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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h

Issue 9699057: [Sync] Move 'sync' target to sync/ (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Address Tim's comments Created 8 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h b/chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h
deleted file mode 100644
index caafdf8b24a352e9e68bb37b1d7e5196a43be298..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/dir_open_result.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/model_type.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h"
-#include "sql/connection.h"
-#include "sql/statement.h"
-namespace sync_pb {
-class EntitySpecifics;
-namespace syncable {
-struct ColumnSpec;
-typedef Directory::MetahandlesIndex MetahandlesIndex;
-// Interface that provides persistence for a syncable::Directory object. You can
-// load all the persisted data to prime a syncable::Directory on startup by
-// invoking Load. The only other thing you (or more correctly, a Directory) can
-// do here is save any changes that have occurred since calling Load, which can
-// be done periodically as often as desired.
-// The DirectoryBackingStore will own an sqlite lock on its database for most of
-// its lifetime. You must not have two DirectoryBackingStore objects accessing
-// the database simultaneously. Because the lock exists at the database level,
-// not even two separate browser instances would be able to acquire it
-// simultaneously.
-// This class is abstract so that we can extend it in interesting ways for use
-// in tests. The concrete class used in non-test scenarios is
-// OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore.
-class DirectoryBackingStore : public base::NonThreadSafe {
- public:
- explicit DirectoryBackingStore(const std::string& dir_name);
- virtual ~DirectoryBackingStore();
- // Loads and drops all currently persisted meta entries into |entry_bucket|
- // and loads appropriate persisted kernel info into |info_bucket|.
- //
- // This function can perform some cleanup tasks behind the scenes. It will
- // clean up unused entries from the database and migrate to the latest
- // database version. The caller can safely ignore these details.
- //
- // NOTE: On success (return value of OPENED), the buckets are populated with
- // newly allocated items, meaning ownership is bestowed upon the caller.
- virtual DirOpenResult Load(MetahandlesIndex* entry_bucket,
- Directory::KernelLoadInfo* kernel_load_info) = 0;
- // Updates the on-disk store with the input |snapshot| as a database
- // transaction. Does NOT open any syncable transactions as this would cause
- // opening transactions elsewhere to block on synchronous I/O.
- // calls SaveChanges *must* be the thread that owns/destroys |this|.
- virtual bool SaveChanges(const Directory::SaveChangesSnapshot& snapshot);
- protected:
- // For test classes.
- DirectoryBackingStore(const std::string& dir_name,
- sql::Connection* connection);
- // General Directory initialization and load helpers.
- bool InitializeTables();
- bool CreateTables();
- // Create 'share_info' or 'temp_share_info' depending on value of
- // is_temporary. Returns an sqlite
- bool CreateShareInfoTable(bool is_temporary);
- bool CreateShareInfoTableVersion71(bool is_temporary);
- // Create 'metas' or 'temp_metas' depending on value of is_temporary.
- bool CreateMetasTable(bool is_temporary);
- bool CreateModelsTable();
- bool CreateV71ModelsTable();
- // We don't need to load any synced and applied deleted entries, we can
- // in fact just purge them forever on startup.
- bool DropDeletedEntries();
- // Drops a table if it exists, harmless if the table did not already exist.
- bool SafeDropTable(const char* table_name);
- // Load helpers for entries and attributes.
- bool LoadEntries(MetahandlesIndex* entry_bucket);
- bool LoadInfo(Directory::KernelLoadInfo* info);
- // Save/update helpers for entries. Return false if sqlite commit fails.
- bool SaveEntryToDB(const EntryKernel& entry);
- bool SaveNewEntryToDB(const EntryKernel& entry);
- bool UpdateEntryToDB(const EntryKernel& entry);
- DirOpenResult DoLoad(MetahandlesIndex* entry_bucket,
- Directory::KernelLoadInfo* kernel_load_info);
- // Close save_dbhandle_. Broken out for testing.
- void EndSave();
- // Removes each entry whose metahandle is in |handles| from the database.
- // Does synchronous I/O. Returns false on error.
- bool DeleteEntries(const MetahandleSet& handles);
- // Drop all tables in preparation for reinitialization.
- void DropAllTables();
- // Serialization helpers for syncable::ModelType. These convert between
- // the ModelType enum and the values we persist in the database to identify
- // a model. We persist a default instance of the specifics protobuf as the
- // ID, rather than the enum value.
- static ModelType ModelIdToModelTypeEnum(const void* data, int length);
- static std::string ModelTypeEnumToModelId(ModelType model_type);
- static std::string GenerateCacheGUID();
- // Runs an integrity check on the current database. If the
- // integrity check fails, false is returned and error is populated
- // with an error message.
- bool CheckIntegrity(sqlite3* handle, std::string* error) const;
- // Migration utilities.
- bool RefreshColumns();
- bool SetVersion(int version);
- int GetVersion();
- bool MigrateToSpecifics(const char* old_columns,
- const char* specifics_column,
- void(*handler_function) (
- sql::Statement* old_value_query,
- int old_value_column,
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* mutable_new_value));
- // Individual version migrations.
- bool MigrateVersion67To68();
- bool MigrateVersion68To69();
- bool MigrateVersion69To70();
- bool MigrateVersion70To71();
- bool MigrateVersion71To72();
- bool MigrateVersion72To73();
- bool MigrateVersion73To74();
- bool MigrateVersion74To75();
- bool MigrateVersion75To76();
- bool MigrateVersion76To77();
- bool MigrateVersion77To78();
- scoped_ptr<sql::Connection> db_;
- sql::Statement save_entry_statement_;
- std::string dir_name_;
- // Set to true if migration left some old columns around that need to be
- // discarded.
- bool needs_column_refresh_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DirectoryBackingStore);
-} // namespace syncable
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