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Unified Diff: net/spdy/

Issue 9582034: Fork SPDY/2 and SPDY/3 versions of our SPDY tests, in preparation for landing (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fix merge bug Created 8 years, 10 months ago
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Index: net/spdy/
--- net/spdy/ (revision 124866)
+++ net/spdy/ (working copy)
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.h"
-#include "crypto/ec_private_key.h"
-#include "crypto/ec_signature_creator.h"
-#include "crypto/signature_creator.h"
-#include "net/base/asn1_util.h"
-#include "net/base/default_origin_bound_cert_store.h"
-#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
-#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
-#include "net/spdy/spdy_session.h"
-#include "net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace net {
-class SpdyHttpStreamTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- OrderedSocketData* data() { return data_.get(); }
- protected:
- SpdyHttpStreamTest() {}
- void EnableCompression(bool enabled) {
- spdy::SpdyFramer::set_enable_compression_default(enabled);
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- crypto::ECSignatureCreator::SetFactoryForTesting(NULL);
- MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
- }
- int InitSession(MockRead* reads, size_t reads_count,
- MockWrite* writes, size_t writes_count,
- HostPortPair& host_port_pair) {
- HostPortProxyPair pair(host_port_pair, ProxyServer::Direct());
- data_.reset(new OrderedSocketData(reads, reads_count,
- writes, writes_count));
- session_deps_.socket_factory->AddSocketDataProvider(data_.get());
- http_session_ = SpdySessionDependencies::SpdyCreateSession(&session_deps_);
- session_ = http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->Get(pair, BoundNetLog());
- transport_params_ = new TransportSocketParams(host_port_pair,
- MEDIUM, false, false);
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection(new ClientSocketHandle);
- connection->Init(host_port_pair.ToString(),
- transport_params_,
- callback.callback(),
- http_session_->GetTransportSocketPool(),
- BoundNetLog()));
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback.WaitForResult());
- return session_->InitializeWithSocket(connection.release(), false, OK);
- }
- void TestSendCredentials(
- OriginBoundCertService* obc_service,
- const std::string& cert,
- const std::string& proof,
- SSLClientCertType type);
- SpdySessionDependencies session_deps_;
- scoped_ptr<OrderedSocketData> data_;
- scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession> http_session_;
- scoped_refptr<SpdySession> session_;
- scoped_refptr<TransportSocketParams> transport_params_;
-TEST_F(SpdyHttpStreamTest, SendRequest) {
- EnableCompression(false);
- SpdySession::SetSSLMode(false);
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyGet(NULL, 0, false, 1, LOWEST));
- MockWrite writes[] = {
- CreateMockWrite(*req.get(), 1),
- };
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> resp(ConstructSpdyGetSynReply(NULL, 0, 1));
- MockRead reads[] = {
- CreateMockRead(*resp, 2),
- MockRead(SYNCHRONOUS, 0, 3) // EOF
- };
- HostPortPair host_port_pair("", 80);
- HostPortProxyPair pair(host_port_pair, ProxyServer::Direct());
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, InitSession(reads, arraysize(reads), writes, arraysize(writes),
- host_port_pair));
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "GET";
- request.url = GURL("");
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- HttpResponseInfo response;
- HttpRequestHeaders headers;
- BoundNetLog net_log;
- scoped_ptr<SpdyHttpStream> http_stream(
- new SpdyHttpStream(session_.get(), true));
- OK,
- http_stream->InitializeStream(&request, net_log, CompletionCallback()));
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, http_stream->SendRequest(headers, NULL, &response,
- callback.callback()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(pair));
- // This triggers the MockWrite and read 2
- callback.WaitForResult();
- // This triggers read 3. The empty read causes the session to shut down.
- data()->CompleteRead();
- // Because we abandoned the stream, we don't expect to find a session in the
- // pool anymore.
- EXPECT_FALSE(http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(pair));
- EXPECT_TRUE(data()->at_read_eof());
- EXPECT_TRUE(data()->at_write_eof());
-TEST_F(SpdyHttpStreamTest, SendChunkedPost) {
- EnableCompression(false);
- SpdySession::SetSSLMode(false);
- UploadDataStream::set_merge_chunks(false);
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructChunkedSpdyPost(NULL, 0));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> chunk1(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, false));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> chunk2(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, true));
- MockWrite writes[] = {
- CreateMockWrite(*req.get(), 1),
- CreateMockWrite(*chunk1, 2), // POST upload frames
- CreateMockWrite(*chunk2, 3),
- };
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> resp(ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(NULL, 0));
- MockRead reads[] = {
- CreateMockRead(*resp, 4),
- CreateMockRead(*chunk1, 5),
- CreateMockRead(*chunk2, 5),
- MockRead(SYNCHRONOUS, 0, 6) // EOF
- };
- HostPortPair host_port_pair("", 80);
- HostPortProxyPair pair(host_port_pair, ProxyServer::Direct());
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, InitSession(reads, arraysize(reads), writes, arraysize(writes),
- host_port_pair));
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "POST";
- request.url = GURL("");
- request.upload_data = new UploadData();
- request.upload_data->set_is_chunked(true);
- request.upload_data->AppendChunk(kUploadData, kUploadDataSize, false);
- request.upload_data->AppendChunk(kUploadData, kUploadDataSize, true);
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- HttpResponseInfo response;
- HttpRequestHeaders headers;
- BoundNetLog net_log;
- SpdyHttpStream http_stream(session_.get(), true);
- OK,
- http_stream.InitializeStream(&request, net_log, CompletionCallback()));
- // http_stream.SendRequest() will take ownership of upload_stream.
- UploadDataStream* upload_stream = new UploadDataStream(request.upload_data);
- ASSERT_EQ(OK, upload_stream->Init());
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, http_stream.SendRequest(
- headers, upload_stream, &response, callback.callback()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(pair));
- // This triggers the MockWrite and read 2
- callback.WaitForResult();
- // This triggers read 3. The empty read causes the session to shut down.
- data()->CompleteRead();
- MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
- // Because we abandoned the stream, we don't expect to find a session in the
- // pool anymore.
- EXPECT_FALSE(http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(pair));
- EXPECT_TRUE(data()->at_read_eof());
- EXPECT_TRUE(data()->at_write_eof());
-// Test case for bug:
-TEST_F(SpdyHttpStreamTest, SpdyURLTest) {
- EnableCompression(false);
- SpdySession::SetSSLMode(false);
- const char * const full_url = "";
- const char * const base_url = "";
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyGet(base_url, false, 1, LOWEST));
- MockWrite writes[] = {
- CreateMockWrite(*req.get(), 1),
- };
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> resp(ConstructSpdyGetSynReply(NULL, 0, 1));
- MockRead reads[] = {
- CreateMockRead(*resp, 2),
- MockRead(SYNCHRONOUS, 0, 3) // EOF
- };
- HostPortPair host_port_pair("", 80);
- HostPortProxyPair pair(host_port_pair, ProxyServer::Direct());
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, InitSession(reads, arraysize(reads), writes, arraysize(writes),
- host_port_pair));
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "GET";
- request.url = GURL(full_url);
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- HttpResponseInfo response;
- HttpRequestHeaders headers;
- BoundNetLog net_log;
- scoped_ptr<SpdyHttpStream> http_stream(new SpdyHttpStream(session_, true));
- OK,
- http_stream->InitializeStream(&request, net_log, CompletionCallback()));
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, http_stream->SendRequest(headers, NULL, &response,
- callback.callback()));
- spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock* spdy_header =
- http_stream->stream()->spdy_headers().get();
- EXPECT_TRUE(spdy_header != NULL);
- if (spdy_header->find("url") != spdy_header->end())
- EXPECT_EQ("/foo?query=what", spdy_header->find("url")->second);
- else
- FAIL() << "No url is set in spdy_header!";
- // This triggers the MockWrite and read 2
- callback.WaitForResult();
- // This triggers read 3. The empty read causes the session to shut down.
- data()->CompleteRead();
- // Because we abandoned the stream, we don't expect to find a session in the
- // pool anymore.
- EXPECT_FALSE(http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(pair));
- EXPECT_TRUE(data()->at_read_eof());
- EXPECT_TRUE(data()->at_write_eof());
-void GetECOriginBoundCertAndProof(const std::string& origin,
- OriginBoundCertService* obc_service,
- std::string* cert,
- std::string* proof) {
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- std::vector<uint8> requested_cert_types;
- requested_cert_types.push_back(CLIENT_CERT_ECDSA_SIGN);
- SSLClientCertType cert_type;
- std::string key;
- OriginBoundCertService::RequestHandle request_handle;
- int rv = obc_service->GetOriginBoundCert(origin, requested_cert_types,
- &cert_type, &key, cert,
- callback.callback(),
- &request_handle);
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback.WaitForResult());
- unsigned char secret[32];
- memset(secret, 'A', arraysize(secret));
- // Convert the key string into a vector<unit8>
- std::vector<uint8> key_data(key.begin(), key.end());
- base::StringPiece spki_piece;
- ASSERT_TRUE(asn1::ExtractSPKIFromDERCert(*cert, &spki_piece));
- std::vector<uint8> spki(,
- + spki_piece.size());
- std::vector<uint8> proof_data;
- scoped_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> private_key(
- crypto::ECPrivateKey::CreateFromEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(
- OriginBoundCertService::kEPKIPassword, key_data, spki));
- scoped_ptr<crypto::ECSignatureCreator> creator(
- crypto::ECSignatureCreator::Create(private_key.get()));
- creator->Sign(secret, arraysize(secret), &proof_data);
- proof->assign(proof_data.begin(), proof_data.end());
-// TODO(rch): When openssl supports origin bound certifictes, this
-// guard can be removed
-#if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
-// Test that if we request a resource for a new origin on a session that
-// used origin bound certificates, that we send a CREDENTIAL frame for
-// the new origin before we send the new request.
-void SpdyHttpStreamTest::TestSendCredentials(
- OriginBoundCertService* obc_service,
- const std::string& cert,
- const std::string& proof,
- SSLClientCertType type) {
- EnableCompression(false);
- spdy::SpdyCredential cred;
- cred.slot = 1;
- cred.proof = proof;
- cred.certs.push_back(cert);
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyGet(NULL, 0, false, 1, LOWEST));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> credential(ConstructSpdyCredential(cred));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req2(ConstructSpdyGet("",
- false, 3, LOWEST));
- MockWrite writes[] = {
- CreateMockWrite(*req.get(), 0),
- CreateMockWrite(*credential.get(), 2),
- CreateMockWrite(*req2.get(), 3),
- };
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> resp(ConstructSpdyGetSynReply(NULL, 0, 1));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> resp2(ConstructSpdyGetSynReply(NULL, 0, 3));
- MockRead reads[] = {
- CreateMockRead(*resp, 1),
- CreateMockRead(*resp2, 4),
- MockRead(SYNCHRONOUS, 0, 5) // EOF
- };
- HostPortPair host_port_pair("", 80);
- HostPortProxyPair pair(host_port_pair, ProxyServer::Direct());
- DeterministicMockClientSocketFactory* socket_factory =
- session_deps_.deterministic_socket_factory.get();
- scoped_refptr<DeterministicSocketData> data(
- new DeterministicSocketData(reads, arraysize(reads),
- writes, arraysize(writes)));
- socket_factory->AddSocketDataProvider(data.get());
- SSLSocketDataProvider ssl(SYNCHRONOUS, OK);
- ssl.origin_bound_cert_type = type;
- ssl.origin_bound_cert_service = obc_service;
- ssl.protocol_negotiated = SSLClientSocket::kProtoSPDY3;
- socket_factory->AddSSLSocketDataProvider(&ssl);
- http_session_ = SpdySessionDependencies::SpdyCreateSessionDeterministic(
- &session_deps_);
- session_ = http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->Get(pair, BoundNetLog());
- transport_params_ = new TransportSocketParams(host_port_pair,
- MEDIUM, false, false);
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection(new ClientSocketHandle);
- SSLConfig ssl_config;
- scoped_refptr<SOCKSSocketParams> socks_params;
- scoped_refptr<HttpProxySocketParams> http_proxy_params;
- scoped_refptr<SSLSocketParams> ssl_params(
- new SSLSocketParams(transport_params_,
- socks_params,
- http_proxy_params,
- ProxyServer::SCHEME_DIRECT,
- host_port_pair,
- ssl_config,
- 0,
- false,
- false));
- connection->Init(host_port_pair.ToString(),
- ssl_params,
- callback.callback(),
- http_session_->GetSSLSocketPool(),
- BoundNetLog()));
- callback.WaitForResult();
- session_->InitializeWithSocket(connection.release(), true, OK));
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "GET";
- request.url = GURL("");
- HttpResponseInfo response;
- HttpRequestHeaders headers;
- BoundNetLog net_log;
- scoped_ptr<SpdyHttpStream> http_stream(
- new SpdyHttpStream(session_.get(), true));
- OK,
- http_stream->InitializeStream(&request, net_log, CompletionCallback()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(session_->NeedsCredentials(host_port_pair));
- HostPortPair new_host_port_pair("", 80);
- EXPECT_TRUE(session_->NeedsCredentials(new_host_port_pair));
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, http_stream->SendRequest(headers, NULL, &response,
- callback.callback()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(http_session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(pair));
- data->RunFor(2);
- callback.WaitForResult();
- // Start up second request for resource on a new origin.
- scoped_ptr<SpdyHttpStream> http_stream2(
- new SpdyHttpStream(session_.get(), true));
- request.url = GURL("");
- OK,
- http_stream2->InitializeStream(&request, net_log, CompletionCallback()));
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, http_stream2->SendRequest(headers, NULL, &response,
- callback.callback()));
- data->RunFor(2);
- callback.WaitForResult();
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, http_stream2->ReadResponseHeaders(
- callback.callback()));
- data->RunFor(1);
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback.WaitForResult());
- ASSERT_TRUE(response.headers.get() != NULL);
- ASSERT_EQ(200, response.headers->response_code());
-class MockECSignatureCreator : public crypto::ECSignatureCreator {
- public:
- explicit MockECSignatureCreator(crypto::ECPrivateKey* key) : key_(key) {}
- virtual bool Sign(const uint8* data,
- int data_len,
- std::vector<uint8>* signature) OVERRIDE {
- std::vector<uint8> private_key_value;
- key_->ExportValue(&private_key_value);
- std::string head = "fakesignature";
- std::string tail = "/fakesignature";
- signature->clear();
- signature->insert(signature->end(), head.begin(), head.end());
- signature->insert(signature->end(), private_key_value.begin(),
- private_key_value.end());
- signature->insert(signature->end(), '-');
- signature->insert(signature->end(), data, data + data_len);
- signature->insert(signature->end(), tail.begin(), tail.end());
- return true;
- }
- private:
- crypto::ECPrivateKey* key_;
-class MockECSignatureCreatorFactory : public crypto::ECSignatureCreatorFactory {
- public:
- MockECSignatureCreatorFactory() {}
- virtual ~MockECSignatureCreatorFactory() {}
- virtual crypto::ECSignatureCreator* Create(
- crypto::ECPrivateKey* key) OVERRIDE {
- return new MockECSignatureCreator(key);
- }
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockECSignatureCreatorFactory);
-TEST_F(SpdyHttpStreamTest, SendCredentialsEC) {
- scoped_ptr<crypto::ECSignatureCreatorFactory> ec_signature_creator_factory(
- new MockECSignatureCreatorFactory());
- crypto::ECSignatureCreator::SetFactoryForTesting(
- ec_signature_creator_factory.get());
- scoped_ptr<OriginBoundCertService> obc_service(
- new OriginBoundCertService(new DefaultOriginBoundCertStore(NULL)));
- std::string cert;
- std::string proof;
- GetECOriginBoundCertAndProof("", obc_service.get(),
- &cert, &proof);
- TestSendCredentials(obc_service.get(), cert, proof, CLIENT_CERT_ECDSA_SIGN);
-#endif // !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
-// TODO(willchan): Write a longer test for SpdyStream that exercises all
-// methods.
-} // namespace net
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