(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <html> |
| 3 <body> |
| 4 <div style="-webkit-flow-into:thread;"> |
| 5 <!-- Note: this test doesn't necessarily render according to the spe
c. All we're |
| 6 interested in testing is that changing styles dynamically resul
ts in the same |
| 7 rendering as if the styles were like that in the first place. -
-> |
| 8 |
| 9 Tenderloin ham boudin tongue sausage venison short ribs sirloin, kie
lbasa beef |
| 10 ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa fatback,
cow t-bone flank |
| 11 leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin chicke
n salami tail. Rump |
| 12 swine ham shank corned beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta shankl
e |
| 13 frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket biltong fra
nkfurter turkey. Ham |
| 14 hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin p
astrami pork loin |
| 15 turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin tongue saus
age venison short |
| 16 ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami
spare ribs kielbasa |
| 17 fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye,
corned beef sirloin |
| 18 chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned beef short loin, sp
eck turkey pancetta |
| 19 shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket bil
tong frankfurter |
| 20 turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs po
rk sirloin pastrami |
| 21 pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin t
ongue sausage |
| 22 venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank br
esaola salami spare |
| 23 ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork
belly ribeye, corned |
| 24 beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned beef s
hort loin, speck |
| 25 turkey pancetta shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground r
ound brisket biltong |
| 26 frankfurter turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs
beef ribs pork |
| 27 sirloin pastrami pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille. Tender
loin ham boudin |
| 28 tongue sausage venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip
steak shank |
| 29 bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank leberk
as sirloin. Jowl |
| 30 pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump swi
ne ham shank corned |
| 31 beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta shankle frankfurter. Pancetta
tail fatback, |
| 32 ground round brisket biltong frankfurter turkey. Ham hock chicken st
rip steak, salami |
| 33 short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin pastrami pork loin turducken rump
brisket andouille. |
| 34 </div> |
| 35 |
| 36 <div id="firstregion" style="display:none; -webkit-flow-from:thread; -we
bkit-writing-mode:vertical-rl; -webkit-logical-width:15em; -webkit-logical-heigh
t:5em; background:salmon;"></div> |
| 37 Bekkestua! |
| 38 <div style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-logical-width:20em; -webki
t-logical-height:8em; background:wheat;"></div> |
| 39 Bekkestua! |
| 40 <div style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-logical-width:10em; -webki
t-logical-height:20em; background:olive;"></div> |
| 41 </body> |
| 42 </html> |