Index: client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart |
diff --git a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart b/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart |
deleted file mode 100644 |
index 3caac15a8a05a364dbdda9e7a67609ac3a5120bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
--- a/client/dom/generated/src/interface/DOMWindow.dart |
+++ /dev/null |
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ |
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
- |
-// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code. |
- |
-interface Window extends EventTarget { |
- |
- final DOMApplicationCache applicationCache; |
- |
- final Navigator clientInformation; |
- |
- final bool closed; |
- |
- final Console console; |
- |
- final Crypto crypto; |
- |
- String defaultStatus; |
- |
- String defaultstatus; |
- |
- final num devicePixelRatio; |
- |
- final Document document; |
- |
- final Event event; |
- |
- final Element frameElement; |
- |
- final DOMWindow frames; |
- |
- final History history; |
- |
- final int innerHeight; |
- |
- final int innerWidth; |
- |
- final int length; |
- |
- final Storage localStorage; |
- |
- Location location; |
- |
- final BarInfo locationbar; |
- |
- final BarInfo menubar; |
- |
- String name; |
- |
- final Navigator navigator; |
- |
- final bool offscreenBuffering; |
- |
- final DOMWindow opener; |
- |
- final int outerHeight; |
- |
- final int outerWidth; |
- |
- final int pageXOffset; |
- |
- final int pageYOffset; |
- |
- final DOMWindow parent; |
- |
- final Performance performance; |
- |
- final BarInfo personalbar; |
- |
- final Screen screen; |
- |
- final int screenLeft; |
- |
- final int screenTop; |
- |
- final int screenX; |
- |
- final int screenY; |
- |
- final int scrollX; |
- |
- final int scrollY; |
- |
- final BarInfo scrollbars; |
- |
- final DOMWindow self; |
- |
- final Storage sessionStorage; |
- |
- String status; |
- |
- final BarInfo statusbar; |
- |
- final StyleMedia styleMedia; |
- |
- final BarInfo toolbar; |
- |
- final DOMWindow top; |
- |
- final IDBFactory webkitIndexedDB; |
- |
- final NotificationCenter webkitNotifications; |
- |
- final StorageInfo webkitStorageInfo; |
- |
- final DOMWindow window; |
- |
- void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); |
- |
- void alert(String message); |
- |
- String atob(String string); |
- |
- void blur(); |
- |
- String btoa(String string); |
- |
- void captureEvents(); |
- |
- void clearInterval(int handle); |
- |
- void clearTimeout(int handle); |
- |
- void close(); |
- |
- bool confirm(String message); |
- |
- bool dispatchEvent(Event evt); |
- |
- bool find(String string, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog); |
- |
- void focus(); |
- |
- CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element element, String pseudoElement); |
- |
- CSSRuleList getMatchedCSSRules(Element element, String pseudoElement); |
- |
- DOMSelection getSelection(); |
- |
- MediaQueryList matchMedia(String query); |
- |
- void moveBy(num x, num y); |
- |
- void moveTo(num x, num y); |
- |
- DOMWindow open(String url, String name, [String options]); |
- |
- Database openDatabase(String name, String version, String displayName, int estimatedSize, [DatabaseCallback creationCallback]); |
- |
- void postMessage(Dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List messagePorts]); |
- |
- void print(); |
- |
- String prompt(String message, String defaultValue); |
- |
- void releaseEvents(); |
- |
- void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]); |
- |
- void resizeBy(num x, num y); |
- |
- void resizeTo(num width, num height); |
- |
- void scroll(int x, int y); |
- |
- void scrollBy(int x, int y); |
- |
- void scrollTo(int x, int y); |
- |
- int setInterval(TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout); |
- |
- int setTimeout(TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout); |
- |
- Object showModalDialog(String url, [Object dialogArgs, String featureArgs]); |
- |
- void stop(); |
- |
- void webkitCancelAnimationFrame(int id); |
- |
- void webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(int id); |
- |
- WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(Node node, WebKitPoint p); |
- |
- WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(Node node, WebKitPoint p); |
- |
- void webkitPostMessage(Dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List transferList]); |
- |
- int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback, Element element); |
- |
- void webkitRequestFileSystem(int type, int size, FileSystemCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback]); |
- |
- void webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(String url, [EntryCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback]); |
-} |
- |
-interface DOMWindow extends Window { |
- |
- static final int PERSISTENT = 1; |
- |
- static final int TEMPORARY = 0; |
-} |