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Unified Diff: build/android/ant/apk-build.xml

Issue 12701012: Removed unused ant stuff (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase + Fix compile failure Created 7 years, 9 months ago
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Index: build/android/ant/apk-build.xml
diff --git a/build/android/ant/apk-build.xml b/build/android/ant/apk-build.xml
index 70ab46e92b1e60d5976139e558ccdffbd48c0c73..7f411ad59218d85392e51fc37339d02bb757aad0 100644
--- a/build/android/ant/apk-build.xml
+++ b/build/android/ant/apk-build.xml
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
<condition property="proguard.config" value="${PROGUARD_FLAGS}">
<istrue value="${PROGUARD_ENABLED}"/>
- <!-- TODO(shashishekhar): Enable emma and code-coverage filters. -->
<!-- Set the output directory for the final apk to the ${apks.dir}. -->
<property-location name=""
@@ -146,30 +145,12 @@
<property name="java.source" value="1.5" />
<property name="java.compilerargs" value="" />
- <!-- Renderscript options -->
- <property name="renderscript.debug.opt.level" value="O0" />
- <property name="renderscript.release.opt.level" value="O3" />
<!-- manifest merger default value -->
<property name="manifestmerger.enabled" value="false" />
- <!-- instrumentation options -->
- <property name="emma.filter" value="" />
<!-- Verbosity -->
<property name="verbose" value="false" />
- <!-- Output location of the HTML report for the "lint" target.
- Ideally this would be specified as
- value="${out.dir}/lint.html"
- but we can't make a forward reference to the definition for
- ${out.dir}, and it is not a configurable property (yet).
- -->
- <property name="lint.out.html" value="bin/lint.html" />
- <!-- Output location of the XML report for the "lint" target -->
- <property name="lint.out.xml" value="bin/lint.xml" />
<!-- ******************************************************* -->
<!-- ********************* Custom Tasks ******************** -->
<!-- ******************************************************* -->
@@ -182,16 +163,6 @@
<!-- Custom tasks -->
<taskdef resource="" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
- <!-- Emma configuration -->
- <property name="emma.dir" value="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib" />
- <path id="emma.lib">
- <pathelement location="${emma.dir}/emma.jar" />
- <pathelement location="${emma.dir}/emma_ant.jar" />
- </path>
- <taskdef resource="" classpathref="emma.lib" />
- <!-- End of emma configuration -->
<!-- ******************************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Other Properties ****************** -->
<!-- ******************************************************* -->
@@ -230,21 +201,13 @@
<!-- tools location -->
<property name="" location="${sdk.dir}/tools" />
<property name="" location="${sdk.dir}/platform-tools" />
- <condition property="exe" value=".exe" else=""><os family="windows" /></condition>
- <condition property="bat" value=".bat" else=""><os family="windows" /></condition>
+ <property name="exe" value="" />
+ <property name="bat" value="" />
<property name="adb" location="${}/adb${exe}" />
<property name="zipalign" location="${}/zipalign${exe}" />
<property name="aidl" location="${}/aidl${exe}" />
<property name="aapt" location="${}/aapt${exe}" />
<property name="dx" location="${}/dx${bat}" />
- <property name="renderscript" location="${}/llvm-rs-cc${exe}"/>
- <property name="lint" location="${}/lint${bat}" />
- <!-- Renderscript include Path -->
- <path id="android.renderscript.include.path">
- <pathelement location="${}/renderscript/include" />
- <pathelement location="${}/renderscript/clang-include" />
- </path>
<!-- Intermediate files -->
<property name="" value="classes.dex" />
@@ -254,14 +217,6 @@
<!-- Build property file -->
<property name="" location="${out.absolute.dir}/build.prop" />
- <!-- This is needed by emma as it uses multilevel verbosity instead of simple 'true' or 'false'
- The property 'verbosity' is not user configurable and depends exclusively on 'verbose'
- value.-->
- <condition property="verbosity" value="verbose" else="quiet">
- <istrue value="${verbose}" />
- </condition>
For debug builds, the Android SDK tools create a key in ~/.android and sign the build with it.
This has caused all kinds of issues. Instead, the debug build should be signed with a key in
@@ -273,7 +228,6 @@
<property name="key.alias" value="chromiumdebugkey"/>
<property name="key.alias.password" value="chromium"/>
<!-- properties for signing in release mode -->
<condition property="has.keystore">
@@ -419,7 +373,7 @@
<!-- This is macro which zipaligns in.package and outputs it to out.package. Used by targets
- debug, -debug-with-emma and release.-->
+ debug and release.-->
<macrodef name="zipalign-helper">
<attribute name="in.package" />
<attribute name="out.package" />
@@ -432,26 +386,6 @@
- <macrodef name="run-tests-helper">
- <attribute name="emma.enabled" default="false" />
- <element name="extra-instrument-args" optional="yes" />
- <sequential>
- <echo level="info">Running tests ...</echo>
- <exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
- <arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
- <arg value="shell" />
- <arg value="am" />
- <arg value="instrument" />
- <arg value="-w" />
- <arg value="-e" />
- <arg value="coverage" />
- <arg value="@{emma.enabled}" />
- <extra-instrument-args />
- <arg value="${}/${test.runner}" />
- </exec>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
<macrodef name="record-build-key">
<attribute name="key" default="false" />
<attribute name="value" default="false" />
@@ -661,70 +595,16 @@
verbose="${verbose}" />
- <!-- compile the libraries if any -->
- <if>
- <condition>
- <and>
- <isreference refid="project.library.folder.path" />
- <not><isset property="" /></not>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <!-- figure out which target must be used to build the library projects.
- If emma is enabled, then use 'instrument' otherwise, use 'debug' -->
- <condition property="" value="instrument" else="${}">
- <istrue value="${}" />
- </condition>
- <echo level="info">----------</echo>
- <echo level="info">Building Libraries with '${}'...</echo>
- <!-- no need to build the deps as we have already
- the full list of libraries -->
- <subant failonerror="true"
- buildpathref="project.library.folder.path"
- antfile="build.xml">
- <target name="nodeps" />
- <target name="${}" />
- <property name="emma.coverage.absolute.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/coverage.em" />
- </subant>
- </then>
- </if>
- <!-- compile the main project if this is a test project -->
- <if condition="${}">
- <then>
- <!-- figure out which target must be used to build the tested project.
- If emma is enabled, then use 'instrument' otherwise, use 'debug' -->
- <condition property="" value="instrument" else="debug">
- <isset property="emma.enabled" />
- </condition>
- <echo level="info">----------</echo>
- <echo level="info">Building tested project at ${tested.project.absolute.dir} with '${}'...</echo>
- <subant target="${}" failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${tested.project.absolute.dir}" includes="build.xml" />
- </subant>
- <!-- get the tested project full classpath to be able to build
- the test project -->
- <testedprojectclasspath
- projectLocation="${tested.project.absolute.dir}"
- projectClassPathOut="tested.project.classpath"/>
- </then>
- <else>
- <!-- no tested project, make an empty Path object so that javac doesn't
- complain -->
- <path id="tested.project.classpath" />
- </else>
- </if>
+ <!-- no tested project, make an empty Path object so that javac doesn't
+ complain -->
+ <path id="tested.project.classpath" />
<!-- empty default pre-build target. Create a similar target in
your build.xml and it'll be called instead of this one. -->
<target name="-pre-build"/>
- <!-- Code Generation: compile resources (aapt ->, aidl, renderscript -->
+ <!-- Code Generation: compile resources (aapt ->, aidl -->
<target name="-code-gen">
<!-- always merge manifest -->
@@ -735,30 +615,7 @@
- elseText="hasCode = false. Skipping aidl/renderscript/">
- <echo level="info">Handling aidl files...</echo>
- <aidl executable="${aidl}"
- framework="${}"
- libraryBinAidlFolderPathRefid="project.library.bin.aidl.folder.path"
- genFolder="${gen.absolute.dir}"
- aidlOutFolder="${out.aidl.absolute.dir}">
- <source path="${source.absolute.dir}"/>
- </aidl>
- <!-- renderscript generates resources so it must be called before aapt -->
- <echo level="info">----------</echo>
- <echo level="info">Handling RenderScript files...</echo>
- <renderscript executable="${renderscript}"
- includePathRefId="android.renderscript.include.path"
- genFolder="${gen.absolute.dir}"
- resFolder="${out.res.absolute.dir}/raw"
- targetApi="${project.minSdkVersion}"
- optLevel="${renderscript.opt.level}"
- buildType="${}"
- previousBuildType="${}">
- <source path="${source.absolute.dir}"/>
- </renderscript>
+ elseText="hasCode = false. Skipping aidl/">
<echo level="info">----------</echo>
<echo level="info">Handling Resources...</echo>
<aapt executable="${aapt}"
@@ -813,17 +670,6 @@
depends="-build-setup, -pre-build, -code-gen, -pre-compile">
<do-only-if-manifest-hasCode elseText="hasCode = false. Skipping..." >
- <!-- If javac.srcdirs.additional isn't set, set it to an empty path. -->
- <if>
- <condition>
- <not>
- <isreference refid="javac.srcdirs.additional"/>
- </not>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <path id="javac.srcdirs.additional"/>
- </then>
- </if>
@@ -845,41 +691,6 @@
<compilerarg line="${java.compilerargs}"/>
- If the project is instrumented, then instrument the classes
- TODO(shashishekhar): Add option to override emma filter.
- -->
- <if condition="${}">
- <then>
- <echo level="info">
- Instrumenting classes from ${out.absolute.dir}/classes...
- </echo>
- <!-- build the default filter to remove R, Manifest, BuildConfig -->
- <getemmafilter
- appPackage="${}"
- filterOut="emma.default.filter"
- libraryPackagesRefId="project.library.packages"/>
- <!--
- Define where the .em file is output.
- This may have been setup already if this is a library.
- -->
- <property name="emma.coverage.absolute.file"
- location="${out.absolute.dir}/coverage.em"/>
- <!-- It only instruments class files, not any external libs -->
- <emma enabled="true">
- <instr
- instrpath="${out.absolute.dir}/classes"
- metadatafile="${emma.coverage.absolute.file}"
- mode="overwrite"
- outdir="${out.absolute.dir}/classes"
- verbosity="${verbosity}">
- <filter excludes="${emma.default.filter}"/>
- <filter value="${emma.filter}"/>
- </instr>
- </emma>
- </then>
- </if>
- <!--
If the project needs a test jar then generate a jar containing
all compiled classes and referenced jars. is set by Android's ant build system based on the
@@ -1025,20 +836,7 @@
<do-only-if-manifest-hasCode elseText="hasCode = false. Skipping...">
<!-- only convert to dalvik bytecode is *not* a library -->
<do-only-if-not-library elseText="Library project: do not convert bytecode..." >
- <!-- special case for instrumented builds: need to use no-locals and need
- to pass in the emma jar. -->
- <if condition="${}">
- <then>
- <dex-helper nolocals="true">
- <external-libs>
- <fileset file="${emma.dir}/emma_device.jar" />
- </external-libs>
- </dex-helper>
- </then>
- <else>
- <dex-helper />
- </else>
- </if>
+ <dex-helper />
@@ -1093,19 +891,7 @@
<target name="-package" depends="-dex, -package-resources">
<!-- only package apk if *not* a library project -->
<do-only-if-not-library elseText="Library project: do not package apk..." >
- <if condition="${}">
- <then>
- <package-helper>
- <extra-jars>
- <!-- Injected from external file -->
- <jarfile path="${emma.dir}/emma_device.jar" />
- </extra-jars>
- </package-helper>
- </then>
- <else>
- <package-helper />
- </else>
- </if>
+ <package-helper />
@@ -1133,30 +919,13 @@
<!-- record the current build target -->
<property name="" value="debug" />
- <if>
- <condition>
- <and>
- <istrue value="${}" />
- <istrue value="${emma.enabled}" />
- </and>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <property name="" value="true" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <property name="" value="false" />
- </else>
- </if>
+ <property name="" value="false" />
<!-- whether the build is a debug build. always set. -->
<property name="" value="true" />
<!-- signing mode: debug -->
<property name="" value="true" />
- <!-- Renderscript optimization level: none -->
- <property name="renderscript.opt.level" value="${renderscript.debug.opt.level}" />
<target name="-debug-obfuscation-check">
@@ -1210,26 +979,11 @@
<!-- called through target 'release'. Only executed if the keystore and
key alias are known but not their password. -->
<target name="-release-prompt-for-password" if="has.keystore" unless="has.password">
- <!-- Gets passwords -->
- <input
- message="Please enter keystore password (store:${}):"
- addproperty="" />
- <input
- message="Please enter password for alias '${key.alias}':"
- addproperty="key.alias.password" />
<!-- called through target 'release'. Only executed if there's no
keystore/key alias set -->
<target name="-release-nosign" unless="has.keystore">
- <!-- no release builds for library project -->
- <do-only-if-not-library elseText="" >
- <sequential>
- <echo level="info">No and key.alias properties found in</echo>
- <echo level="info">Please sign ${out.packaged.file} manually</echo>
- <echo level="info">and run zipalign from the Android SDK tools.</echo>
- </sequential>
- </do-only-if-not-library>
<record-build-info />
@@ -1269,9 +1023,6 @@
<!-- signing mode: release -->
<property name="" value="false" />
- <!-- Renderscript optimization level: aggressive -->
- <property name="renderscript.opt.level" value="${renderscript.release.opt.level}" />
<if condition="${}">
@@ -1322,372 +1073,4 @@
description="Builds the application in release mode.">
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <!-- ************ Instrumented specific targets ************ -->
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <!-- These targets are specific for the project under test when it
- gets compiled by the test projects in a way that will make it
- support emma code coverage -->
- <target name="-set-instrumented-mode" depends="-set-mode-check">
- <property name="out.packaged.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${}-instrumented-unaligned.apk" />
- <property name="" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${}-instrumented.apk" />
- <property name="" value="true" />
- <!-- whether the build is an instrumented build. -->
- <property name="" value="true" />
- </target>
- <!-- Builds instrumented output package -->
- <target name="instrument" depends="-set-instrumented-mode, -do-debug"
- description="Builds an instrumented packaged.">
- <!-- only create apk if *not* a library project -->
- <do-only-if-not-library elseText="Library project: do not create apk..." >
- <sequential>
- <zipalign-helper in.package="${out.packaged.file}" out.package="${}" />
- <echo level="info">Instrumented Package: ${}</echo>
- </sequential>
- </do-only-if-not-library>
- <record-build-info />
- </target>
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <!-- ************ Test project specific targets ************ -->
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <!-- enable code coverage -->
- <target name="emma">
- <property name="emma.enabled" value="true" />
- </target>
- <!-- fails if the project is not a test project -->
- <target name="-test-project-check" depends="-setup">
- <if>
- <condition>
- <and>
- <isfalse value="${}" />
- <isfalse value="${}" />
- </and>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <fail message="Project is not a test project." />
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <target name="test" depends="-test-project-check"
- description="Runs tests from the package defined in test.package property">
- <property name="test.runner" value="android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" />
- <if condition="${}">
- <then>
- <property name="tested.project.absolute.dir" location="${tested.project.dir}" />
- <!-- Application package of the tested project extracted from its manifest file -->
- <xpath input="${tested.project.absolute.dir}/AndroidManifest.xml"
- expression="/manifest/@package" output="" />
- <if condition="${emma.enabled}">
- <then>
- <getprojectpaths projectPath="${tested.project.absolute.dir}"
- binOut="tested.project.out.absolute.dir"
- srcOut="tested.project.source.absolute.dir" />
- <getlibpath projectPath="${tested.project.absolute.dir}"
- libraryFolderPathOut="tested.project.lib.source.path"
- leaf="@{source.dir}" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </then>
- <else>
- <!-- this is a test app, the tested package is the app's own package -->
- <property name="" value="${}" />
- <if condition="${emma.enabled}">
- <then>
- <property name="tested.project.out.absolute.dir" value="${out.absolute.dir}" />
- <property name="tested.project.source.absolute.dir" value="${source.absolute.dir}" />
- <getlibpath
- libraryFolderPathOut="tested.project.lib.source.path"
- leaf="@{source.dir}" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </else>
- </if>
- <property name="emma.dump.file"
- value="/data/data/${}/" />
- <if condition="${emma.enabled}">
- <then>
- <echo>Running tests...</echo>
- <run-tests-helper emma.enabled="true">
- <extra-instrument-args>
- <arg value="-e" />
- <arg value="coverageFile" />
- <arg value="${emma.dump.file}" />
- </extra-instrument-args>
- </run-tests-helper>
- <echo level="info">Settting permission to download the coverage file...</echo>
- <exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
- <arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
- <arg value="shell" />
- <arg value="run-as" />
- <arg value="${}" />
- <arg value="chmod" />
- <arg value="644" />
- <arg value="${emma.dump.file}" />
- </exec>
- <echo level="info">Downloading coverage file into project directory...</echo>
- <exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
- <arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
- <arg value="pull" />
- <arg value="${emma.dump.file}" />
- <arg path="${out.absolute.dir}/" />
- </exec>
- <pathconvert property="tested.project.lib.source.path.value" refid="tested.project.lib.source.path">
- <firstmatchmapper>
- <regexpmapper from='^([^ ]*)( .*)$$' to='"\1\2"'/>
- <identitymapper/>
- </firstmatchmapper>
- </pathconvert>
- <echo level="info">Extracting coverage report...</echo>
- <emma>
- <property name="report.html.out.encoding" value="UTF-8" />
- <report sourcepath="${tested.project.source.absolute.dir}:${tested.project.lib.source.path.value}"
- verbosity="${verbosity}">
- <!-- TODO: report.dir or something like should be introduced if necessary -->
- <infileset file="${out.absolute.dir}/" />
- <infileset file="${tested.project.out.absolute.dir}/coverage.em" />
- <!-- TODO: reports in other, indicated by user formats -->
- <html outfile="${out.absolute.dir}/coverage.html" />
- <txt outfile="${out.absolute.dir}/coverage.txt" />
- <xml outfile="${out.absolute.dir}/coverage.xml" />
- </report>
- </emma>
- <echo level="info">Cleaning up temporary files...</echo>
- <delete file="${out.absolute.dir}/" />
- <delete file="${tested.project.out.absolute.dir}/coverage.em" />
- <exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
- <arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
- <arg value="shell" />
- <arg value="run-as" />
- <arg value="${}" />
- <arg value="rm" />
- <arg value="${emma.dump.file}" />
- </exec>
- <echo level="info">Saving the coverage reports in ${out.absolute.dir}</echo>
- </then>
- <else>
- <run-tests-helper />
- </else>
- </if>
- </target>
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <!-- ********** Run Lint on the project ********* -->
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <target name="lint"
- description="Runs lint on the project to look for potential bugs" >
- <lint executable="${lint}"
- html="${lint.out.html}"
- xml="${lint.out.xml}"
- src="${source.absolute.dir}:${gen.absolute.dir}"
- classpath="${out.classes.absolute.dir}" />
- </target>
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <!-- ********** Install/uninstall specific targets ********* -->
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
- <target name="install"
- description="Installs the newly build package. Must be used in conjunction with a build target
- (debug/release/instrument). If the application was previously installed, the application
- is reinstalled if the signature matches." >
- <!-- only do install if *not* a library project -->
- <do-only-if-not-library elseText="Library project: nothing to install!" >
- <if>
- <condition>
- <isset property="" />
- </condition>
- <then>
- <if>
- <condition>
- <resourceexists>
- <file file="${}"/>
- </resourceexists>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <echo level="info">Installing ${} onto default emulator or device...</echo>
- <exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
- <arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
- <arg value="install" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg path="${}" />
- </exec>
- <!-- now install the tested project if applicable -->
- <!-- can't use since the setup target might not have run -->
- <if>
- <condition>
- <and>
- <isset property="tested.project.dir" />
- <not>
- <isset property="" />
- </not>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <property name="tested.project.absolute.dir" location="${tested.project.dir}" />
- <!-- figure out which tested package to install based on emma.enabled -->
- <condition property="" value="installi" else="installd">
- <isset property="emma.enabled" />
- </condition>
- <subant target="${}" failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${tested.project.absolute.dir}" includes="build.xml" />
- </subant>
- </then>
- </if>
- </then>
- <else>
- <fail message="File ${} does not exist." />
- </else>
- </if>
- </then>
- <else>
- <echo>Install file not specified.</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>'ant install' now requires the build target to be specified as well.</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo> ant debug install</echo>
- <echo> ant release install</echo>
- <echo> ant instrument install</echo>
- <echo>This will build the given package and install it.</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>Alternatively, you can use</echo>
- <echo> ant installd</echo>
- <echo> ant installr</echo>
- <echo> ant installi</echo>
- <echo> ant installt</echo>
- <echo>to only install an existing package (this will not rebuild the package.)</echo>
- <fail />
- </else>
- </if>
- </do-only-if-not-library>
- </target>
- <target name="installd" depends="-set-debug-files, install"
- description="Installs (only) the debug package." />
- <target name="installr" depends="-set-release-mode, install"
- description="Installs (only) the release package." />
- <target name="installi" depends="-set-instrumented-mode, install"
- description="Installs (only) the instrumented package." />
- <target name="installt" depends="-test-project-check, installd"
- description="Installs (only) the test and tested packages." />
- <!-- Uninstalls the package from the default emulator/device -->
- <target name="uninstall" depends="-setup"
- description="Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or device.">
- <if>
- <condition>
- <isset property="" />
- </condition>
- <then>
- <uninstall-helper app.package="${}" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <fail message="Could not find application package in manifest. Cannot run 'adb uninstall'." />
- </else>
- </if>
- <!-- Now uninstall the tested project, if applicable -->
- <if>
- <condition>
- <and>
- <istrue value="${}" />
- <not>
- <isset property="" />
- </not>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <property name="tested.project.absolute.dir" location="${tested.project.dir}" />
- <!-- Application package of the tested project extracted from its manifest file -->
- <xpath input="${tested.project.absolute.dir}/AndroidManifest.xml"
- expression="/manifest/@package" output="" />
- <if>
- <condition>
- <isset property="" />
- </condition>
- <then>
- <uninstall-helper app.package="${}" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <fail message="Could not find tested application package in manifest. Cannot run 'adb uninstall'." />
- </else>
- </if>
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <!-- ******************************************************* -->
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- <target name="help">
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- <echo>Android Ant Build. Available targets:</echo>
- <echo> help: Displays this help.</echo>
- <echo> clean: Removes output files created by other targets.</echo>
- <echo> The 'all' target can be used to clean dependencies</echo>
- <echo> (tested projects and libraries)at the same time</echo>
- <echo> using: 'ant all clean'</echo>
- <echo> debug: Builds the application and signs it with a debug key.</echo>
- <echo> The 'nodeps' target can be used to only build the</echo>
- <echo> current project and ignore the libraries using:</echo>
- <echo> 'ant nodeps debug'</echo>
- <echo> release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be</echo>
- <echo> signed before it is published.</echo>
- <echo> The 'nodeps' target can be used to only build the</echo>
- <echo> current project and ignore the libraries using:</echo>
- <echo> 'ant nodeps release'</echo>
- <echo> instrument:Builds an instrumented package and signs it with a</echo>
- <echo> debug key.</echo>
- <echo> test: Runs the tests. Project must be a test project and</echo>
- <echo> must have been built. Typical usage would be:</echo>
- <echo> ant [emma] debug install test</echo>
- <echo> emma: Transiently enables code coverage for subsequent</echo>
- <echo> targets.</echo>
- <echo> install: Installs the newly build package. Must either be used</echo>
- <echo> in conjunction with a build target (debug/release/</echo>
- <echo> instrument) or with the proper suffix indicating</echo>
- <echo> which package to install (see below).</echo>
- <echo> If the application was previously installed, the</echo>
- <echo> application is reinstalled if the signature matches.</echo>
- <echo> installd: Installs (only) the debug package.</echo>
- <echo> installr: Installs (only) the release package.</echo>
- <echo> installi: Installs (only) the instrumented package.</echo>
- <echo> installt: Installs (only) the test and tested packages (unless</echo>
- <echo> nodeps is used as well.</echo>
- <echo> uninstall: Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or</echo>
- <echo> device. Also uninstall tested package if applicable</echo>
- <echo> unless 'nodeps' is used as well.</echo>
- </target>
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