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Unified Diff: client/dom/scripts/

Issue 9403004: Wrapperless dart:html generator (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Final version to check in. changes generator script but doesn't check in an active version of the … Created 8 years, 10 months ago
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diff --git a/client/dom/scripts/ b/client/dom/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e18099e093f5c202ea2c2358b2449c925e915544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/dom/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+"""This module provides shared functionality for the system to generate
+Dart:html APIs from the IDL database."""
+import os
+from generator import *
+from systembase import *
+from systemfrog import *
+from systeminterface import *
+# Members from the standard dom that should not be exposed publicly in dart:html
+# but need to be exposed internally to implement dart:html on top of a standard
+# browser.
+_private_html_members = {
+ 'Element': set(['clientLeft', 'clientTop', 'clientWidth', 'clientHeight',
+ 'offsetLeft', 'offsetTop', 'offsetWidth', 'offsetHeight',
+ 'scrollLeft', 'scrollTop', 'scrollWidth', 'scrollHeight',
+ 'childElementCount', 'firstElementChild', 'hasAttribute',
+ 'getAttribute', 'removeAttribute', 'setAttribute', 'className',
+ 'children']),
+ 'Node' : set(['appendChild', 'removeChild', 'replaceChild', 'attributes',
+ 'childNodes']),
+ # TODO(jacobr): other direct translate methods on node such as
+ # textContext->text
+ 'Document': set(['createElement', 'createEvent']),
+ 'Window': set(['getComputedStyle']),
+ 'EventTarget': set(['removeEventListener', 'addEventListener',
+ 'dispatchEvent']),
+ 'Event': set(['initEvent', 'target', 'srcElement', 'currentTarget'])
+# Members from the standard dom that exist in the dart:html library with
+# identical functionality but with cleaner names.
+html_library_renames = {
+ 'Document.createTextNode': 'Text.Text',
+ 'Document.get:defaultView': 'Document.get:window',
+ 'DocumentFragment.querySelector': 'Element.query',
+ 'Element.querySelector': 'Element.query',
+ 'Document.querySelector': 'Element.query',
+ 'DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll': 'Element.queryAll',
+ 'DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll': 'Element.queryAll',
+ 'Element.querySelectorAll': 'Element.queryAll',
+ 'Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded': 'Element.scrollIntoView',
+ 'Node.cloneNode': 'Node.clone',
+ 'Node.get:nextSibling': 'Node.get:nextNode',
+ 'Node.get:ownerDocument': 'Node.get:document',
+ 'Node.get:parentNode': 'Node.get:parent',
+ 'Node.get:previousSibling': 'Node.get:previousNode',
+# Members and classes from the dom that should be removed completelly from
+# dart:html. These could be expressed in the IDL instead but expressing this
+# as a simple table instead is more concise.
+# TODO(jacobr): cleanup and augment this list.
+_html_library_remove = set([
+ 'Window.get:document', # Removed as we have a custom implementation.
+ 'NodeList.item',
+ "Attr.*",
+# "BarProp.*",
+# "BarInfo.*",
+# "Blob.webkitSlice",
+# "CDATASection.*",
+# "Comment.*",
+# "DOMImplementation.*",
+ # TODO(jacobr): listing title here is a temporary hack due to a frog bug
+ # involving when an interface inherits from another interface and defines
+ # the same field. BUG(1633)
+ "Document.get:title",
+ "Document.set:title",
+ "Element.get:title",
+ "Element.set:title",
+ "Document.get:documentElement",
+ "Document.get:forms",
+# "Document.get:selectedStylesheetSet",
+# "Document.set:selectedStylesheetSet",
+# "Document.get:preferredStylesheetSet",
+ "Document.get:links",
+ "Document.getElementsByTagName",
+ "Document.set:domain",
+ "Document.get:implementation",
+ "Document.createAttributeNS",
+ "Document.get:inputEncoding",
+ "Document.getElementsByClassName",
+ "Document.get:compatMode",
+ "Document.importNode",
+ "Document.evaluate",
+ "Document.get:images",
+ "Document.querySelector",
+ "Document.createExpression",
+ "Document.getOverrideStyle",
+ "Document.get:xmlStandalone",
+ "Document.set:xmlStandalone",
+ "Document.createComment",
+ "Document.adoptNode",
+ "Document.get:characterSet",
+ "Document.createAttribute",
+ "Document.querySelectorAll",
+ "Document.get:URL",
+ "Document.createElementNS",
+ "Document.createEntityReference",
+ "Document.get:documentURI",
+ "Document.set:documentURI",
+ "Document.createNodeIterator",
+ "Document.createProcessingInstruction",
+ "Document.get:doctype",
+ "Document.getElementsByName",
+ "Document.createTreeWalker",
+ "Document.get:location",
+ "Document.set:location",
+ "Document.createNSResolver",
+ "Document.get:xmlEncoding",
+ "Document.get:defaultCharset",
+ "Document.get:applets",
+ "Document.getSelection",
+ "Document.get:xmlVersion",
+ "Document.set:xmlVersion",
+ "Document.get:anchors",
+ "Document.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ "DocumentType.*",
+ "Element.hasAttributeNS",
+ "Element.getAttributeNS",
+ "Element.setAttributeNode",
+ "Element.getAttributeNode",
+ "Element.removeAttributeNode",
+ "Element.removeAttributeNS",
+ "Element.setAttributeNodeNS",
+ "Element.getAttributeNodeNS",
+ "Element.setAttributeNS",
+# "EventSource.get:url",
+# TODO(jacobr): should these be removed?
+ "Document.close",
+ "Document.hasFocus",
+ "Document.get:vlinkColor",
+ "Document.set:vlinkColor",
+ "Document.captureEvents",
+ "Document.releaseEvents",
+ "Document.get:compatMode",
+ "Document.get:designMode",
+ "Document.set:designMode",
+ "Document.get:dir",
+ "Document.set:dir",
+ "Document.get:all",
+ "Document.set:all",
+ "Document.write",
+ "Document.get:fgColor",
+ "Document.set:fgColor",
+ "Document.get:bgColor",
+ "Document.set:bgColor",
+ "Document.get:plugins",
+ "Document.get:alinkColor",
+ "Document.set:alinkColor",
+ "Document.get:embeds",
+ "",
+ "Document.clear",
+ "Document.get:scripts",
+ "Document.writeln",
+ "Document.get:linkColor",
+ "Document.set:linkColor",
+ "Element.get:itemRef",
+ "Element.set:className",
+ "Element.get:outerText",
+ "Element.set:outerText",
+ "Element.get:accessKey",
+ "Element.set:accessKey",
+ "Element.get:itemType",
+ "Element.get:innerText",
+ "Element.set:innerText",
+ "Element.set:outerHTML",
+ "Element.get:itemScope",
+ "Element.set:itemScope",
+ "Element.get:itemValue",
+ "Element.set:itemValue",
+ "Element.get:itemId",
+ "Element.set:itemId",
+ "Element.get:itemProp",
+ "EmbedElement.getSVGDocument",
+ "FormElement.get:elements",
+ "HTMLFrameElement.*",
+ "HTMLFrameSetElement.*",
+ "HTMLHtmlElement.get:version",
+ "HTMLHtmlElement.set:version",
+# "IFrameElement.getSVGDocument", #TODO(jacobr): should this be removed
+ "InputElement.get:dirName",
+ "InputElement.set:dirName",
+ "HTMLIsIndexElement.*",
+ "ObjectElement.getSVGDocument",
+ "HTMLOptionsCollection.*",
+ "HTMLPropertiesCollection.*",
+ "SelectElement.remove",
+ "TextAreaElement.get:dirName",
+ "TextAreaElement.set:dirName",
+ "NamedNodeMap.*",
+ "Node.isEqualNode",
+ "Node.get:TEXT_NODE",
+ "Node.hasAttributes",
+ "Node.get:childNodes",
+ "Node.lookupNamespaceURI",
+ "Node.get:ELEMENT_NODE",
+ "Node.get:namespaceURI",
+ "Node.get:localName",
+ "Node.dispatchEvent",
+ "Node.isDefaultNamespace",
+ "Node.compareDocumentPosition",
+ "Node.get:baseURI",
+ "Node.isSameNode",
+ "Node.get:DOCUMENT_NODE",
+ "Node.get:COMMENT_NODE",
+ "Node.isSupported",
+ "Node.get:firstChild",
+ "Node.get:lastChild",
+ "Node.get:attributes",
+ "Node.get:NOTATION_NODE",
+ "Node.normalize",
+ "Node.get:parentElement",
+ "Node.get:ATTRIBUTE_NODE",
+ "Node.get:ENTITY_NODE",
+ "Node.get:prefix",
+ "Node.set:prefix",
+ "Node.get:nodeType",
+ "Node.removeEventListener",
+ "Node.get:nodeValue",
+ "Node.set:nodeValue",
+ "Node.get:nodeName",
+ "Node.addEventListener",
+ "Node.lookupPrefix",
+ "Notification.dispatchEvent",
+ "Notification.addEventListener",
+ "Notification.removeEventListener"])
+# Events without onEventName attributes in the IDL we want to support.
+# We can automatically extract most event event names by checking for
+# onEventName methods in the IDL but some events aren't listed so we need
+# to manually add them here so that they are easy for users to find.
+_html_manual_events = {
+ 'Element': ['touchleave', 'webkitTransitionEnd'],
+ 'Window': ['DOMContentLoaded']
+# These event names must be camel case when attaching event listeners
+# using addEventListener even though the onEventName properties in the DOM for
+# them are not camel case.
+_on_attribute_to_event_name_mapping = {
+ 'webkitanimationend': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
+ 'webkitanimationiteration': 'webkitAnimationIteration',
+ 'webkitanimationstart': 'webkitAnimationStart',
+ 'webkitfullscreenchange': 'webkitFullScreenChange',
+ 'webkitfullscreenerror': 'webkitFullScreenError',
+ 'webkitspeechchange': 'webkitSpeechChange',
+ 'webkittransitionend': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
+# Mapping from raw event names to the pretty camelCase event names exposed as
+# properties in dart:html. If the DOM exposes a new event name, you will need
+# to add the lower case to camel case conversion for that event name here.
+_html_event_names = {
+ 'DOMContentLoaded': 'contentLoaded',
+ 'touchleave': 'touchLeave',
+ 'abort': 'abort',
+ 'beforecopy': 'beforeCopy',
+ 'beforecut': 'beforeCut',
+ 'beforepaste': 'beforePaste',
+ 'beforeunload': 'beforeUnload',
+ 'blur': 'blur',
+ 'cached': 'cached',
+ 'canplay': 'canPlay',
+ 'canplaythrough': 'canPlayThrough',
+ 'change': 'change',
+ 'checking': 'checking',
+ 'click': 'click',
+ 'close': 'close',
+ 'contextmenu': 'contextMenu',
+ 'copy': 'copy',
+ 'cut': 'cut',
+ 'dblclick': 'doubleClick',
+ 'devicemotion': 'deviceMotion',
+ 'deviceorientation': 'deviceOrientation',
+ 'display': 'display',
+ 'downloading': 'downloading',
+ 'drag': 'drag',
+ 'dragend': 'dragEnd',
+ 'dragenter': 'dragEnter',
+ 'dragleave': 'dragLeave',
+ 'dragover': 'dragOver',
+ 'dragstart': 'dragStart',
+ 'drop': 'drop',
+ 'durationchange': 'durationChange',
+ 'emptied': 'emptied',
+ 'ended': 'ended',
+ 'error': 'error',
+ 'focus': 'focus',
+ 'hashchange': 'hashChange',
+ 'input': 'input',
+ 'invalid': 'invalid',
+ 'keydown': 'keyDown',
+ 'keypress': 'keyPress',
+ 'keyup': 'keyUp',
+ 'load': 'load',
+ 'loadeddata': 'loadedData',
+ 'loadedmetadata': 'loadedMetadata',
+ 'loadend': 'loadEnd',
+ 'loadstart': 'loadStart',
+ 'message': 'message',
+ 'mousedown': 'mouseDown',
+ 'mousemove': 'mouseMove',
+ 'mouseout': 'mouseOut',
+ 'mouseover': 'mouseOver',
+ 'mouseup': 'mouseUp',
+ 'mousewheel': 'mouseWheel',
+ 'noupdate': 'noUpdate',
+ 'obsolete': 'obsolete',
+ 'offline': 'offline',
+ 'online': 'online',
+ 'open': 'open',
+ 'pagehide': 'pageHide',
+ 'pageshow': 'pageShow',
+ 'paste': 'paste',
+ 'pause': 'pause',
+ 'play': 'play',
+ 'playing': 'playing',
+ 'popstate': 'popState',
+ 'progress': 'progress',
+ 'ratechange': 'rateChange',
+ 'readystatechange': 'readyStateChange',
+ 'reset': 'reset',
+ 'resize': 'resize',
+ 'scroll': 'scroll',
+ 'search': 'search',
+ 'seeked': 'seeked',
+ 'seeking': 'seeking',
+ 'select': 'select',
+ 'selectionchange': 'selectionChange',
+ 'selectstart': 'selectStart',
+ 'show': 'show',
+ 'stalled': 'stalled',
+ 'storage': 'storage',
+ 'submit': 'submit',
+ 'suspend': 'suspend',
+ 'timeupdate': 'timeUpdate',
+ 'touchcancel': 'touchCancel',
+ 'touchend': 'touchEnd',
+ 'touchmove': 'touchMove',
+ 'touchstart': 'touchStart',
+ 'unload': 'unload',
+ 'updateready': 'updateReady',
+ 'volumechange': 'volumeChange',
+ 'waiting': 'waiting',
+ 'webkitAnimationEnd': 'animationEnd',
+ 'webkitAnimationIteration': 'animationIteration',
+ 'webkitAnimationStart': 'animationStart',
+ 'webkitFullScreenChange': 'fullScreenChange',
+ 'webkitFullScreenError': 'fullScreenError',
+ 'webkitSpeechChange': 'speechChange',
+ 'webkitTransitionEnd': 'transitionEnd'
+def _OnAttributeToEventName(on_method):
+ event_name =[2:]
+ if event_name in _on_attribute_to_event_name_mapping:
+ return _on_attribute_to_event_name_mapping[event_name]
+ else:
+ return event_name
+def _DomToHtmlEvents(interface_id, events):
+ event_names = set(map(_OnAttributeToEventName, events))
+ if interface_id in _html_manual_events:
+ for manual_event_name in _html_manual_events[interface_id]:
+ event_names.add(manual_event_name)
+ return sorted(event_names, key=lambda name: _html_event_names[name])
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class HtmlSystem(System):
+ def __init__(self, templates, database, emitters, output_dir, generator):
+ super(HtmlSystem, self).__init__(
+ templates, database, emitters, output_dir)
+ self._event_classes = set()
+ self._seen_event_names = {}
+ self._generator = generator
+ def _AllowInHtmlLibrary(self, interface, member):
+ if self._PrivateInHtmlLibrary(interface, member):
+ return False
+ for interface_name in ([] +
+ self._generator._AllImplementedInterfaces(interface)):
+ if + '.' + member in _html_library_remove:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _PrivateInHtmlLibrary(self, interface, member):
+ for interface_name in ([] +
+ self._generator._AllImplementedInterfaces(interface)):
+ if (interface_name in _private_html_members and
+ member in _private_html_members[interface_name]):
+ return True
+ return False
+ # TODO(jacobr): this already exists
+ def _TraverseParents(self, interface, callback):
+ for parent in interface.parents:
+ parent_id =
+ if self._database.HasInterface(parent_id):
+ parent_interface = self._database.GetInterface(parent_id)
+ callback(parent_interface)
+ self._TraverseParents(parent_interface, callback)
+ # TODO(jacobr): this isn't quite right....
+ def _GetParentsEventsClasses(self, interface):
+ # Ugly hack as we don't specify that Document inherits from Element
+ # in our IDL.
+ if == 'Document':
+ return ['ElementEvents']
+ interfaces_with_events = set()
+ def visit(parent):
+ if in self._event_classes:
+ interfaces_with_events.add(parent)
+ self._TraverseParents(interface, visit)
+ if len(interfaces_with_events) == 0:
+ return ['Events']
+ else:
+ names = []
+ for interface in interfaces_with_events:
+ names.append( + 'Events')
+ return names
+class HtmlInterfacesSystem(HtmlSystem):
+ def __init__(self, templates, database, emitters, output_dir, generator):
+ super(HtmlInterfacesSystem, self).__init__(
+ templates, database, emitters, output_dir, generator)
+ self._dart_interface_file_paths = []
+ def InterfaceGenerator(self,
+ interface,
+ common_prefix,
+ super_interface_name,
+ source_filter):
+ """."""
+ interface_name =
+ dart_interface_file_path = self._FilePathForDartInterface(interface_name)
+ self._dart_interface_file_paths.append(dart_interface_file_path)
+ dart_interface_code = self._emitters.FileEmitter(dart_interface_file_path)
+ template_file = 'interface_%s.darttemplate' % interface_name
+ template = self._templates.TryLoad(template_file)
+ if not template:
+ template = self._templates.Load('interface.darttemplate')
+ return HtmlDartInterfaceGenerator(
+ interface, dart_interface_code,
+ template,
+ common_prefix, super_interface_name,
+ source_filter, self)
+ def ProcessCallback(self, interface, info):
+ """Generates a typedef for the callback interface."""
+ interface_name =
+ file_path = self._FilePathForDartInterface(interface_name)
+ self._ProcessCallback(interface, info, file_path)
+ def GenerateLibraries(self, lib_dir):
+ pass
+ def _FilePathForDartInterface(self, interface_name):
+ """Returns the file path of the Dart interface definition."""
+ # TODO(jmesserly): is this the right path
+ return os.path.join(self._output_dir, 'html', 'interface',
+ '%s.dart' % interface_name)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# TODO(jmesserly): inheritance is probably not the right way to factor this long
+# term, but it makes merging better for now.
+class HtmlDartInterfaceGenerator(DartInterfaceGenerator):
+ """Generates Dart Interface definition for one DOM IDL interface."""
+ def __init__(self, interface, emitter, template,
+ common_prefix, super_interface, source_filter, system):
+ super(HtmlDartInterfaceGenerator, self).__init__(interface,
+ emitter, template, common_prefix, super_interface, source_filter)
+ self._system = system
+ def StartInterface(self):
+ typename =
+ extends = []
+ suppressed_extends = []
+ for parent in self._interface.parents:
+ # TODO(vsm): Remove source_filter.
+ if MatchSourceFilter(self._source_filter, parent):
+ # Parent is a DOM type.
+ extends.append(
+ elif '<' in
+ # Parent is a Dart collection type.
+ # TODO(vsm): Make this check more robust.
+ extends.append(
+ else:
+ suppressed_extends.append('%s.%s' %
+ (self._common_prefix,
+ comment = ' extends'
+ extends_str = ''
+ if extends:
+ extends_str += ' extends ' + ', '.join(extends)
+ comment = ','
+ if suppressed_extends:
+ extends_str += ' /*%s %s */' % (comment, ', '.join(suppressed_extends))
+ if typename in interface_factories:
+ extends_str += ' default ' + interface_factories[typename]
+ # TODO(vsm): Add appropriate package / namespace syntax.
+ (self._members_emitter,
+ self._top_level_emitter) = self._emitter.Emit(
+ self._template + '$!TOP_LEVEL',
+ ID=typename,
+ EXTENDS=extends_str)
+ element_type = MaybeTypedArrayElementType(self._interface)
+ if element_type:
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' $CTOR(int length);\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' $CTOR.fromList(List<$TYPE> list);\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' $CTOR.fromBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer);\n',
+ TYPE=element_type)
+ def AddAttribute(self, getter, setter):
+ if getter and not self._system._AllowInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ 'get:' +
+ getter = None
+ if setter and not self._system._AllowInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ 'set:' +
+ setter = None
+ if not getter and not setter:
+ return
+ if getter and setter and ==
+ self._members_emitter.Emit('\n $TYPE $NAME;\n',
+ return
+ if getter and not setter:
+ self._members_emitter.Emit('\n final $TYPE $NAME;\n',
+ return
+ raise Exception('Unexpected getter/setter combination %s %s' %
+ (getter, setter))
+ def AddOperation(self, info):
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ operations - contains the overloads, one or more operations with the same
+ name.
+ """
+ if self._system._AllowInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ self._members_emitter.Emit('\n'
+ ' $TYPE $NAME($PARAMS);\n',
+ TYPE=info.type_name,
+ PARAMS=info.ParametersInterfaceDeclaration())
+ def FinishInterface(self):
+ pass
+ def AddConstant(self, constant):
+ self._EmitConstant(self._members_emitter, constant)
+ def AddEventAttributes(self, event_attrs):
+ event_attrs = _DomToHtmlEvents(, event_attrs)
+ self._system._event_classes.add(
+ events_interface = + 'Events'
+ self._members_emitter.Emit('\n $TYPE get on();\n',
+ TYPE=events_interface)
+ events_members = self._emitter.Emit(
+ '\ninterface $INTERFACE extends $PARENTS {\n$!MEMBERS}\n',
+ INTERFACE=events_interface,
+ PARENTS=', '.join(
+ self._system._GetParentsEventsClasses(self._interface)))
+ for event_name in event_attrs:
+ if event_name in _html_event_names:
+ events_members.Emit('\n EventListenerList get $NAME();\n',
+ NAME=_html_event_names[event_name])
+ else:
+ raise Exception('No known html even name for event: ' + event_name)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# TODO(jmesserly): inheritance is probably not the right way to factor this long
+# term, but it makes merging better for now.
+class HtmlFrogClassGenerator(FrogInterfaceGenerator):
+ """Generates a Frog class for the dart:html library from a DOM IDL
+ interface.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, system, interface, template, super_interface, dart_code):
+ super(HtmlFrogClassGenerator, self).__init__(
+ system, interface, template, super_interface, dart_code)
+ def StartInterface(self):
+ interface = self._interface
+ interface_name =
+ self._class_name = self._ImplClassName(interface_name)
+ base = None
+ if interface.parents:
+ supertype = interface.parents[0]
+ # FIXME: We're currently injecting List<..> and EventTarget as
+ # supertypes in dart.idl. We should annotate/preserve as
+ # attributes instead. For now, this hack lets the interfaces
+ # inherit, but not the classes.
+ if (not IsDartListType(supertype) and
+ not supertype == 'EventTarget'):
+ base = self._ImplClassName(supertype)
+ if IsDartCollectionType(supertype):
+ # List methods are injected in AddIndexer.
+ pass
+ elif supertype == 'EventTarget':
+ # Most implementors of EventTarget specify the EventListener operations
+ # again. If the operations are not specified, try to inherit from the
+ # EventTarget implementation.
+ #
+ # Applies to MessagePort.
+ if not [op for op in interface.operations if == 'addEventListener']:
+ base = self._ImplClassName(supertype)
+ else:
+ base = self._ImplClassName(supertype)
+ native_spec = MakeNativeSpec(interface.javascript_binding_name)
+ extends = ' extends ' + base if base else ''
+ # TODO: Include all implemented interfaces, including other Lists.
+ implements = [interface_name]
+ element_type = MaybeTypedArrayElementType(self._interface)
+ if element_type:
+ implements.append('List<' + element_type + '>')
+ self._members_emitter = self._dart_code.Emit(
+ self._template,
+ #}
+ CLASSNAME=self._class_name,
+ EXTENDS=extends,
+ IMPLEMENTS=' implements ' + ', '.join(implements),
+ NATIVESPEC=' native "' + native_spec + '"')
+ element_type = MaybeTypedArrayElementType(interface)
+ if element_type:
+ self.AddTypedArrayConstructors(element_type)
+ def AddAttribute(self, getter, setter):
+ if self._system._PrivateInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ if getter:
+ self._AddGetter(getter, True)
+ if setter:
+ self._AddSetter(setter, True)
+ return
+ if getter and not self._system._AllowInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ 'get:' +
+ getter = None
+ if setter and not self._system._AllowInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ 'set:' +
+ setter = None
+ if not getter and not setter:
+ return
+ # If the (getter, setter) pair is shadowing, we can't generate a shadowing
+ # field (Issue 1633).
+ (super_getter, super_getter_interface) = self._FindShadowedAttribute(getter)
+ (super_setter, super_setter_interface) = self._FindShadowedAttribute(setter)
+ if super_getter or super_setter:
+ if getter and not setter and super_getter and not super_setter:
+ if ==
+ # Compatible getter, use the superclass property. This works because
+ # JavaScript will do its own dynamic dispatch.
+ output_type = getter and self._NarrowOutputType(
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' // Use implementation from $SUPER.\n'
+ ' // final $TYPE $NAME;\n',
+, TYPE=output_type)
+ return
+ self._members_emitter.Emit('\n // Shadowing definition.')
+ if getter:
+ self._AddGetter(getter, False)
+ if setter:
+ self._AddSetter(setter, False)
+ return
+ if != 'Document':
+ output_type = getter and self._NarrowOutputType(
+ input_type = setter and self._NarrowInputType(
+ if getter and setter and input_type == output_type:
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n $TYPE $NAME;\n',
+, TYPE=output_type)
+ return
+ if getter and not setter:
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n final $TYPE $NAME;\n',
+, TYPE=output_type)
+ return
+ self._AddAttributeUsingProperties(getter, setter, False)
+ def _AddAttributeUsingProperties(self, getter, setter, private):
+ if getter:
+ self._AddGetter(getter, private)
+ if setter:
+ self._AddSetter(setter, private)
+ def _AddGetter(self, attr, private):
+ # TODO(sra): Remove native body when Issue 829 fixed.
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n $TYPE get $PRIVATE$NAME() native "return $THIS.$NAME;";\n',
+, TYPE=self._NarrowOutputType(,
+ PRIVATE='_' if private else '',
+ THIS='this.parentNode' if == 'Document' else 'this'
+ )
+ def _AddSetter(self, attr, private):
+ # TODO(sra): Remove native body when Issue 829 fixed.
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n void set $PRIVATE$NAME($TYPE value)'
+ ' native "$THIS.$NAME = value;";\n',
+, TYPE=self._NarrowInputType(,
+ PRIVATE='_' if private else '',
+ THIS='this.parentNode' if == 'Document' else 'this')
+ def AddOperation(self, info):
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ info: An OperationInfo object.
+ """
+ private_in_html = self._system._PrivateInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ if private_in_html or == 'Document':
+ # TODO(vsm): Handle overloads.
+ # TODO(jacobr): handle document more efficiently for cases where any
+ # document is fine. For example: use window.document instead of
+ # this.parentNode.
+ return_type = self._NarrowOutputType(info.type_name)
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' native "$(RETURN)$(THIS).$NAME($PARAMNAMES);";\n',
+ TYPE=return_type,
+ RETURN='' if return_type == 'void' else 'return ',
+ PRIVATE='_' if private_in_html else '',
+ THIS='this.parentNode' if == 'Document'
+ else 'this',
+ PARAMNAMES=info.ParametersAsArgumentList(),
+ PARAMS=info.ParametersImplementationDeclaration(
+ lambda type_name: self._NarrowInputType(type_name)))
+ elif self._system._AllowInHtmlLibrary(self._interface,
+ # TODO(jacobr): this is duplicated from the parent class.
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE $NAME($PARAMS) native;\n',
+ TYPE=self._NarrowOutputType(info.type_name),
+ PARAMS=info.ParametersImplementationDeclaration(
+ lambda type_name: self._NarrowInputType(type_name)))
+ def AddEventAttributes(self, event_attrs):
+ event_attrs = _DomToHtmlEvents(, event_attrs)
+ events_class = '_' + + 'EventsImpl'
+ events_interface = + 'Events'
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n $TYPE get on() =>\n new $TYPE($EVENTTARGET);\n',
+ TYPE=events_class,
+ EVENTTARGET='_jsDocument' if == 'Document'
+ else 'this')
+ self._system._event_classes.add(
+ parent_event_classes = self._system._GetParentsEventsClasses(
+ self._interface)
+ if len(parent_event_classes) != 1:
+ raise Exception('Only one parent event class allowed '
+ +
+ # TODO(jacobr): specify the type of _ptr as EventTarget
+ events_members = self._dart_code.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ 'class $CLASSNAME extends $SUPER implements $INTERFACE {\n'
+ ' $CLASSNAME(_ptr) : super(_ptr);\n'
+ '$!MEMBERS}\n',
+ TARGETCLASS=self._NarrowOutputType(,
+ CLASSNAME=events_class,
+ INTERFACE=events_interface,
+ SUPER='_' + parent_event_classes[0] + 'Impl')
+ for event_name in event_attrs:
+ if event_name in _html_event_names:
+ events_members.Emit(
+ "\n"
+ " EventListenerList get $NAME() => _get('$RAWNAME');\n",
+ RAWNAME=event_name,
+ NAME=_html_event_names[event_name])
+ else:
+ raise Exception('No known html even name for event: ' + event_name)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class HtmlFrogSystem(HtmlSystem):
+ def __init__(self, templates, database, emitters, output_dir, generator):
+ super(HtmlFrogSystem, self).__init__(
+ templates, database, emitters, output_dir, generator)
+ self._dart_frog_file_paths = []
+ def InterfaceGenerator(self,
+ interface,
+ common_prefix,
+ super_interface_name,
+ source_filter):
+ """."""
+ dart_frog_file_path = self._FilePathForFrogImpl(
+ self._dart_frog_file_paths.append(dart_frog_file_path)
+ template_file = 'impl_%s.darttemplate' %
+ template = self._templates.TryLoad(template_file)
+ if not template:
+ template = self._templates.Load('frog_impl.darttemplate')
+ dart_code = self._emitters.FileEmitter(dart_frog_file_path)
+ return HtmlFrogClassGenerator(self, interface, template,
+ super_interface_name, dart_code)
+ def GenerateLibraries(self, lib_dir):
+ self._GenerateLibFile(
+ 'html_frog.darttemplate',
+ os.path.join(lib_dir, 'html_frog.dart'),
+ (self._interface_system._dart_interface_file_paths +
+ self._interface_system._dart_callback_file_paths +
+ self._dart_frog_file_paths))
+ def Finish(self):
+ pass
+ def _FilePathForFrogImpl(self, interface_name):
+ """Returns the file path of the Frog implementation."""
+ # TODO(jmesserly): is this the right path
+ return os.path.join(self._output_dir, 'html', 'frog',
+ '%s.dart' % interface_name)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WrappingInterfaceGenerator(object):
+ """Generates Dart and JS implementation for one DOM IDL interface."""
+ def __init__(self, interface, super_interface, dart_code, base_members):
+ """Generates Dart and JS code for the given interface.
+ Args:
+ interface: an IDLInterface instance. It is assumed that all types have
+ been converted to Dart types (e.g. int, String), unless they are in
+ the same package as the interface.
+ super_interface: A string or None, the name of the common interface that
+ this interface implements, if any.
+ dart_code: an Emitter for the file containing the Dart implementation
+ class.
+ base_members: a set of names of members defined in a base class. This is
+ used to avoid static member 'overriding' in the generated Dart code.
+ """
+ self._interface = interface
+ self._super_interface = super_interface
+ self._dart_code = dart_code
+ self._base_members = base_members
+ self._current_secondary_parent = None
+ def StartInterface(self):
+ interface = self._interface
+ interface_name =
+ self._class_name = self._ImplClassName(interface_name)
+ base = self._BaseClassName(interface)
+ (self._members_emitter,
+ self._top_level_emitter) = self._dart_code.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ 'class $CLASS extends $BASE implements $INTERFACE {\n'
+ ' $CLASS() : super() {}\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' static create_$CLASS() native {\n'
+ ' return new $CLASS();\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' String get typeName() { return "$INTERFACE"; }\n'
+ '}\n'
+ '$!TOP_LEVEL',
+ CLASS=self._class_name, BASE=base, INTERFACE=interface_name)
+ def _ImplClassName(self, type_name):
+ return '_' + type_name + 'WrappingImplementation'
+ def _BaseClassName(self, interface):
+ if not interface.parents:
+ return 'DOMWrapperBase'
+ supertype = interface.parents[0]
+ # FIXME: We're currently injecting List<..> and EventTarget as
+ # supertypes in dart.idl. We should annotate/preserve as
+ # attributes instead. For now, this hack lets the interfaces
+ # inherit, but not the classes.
+ # List methods are injected in AddIndexer.
+ if IsDartListType(supertype) or IsDartCollectionType(supertype):
+ return 'DOMWrapperBase'
+ if supertype == 'EventTarget':
+ # Most implementors of EventTarget specify the EventListener operations
+ # again. If the operations are not specified, try to inherit from the
+ # EventTarget implementation.
+ #
+ # Applies to MessagePort.
+ if not [op for op in interface.operations if == 'addEventListener']:
+ return self._ImplClassName(supertype)
+ return 'DOMWrapperBase'
+ return self._ImplClassName(supertype)
+ def FinishInterface(self):
+ """."""
+ pass
+ def AddConstant(self, constant):
+ # Constants are already defined on the interface.
+ pass
+ def _MethodName(self, prefix, name):
+ method_name = prefix + name
+ if name in self._base_members: # Avoid illegal Dart 'static override'.
+ method_name = method_name + '_' +
+ return method_name
+ def AddAttribute(self, getter, setter):
+ if getter:
+ self._AddGetter(getter)
+ if setter:
+ self._AddSetter(setter)
+ def _AddGetter(self, attr):
+ # FIXME: Instead of injecting the interface name into the method when it is
+ # also implemented in the base class, suppress the method altogether if it
+ # has the same signature. I.e., let the JS do the virtual dispatch instead.
+ method_name = self._MethodName('_get_',
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE get $NAME() { return $METHOD(this); }\n'
+ ' static $TYPE $METHOD(var _this) native;\n',
+,, METHOD=method_name)
+ def _AddSetter(self, attr):
+ # FIXME: See comment on getter.
+ method_name = self._MethodName('_set_',
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' void set $NAME($TYPE value) { $METHOD(this, value); }\n'
+ ' static void $METHOD(var _this, $TYPE value) native;\n',
+,, METHOD=method_name)
+ def AddSecondaryAttribute(self, interface, getter, setter):
+ self._SecondaryContext(interface)
+ self.AddAttribute(getter, setter)
+ def AddSecondaryOperation(self, interface, info):
+ self._SecondaryContext(interface)
+ self.AddOperation(info)
+ def AddEventAttributes(self, event_attrs):
+ pass
+ def _SecondaryContext(self, interface):
+ if interface is not self._current_secondary_parent:
+ self._current_secondary_parent = interface
+ self._members_emitter.Emit('\n // From $WHERE\n',
+ def AddIndexer(self, element_type):
+ """Adds all the methods required to complete implementation of List."""
+ # We would like to simply inherit the implementation of everything except
+ # get length(), [], and maybe []=. It is possible to extend from a base
+ # array implementation class only when there is no other implementation
+ # inheritance. There might be no implementation inheritance other than
+ # DOMBaseWrapper for many classes, but there might be some where the
+ # array-ness is introduced by a non-root interface:
+ #
+ # interface Y extends X, List<T> ...
+ #
+ # In the non-root case we have to choose between:
+ #
+ # class YImpl extends XImpl { add List<T> methods; }
+ #
+ # and
+ #
+ # class YImpl extends ListBase<T> { copies of transitive XImpl methods; }
+ #
+ if self._HasNativeIndexGetter(self._interface):
+ self._EmitNativeIndexGetter(self._interface, element_type)
+ else:
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE operator[](int index) {\n'
+ ' return item(index);\n'
+ ' }\n',
+ TYPE=element_type)
+ if self._HasNativeIndexSetter(self._interface):
+ self._EmitNativeIndexSetter(self._interface, element_type)
+ else:
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' void operator[]=(int index, $TYPE value) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n',
+ TYPE=element_type)
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' void add($TYPE value) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot add to immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void addLast($TYPE value) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot add to immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void addAll(Collection<$TYPE> collection) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot add to immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void sort(int compare($TYPE a, $TYPE b)) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot sort immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void copyFrom(List<Object> src, int srcStart, '
+ 'int dstStart, int count) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This object is immutable.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' int indexOf($TYPE element, [int start = 0]) {\n'
+ ' return _Lists.indexOf(this, element, start, this.length);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' int lastIndexOf($TYPE element, [int start = null]) {\n'
+ ' if (start === null) start = length - 1;\n'
+ ' return _Lists.lastIndexOf(this, element, start);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' int clear() {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot clear immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE removeLast() {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot removeLast on immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE last() {\n'
+ ' return this[length - 1];\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void forEach(void f($TYPE element)) {\n'
+ ' _Collections.forEach(this, f);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' Collection map(f($TYPE element)) {\n'
+ ' return, [], f);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' Collection<$TYPE> filter(bool f($TYPE element)) {\n'
+ ' return _Collections.filter(this, new List<$TYPE>(), f);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' bool every(bool f($TYPE element)) {\n'
+ ' return _Collections.every(this, f);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' bool some(bool f($TYPE element)) {\n'
+ ' return _Collections.some(this, f);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void setRange(int start, int length, List<$TYPE> from, [int startFrom]) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot setRange on immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void removeRange(int start, int length) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot removeRange on immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' void insertRange(int start, int length, [$TYPE initialValue]) {\n'
+ ' throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot insertRange on immutable List.");\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' List<$TYPE> getRange(int start, int length) {\n'
+ ' throw new NotImplementedException();\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' bool isEmpty() {\n'
+ ' return length == 0;\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' Iterator<$TYPE> iterator() {\n'
+ ' return new _FixedSizeListIterator<$TYPE>(this);\n'
+ ' }\n',
+ TYPE=element_type)
+ def _HasNativeIndexGetter(self, interface):
+ return ('HasIndexGetter' in interface.ext_attrs or
+ 'HasNumericIndexGetter' in interface.ext_attrs)
+ def _EmitNativeIndexGetter(self, interface, element_type):
+ method_name = '_index'
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE operator[](int index) { return $METHOD(this, index); }\n'
+ ' static $TYPE $METHOD(var _this, int index) native;\n',
+ TYPE=element_type, METHOD=method_name)
+ def _HasNativeIndexSetter(self, interface):
+ return 'HasCustomIndexSetter' in interface.ext_attrs
+ def _EmitNativeIndexSetter(self, interface, element_type):
+ method_name = '_set_index'
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' void operator[]=(int index, $TYPE value) {\n'
+ ' return $METHOD(this, index, value);\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ ' static $METHOD(_this, index, value) native;\n',
+ TYPE=element_type, METHOD=method_name)
+ def AddOperation(self, info):
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ info: An OperationInfo object.
+ """
+ body = self._members_emitter.Emit(
+ '\n'
+ ' $TYPE $NAME($PARAMS) {\n'
+ '$!BODY'
+ ' }\n',
+ TYPE=info.type_name,
+ PARAMS=info.ParametersImplementationDeclaration())
+ # Process in order of ascending number of arguments to ensure missing
+ # optional arguments are processed early.
+ overloads = sorted(info.overloads,
+ key=lambda overload: len(overload.arguments))
+ self._native_version = 0
+ fallthrough = self.GenerateDispatch(body, info, ' ', 0, overloads)
+ if fallthrough:
+ body.Emit(' throw "Incorrect number or type of arguments";\n');
+ def GenerateSingleOperation(self, emitter, info, indent, operation):
+ """Generates a call to a single operation.
+ Arguments:
+ emitter: an Emitter for the body of a block of code.
+ info: the compound information about the operation and its overloads.
+ indent: an indentation string for generated code.
+ operation: the IDLOperation to call.
+ """
+ # TODO(sra): Do we need to distinguish calling with missing optional
+ # arguments from passing 'null' which is represented as 'undefined'?
+ def UnwrapArgExpression(name, type):
+ # TODO: Type specific unwrapping.
+ return '__dom_unwrap(%s)' % (name)
+ def ArgNameAndUnwrapper(arg_info, overload_arg):
+ (name, type, value) = arg_info
+ return (name, UnwrapArgExpression(name, type))
+ names_and_unwrappers = [ArgNameAndUnwrapper(info.arg_infos[i], arg)
+ for (i, arg) in enumerate(operation.arguments)]
+ unwrap_args = [unwrap_arg for (_, unwrap_arg) in names_and_unwrappers]
+ arg_names = [name for (name, _) in names_and_unwrappers]
+ self._native_version += 1
+ native_name = self._MethodName('_',
+ if self._native_version > 1:
+ native_name = '%s_%s' % (native_name, self._native_version)
+ argument_expressions = ', '.join(['this'] + arg_names)
+ if info.type_name != 'void':
+ emitter.Emit('$(INDENT)return $NATIVENAME($ARGS);\n',
+ INDENT=indent,
+ NATIVENAME=native_name,
+ ARGS=argument_expressions)
+ else:
+ emitter.Emit('$(INDENT)$NATIVENAME($ARGS);\n'
+ '$(INDENT)return;\n',
+ INDENT=indent,
+ NATIVENAME=native_name,
+ ARGS=argument_expressions)
+ self._members_emitter.Emit(' static $TYPE $NAME($PARAMS) native;\n',
+ NAME=native_name,
+ TYPE=info.type_name,
+ PARAMS=', '.join(['receiver'] + arg_names) )
+ def GenerateDispatch(self, emitter, info, indent, position, overloads):
+ """Generates a dispatch to one of the overloads.
+ Arguments:
+ emitter: an Emitter for the body of a block of code.
+ info: the compound information about the operation and its overloads.
+ indent: an indentation string for generated code.
+ position: the index of the parameter to dispatch on.
+ overloads: a list of the remaining IDLOperations to dispatch.
+ Returns True if the dispatch can fall through on failure, False if the code
+ always dispatches.
+ """
+ def NullCheck(name):
+ return '%s === null' % name
+ def TypeCheck(name, type):
+ return '%s is %s' % (name, type)
+ if position == len(info.arg_infos):
+ if len(overloads) > 1:
+ raise Exception('Duplicate operations ' + str(overloads))
+ operation = overloads[0]
+ self.GenerateSingleOperation(emitter, info, indent, operation)
+ return False
+ # FIXME: Consider a simpler dispatch that iterates over the
+ # overloads and generates an overload specific check. Revisit
+ # when we move to named optional arguments.
+ # Partition the overloads to divide and conquer on the dispatch.
+ positive = []
+ negative = []
+ first_overload = overloads[0]
+ (param_name, param_type, param_default) = info.arg_infos[position]
+ if position < len(first_overload.arguments):
+ # FIXME: This will not work if the second overload has a more
+ # precise type than the first. E.g.,
+ # void foo(Node x);
+ # void foo(Element x);
+ type = first_overload.arguments[position]
+ test = TypeCheck(param_name, type)
+ pred = lambda op: len(op.arguments) > position and op.arguments[position] == type
+ else:
+ type = None
+ test = NullCheck(param_name)
+ pred = lambda op: position >= len(op.arguments)
+ for overload in overloads:
+ if pred(overload):
+ positive.append(overload)
+ else:
+ negative.append(overload)
+ if positive and negative:
+ (true_code, false_code) = emitter.Emit(
+ '$(INDENT)if ($COND) {\n'
+ '$!TRUE'
+ '$(INDENT)} else {\n'
+ '$!FALSE'
+ '$(INDENT)}\n',
+ COND=test, INDENT=indent)
+ fallthrough1 = self.GenerateDispatch(
+ true_code, info, indent + ' ', position + 1, positive)
+ fallthrough2 = self.GenerateDispatch(
+ false_code, info, indent + ' ', position, negative)
+ return fallthrough1 or fallthrough2
+ if negative:
+ raise Exception('Internal error, must be all positive')
+ # All overloads require the same test. Do we bother?
+ # If the test is the same as the method's formal parameter then checked mode
+ # will have done the test already. (It could be null too but we ignore that
+ # case since all the overload behave the same and we don't know which types
+ # in the IDL are not nullable.)
+ if type == param_type:
+ return self.GenerateDispatch(
+ emitter, info, indent, position + 1, positive)
+ # Otherwise the overloads have the same type but the type is a substype of
+ # the method's synthesized formal parameter. e.g we have overloads f(X) and
+ # f(Y), implemented by the synthesized method f(Z) where X<Z and Y<Z. The
+ # dispatch has removed f(X), leaving only f(Y), but there is no guarantee
+ # that Y = Z-X, so we need to check for Y.
+ true_code = emitter.Emit(
+ '$(INDENT)if ($COND) {\n'
+ '$!TRUE'
+ '$(INDENT)}\n',
+ COND=test, INDENT=indent)
+ self.GenerateDispatch(
+ true_code, info, indent + ' ', position + 1, positive)
+ return True
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