- << "Nudge scheduled with delay " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms, "
- << "source " << GetNudgeSourceString(source) << ", "
- << "types " << ModelTypeSetToString(types);
- ModelTypePayloadMap types_with_payloads =
- syncable::ModelTypePayloadMapFromEnumSet(types, std::string());
- PostTask(nudge_location, "ScheduleNudgeImpl",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::ScheduleNudgeImpl,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- delay,
- GetUpdatesFromNudgeSource(source),
- types_with_payloads,
- false,
- nudge_location));
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleNudgeWithPayloads(
- const TimeDelta& delay,
- NudgeSource source, const ModelTypePayloadMap& types_with_payloads,
- const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2)
- << "Nudge scheduled with delay " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms, "
- << "source " << GetNudgeSourceString(source) << ", "
- << "payloads "
- << syncable::ModelTypePayloadMapToString(types_with_payloads);
- PostTask(nudge_location, "ScheduleNudgeImpl",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::ScheduleNudgeImpl,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- delay,
- GetUpdatesFromNudgeSource(source),
- types_with_payloads,
- false,
- nudge_location));
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleClearUserDataImpl() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SyncSessionJob job(SyncSessionJob::CLEAR_USER_DATA, TimeTicks::Now(),
- make_linked_ptr(CreateSyncSession(SyncSourceInfo())),
- false,
- ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job);
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleNudgeImpl(
- const TimeDelta& delay,
- GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource source,
- const ModelTypePayloadMap& types_with_payloads,
- bool is_canary_job, const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2)
- << "In ScheduleNudgeImpl with delay "
- << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms, "
- << "source " << GetUpdatesSourceString(source) << ", "
- << "payloads "
- << syncable::ModelTypePayloadMapToString(types_with_payloads)
- << (is_canary_job ? " (canary)" : "");
- SyncSourceInfo info(source, types_with_payloads);
- SyncSession* session(CreateSyncSession(info));
- SyncSessionJob job(SyncSessionJob::NUDGE, TimeTicks::Now() + delay,
- make_linked_ptr(session), is_canary_job,
- nudge_location);
- session = NULL;
- if (!ShouldRunJob(job))
- return;
- if (pending_nudge_.get()) {
- if (IsBackingOff() && delay > TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Dropping the nudge because we are in backoff";
- return;
- }
- SDVLOG(2) << "Coalescing pending nudge";
- pending_nudge_->session->Coalesce(*(job.session.get()));
- SDVLOG(2) << "Rescheduling pending nudge";
- SyncSession* s = pending_nudge_->session.get();
- job.session.reset(new SyncSession(s->context(), s->delegate(),
- s->source(), s->routing_info(), s->workers()));
- // Choose the start time as the earliest of the 2.
- job.scheduled_start = std::min(job.scheduled_start,
- pending_nudge_->scheduled_start);
- pending_nudge_.reset();
- }
- // TODO(zea): Consider adding separate throttling/backoff for datatype
- // refresh requests.
- ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job);
-// Helper to extract the routing info and workers corresponding to types in
-// |types| from |registrar|.
-void GetModelSafeParamsForTypes(ModelTypeSet types,
- ModelSafeWorkerRegistrar* registrar, ModelSafeRoutingInfo* routes,
- std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*>* workers) {
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo r_tmp;
- std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*> w_tmp;
- registrar->GetModelSafeRoutingInfo(&r_tmp);
- registrar->GetWorkers(&w_tmp);
- bool passive_group_added = false;
- typedef std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*>::const_iterator iter;
- for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = types.First();
- it.Good(); it.Inc()) {
- const syncable::ModelType t = it.Get();
- DCHECK_EQ(1U, r_tmp.count(t));
- (*routes)[t] = r_tmp[t];
- iter w_tmp_it = std::find_if(w_tmp.begin(), w_tmp.end(),
- ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs(r_tmp[t]));
- if (w_tmp_it != w_tmp.end()) {
- iter workers_it = std::find_if(workers->begin(), workers->end(),
- ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs(r_tmp[t]));
- if (workers_it == workers->end())
- workers->push_back(*w_tmp_it);
- if (r_tmp[t] == GROUP_PASSIVE)
- passive_group_added = true;
- } else {
- }
- }
- // Always add group passive.
- if (passive_group_added == false) {
- iter it = std::find_if(w_tmp.begin(), w_tmp.end(),
- ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs(GROUP_PASSIVE));
- if (it != w_tmp.end())
- workers->push_back(*it);
- else
- }
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleConfig(
- ModelTypeSet types,
- GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource source) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK(IsConfigRelatedUpdateSourceValue(source));
- SDVLOG(2) << "Scheduling a config";
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo routes;
- std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*> workers;
- GetModelSafeParamsForTypes(types, session_context_->registrar(),
- &routes, &workers);
- PostTask(FROM_HERE, "ScheduleConfigImpl",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::ScheduleConfigImpl,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- routes,
- workers,
- source));
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleConfigImpl(
- const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info,
- const std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*>& workers,
- const sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource source) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "In ScheduleConfigImpl";
- // TODO(tim): config-specific GetUpdatesCallerInfo value?
- SyncSession* session = new SyncSession(session_context_.get(), this,
- SyncSourceInfo(source,
- syncable::ModelTypePayloadMapFromRoutingInfo(
- routing_info, std::string())),
- routing_info, workers);
- SyncSessionJob job(SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION, TimeTicks::Now(),
- make_linked_ptr(session),
- false,
- ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job);
-const char* SyncScheduler::GetModeString(SyncScheduler::Mode mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- }
- return "";
-const char* SyncScheduler::GetDecisionString(
- SyncScheduler::JobProcessDecision mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- }
- return "";
-void SyncScheduler::PostTask(
- const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
- const char* name, const base::Closure& task) {
- SDVLOG_LOC(from_here, 3) << "Posting " << name << " task";
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (!started_) {
- SDVLOG(1) << "Not posting task as scheduler is stopped.";
- return;
- }
- sync_loop_->PostTask(from_here, task);
-void SyncScheduler::PostDelayedTask(
- const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
- const char* name, const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) {
- SDVLOG_LOC(from_here, 3) << "Posting " << name << " task with "
- << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms delay";
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (!started_) {
- SDVLOG(1) << "Not posting task as scheduler is stopped.";
- return;
- }
- sync_loop_->PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay);
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleSyncSessionJob(const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- TimeDelta delay = job.scheduled_start - TimeTicks::Now();
- if (delay < TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0))
- delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
- SDVLOG_LOC(job.from_here, 2)
- << "In ScheduleSyncSessionJob with "
- << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job.purpose)
- << " job and " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms delay";
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) {
- SDVLOG_LOC(job.from_here, 2) << "Resetting pending_nudge";
- DCHECK(!pending_nudge_.get() || pending_nudge_->session.get() ==
- job.session);
- pending_nudge_.reset(new SyncSessionJob(job));
- }
- PostDelayedTask(job.from_here, "DoSyncSessionJob",
- base::Bind(&SyncScheduler::DoSyncSessionJob,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- job),
- delay);
-void SyncScheduler::SetSyncerStepsForPurpose(
- SyncSessionJob::SyncSessionJobPurpose purpose,
- SyncerStep* start, SyncerStep* end) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- switch (purpose) {
- case SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION:
- return;
- case SyncSessionJob::CLEAR_USER_DATA:
- return;
- case SyncSessionJob::NUDGE:
- case SyncSessionJob::POLL:
- *start = SYNCER_BEGIN;
- *end = SYNCER_END;
- return;
- case SyncSessionJob::CLEANUP_DISABLED_TYPES:
- return;
- default:
- *start = SYNCER_END;
- *end = SYNCER_END;
- return;
- }
-void SyncScheduler::DoSyncSessionJob(const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (!ShouldRunJob(job)) {
- << "Not executing "
- << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job.purpose) << " job from "
- << GetUpdatesSourceString(job.session->source().updates_source);
- return;
- }
- if (job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) {
- if (pending_nudge_.get() == NULL ||
- pending_nudge_->session != job.session) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Dropping a nudge in "
- << "DoSyncSessionJob because another nudge was scheduled";
- return; // Another nudge must have been scheduled in in the meantime.
- }
- pending_nudge_.reset();
- // Create the session with the latest model safe table and use it to purge
- // and update any disabled or modified entries in the job.
- scoped_ptr<SyncSession> session(CreateSyncSession(job.session->source()));
- job.session->RebaseRoutingInfoWithLatest(*session);
- }
- SDVLOG(2) << "DoSyncSessionJob with "
- << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job.purpose) << " job";
- SyncerStep begin(SYNCER_END);
- SyncerStep end(SYNCER_END);
- SetSyncerStepsForPurpose(job.purpose, &begin, &end);
- bool has_more_to_sync = true;
- while (ShouldRunJob(job) && has_more_to_sync) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Calling SyncShare.";
- // Synchronously perform the sync session from this thread.
- syncer_->SyncShare(job.session.get(), begin, end);
- has_more_to_sync = job.session->HasMoreToSync();
- if (has_more_to_sync)
- job.session->PrepareForAnotherSyncCycle();
- }
- SDVLOG(2) << "Done SyncShare looping.";
- FinishSyncSessionJob(job);
-void SyncScheduler::UpdateCarryoverSessionState(
- const SyncSessionJob& old_job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (old_job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION) {
- // Whatever types were part of a configuration task will have had updates
- // downloaded. For that reason, we make sure they get recorded in the
- // event that they get disabled at a later time.
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo r(session_context_->previous_session_routing_info());
- if (!r.empty()) {
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo temp_r;
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo old_info(old_job.session->routing_info());
- std::set_union(r.begin(), r.end(), old_info.begin(), old_info.end(),
- std::insert_iterator<ModelSafeRoutingInfo>(temp_r, temp_r.begin()));
- session_context_->set_previous_session_routing_info(temp_r);
- }
- } else {
- session_context_->set_previous_session_routing_info(
- old_job.session->routing_info());
- }
-void SyncScheduler::FinishSyncSessionJob(const SyncSessionJob& job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- // Update timing information for how often datatypes are triggering nudges.
- base::TimeTicks now = TimeTicks::Now();
- if (!last_sync_session_end_time_.is_null()) {
- ModelTypePayloadMap::const_iterator iter;
- for (iter = job.session->source().types.begin();
- iter != job.session->source().types.end();
- ++iter) {
-#define PER_DATA_TYPE_MACRO(type_str) \
- SYNC_FREQ_HISTOGRAM("Sync.Freq" type_str, \
- now - last_sync_session_end_time_);
- }
- }
- last_sync_session_end_time_ = now;
- // Now update the status of the connection from SCM. We need this
- // to decide whether we need to save/run future jobs. The notifications
- // from SCM are not reliable.
- // TODO(rlarocque):
- // We should get rid of the notifications and
- // it is probably not needed to maintain this status variable
- // in 2 places. We should query it directly from SCM when needed.
- // But that would need little more refactoring(including a method to
- // query if the auth token is invalid) from SCM side.
- ServerConnectionManager* scm = session_context_->connection_manager();
- UpdateServerConnectionManagerStatus(scm->server_status());
- UpdateCarryoverSessionState(job);
- if (IsSyncingCurrentlySilenced()) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "We are currently throttled; not scheduling the next sync.";
- // TODO(sync): Investigate whether we need to check job.purpose
- // here; see DCHECKs in SaveJob(). (See
- SaveJob(job);
- return; // Nothing to do.
- }
- SDVLOG(2) << "Updating the next polling time after SyncMain";
- ScheduleNextSync(job);
-void SyncScheduler::ScheduleNextSync(const SyncSessionJob& old_job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK(!old_job.session->HasMoreToSync());
- AdjustPolling(&old_job);
- if (old_job.session->Succeeded()) {
- // Success implies backoff relief. Note that if this was a
- // "one-off" job (i.e. purpose ==
- // there was work to do before it ran this wont have changed, as
- // jobs like this don't run a full sync cycle. So we don't need
- // special code here.
- wait_interval_.reset();
- SDVLOG(2) << "Job succeeded so not scheduling more jobs";
- return;
- }
- if (old_job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::POLL) {
- return; // We don't retry POLL jobs.
- }
- // TODO(rlarocque): There's no reason why we should blindly backoff and retry
- // if we don't succeed. Some types of errors are not likely to disappear on
- // their own. With the return values now available in the old_job.session, we
- // should be able to detect such errors and only retry when we detect
- // transient errors.
- if (IsBackingOff() && wait_interval_->timer.IsRunning() &&
- mode_ == NORMAL_MODE) {
- // When in normal mode, we allow up to one nudge per backoff interval. It
- // appears that this was our nudge for this interval, and it failed.
- //
- // Note: This does not prevent us from running canary jobs. For example, an
- // IP address change might still result in another nudge being executed
- // during this backoff interval.
- SDVLOG(2) << "A nudge during backoff failed";
- DCHECK_EQ(SyncSessionJob::NUDGE, old_job.purpose);
- DCHECK(!wait_interval_->had_nudge);
- wait_interval_->had_nudge = true;
- InitOrCoalescePendingJob(old_job);
- RestartWaiting();
- } else {
- // Either this is the first failure or a consecutive failure after our
- // backoff timer expired. We handle it the same way in either case.
- SDVLOG(2) << "Non-'backoff nudge' SyncShare job failed";
- HandleContinuationError(old_job);
- }
-void SyncScheduler::AdjustPolling(const SyncSessionJob* old_job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- TimeDelta poll = (!session_context_->notifications_enabled()) ?
- syncer_short_poll_interval_seconds_ :
- syncer_long_poll_interval_seconds_;
- bool rate_changed = !poll_timer_.IsRunning() ||
- poll != poll_timer_.GetCurrentDelay();
- if (old_job && old_job->purpose != SyncSessionJob::POLL && !rate_changed)
- poll_timer_.Reset();
- if (!rate_changed)
- return;
- // Adjust poll rate.
- poll_timer_.Stop();
- poll_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, poll, this, &SyncScheduler::PollTimerCallback);
-void SyncScheduler::RestartWaiting() {
- CHECK(wait_interval_.get());
- wait_interval_->timer.Stop();
- wait_interval_->timer.Start(FROM_HERE, wait_interval_->length,
- this, &SyncScheduler::DoCanaryJob);
-void SyncScheduler::HandleContinuationError(
- const SyncSessionJob& old_job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (DCHECK_IS_ON()) {
- if (IsBackingOff()) {
- DCHECK(wait_interval_->timer.IsRunning() || old_job.is_canary_job);
- }
- }
- TimeDelta length = delay_provider_->GetDelay(
- IsBackingOff() ? wait_interval_->length : TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
- SDVLOG(2) << "In handle continuation error with "
- << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(old_job.purpose)
- << " job. The time delta(ms) is "
- << length.InMilliseconds();
- // This will reset the had_nudge variable as well.
- wait_interval_.reset(new WaitInterval(WaitInterval::EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF,
- length));
- if (old_job.purpose == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION) {
- SyncSession* old = old_job.session.get();
- SyncSession* s(new SyncSession(session_context_.get(), this,
- old->source(), old->routing_info(), old->workers()));
- SyncSessionJob job(old_job.purpose, TimeTicks::Now() + length,
- make_linked_ptr(s), false, FROM_HERE);
- wait_interval_->pending_configure_job.reset(new SyncSessionJob(job));
- } else {
- // We are not in configuration mode. So wait_interval's pending job
- // should be null.
- DCHECK(wait_interval_->pending_configure_job.get() == NULL);
- // TODO(lipalani) - handle clear user data.
- InitOrCoalescePendingJob(old_job);
- }
- RestartWaiting();
-// static
-TimeDelta SyncScheduler::GetRecommendedDelay(const TimeDelta& last_delay) {
- if (last_delay.InSeconds() >= kMaxBackoffSeconds)
- return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kMaxBackoffSeconds);
- // This calculates approx. base_delay_seconds * 2 +/- base_delay_seconds / 2
- int64 backoff_s =
- std::max(static_cast<int64>(1),
- last_delay.InSeconds() * kBackoffRandomizationFactor);
- // Flip a coin to randomize backoff interval by +/- 50%.
- int rand_sign = base::RandInt(0, 1) * 2 - 1;
- // Truncation is adequate for rounding here.
- backoff_s = backoff_s +
- (rand_sign * (last_delay.InSeconds() / kBackoffRandomizationFactor));
- // Cap the backoff interval.
- backoff_s = std::max(static_cast<int64>(1),
- std::min(backoff_s, kMaxBackoffSeconds));
- return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(backoff_s);
-void SyncScheduler::RequestStop(const base::Closure& callback) {
- syncer_->RequestEarlyExit(); // Safe to call from any thread.
- DCHECK(weak_handle_this_.IsInitialized());
- SDVLOG(3) << "Posting StopImpl";
- weak_handle_this_.Call(FROM_HERE,
- &SyncScheduler::StopImpl,
- callback);
-void SyncScheduler::StopImpl(const base::Closure& callback) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "StopImpl called";
- // Kill any in-flight method calls.
- weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
- wait_interval_.reset();
- poll_timer_.Stop();
- if (started_) {
- started_ = false;
- }
- if (!callback.is_null())
- callback.Run();
-void SyncScheduler::DoCanaryJob() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "Do canary job";
- DoPendingJobIfPossible(true);
-void SyncScheduler::DoPendingJobIfPossible(bool is_canary_job) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SyncSessionJob* job_to_execute = NULL;
- if (mode_ == CONFIGURATION_MODE && wait_interval_.get()
- && wait_interval_->pending_configure_job.get()) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Found pending configure job";
- job_to_execute = wait_interval_->pending_configure_job.get();
- } else if (mode_ == NORMAL_MODE && pending_nudge_.get()) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Found pending nudge job";
- // Pending jobs mostly have time from the past. Reset it so this job
- // will get executed.
- if (pending_nudge_->scheduled_start < TimeTicks::Now())
- pending_nudge_->scheduled_start = TimeTicks::Now();
- scoped_ptr<SyncSession> session(CreateSyncSession(
- pending_nudge_->session->source()));
- // Also the routing info might have been changed since we cached the
- // pending nudge. Update it by coalescing to the latest.
- pending_nudge_->session->Coalesce(*(session.get()));
- // The pending nudge would be cleared in the DoSyncSessionJob function.
- job_to_execute = pending_nudge_.get();
- }
- if (job_to_execute != NULL) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Executing pending job";
- SyncSessionJob copy = *job_to_execute;
- copy.is_canary_job = is_canary_job;
- DoSyncSessionJob(copy);
- }
-SyncSession* SyncScheduler::CreateSyncSession(const SyncSourceInfo& source) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo routes;
- std::vector<ModelSafeWorker*> workers;
- session_context_->registrar()->GetModelSafeRoutingInfo(&routes);
- DVLOG(2) << "Creating sync session with routes "
- << ModelSafeRoutingInfoToString(routes);
- session_context_->registrar()->GetWorkers(&workers);
- SyncSourceInfo info(source);
- SyncSession* session(new SyncSession(session_context_.get(), this, info,
- routes, workers));
- return session;
-void SyncScheduler::PollTimerCallback() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- ModelSafeRoutingInfo r;
- ModelTypePayloadMap types_with_payloads =
- syncable::ModelTypePayloadMapFromRoutingInfo(r, std::string());
- SyncSourceInfo info(GetUpdatesCallerInfo::PERIODIC, types_with_payloads);
- SyncSession* s = CreateSyncSession(info);
- SyncSessionJob job(SyncSessionJob::POLL, TimeTicks::Now(),
- make_linked_ptr(s),
- false,
- ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job);
-void SyncScheduler::Unthrottle() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- DCHECK_EQ(WaitInterval::THROTTLED, wait_interval_->mode);
- SDVLOG(2) << "Unthrottled.";
- DoCanaryJob();
- wait_interval_.reset();
-void SyncScheduler::Notify(SyncEngineEvent::EventCause cause) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- session_context_->NotifyListeners(SyncEngineEvent(cause));
-bool SyncScheduler::IsBackingOff() const {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- return wait_interval_.get() && wait_interval_->mode ==
-void SyncScheduler::OnSilencedUntil(const base::TimeTicks& silenced_until) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- wait_interval_.reset(new WaitInterval(WaitInterval::THROTTLED,
- silenced_until - TimeTicks::Now()));
- wait_interval_->timer.Start(FROM_HERE, wait_interval_->length, this,
- &SyncScheduler::Unthrottle);
-bool SyncScheduler::IsSyncingCurrentlySilenced() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- return wait_interval_.get() && wait_interval_->mode ==
- WaitInterval::THROTTLED;
-void SyncScheduler::OnReceivedShortPollIntervalUpdate(
- const base::TimeDelta& new_interval) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- syncer_short_poll_interval_seconds_ = new_interval;
-void SyncScheduler::OnReceivedLongPollIntervalUpdate(
- const base::TimeDelta& new_interval) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- syncer_long_poll_interval_seconds_ = new_interval;
-void SyncScheduler::OnReceivedSessionsCommitDelay(
- const base::TimeDelta& new_delay) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- sessions_commit_delay_ = new_delay;
-void SyncScheduler::OnShouldStopSyncingPermanently() {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "OnShouldStopSyncingPermanently";
- syncer_->RequestEarlyExit(); // Thread-safe.
- Notify(SyncEngineEvent::STOP_SYNCING_PERMANENTLY);
-void SyncScheduler::OnActionableError(
- const sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snap) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- SDVLOG(2) << "OnActionableError";
- SyncEngineEvent event(SyncEngineEvent::ACTIONABLE_ERROR);
- sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot snapshot(snap);
- event.snapshot = &snapshot;
- session_context_->NotifyListeners(event);
-void SyncScheduler::OnSyncProtocolError(
- const sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snapshot) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- if (ShouldRequestEarlyExit(snapshot.errors.sync_protocol_error)) {
- SDVLOG(2) << "Sync Scheduler requesting early exit.";
- syncer_->RequestEarlyExit(); // Thread-safe.
- }
- if (IsActionableError(snapshot.errors.sync_protocol_error))
- OnActionableError(snapshot);
-void SyncScheduler::set_notifications_enabled(bool notifications_enabled) {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- session_context_->set_notifications_enabled(notifications_enabled);
-base::TimeDelta SyncScheduler::sessions_commit_delay() const {
- DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_);
- return sessions_commit_delay_;
-#undef SDVLOG_LOC
-#undef SDVLOG
-#undef SLOG
-#undef ENUM_CASE
-} // browser_sync
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