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Unified Diff: client/html/generated/html/frog/Window.dart

Issue 9537001: Generate dart:html bindings for Dartium as well as Frog. All unittests now pass (or are disabled fo… (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 8 years, 10 months ago
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Index: client/html/generated/html/frog/Window.dart
diff --git a/client/html/generated/html/frog/Window.dart b/client/html/generated/html/frog/Window.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02edde61794f2efb905a3c961c1fa807096af605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/html/generated/html/frog/Window.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+class _WindowImpl extends _EventTargetImpl implements Window native "@*DOMWindow" {
+ _DocumentImpl get document() native "return this.document.documentElement;";
+ void requestLayoutFrame(TimeoutHandler callback) {
+ _addMeasurementFrameCallback(callback);
+ }
+ static final int PERSISTENT = 1;
+ static final int TEMPORARY = 0;
+ final _DOMApplicationCacheImpl applicationCache;
+ final _NavigatorImpl clientInformation;
+ final bool closed;
+ final _ConsoleImpl console;
+ final _CryptoImpl crypto;
+ String defaultStatus;
+ String defaultstatus;
+ final num devicePixelRatio;
+ final _EventImpl event;
+ final _ElementImpl frameElement;
+ final _WindowImpl frames;
+ final _HistoryImpl history;
+ final int innerHeight;
+ final int innerWidth;
+ final int length;
+ final _StorageImpl localStorage;
+ _LocationImpl location;
+ final _BarInfoImpl locationbar;
+ final _BarInfoImpl menubar;
+ String name;
+ final _NavigatorImpl navigator;
+ final bool offscreenBuffering;
+ final _WindowImpl opener;
+ final int outerHeight;
+ final int outerWidth;
+ final int pageXOffset;
+ final int pageYOffset;
+ final _WindowImpl parent;
+ final _PerformanceImpl performance;
+ final _BarInfoImpl personalbar;
+ final _ScreenImpl screen;
+ final int screenLeft;
+ final int screenTop;
+ final int screenX;
+ final int screenY;
+ final int scrollX;
+ final int scrollY;
+ final _BarInfoImpl scrollbars;
+ final _WindowImpl self;
+ final _StorageImpl sessionStorage;
+ String status;
+ final _BarInfoImpl statusbar;
+ final _StyleMediaImpl styleMedia;
+ final _BarInfoImpl toolbar;
+ final _WindowImpl top;
+ final _IDBFactoryImpl webkitIndexedDB;
+ final _NotificationCenterImpl webkitNotifications;
+ final _StorageInfoImpl webkitStorageInfo;
+ final _WindowImpl window;
+ _WindowEventsImpl get on() =>
+ new _WindowEventsImpl(this);
+ void _addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) native "this.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);";
+ void alert(String message) native;
+ String atob(String string) native;
+ void blur() native;
+ String btoa(String string) native;
+ void captureEvents() native;
+ void clearInterval(int handle) native;
+ void clearTimeout(int handle) native;
+ void close() native;
+ bool confirm(String message) native;
+ bool _dispatchEvent(_EventImpl evt) native "return this.dispatchEvent(evt);";
+ bool find(String string, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog) native;
+ void focus() native;
+ _CSSStyleDeclarationImpl _getComputedStyle(_ElementImpl element, String pseudoElement) native "return this.getComputedStyle(element, pseudoElement);";
+ _CSSRuleListImpl getMatchedCSSRules(_ElementImpl element, String pseudoElement) native;
+ _DOMSelectionImpl getSelection() native;
+ _MediaQueryListImpl matchMedia(String query) native;
+ void moveBy(num x, num y) native;
+ void moveTo(num x, num y) native;
+ _WindowImpl open(String url, String name, [String options = null]) native;
+ _DatabaseImpl openDatabase(String name, String version, String displayName, int estimatedSize, [DatabaseCallback creationCallback = null]) native;
+ void postMessage(Dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List messagePorts = null]) native;
+ void print() native;
+ String prompt(String message, String defaultValue) native;
+ void releaseEvents() native;
+ void _removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture = null]) native "this.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);";
+ void resizeBy(num x, num y) native;
+ void resizeTo(num width, num height) native;
+ void scroll(int x, int y) native;
+ void scrollBy(int x, int y) native;
+ void scrollTo(int x, int y) native;
+ int setInterval(TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout) native;
+ int setTimeout(TimeoutHandler handler, int timeout) native;
+ Object showModalDialog(String url, [Object dialogArgs = null, String featureArgs = null]) native;
+ void stop() native;
+ void webkitCancelAnimationFrame(int id) native;
+ void webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(int id) native;
+ _PointImpl webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(_NodeImpl node, _PointImpl p) native;
+ _PointImpl webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(_NodeImpl node, _PointImpl p) native;
+ void webkitPostMessage(Dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List transferList = null]) native;
+ int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback, _ElementImpl element) native;
+ void webkitRequestFileSystem(int type, int size, FileSystemCallback successCallback, [ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) native;
+ void webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(String url, [EntryCallback successCallback = null, ErrorCallback errorCallback = null]) native;
+class _WindowEventsImpl extends _EventsImpl implements WindowEvents {
+ _WindowEventsImpl(_ptr) : super(_ptr);
+ EventListenerList get abort() => _get('abort');
+ EventListenerList get animationEnd() => _get('webkitAnimationEnd');
+ EventListenerList get animationIteration() => _get('webkitAnimationIteration');
+ EventListenerList get animationStart() => _get('webkitAnimationStart');
+ EventListenerList get beforeUnload() => _get('beforeunload');
+ EventListenerList get blur() => _get('blur');
+ EventListenerList get canPlay() => _get('canplay');
+ EventListenerList get canPlayThrough() => _get('canplaythrough');
+ EventListenerList get change() => _get('change');
+ EventListenerList get click() => _get('click');
+ EventListenerList get contentLoaded() => _get('DOMContentLoaded');
+ EventListenerList get contextMenu() => _get('contextmenu');
+ EventListenerList get deviceMotion() => _get('devicemotion');
+ EventListenerList get deviceOrientation() => _get('deviceorientation');
+ EventListenerList get doubleClick() => _get('dblclick');
+ EventListenerList get drag() => _get('drag');
+ EventListenerList get dragEnd() => _get('dragend');
+ EventListenerList get dragEnter() => _get('dragenter');
+ EventListenerList get dragLeave() => _get('dragleave');
+ EventListenerList get dragOver() => _get('dragover');
+ EventListenerList get dragStart() => _get('dragstart');
+ EventListenerList get drop() => _get('drop');
+ EventListenerList get durationChange() => _get('durationchange');
+ EventListenerList get emptied() => _get('emptied');
+ EventListenerList get ended() => _get('ended');
+ EventListenerList get error() => _get('error');
+ EventListenerList get focus() => _get('focus');
+ EventListenerList get hashChange() => _get('hashchange');
+ EventListenerList get input() => _get('input');
+ EventListenerList get invalid() => _get('invalid');
+ EventListenerList get keyDown() => _get('keydown');
+ EventListenerList get keyPress() => _get('keypress');
+ EventListenerList get keyUp() => _get('keyup');
+ EventListenerList get load() => _get('load');
+ EventListenerList get loadStart() => _get('loadstart');
+ EventListenerList get loadedData() => _get('loadeddata');
+ EventListenerList get loadedMetadata() => _get('loadedmetadata');
+ EventListenerList get message() => _get('message');
+ EventListenerList get mouseDown() => _get('mousedown');
+ EventListenerList get mouseMove() => _get('mousemove');
+ EventListenerList get mouseOut() => _get('mouseout');
+ EventListenerList get mouseOver() => _get('mouseover');
+ EventListenerList get mouseUp() => _get('mouseup');
+ EventListenerList get mouseWheel() => _get('mousewheel');
+ EventListenerList get offline() => _get('offline');
+ EventListenerList get online() => _get('online');
+ EventListenerList get pageHide() => _get('pagehide');
+ EventListenerList get pageShow() => _get('pageshow');
+ EventListenerList get pause() => _get('pause');
+ EventListenerList get play() => _get('play');
+ EventListenerList get playing() => _get('playing');
+ EventListenerList get popState() => _get('popstate');
+ EventListenerList get progress() => _get('progress');
+ EventListenerList get rateChange() => _get('ratechange');
+ EventListenerList get reset() => _get('reset');
+ EventListenerList get resize() => _get('resize');
+ EventListenerList get scroll() => _get('scroll');
+ EventListenerList get search() => _get('search');
+ EventListenerList get seeked() => _get('seeked');
+ EventListenerList get seeking() => _get('seeking');
+ EventListenerList get select() => _get('select');
+ EventListenerList get stalled() => _get('stalled');
+ EventListenerList get storage() => _get('storage');
+ EventListenerList get submit() => _get('submit');
+ EventListenerList get suspend() => _get('suspend');
+ EventListenerList get timeUpdate() => _get('timeupdate');
+ EventListenerList get touchCancel() => _get('touchcancel');
+ EventListenerList get touchEnd() => _get('touchend');
+ EventListenerList get touchMove() => _get('touchmove');
+ EventListenerList get touchStart() => _get('touchstart');
+ EventListenerList get transitionEnd() => _get('webkitTransitionEnd');
+ EventListenerList get unload() => _get('unload');
+ EventListenerList get volumeChange() => _get('volumechange');
+ EventListenerList get waiting() => _get('waiting');

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