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Unified Diff: build/android/buildbot/

Issue 16688002: Port remaining android buildbot code into python (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 6 months ago
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Index: build/android/buildbot/
diff --git a/build/android/buildbot/ b/build/android/buildbot/
index 535bc41e7490f5118a3187a8feaeb098ca51736b..bf831e02dd191c8918686bf79c87dfef081438c7 100755
--- a/build/android/buildbot/
+++ b/build/android/buildbot/
@@ -7,29 +7,65 @@
import collections
import copy
import json
-import optparse
import os
import pipes
+import re
import subprocess
import sys
import bb_utils
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
-from pylib import buildbot_report
-CHROME_SRC = os.path.abspath(
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
+BotConfig = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'BotConfig', ['bot_id', 'host_obj', 'test_obj'])
+HostConfig = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'HostConfig', ['host_step_args', 'extra_gyp_defines', 'target_arch'])
-BotConfig = collections.namedtuple(
- 'BotConfig', ['bot_id', 'host_opts', 'test_obj', 'slave_props'])
TestConfig = collections.namedtuple('Tests', ['tests', 'extra_args'])
-Command = collections.namedtuple(
- 'Command', ['step_name', 'command', 'testing_cmd'])
-CommandToString = bb_utils.CommandToString
+def DictDiff(d1, d2):
+ diff = []
+ for key in sorted(set(d1.keys() + d2.keys())):
+ if key in d1 and d1[key] != d2.get(key):
+ diff.append('- %s=%s' % (key, pipes.quote(d1[key])))
+ if key in d2 and d2[key] != d1.get(key):
+ diff.append('+ %s=%s' % (key, pipes.quote(d2[key])))
+ return '\n'.join(diff)
+def GetEnvironment(host_obj):
+ init_env = dict(os.environ)
+ init_env['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja'
+ init_env['GOMA_DIR'] = bb_utils.GOMA_DIR
+ envsetup_cmd = '. build/android/'
+ if host_obj.target_arch:
+ envsetup_cmd += ' --target_arch=%s' % host_obj.target_arch
+ print 'Running %s' % envsetup_cmd
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-exc',
+ envsetup_cmd + ' >&2; python build/android/buildbot/'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd=bb_utils.CHROME_SRC, env=init_env)
+ json_env, envsetup_output = proc.communicate()
+ if proc.returncode != 0:
+ print 'FATAL Failure in envsetup.'
+ print envsetup_output
+ sys.exit(1)
+ env = json.loads(json_env)
+ env['GYP_DEFINES'] = env.get('GYP_DEFINES', '') + ' fastbuild=1'
+ extra_gyp = host_obj.extra_gyp_defines
+ if extra_gyp:
+ env['GYP_DEFINES'] += ' %s' % extra_gyp
+ if'(asan|clang)=1', extra_gyp):
+ env.pop('CXX_target', None)
+ # Bots checkout chrome in /b/build/slave/<name>/build/src
+ build_internal_android = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ bb_utils.CHROME_SRC, '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'build_internal',
+ 'scripts', 'slave', 'android'))
+ if os.path.exists(build_internal_android):
+ env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([build_internal_android, env['PATH']])
+ return env
def GetCommands(options, bot_config):
@@ -41,32 +77,9 @@ def GetCommands(options, bot_config):
list of Command objects.
- slave_props = dict(GLOBAL_SLAVE_PROPS)
- if bot_config.slave_props:
- slave_props.update(bot_config.slave_props)
- slave_properties = json.dumps(slave_props)
- property_args = [
- '--factory-properties=%s' % json.dumps(options.factory_properties),
- '--build-properties=%s' % json.dumps(options.build_properties),
- '--slave-properties=%s' % slave_properties]
- commands = []
- def WrapWithBash(command):
- """Wrap a bash command string with envsetup scripts."""
- return ['bash', '-exc', '; '.join([
- '. build/android/buildbot/',
- 'bb_baseline_setup %s --slave-properties=%s' % (
- CHROME_SRC, pipes.quote(slave_properties)),
- command])
- ]
- if bot_config.host_opts:
- host_cmd = (['build/android/buildbot/'] +
- bot_config.host_opts + property_args)
- commands.append(Command(
- 'Host steps',
- WrapWithBash(' '.join(map(pipes.quote, host_cmd))), host_cmd))
+ property_args = bb_utils.EncodeProperties(options)
+ commands = [['build/android/buildbot/'] +
+ bot_config.host_obj.host_step_args + property_args]
test_obj = bot_config.test_obj
if test_obj:
@@ -76,10 +89,7 @@ def GetCommands(options, bot_config):
run_test_cmd.extend(['-f', test])
if test_obj.extra_args:
- commands.append(Command(
- 'Run tests',
- WrapWithBash(' '.join(map(pipes.quote, run_test_cmd))), run_test_cmd))
+ commands.append(run_test_cmd)
return commands
@@ -90,45 +100,47 @@ def GetBotStepMap():
std_test_opts = ['--extract-build']
std_tests = ['ui', 'unit']
flakiness_server = '--upload-to-flakiness-server'
- extra_gyp = 'extra_gyp_defines'
- def B(bot_id, bash_funs, test_obj=None, slave_props=None):
- return BotConfig(bot_id, bash_funs, test_obj, slave_props)
+ def B(bot_id, host_object, test_object=None):
+ return BotConfig(bot_id, host_object, test_object)
def T(tests, extra_args=None):
return TestConfig(tests, extra_args)
+ def H(host_step_args, extra_gyp=None, target_arch=None):
+ return HostConfig(host_step_args, extra_gyp, target_arch)
bot_configs = [
# Main builders
- B('main-builder-dbg', std_build_opts + std_host_tests),
- B('main-builder-rel', std_build_opts),
- B('main-clang-builder', compile_opt, slave_props={extra_gyp: 'clang=1'}),
- B('main-clobber', compile_opt),
- B('main-tests', std_test_opts, T(std_tests, [flakiness_server])),
+ B('main-builder-dbg', H(std_build_opts + std_host_tests)),
+ B('main-builder-rel', H(std_build_opts)),
+ B('main-clang-builder', H(compile_opt, 'clang=1')),
+ B('main-clobber', H(compile_opt)),
+ B('main-tests', H(std_test_opts), T(std_tests, [flakiness_server])),
# Other waterfalls
- B('asan-builder-tests', compile_opt + ['--update-clang'],
- T(std_tests, ['--asan']), {extra_gyp: 'asan=1'}),
- B('chromedriver-fyi-tests-dbg', std_test_opts,
+ B('asan-builder-tests', H(compile_opt, 'asan=1'),
+ T(std_tests, ['--asan'])),
+ B('chromedriver-fyi-tests-dbg', H(std_test_opts),
T(['chromedriver'], ['--install=ChromiumTestShell'])),
- std_build_opts + std_host_tests + ['--experimental']),
- B('fyi-builder-rel', std_build_opts + ['--experimental']),
- B('fyi-tests-dbg-ics-gn', compile_opt + [ '--experimental'],
+ H(std_build_opts + std_host_tests + ['--experimental'])),
+ B('fyi-builder-rel', H(std_build_opts + ['--experimental'])),
+ B('fyi-tests-dbg-ics-gn', H(compile_opt + [ '--experimental']),
+ T(std_tests, ['--experimental', flakiness_server])),
+ B('fyi-tests', H(std_test_opts),
T(std_tests, ['--experimental', flakiness_server])),
- B('fyi-tests', std_test_opts,
+ B('fyi-component-builder-tests-dbg',
+ H(compile_opt, 'component=shared_library'),
T(std_tests, ['--experimental', flakiness_server])),
- B('fyi-component-builder-tests-dbg', compile_opt,
- T(std_tests, ['--experimental', flakiness_server]),
- {extra_gyp: 'component=shared_library'}),
- B('perf-tests-rel', std_test_opts, T([], ['--install=ContentShell'])),
- B('webkit-latest-webkit-tests', std_test_opts,
+ B('perf-tests-rel', H(std_test_opts), T([], ['--install=ContentShell'])),
+ B('webkit-latest-webkit-tests', H(std_test_opts),
T(['webkit_layout', 'webkit'])),
- B('webkit-latest-contentshell', compile_opt, T(['webkit_layout'])),
- B('builder-unit-tests', compile_opt, T(['unit'])),
+ B('webkit-latest-contentshell', H(compile_opt), T(['webkit_layout'])),
+ B('builder-unit-tests', H(compile_opt), T(['unit'])),
# Generic builder config (for substring match).
- B('builder', std_build_opts),
+ B('builder', H(std_build_opts)),
bot_map = dict((config.bot_id, config) for config in bot_configs)
@@ -160,19 +172,9 @@ def GetBotStepMap():
def main(argv):
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- def ConvertJson(option, _, value, parser):
- setattr(parser.values, option.dest, json.loads(value))
- parser.add_option('--build-properties', action='callback',
- callback=ConvertJson, type='string', default={},
- help='build properties in JSON format')
- parser.add_option('--factory-properties', action='callback',
- callback=ConvertJson, type='string', default={},
- help='factory properties in JSON format')
+ parser = bb_utils.GetParser()
parser.add_option('--bot-id', help='Specify bot id directly.')
- parser.add_option('--TESTING', action='store_true',
+ parser.add_option('--testing', action='store_true',
help='For testing: print, but do not run commands')
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
if args:
@@ -200,26 +202,20 @@ def main(argv):
print 'Using config:', bot_config
- command_objs = GetCommands(options, bot_config)
- for command_obj in command_objs:
- print 'Will run:', CommandToString(command_obj.command)
+ commands = GetCommands(options, bot_config)
+ for command in commands:
+ print 'Will run: ', bb_utils.CommandToString(command)
+ env = GetEnvironment(bot_config.host_obj)
+ print 'Environment changes:'
+ print DictDiff(dict(os.environ), env)
- for command_obj in command_objs:
- if command_obj.step_name:
- buildbot_report.PrintNamedStep(command_obj.step_name)
- command = command_obj.command
- print CommandToString(command)
+ for command in commands:
+ print bb_utils.CommandToString(command)
- env = None
- if options.TESTING:
- if not command_obj.testing_cmd:
- continue
- return_code =
- command_obj.testing_cmd,
- env=dict(os.environ, BUILDBOT_TESTING='1'))
- else:
- return_code =, cwd=CHROME_SRC, env=env)
+ if options.testing:
+ env['BUILDBOT_TESTING'] = '1'
+ return_code =, cwd=bb_utils.CHROME_SRC, env=env)
if return_code != 0:
return return_code
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