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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/fast/table/table-all-rowspans-height-distribution-in-rows-except-overlapped-expected.txt

Issue 19390002: Spanning logical height is not added properly in all spanning rows. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 5 months ago
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Index: LayoutTests/fast/table/table-all-rowspans-height-distribution-in-rows-except-overlapped-expected.txt
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/table/table-all-rowspans-height-distribution-in-rows-except-overlapped-expected.txt b/LayoutTests/fast/table/table-all-rowspans-height-distribution-in-rows-except-overlapped-expected.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19998354ea382db26794cc797871aa7f55e03be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/table/table-all-rowspans-height-distribution-in-rows-except-overlapped-expected.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+Test for chromium bug : 249600. Extra logical height is not properly spread over the rows in a row-spanning cell.
+Rows in rowspan should get proportional height.
+Test 1 - Three rowSpan cells
+row0 col0
+row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
+row2 col1
+row3 col1
+row4 col1
+row5 col0
+row6 col0
+row7 col0 row7 col1 - rowspan=4
+row8 col0
+row9 col0
+row10 col0
+row11 col0 row11 col1
+row12 col0
+row13 col0 row13 col1 - rowspan=4
+row14 col0
+row15 col0
+row16 col0
+row17 col0 row17 col1
+Test 2 - Three rowSpan cell and specified table width
+row0 col0 - rowspan=5 row0 col1
+row1 col1
+row2 col1
+row3 col1
+row4 col1
+row5 col0
+row6 col0 row6 col1 - rowspan=4
+row7 col0
+row8 col0
+row9 col0
+row10 col0 row10 col1
+row11 col0
+row12 col0 row12 col1 - rowspan=4
+row13 col0
+row14 col0
+row15 col0
+row16 col0 row16 col1
+Test 3 - Continuous 3 rowSpan cells
+row0 col0
+row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
+row2 col1
+row3 col1
+row4 col1
+row5 col0 row5 col1 - rowspan=4
+row6 col0
+row7 col0
+row8 col0
+row9 col0 row9 col1 - rowspan=4
+row10 col0
+row11 col0
+row12 col0
+row13 col0 row13 col1
+Test 4 - Two rowSpan cells, 2 rows in first spanning cell have percent height and 2 rows in second spanning cell have fixed height
+row0 col0
+row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
+row2 col1
+row3 col1
+row4 col1
+row5 col0
+row6 col0
+row7 col0 row7 col1 - rowspan=4
+row8 col0
+row9 col0
+row10 col0
+row11 col0 row11 col1
+row12 col0
+Test 5 - Two rowSpan cells, in first spanning cell, 2 rows have percent height and 2 rows have fixed height and in second spanning cell, 1 row have fixed height, 1 row have percent height and remaining are auto.
+row0 col0
+row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
+row2 col1
+row3 col1
+row4 col1
+row5 col0
+row6 col0
+row7 col0 row7 col1 - rowspan=4
+row8 col0
+row9 col0
+row10 col0
+row11 col0 row11 col1
+row12 col0
+Test 6 - RowSpan and ColSpan.
+row0 col0 row0 col1 - rowspan=3 colspan=2 row0 col2
+row1 col0
+row2 col0
+row3 col0 - colspan=3
+row4 col0
+Test 7 - Mix of baseline aligned and non-baseline aligned cells.
+row0 col0 row0 col1 vertical-align=top row0 col2 vertical-align=bottom
+row1 col0
+row2 col0 - rowspan=4 vertical-align=text-top row2 col1 vertical-align=sub
+row3 col1 vertical-align=middle
+row4 col1 vertical-align=super
+row5 col1 vertical-align=text-bottom
+row6 col0
+Test 8 - CSS Table.
+row0 col0 row0 col1 row0 col2
+row1 col0 row1 col1 row1 col2
+row2 col0
+row3 col0
+row4 col0 row4 col1 row4 col2
+row5 col0 row5 col1 row5 col2
+row6 col0 row6 col1
+row7 col0
+row8 col0
+row9 col0
+row10 col0
+Test 9 - Table Similar to CSS table with rowspan.
+row0 col0 row0 col1 row0 col2
+row1 col1 row1 col2 row1 col3
+row2 col3
+row3 col2
+row4 col1 row4 col2 row4 col3
+row5 col0 row5 col1 row5 col2
+row6 col0 row6 col1
+row7 col1
+row8 col1
+row9 col1
+row10 col1

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