(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <html> |
| 3 <head> |
| 4 <script src="../js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| 5 </head> |
| 6 <body> |
| 7 <script> |
| 8 description("This tests checks that all of the input values for obje
ct-position parse correctly."); |
| 9 |
| 10 function test(value) |
| 11 { |
| 12 var div = document.createElement("div"); |
| 13 div.setAttribute("style", value); |
| 14 document.body.appendChild(div); |
| 15 |
| 16 var result = div.style.getPropertyValue("object-position"); |
| 17 document.body.removeChild(div); |
| 18 return result; |
| 19 } |
| 20 |
| 21 function testComputedStyle(value) |
| 22 { |
| 23 var div = document.createElement("div"); |
| 24 div.setAttribute("style", value); |
| 25 document.body.appendChild(div); |
| 26 |
| 27 var result = window.getComputedStyle(div).objectPosition; |
| 28 document.body.removeChild(div); |
| 29 return result; |
| 30 } |
| 31 |
| 32 shouldBeEqualToString('testComputedStyle(";")', '50% 50%'); |
| 33 shouldBeEqualToString('testComputedStyle("object-position: 10px;")',
'10px 50%'); |
| 34 shouldBeEqualToString('testComputedStyle("object-position: 10px 10px
;")', '10px 10px'); |
| 35 shouldBeEqualToString('testComputedStyle("object-position: right top
;")', '100% 0%'); |
| 36 shouldBeEqualToString('testComputedStyle("object-position: top right
;")', '100% 0%'); |
| 37 |
| 38 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: inherit;")', 'inherit'
); |
| 39 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: initial;")', 'initial'
); |
| 40 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: left;")', '0% 50%'); |
| 41 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: top;")', '50% 0%'); |
| 42 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: top right;")', '100% 0
%'); |
| 43 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: right top;")', '100% 0
%'); |
| 44 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: center center;")', '50
% 50%'); |
| 45 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: center;")', '50% 50%')
; |
| 46 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: bottom center;")', '50
% 100%'); |
| 47 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: left center;")', '0% 5
0%'); |
| 48 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: bottom center;")', '50
% 100%'); |
| 49 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: center left;")', '0% 5
0%'); |
| 50 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: center bottom;")', '50
% 100%'); |
| 51 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 100px;")', '100px 50%'
); |
| 52 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 100px 100px;")', '100p
x 100px'); |
| 53 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 100px 200px;")', '100p
x 200px'); |
| 54 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: -50% 0;")', '-50% 0px'
); |
| 55 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 3em 0;")', '3em 0px'); |
| 56 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: left 33px;")', '0% 33p
x'); |
| 57 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: center 33px;")', '50%
33px'); |
| 58 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 33px center;")', '33px
50%'); |
| 59 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 33px bottom;")', '33px
100%'); |
| 60 shouldBeEqualToString('test("object-position: 1vh 1vw;")', '1vh 1vw'
); |
| 61 |
| 62 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: 100px 100px 100px;")'); |
| 63 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: 100px 100px 200px 200px;")'); |
| 64 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: top left center;")'); |
| 65 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: top top;")'); |
| 66 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: top bottom;")'); |
| 67 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: 33px left;")'); |
| 68 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: top 33px;")'); |
| 69 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: inherit inherit;")'); |
| 70 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: initial initial;")'); |
| 71 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: -webkit-fill-available;")'); |
| 72 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: min-content;")'); |
| 73 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: intrinsic;")'); |
| 74 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: auto;")'); |
| 75 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: none;")'); |
| 76 shouldBeNull('test("object-position: fill;")'); |
| 77 </script> |
| 78 <script src="../js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| 79 </body> |
| 80 </html> |