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Unified Diff: ui/base/clipboard/

Issue 9264014: Upstream the clipboard implementation for Android (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Addressed comments. Created 8 years, 10 months ago
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Index: ui/base/clipboard/
diff --git a/ui/base/clipboard/ b/ui/base/clipboard/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d932d8e1f2bb5ad515d77d330339cc325481dbc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/base/clipboard/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard.h"
+#include <jni.h>
+#include "base/android/jni_android.h"
+#include "base/android/jni_string.h"
+#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
+#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
+// Important note:
+// Android's clipboard system only supports text content, so use it only when
+// text is added to or retrieved from the system. For other data types, store
+// the value in a map. This has the consequence that the clipboard's contents
+// will only be available within the current process.
+using base::android::AttachCurrentThread;
+using base::android::CheckException;
+using base::android::ClearException;
+using base::android::ConvertJavaStringToUTF16;
+using base::android::ConvertJavaStringToUTF8;
+using base::android::GetClass;
+using base::android::GetMethodID;
+using base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef;
+namespace ui {
+namespace {
+// As Android only supports text in the clipboard, the following map will be
+// used for other kinds of data. Use the lock to make this thread-safe.
+// TODO(beverloo): Investigate whether the locks in
+// this file are required.
+typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ClipboardMap;
+ClipboardMap* g_clipboard_map = NULL;
+base::LazyInstance<base::Lock> g_clipboard_map_lock = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
+// Various format we support.
+const char kPlainTextFormat[] = "text";
+const char kHTMLFormat[] = "html";
+const char kBitmapFormat[] = "bitmap";
+const char kWebKitSmartPasteFormat[] = "webkit_smart";
+const char kBookmarkFormat[] = "bookmark";
+const char kMimeTypeWebCustomData[] = "chromium/x-web-custom-data";
+} // namespace
+Clipboard::FormatType::FormatType() {
+Clipboard::FormatType::FormatType(const std::string& native_format)
+ : data_(native_format) {
+Clipboard::FormatType::~FormatType() {
+std::string Clipboard::FormatType::Serialize() const {
+ return data_;
+// static
+Clipboard::FormatType Clipboard::FormatType::Deserialize(
+ const std::string& serialization) {
+ return FormatType(serialization);
+bool Clipboard::FormatType::Equals(const FormatType& other) const {
+ return data_ == other.data_;
+// The clipboard object on the Android platform is simply wrapping the Java
+// object for the text data format. For non-text format, a global map is used.
+Clipboard::Clipboard() : set_text_(NULL), has_text_(NULL), get_text_(NULL) {
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ DCHECK(env);
+ // Get the context.
+ // We have need a ScopedJavaLocalRef to clean-up the local ref if we have to
+ // create the Context.
+ jobject context = base::android::GetApplicationContext();
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> scoped_context;
+ if (!context) {
+ // Should be during testing only.
+ // Get the ActivityThread class.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jclass> activity_thread_class =
+ GetClass(env, "android/app/ActivityThread");
+ // Try to get the current activity thread.
+ jmethodID current_activity_method_id = GetMethodID(
+ env, activity_thread_class,
+ "currentActivityThread", "()Landroid/app/ActivityThread;");
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> current_activity(env,
+ env->CallStaticObjectMethod(activity_thread_class.obj(),
+ current_activity_method_id));
+ ClearException(env);
+ if (!current_activity.obj()) {
+ // There is no current activity, create one.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jclass> looper_class =
+ GetClass(env, "android/os/Looper");
+ jmethodID prepare_method_id =
+ GetStaticMethodID(env, looper_class, "prepareMainLooper", "()V");
+ env->CallStaticVoidMethod(looper_class.obj(), prepare_method_id);
+ CheckException(env);
+ jmethodID system_main_method_id =
+ GetStaticMethodID(env, activity_thread_class, "systemMain",
+ "()Landroid/app/ActivityThread;");
+ current_activity.Reset(env, env->CallStaticObjectMethod(
+ activity_thread_class.obj(), system_main_method_id));
+ DCHECK(current_activity.obj());
+ CheckException(env);
+ }
+ // Get the context.
+ jmethodID get_system_context_id = GetMethodID(env, activity_thread_class,
+ "getSystemContext", "()Landroid/app/ContextImpl;");
+ scoped_context.Reset(env, env->CallObjectMethod(current_activity.obj(),
+ get_system_context_id));
+ context = scoped_context.obj();
+ DCHECK(context);
+ }
+ // Get the context class.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jclass> context_class =
+ GetClass(env, "android/content/Context");
+ // Get the system service method.
+ jmethodID get_system_service = GetMethodID(env, context_class,
+ "getSystemService", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
+ // Retrieve the system service.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> service_name(env, env->NewStringUTF("clipboard"));
+ clipboard_manager_.Reset(env, env->CallObjectMethod(context,
+ get_system_service, service_name.obj()));
+ ClearException(env);
+ DCHECK(clipboard_manager_.obj());
+ // Retain a few methods we'll keep using.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jclass> clipboard_class =
+ GetClass(env, "android/text/ClipboardManager");
+ set_text_ = GetMethodID(env, clipboard_class,
+ "setText", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V");
+ has_text_ = GetMethodID(env, clipboard_class, "hasText", "()Z");
+ get_text_ = GetMethodID(env, clipboard_class,
+ "getText", "()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;");
+ // Will need to call toString as CharSequence is not always a String.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jclass> charsequence_class =
+ GetClass(env, "java/lang/CharSequence");
+ to_string_ = GetMethodID(env, charsequence_class,
+ "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+ // Create the object map if we are the first clipboard
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ if (!g_clipboard_map)
+ g_clipboard_map = new ClipboardMap;
+Clipboard::~Clipboard() {
+// Main entry point used to write several values in the clipboard.
+void Clipboard::WriteObjects(const ObjectMap& objects) {
+ Clear();
+ for (ObjectMap::const_iterator iter = objects.begin();
+ iter != objects.end(); ++iter) {
+ DispatchObject(static_cast<ObjectType>(iter->first), iter->second);
+ }
+uint64 Clipboard::GetSequenceNumber(Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */) {
+ // TODO: Implement this. For now this interface will advertise
+ // that the clipboard never changes. That's fine as long as we
+ // don't rely on this signal.
+ return 0;
+bool Clipboard::IsFormatAvailable(const Clipboard::FormatType& format,
+ Clipboard::Buffer buffer) const {
+ if (!
+ return IsTextAvailableFromAndroid();
+ ValidateInternalClipboard();
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ return g_clipboard_map->find(format.ToString()) != g_clipboard_map->end();
+void Clipboard::ReadAvailableTypes(Buffer buffer, std::vector<string16>* types,
+ bool* contains_filenames) const {
+ if (!types || !contains_filenames) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // This is unimplemented on the other platforms (e.g. win, linux).
+ types->clear();
+ *contains_filenames = false;
+void Clipboard::ReadText(Clipboard::Buffer buffer, string16* result) const {
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ result->clear();
+ if (!env->CallBooleanMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), has_text_))
+ return;
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> char_seq_text(env,
+ env->CallObjectMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), get_text_));
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> tmp_string(env,
+ static_cast<jstring>(env->CallObjectMethod(char_seq_text.obj(),
+ to_string_)));
+ *result = ConvertJavaStringToUTF16(tmp_string);
+void Clipboard::ReadAsciiText(Clipboard::Buffer buffer,
+ std::string* result) const {
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ result->clear();
+ if (!env->CallBooleanMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), has_text_))
+ return;
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> char_seq_text(env,
+ env->CallObjectMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), get_text_));
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> tmp_string(env,
+ static_cast<jstring>(env->CallObjectMethod(char_seq_text.obj(),
+ to_string_)));
+ *result = ConvertJavaStringToUTF8(tmp_string);
+// Note: |src_url| isn't really used. It is only implemented in Windows.
+void Clipboard::ReadHTML(Clipboard::Buffer buffer,
+ string16* markup,
+ std::string* src_url,
+ uint32* fragment_start,
+ uint32* fragment_end) const {
+ markup->clear();
+ if (src_url)
+ src_url->clear();
+ *fragment_start = 0;
+ *fragment_end = 0;
+ std::string input;
+ ValidateInternalClipboard();
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ ClipboardMap::const_iterator it = g_clipboard_map->find(kHTMLFormat);
+ if (it != g_clipboard_map->end())
+ input = it->second;
+ if (input.empty())
+ return;
+ *fragment_end = static_cast<uint32>(input.length());
+ UTF8ToUTF16(input.c_str(), input.length(), markup);
+SkBitmap Clipboard::ReadImage(Buffer buffer) const {
+ return SkBitmap();
+void Clipboard::ReadCustomData(Buffer buffer,
+ const string16& type,
+ string16* result) const {
+void Clipboard::ReadBookmark(string16* title, std::string* url) const {
+void Clipboard::ReadData(const Clipboard::FormatType& format,
+ std::string* result) const {
+ result->clear();
+ ValidateInternalClipboard();
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ ClipboardMap::const_iterator it = g_clipboard_map->find(format.ToString());
+ if (it != g_clipboard_map->end())
+ result->assign(it->second);
+// static
+Clipboard::FormatType Clipboard::GetFormatType(
+ const std::string& format_string) {
+ return FormatType::Deserialize(format_string);
+// static
+const Clipboard::FormatType& Clipboard::GetPlainTextFormatType() {
+ CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FormatType, type, (kPlainTextFormat));
+ return type;
+// static
+const Clipboard::FormatType& Clipboard::GetPlainTextWFormatType() {
+ CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FormatType, type, (kPlainTextFormat));
+ return type;
+// static
+const Clipboard::FormatType& Clipboard::GetWebKitSmartPasteFormatType() {
+ CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FormatType, type, (kWebKitSmartPasteFormat));
+ return type;
+// static
+const Clipboard::FormatType& Clipboard::GetHtmlFormatType() {
+ CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FormatType, type, (kHTMLFormat));
+ return type;
+// static
+const Clipboard::FormatType& Clipboard::GetBitmapFormatType() {
+ CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FormatType, type, (kBitmapFormat));
+ return type;
+// static
+const Clipboard::FormatType& Clipboard::GetWebCustomDataFormatType() {
+ CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FormatType, type, (kMimeTypeWebCustomData));
+ return type;
+void Clipboard::WriteText(const char* text_data, size_t text_len) {
+ // Write the text in the Android Clipboard.
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ DCHECK(env);
+ std::string data(text_data, text_len);
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> str(env, env->NewStringUTF(data.c_str()));
+ DCHECK(str.obj() && !ClearException(env));
+ env->CallVoidMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), set_text_, str.obj());
+ // Then write it in our internal data structure. We keep it there to check if
+ // another app performed a copy. See ValidateInternalClipboard().
+ Set(kPlainTextFormat, std::string(text_data, text_len));
+void Clipboard::WriteHTML(const char* markup_data,
+ size_t markup_len,
+ const char* url_data,
+ size_t url_len) {
+ Set(kHTMLFormat, std::string(markup_data, markup_len));
+// Note: according to other platforms implementations, this really writes the
+// URL spec.
+void Clipboard::WriteBookmark(const char* title_data, size_t title_len,
+ const char* url_data, size_t url_len) {
+ Set(kBookmarkFormat, std::string(url_data, url_len));
+// Write an extra flavor that signifies WebKit was the last to modify the
+// pasteboard. This flavor has no data.
+void Clipboard::WriteWebSmartPaste() {
+ Set(kWebKitSmartPasteFormat, std::string());
+// All platforms use gfx::Size for size data but it is passed as a const char*
+// Further, pixel_data is expected to be 32 bits per pixel.
+// Note: we implement this to pass all unit tests but it is currently unclear
+// how some code would consume this.
+void Clipboard::WriteBitmap(const char* pixel_data, const char* size_data) {
+ const gfx::Size* size = reinterpret_cast<const gfx::Size*>(size_data);
+ int bm_size = size->width() * size->height() * 4;
+ int total_size = (sizeof(int) * 2) + bm_size;
+ scoped_array<char> buffer(new char[total_size]);
+ char* p = buffer.get();
+ int n = size->width();
+ memcpy(p, &n, sizeof(int));
+ p += sizeof(int);
+ n = size->height();
+ memcpy(p, &n, sizeof(int));
+ p += sizeof(int);
+ memcpy(p, pixel_data, bm_size);
+ Set(kBitmapFormat, std::string(buffer.get(), total_size));
+void Clipboard::WriteData(const Clipboard::FormatType& format,
+ const char* data_data, size_t data_len) {
+ Set(format.ToString(), std::string(data_data, data_len));
+bool Clipboard::IsTextAvailableFromAndroid() const {
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ return env->CallBooleanMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), has_text_);
+void Clipboard::ValidateInternalClipboard() const {
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ // First collect what text we currently have in our internal clipboard.
+ bool has_internal_text;
+ std::string internal_text;
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ ClipboardMap::const_iterator it = g_clipboard_map->find(kPlainTextFormat);
+ if (it != g_clipboard_map->end()) {
+ has_internal_text = true;
+ internal_text = it->second;
+ } else {
+ has_internal_text = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsTextAvailableFromAndroid()) {
+ // Make sure the text in the Android Clipboard matches what we think it
+ // should be.
+ ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> tmp_string(env,
+ static_cast<jstring>(env->CallObjectMethod(
+ env->CallObjectMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), get_text_),
+ to_string_)));
+ std::string android_text = ConvertJavaStringToUTF8(tmp_string);
+ // If the android text doesn't match what we think it should be, our
+ // internal representation is no longer valid.
+ if (
+ ClearInternalClipboard();
+ } else {
+ // If Android has no text but we have some internal text, our internal
+ // representation is no longer valid.
+ if (has_internal_text)
+ ClearInternalClipboard();
+ }
+void Clipboard::Clear() {
+ JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
+ env->CallVoidMethod(clipboard_manager_.obj(), set_text_, NULL);
+ ClearInternalClipboard();
+void Clipboard::ClearInternalClipboard() const {
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ g_clipboard_map->clear();
+void Clipboard::Set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
+ base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get());
+ (*g_clipboard_map)[key] = value;
+} // namespace ui
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