Index: tools/testing/
diff --git a/tools/testing/ b/tools/testing/
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--- a/tools/testing/
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-# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Classes and methods for executing tasks for the framework.
-This module includes:
- - Managing parallel execution of tests using threads
- - Windows and Unix specific code for spawning tasks and retrieving results
- - Evaluating the output of each test as pass/fail/crash/timeout
-import ctypes
-import os
-import Queue
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import threading
-import time
-import traceback
-import testing
-import utils
-class Error(Exception):
- pass
-class CommandOutput(object):
- """Represents the output of running a command."""
- def __init__(self, pid, exit_code, timed_out, stdout, stderr):
- = pid
- self.exit_code = exit_code
- self.timed_out = timed_out
- self.stdout = stdout
- self.stderr = stderr
- self.failed = None
-class TestOutput(object):
- """Represents the output of running a TestCase."""
- def __init__(self, test, command, output):
- """Represents the output of running a TestCase.
- Args:
- test: A TestCase instance.
- command: the command line that was run
- output: A CommandOutput instance.
- """
- self.test = test
- self.command = command
- self.output = output
- def UnexpectedOutput(self):
- """Compare the result of running the expected from the TestConfiguration.
- Returns:
- True if the test had an unexpected output.
- """
- return not self.GetOutcome() in self.test.outcomes
- def GetOutcome(self):
- """Returns one of testing.CRASH, testing.TIMEOUT, testing.FAIL, or
- testing.PASS."""
- if self.HasCrashed():
- return testing.CRASH
- if self.HasTimedOut():
- return testing.TIMEOUT
- if self.HasFailed():
- return testing.FAIL
- return testing.PASS
- def HasCrashed(self):
- """Returns True if the test should be considered testing.CRASH."""
- if utils.IsWindows():
- if self.output.exit_code == 3:
- # The VM uses std::abort to terminate on asserts.
- # std::abort terminates with exit code 3 on Windows.
- return True
- return (0x80000000 & self.output.exit_code
- and not 0x3FFFFF00 & self.output.exit_code)
- else:
- # Timed out tests will have exit_code -signal.SIGTERM.
- if self.output.timed_out:
- return False
- if self.output.exit_code == 253:
- # The Java dartc runners exit 253 in case of unhandled exceptions.
- return True
- return self.output.exit_code < 0
- def HasTimedOut(self):
- """Returns True if the test should be considered as testing.TIMEOUT."""
- return self.output.timed_out
- def HasFailed(self):
- """Returns True if the test should be considered as testing.FAIL."""
- execution_failed = self.test.DidFail(self.output)
- if self.test.IsNegative():
- return not execution_failed
- else:
- return execution_failed
-def Execute(args, context, timeout=None, cwd=None):
- """Executes the specified command.
- Args:
- args: sequence of the executable name + arguments.
- context: An instance of Context object with global settings for
- timeout: optional timeout to wait for results in seconds.
- cwd: optionally change to this working directory.
- Returns:
- An instance of CommandOutput with the collected results.
- """
- (fd_out, outname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- (fd_err, errname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- (process, exit_code, timed_out) = RunProcess(context, timeout, args=args,
- stdout=fd_out, stderr=fd_err,
- cwd=cwd)
- os.close(fd_out)
- os.close(fd_err)
- output = file(outname).read()
- errors = file(errname).read()
- utils.CheckedUnlink(outname)
- utils.CheckedUnlink(errname)
- result = CommandOutput(, exit_code, timed_out,
- output, errors)
- return result
-def KillProcessWithID(pid):
- """Stop a process (with SIGTERM on Unix)."""
- if utils.IsWindows():
- os.popen('taskkill /T /F /PID %d' % pid)
- else:
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 0x0002 # Microsoft Platform SDK WinBase.h
-def Win32SetErrorMode(mode):
- """Some weird Windows stuff you just have to do."""
- prev_error_mode = SEM_INVALID_VALUE
- try:
- prev_error_mode = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(mode)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- return prev_error_mode
-def RunProcess(context, timeout, args, **rest):
- """Handles the OS specific details of running a task and saving results."""
- if context.verbose: print '#', ' '.join(args)
- popen_args = args
- prev_error_mode = SEM_INVALID_VALUE
- if utils.IsWindows():
- popen_args = '"' + subprocess.list2cmdline(args) + '"'
- if context.suppress_dialogs:
- # Try to change the error mode to avoid dialogs on fatal errors. Don't
- # touch any existing error mode flags by merging the existing error mode.
- # See
- prev_error_mode = Win32SetErrorMode(error_mode)
- Win32SetErrorMode(error_mode | prev_error_mode)
- process = subprocess.Popen(shell=utils.IsWindows(),
- args=popen_args,
- **rest)
- if (utils.IsWindows() and context.suppress_dialogs
- and prev_error_mode != SEM_INVALID_VALUE):
- Win32SetErrorMode(prev_error_mode)
- # Compute the end time - if the process crosses this limit we
- # consider it timed out.
- if timeout is None: end_time = None
- else: end_time = time.time() + timeout
- timed_out = False
- # Repeatedly check the exit code from the process in a
- # loop and keep track of whether or not it times out.
- exit_code = None
- sleep_time = INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME
- while exit_code is None:
- if (not end_time is None) and (time.time() >= end_time):
- # Kill the process and wait for it to exit.
- KillProcessWithID(
- # Drain the output pipe from the process to avoid deadlock
- process.communicate()
- exit_code = process.wait()
- timed_out = True
- else:
- exit_code = process.poll()
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- sleep_time *= SLEEP_TIME_FACTOR
- if sleep_time > MAX_SLEEP_TIME:
- sleep_time = MAX_SLEEP_TIME
- return (process, exit_code, timed_out)
-class TestRunner(object):
- """Base class for runners."""
- def __init__(self, work_queue, tasks, progress):
- self.work_queue = work_queue
- self.tasks = tasks
- self.terminate = False
- self.progress = progress
- self.threads = []
- self.shutdown_lock = threading.Lock()
-class BatchRunner(TestRunner):
- """Implements communication with a set of subprocesses using threads."""
- def __init__(self, work_queue, tasks, progress, batch_cmd):
- super(BatchRunner, self).__init__(work_queue, tasks, progress)
- self.runners = {}
- self.last_activity = {}
- self.context = progress.context
- # Scale the number of tasks to the nubmer of CPUs on the machine
- # 1:1 is too much of an overload on many machines in batch mode,
- # so scale the ratio of threads to CPUs back. On Windows running
- # more than one task is not safe.
- if tasks == testing.USE_DEFAULT_CPUS:
- if utils.IsWindows():
- tasks = 1
- else:
- tasks = .75 * testing.HOST_CPUS
- # Start threads
- for i in xrange(tasks):
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self.RunThread, args=[batch_cmd, i])
- self.threads.append(thread)
- thread.daemon = True
- thread.start()
- def RunThread(self, batch_cmd, thread_number):
- """A thread started to feed a single TestRunner."""
- try:
- runner = None
- while not self.terminate and not self.work_queue.empty():
- runner = subprocess.Popen(batch_cmd,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- self.runners[thread_number] = runner
- self.FeedTestRunner(runner, thread_number)
- if thread_number in self.last_activity:
- del self.last_activity[thread_number]
- # Cleanup
- self.EndRunner(runner)
- except:
- self.Shutdown()
- raise
- finally:
- if thread_number in self.last_activity:
- del self.last_activity[thread_number]
- if runner: self.EndRunner(runner)
- def EndRunner(self, runner):
- """Cleans up a single runner, killing the child if necessary."""
- with self.shutdown_lock:
- if runner:
- returncode = runner.poll()
- if returncode is None:
- runner.kill()
- for (found_runner, thread_number) in self.runners.items():
- if runner == found_runner:
- del self.runners[thread_number]
- break
- try:
- runner.communicate()
- except ValueError:
- pass
- def CheckForTimeouts(self):
- now = time.time()
- for (thread_number, start_time) in self.last_activity.items():
- if now - start_time > self.context.timeout:
- self.runners[thread_number].kill()
- def WaitForCompletion(self):
- """Wait for threads to finish, and monitor test runners for timeouts."""
- for t in self.threads:
- while True:
- self.CheckForTimeouts()
- t.join(timeout=5)
- if not t.isAlive():
- break
- def FeedTestRunner(self, runner, thread_number):
- """Feed commands to the fork'ed TestRunner through a Popen object."""
- last_case = {}
- last_buf = ''
- while not self.terminate:
- # Is the runner still alive?
- returninfo = runner.poll()
- if returninfo is not None:
- buf = last_buf + '\n' +
- if last_case:
- self.RecordPassFail(last_case, buf, testing.CRASH)
- else:
- with self.progress.lock:
- print >>sys. stderr, ('%s: runner unexpectedly exited: %d'
- % (threading.currentThread().name,
- returninfo))
- print 'Crash Output: '
- print
- print buf
- return
- try:
- case = self.work_queue.get_nowait()
- with self.progress.lock:
- self.progress.AboutToRun(
- except Queue.Empty:
- return
- test_case =
- cmd = ' '.join(test_case.GetCommand()[1:])
- try:
- print >>runner.stdin, cmd
- except IOError:
- with self.progress.lock:
- traceback.print_exc()
- # Child exited before starting the next command.
- buf = last_buf + '\n' +
- self.RecordPassFail(last_case, buf, testing.CRASH)
- # We never got a chance to run this command - queue it back up.
- self.work_queue.put(case)
- return
- buf = ''
- self.last_activity[thread_number] = time.time()
- while not self.terminate:
- line = runner.stdout.readline()
- if self.terminate:
- break
- = time.time() - self.last_activity[thread_number]
- if not line:
- # EOF. Child has exited.
- if > self.context.timeout:
- with self.progress.lock:
- print 'Child timed out after %d seconds' % self.context.timeout
- self.RecordPassFail(case, buf, testing.TIMEOUT)
- elif buf:
- self.RecordPassFail(case, buf, testing.CRASH)
- return
- # Look for TestRunner batch status escape sequence. e.g.
- # >>> TEST PASS
- if line.startswith('>>> '):
- result = line.split()
- if result[1] == 'TEST':
- outcome = result[2].lower()
- # Read the rest of the output buffer (possible crash output)
- if outcome == testing.CRASH:
- buf +=
- self.RecordPassFail(case, buf, outcome)
- # Always handle crashes by restarting the runner.
- if outcome == testing.CRASH:
- return
- break
- elif result[1] == 'BATCH':
- pass
- else:
- print 'Unknown cmd from batch runner: %s' % line
- else:
- buf += line
- # If the process crashes before the next command is executed,
- # save info to report diagnostics.
- last_buf = buf
- last_case = case
- def RecordPassFail(self, case, stdout_buf, outcome):
- """An unexpected failure occurred."""
- if outcome == testing.PASS or outcome == testing.OKAY:
- exit_code = 0
- elif outcome == testing.CRASH:
- exit_code = -1
- elif outcome == testing.FAIL or outcome == testing.TIMEOUT:
- exit_code = 1
- else:
- assert False, 'Unexpected outcome: %s' % outcome
- cmd_output = CommandOutput(0, exit_code,
- outcome == testing.TIMEOUT, stdout_buf, '')
- test_output = TestOutput(,
- cmd_output)
- with self.progress.lock:
- if test_output.UnexpectedOutput():
- self.progress.failed.append(test_output)
- else:
- self.progress.succeeded += 1
- if outcome == testing.CRASH:
- self.progress.crashed += 1
- self.progress.remaining -= 1
- self.progress.HasRun(test_output)
- def Shutdown(self):
- """Kill all active runners."""
- print 'Shutting down remaining runners.'
- self.terminate = True
- for runner in self.runners.values():
- runner.kill()
- # Give threads a chance to exit gracefully
- time.sleep(2)
- for runner in self.runners.values():
- self.EndRunner(runner)