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Unified Diff: build/android/pylib/base/

Issue 18770008: [Android] Redesigns the sharder to allow replicated vs distributed tests (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Re-adds -f short form to gtest_filter switch Created 7 years, 5 months ago
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Index: build/android/pylib/base/
diff --git a/build/android/pylib/base/ b/build/android/pylib/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f8b9908965d16e54f2db8db4a340a8c407387eb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/pylib/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Unittests for"""
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
- os.pardir, os.pardir))
-# Mock out android_commands.GetAttachedDevices().
-from pylib import android_commands
-android_commands.GetAttachedDevices = lambda: ['0', '1']
-from pylib import constants
-from pylib.utils import watchdog_timer
-import base_test_result
-import shard
-class TestException(Exception):
- pass
-class MockRunner(object):
- """A mock TestRunner."""
- def __init__(self, device='0', shard_index=0):
- self.device = device
- self.shard_index = shard_index
- self.setups = 0
- self.teardowns = 0
- def RunTest(self, test):
- results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
- results.AddResult(
- base_test_result.BaseTestResult(test, base_test_result.ResultType.PASS))
- return (results, None)
- def SetUp(self):
- self.setups += 1
- def TearDown(self):
- self.teardowns += 1
-class MockRunnerFail(MockRunner):
- def RunTest(self, test):
- results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
- results.AddResult(
- base_test_result.BaseTestResult(test, base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL))
- return (results, test)
-class MockRunnerFailTwice(MockRunner):
- def __init__(self, device='0', shard_index=0):
- super(MockRunnerFailTwice, self).__init__(device, shard_index)
- self._fails = 0
- def RunTest(self, test):
- self._fails += 1
- results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
- if self._fails <= 2:
- results.AddResult(base_test_result.BaseTestResult(
- test, base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL))
- return (results, test)
- else:
- results.AddResult(base_test_result.BaseTestResult(
- test, base_test_result.ResultType.PASS))
- return (results, None)
-class MockRunnerException(MockRunner):
- def RunTest(self, test):
- raise TestException
-class TestFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for shard._RunTestsFromQueue."""
- @staticmethod
- def _RunTests(mock_runner, tests):
- results = []
- tests = shard._TestCollection([shard._Test(t) for t in tests])
- shard._RunTestsFromQueue(mock_runner, tests, results,
- watchdog_timer.WatchdogTimer(None), 2)
- run_results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
- for r in results:
- run_results.AddTestRunResults(r)
- return run_results
- def testRunTestsFromQueue(self):
- results = TestFunctions._RunTests(MockRunner(), ['a', 'b'])
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetPass()), 2)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetNotPass()), 0)
- def testRunTestsFromQueueRetry(self):
- results = TestFunctions._RunTests(MockRunnerFail(), ['a', 'b'])
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetPass()), 0)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetFail()), 2)
- def testRunTestsFromQueueFailTwice(self):
- results = TestFunctions._RunTests(MockRunnerFailTwice(), ['a', 'b'])
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetPass()), 2)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetNotPass()), 0)
- def testSetUp(self):
- runners = []
- counter = shard._ThreadSafeCounter()
- shard._SetUp(MockRunner, '0', runners, counter)
- self.assertEqual(len(runners), 1)
- self.assertEqual(runners[0].setups, 1)
- def testThreadSafeCounter(self):
- counter = shard._ThreadSafeCounter()
- for i in xrange(5):
- self.assertEqual(counter.GetAndIncrement(), i)
-class TestThreadGroupFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for shard._RunAllTests and shard._CreateRunners."""
- def setUp(self):
- self.tests = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
- def testCreate(self):
- runners = shard._CreateRunners(MockRunner, ['0', '1'])
- for runner in runners:
- self.assertEqual(runner.setups, 1)
- self.assertEqual(set([r.device for r in runners]),
- set(['0', '1']))
- self.assertEqual(set([r.shard_index for r in runners]),
- set([0, 1]))
- def testRun(self):
- runners = [MockRunner('0'), MockRunner('1')]
- results, exit_code = shard._RunAllTests(runners, self.tests, 0)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetPass()), len(self.tests))
- self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0)
- def testTearDown(self):
- runners = [MockRunner('0'), MockRunner('1')]
- shard._TearDownRunners(runners)
- for runner in runners:
- self.assertEqual(runner.teardowns, 1)
- def testRetry(self):
- runners = shard._CreateRunners(MockRunnerFail, ['0', '1'])
- results, exit_code = shard._RunAllTests(runners, self.tests, 0)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetFail()), len(self.tests))
- self.assertEqual(exit_code, constants.ERROR_EXIT_CODE)
- def testReraise(self):
- runners = shard._CreateRunners(MockRunnerException, ['0', '1'])
- with self.assertRaises(TestException):
- shard._RunAllTests(runners, self.tests, 0)
-class TestShard(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for shard.Shard."""
- @staticmethod
- def _RunShard(runner_factory):
- return shard.ShardAndRunTests(runner_factory, ['0', '1'], ['a', 'b', 'c'])
- def testShard(self):
- results, exit_code = TestShard._RunShard(MockRunner)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetPass()), 3)
- self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0)
- def testFailing(self):
- results, exit_code = TestShard._RunShard(MockRunnerFail)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetPass()), 0)
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetFail()), 3)
- self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0)
- def testNoTests(self):
- results, exit_code = shard.ShardAndRunTests(MockRunner, ['0', '1'], [])
- self.assertEqual(len(results.GetAll()), 0)
- self.assertEqual(exit_code, constants.ERROR_EXIT_CODE)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
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