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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/fast/regions/changing-writing-mode-4.html

Issue 18374008: Propagate writing-mode from the first region to the flow thread. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Address minor issues raised together with the LGTM. Created 7 years, 4 months ago
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Index: LayoutTests/fast/regions/changing-writing-mode-4.html
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/regions/changing-writing-mode-4.html b/LayoutTests/fast/regions/changing-writing-mode-4.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d0032aa493e10bc0cfbd11011bd8514f843b534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/regions/changing-writing-mode-4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <body>
+ <div style="-webkit-flow-into:thread;">
+ <!-- Note: this test doesn't necessarily render according to the spec. All we're
+ interested in testing is that changing styles dynamically results in the same
+ rendering as if the styles were like that in the first place. -->
+ Tenderloin ham boudin tongue sausage venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef
+ ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank
+ leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump
+ swine ham shank corned beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta shankle
+ frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket biltong frankfurter turkey. Ham
+ hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin pastrami pork loin
+ turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin tongue sausage venison short
+ ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa
+ fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin
+ chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta
+ shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket biltong frankfurter
+ turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin pastrami
+ pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin tongue sausage
+ venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami spare
+ ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned
+ beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned beef short loin, speck
+ turkey pancetta shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket biltong
+ frankfurter turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs pork
+ sirloin pastrami pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin
+ tongue sausage venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank
+ bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl
+ pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned
+ beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback,
+ ground round brisket biltong frankfurter turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami
+ short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin pastrami pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille.
+ </div>
+ <div id="firstregion" style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-writing-mode:vertical-rl; -webkit-logical-width:15em; -webkit-logical-height:5em; background:salmon;"></div>
+ Bekkestua!
+ <div style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-logical-width:20em; -webkit-logical-height:8em; background:wheat;"></div>
+ Bekkestua!
+ <div style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-logical-width:10em; -webkit-logical-height:20em; background:olive;"></div>
+ <script>
+ document.body.offsetLeft; // Make sure we have laid out.
+ document.getElementById('firstregion').style.display = 'none';
+ </script>
+ </body>

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