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Unified Diff: third_party/gsutil/gslib/

Issue 12685010: Added gsutil/gslib to depot_tools/third_party (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 9 months ago
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Index: third_party/gsutil/gslib/
diff --git a/third_party/gsutil/gslib/ b/third_party/gsutil/gslib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..076455baf5a28225128f4d622b9d06a31dec3f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/gsutil/gslib/
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Base class for gsutil commands.
+In addition to base class code, this file contains helpers that depend on base
+class state (such as GetAclCommandHelper, which depends on self.gsutil_bin_dir,
+self.bucket_storage_uri_class, etc.) In general, functions that depend on class
+state and that are used by multiple commands belong in this file. Functions that
+don't depend on class state belong in, and non-shared helpers belong in
+individual subclasses.
+import boto
+import getopt
+import gslib
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import sys
+import wildcard_iterator
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from boto import handler
+from boto.storage_uri import StorageUri
+from getopt import GetoptError
+from gslib import util
+from gslib.exception import CommandException
+from gslib.help_provider import HelpProvider
+from gslib.name_expansion import NameExpansionIterator
+from gslib.name_expansion import NameExpansionIteratorQueue
+from gslib.project_id import ProjectIdHandler
+from gslib.storage_uri_builder import StorageUriBuilder
+from gslib.thread_pool import ThreadPool
+from gslib.util import HAVE_OAUTH2
+from gslib.util import NO_MAX
+from gslib.wildcard_iterator import ContainsWildcard
+def _ThreadedLogger():
+ """Creates a logger that resembles 'print' output, but is thread safe.
+ The logger will display all messages logged with level INFO or above. Log
+ propagation is disabled.
+ Returns:
+ A logger object.
+ """
+ log = logging.getLogger('threaded-logging')
+ log.propagate = False
+ log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
+ log.addHandler(log_handler)
+ return log
+# command_spec key constants.
+COMMAND_NAME = 'command_name'
+COMMAND_NAME_ALIASES = 'command_name_aliases'
+MIN_ARGS = 'min_args'
+MAX_ARGS = 'max_args'
+SUPPORTED_SUB_ARGS = 'supported_sub_args'
+FILE_URIS_OK = 'file_uri_ok'
+PROVIDER_URIS_OK = 'provider_uri_ok'
+URIS_START_ARG = 'uris_start_arg'
+CONFIG_REQUIRED = 'config_required'
+class Command(object):
+ # Global instance of a threaded logger object.
+ THREADED_LOGGER = _ThreadedLogger()
+ # Each subclass must define the following map, minimally including the
+ # keys in REQUIRED_SPEC_KEYS; other values below will be used as defaults,
+ # although for readbility subclasses should specify the complete map.
+ command_spec = {
+ # Name of command.
+ # List of command name aliases.
+ # Min number of args required by this command.
+ MIN_ARGS : 0,
+ # Max number of args required by this command, or NO_MAX.
+ # Getopt-style string specifying acceptable sub args.
+ # True if file URIs are acceptable for this command.
+ FILE_URIS_OK : False,
+ # True if provider-only URIs are acceptable for this command.
+ # Index in args of first URI arg.
+ # True if must configure gsutil before running command.
+ }
+ _default_command_spec = command_spec
+ help_spec = HelpProvider.help_spec
+ """Define an empty test specification, which derived classes must populate.
+ This is a list of tuples containing the following values:
+ step_name - mnemonic name for test, displayed when test is run
+ cmd_line - shell command line to run test
+ expect_ret or None - expected return code from test (None means ignore)
+ (result_file, expect_file) or None - tuple of result file and expected
+ file to diff for additional test
+ verification beyond the return code
+ (None means no diff requested)
+ Notes:
+ - Setting expected_ret to None means there is no expectation and,
+ hence, any returned value will pass.
+ - Any occurrences of the string 'gsutil' in the cmd_line parameter
+ are expanded to the full path to the gsutil command under test.
+ - The cmd_line, result_file and expect_file parameters may
+ contain the following special substrings:
+ $Bn - converted to one of 10 unique-for-testing bucket names (n=0..9)
+ $On - converted to one of 10 unique-for-testing object names (n=0..9)
+ $Fn - converted to one of 10 unique-for-testing file names (n=0..9)
+ $G - converted to the directory where gsutil is installed. Useful for
+ referencing test data.
+ - The generated file names are full pathnames, whereas the generated
+ bucket and object names are simple relative names.
+ - Tests with a non-None result_file and expect_file automatically
+ trigger an implicit diff of the two files.
+ - These test specifications, in combination with the conversion strings
+ allow tests to be constructed parametrically. For example, here's an
+ annotated subset of a test_steps for the cp command:
+ # Copy local file to object, verify 0 return code.
+ ('simple cp', 'gsutil cp $F1 gs://$B1/$O1', 0, None, None),
+ # Copy uploaded object back to local file and diff vs. orig file.
+ ('verify cp', 'gsutil cp gs://$B1/$O1 $F2', 0, '$F2', '$F1'),
+ - After pattern substitution, the specs are run sequentially, in the
+ order in which they appear in the test_steps list.
+ """
+ test_steps = []
+ # Define a convenience property for command name, since it's used many places.
+ def _GetDefaultCommandName(self):
+ return self.command_spec[COMMAND_NAME]
+ command_name = property(_GetDefaultCommandName)
+ def __init__(self, command_runner, args, headers, debug, parallel_operations,
+ gsutil_bin_dir, boto_lib_dir, config_file_list, gsutil_ver,
+ bucket_storage_uri_class, test_method=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ command_runner: CommandRunner (for commands built atop other commands).
+ args: Command-line args (arg0 = actual arg, not command name ala bash).
+ headers: Dictionary containing optional HTTP headers to pass to boto.
+ debug: Debug level to pass in to boto connection (range 0..3).
+ parallel_operations: Should command operations be executed in parallel?
+ gsutil_bin_dir: Bin dir from which gsutil is running.
+ boto_lib_dir: Lib dir where boto runs.
+ config_file_list: Config file list returned by _GetBotoConfigFileList().
+ gsutil_ver: Version string of currently running gsutil command.
+ bucket_storage_uri_class: Class to instantiate for cloud StorageUris.
+ Settable for testing/mocking.
+ test_method: Optional general purpose method for testing purposes.
+ Application and semantics of this method will vary by
+ command and test type.
+ Implementation note: subclasses shouldn't need to define an __init__
+ method, and instead depend on the shared initialization that happens
+ here. If you do define an __init__ method in a subclass you'll need to
+ explicitly call super().__init__(). But you're encouraged not to do this,
+ because it will make changing the __init__ interface more painful.
+ """
+ # Save class values from constructor params.
+ self.command_runner = command_runner
+ self.args = args
+ self.unparsed_args = args
+ self.headers = headers
+ self.debug = debug
+ self.parallel_operations = parallel_operations
+ self.gsutil_bin_dir = gsutil_bin_dir
+ self.boto_lib_dir = boto_lib_dir
+ self.config_file_list = config_file_list
+ self.gsutil_ver = gsutil_ver
+ self.bucket_storage_uri_class = bucket_storage_uri_class
+ self.test_method = test_method
+ self.exclude_symlinks = False
+ self.recursion_requested = False
+ self.all_versions = False
+ # Process sub-command instance specifications.
+ # First, ensure subclass implementation sets all required keys.
+ for k in self.REQUIRED_SPEC_KEYS:
+ if k not in self.command_spec or self.command_spec[k] is None:
+ raise CommandException('"%s" command implementation is missing %s '
+ 'specification' % (self.command_name, k))
+ # Now override default command_spec with subclass-specified values.
+ tmp = self._default_command_spec
+ tmp.update(self.command_spec)
+ self.command_spec = tmp
+ del tmp
+ # Make sure command provides a test specification.
+ if not self.test_steps:
+ # TODO: Uncomment following lines when test feature is ready.
+ #raise CommandException('"%s" command implementation is missing test '
+ #'specification' % self.command_name)
+ pass
+ # Parse and validate args.
+ try:
+ (self.sub_opts, self.args) = getopt.getopt(
+ args, self.command_spec[SUPPORTED_SUB_ARGS])
+ except GetoptError, e:
+ raise CommandException('%s for "%s" command.' % (e.msg,
+ self.command_name))
+ if (len(self.args) < self.command_spec[MIN_ARGS]
+ or len(self.args) > self.command_spec[MAX_ARGS]):
+ raise CommandException('Wrong number of arguments for "%s" command.' %
+ self.command_name)
+ if (not self.command_spec[FILE_URIS_OK]
+ and self.HaveFileUris(self.args[self.command_spec[URIS_START_ARG]:])):
+ raise CommandException('"%s" command does not support "file://" URIs. '
+ 'Did you mean to use a gs:// URI?' %
+ self.command_name)
+ if (not self.command_spec[PROVIDER_URIS_OK]
+ and self._HaveProviderUris(
+ self.args[self.command_spec[URIS_START_ARG]:])):
+ raise CommandException('"%s" command does not support provider-only '
+ 'URIs.' % self.command_name)
+ if self.command_spec[CONFIG_REQUIRED]:
+ self._ConfigureNoOpAuthIfNeeded()
+ self.proj_id_handler = ProjectIdHandler()
+ self.suri_builder = StorageUriBuilder(debug, bucket_storage_uri_class)
+ # Cross-platform path to run gsutil binary.
+ self.gsutil_cmd = ''
+ # Cross-platform list containing gsutil path for use with subprocess.
+ self.gsutil_exec_list = []
+ # If running on Windows, invoke python interpreter explicitly.
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ self.gsutil_cmd += 'python '
+ self.gsutil_exec_list += ['python']
+ # Add full path to gsutil to make sure we test the correct version.
+ self.gsutil_path = os.path.join(self.gsutil_bin_dir, 'gsutil')
+ self.gsutil_cmd += self.gsutil_path
+ self.gsutil_exec_list += [self.gsutil_path]
+ # We're treating recursion_requested like it's used by all commands, but
+ # only some of the commands accept the -R option.
+ if self.sub_opts:
+ for o, unused_a in self.sub_opts:
+ if o == '-r' or o == '-R':
+ self.recursion_requested = True
+ break
+ def WildcardIterator(self, uri_or_str, all_versions=False):
+ """
+ Helper to instantiate gslib.WildcardIterator. Args are same as
+ gslib.WildcardIterator interface, but this method fills in most of the
+ values from instance state.
+ Args:
+ uri_or_str: StorageUri or URI string naming wildcard objects to iterate.
+ """
+ return wildcard_iterator.wildcard_iterator(
+ uri_or_str, self.proj_id_handler,
+ bucket_storage_uri_class=self.bucket_storage_uri_class,
+ all_versions=all_versions,
+ headers=self.headers, debug=self.debug)
+ def RunCommand(self):
+ """Abstract function in base class. Subclasses must implement this. The
+ return value of this function will be used as the exit status of the
+ process, so subclass commands should return an integer exit code (0 for
+ success, a value in [1,255] for failure).
+ """
+ raise CommandException('Command %s is missing its RunCommand() '
+ 'implementation' % self.command_name)
+ ############################################################
+ # Shared helper functions that depend on base class state. #
+ ############################################################
+ def UrisAreForSingleProvider(self, uri_args):
+ """Tests whether the uris are all for a single provider.
+ Returns: a StorageUri for one of the uris on success, None on failure.
+ """
+ provider = None
+ uri = None
+ for uri_str in uri_args:
+ # validate=False because we allow wildcard uris.
+ uri = boto.storage_uri(
+ uri_str, debug=self.debug, validate=False,
+ bucket_storage_uri_class=self.bucket_storage_uri_class)
+ if not provider:
+ provider = uri.scheme
+ elif uri.scheme != provider:
+ return None
+ return uri
+ def SetAclCommandHelper(self):
+ """
+ Common logic for setting ACLs. Sets the standard ACL or the default
+ object ACL depending on self.command_name.
+ """
+ acl_arg = self.args[0]
+ uri_args = self.args[1:]
+ # Disallow multi-provider setacl requests, because there are differences in
+ # the ACL models.
+ storage_uri = self.UrisAreForSingleProvider(uri_args)
+ if not storage_uri:
+ raise CommandException('"%s" command spanning providers not allowed.' %
+ self.command_name)
+ # Determine whether acl_arg names a file containing XML ACL text vs. the
+ # string name of a canned ACL.
+ if os.path.isfile(acl_arg):
+ acl_file = open(acl_arg, 'r')
+ acl_arg =
+ # TODO: Remove this workaround when GCS allows
+ # whitespace in the Permission element on the server-side
+ acl_arg = re.sub(r'<Permission>\s*(\S+)\s*</Permission>',
+ r'<Permission>\1</Permission>', acl_arg)
+ acl_file.close()
+ self.canned = False
+ else:
+ # No file exists, so expect a canned ACL string.
+ canned_acls = storage_uri.canned_acls()
+ if acl_arg not in canned_acls:
+ raise CommandException('Invalid canned ACL "%s".' % acl_arg)
+ self.canned = True
+ # Used to track if any ACLs failed to be set.
+ self.everything_set_okay = True
+ def _SetAclExceptionHandler(e):
+ """Simple exception handler to allow post-completion status."""
+ self.THREADED_LOGGER.error(str(e))
+ self.everything_set_okay = False
+ def _SetAclFunc(name_expansion_result):
+ exp_src_uri = self.suri_builder.StorageUri(
+ name_expansion_result.GetExpandedUriStr())
+ # We don't do bucket operations multi-threaded (see comment below).
+ assert self.command_name != 'setdefacl'
+'Setting ACL on %s...' %
+ name_expansion_result.expanded_uri_str)
+ if self.canned:
+ exp_src_uri.set_acl(acl_arg, exp_src_uri.object_name, False,
+ self.headers)
+ else:
+ exp_src_uri.set_xml_acl(acl_arg, exp_src_uri.object_name, False,
+ self.headers)
+ # If user specified -R option, convert any bucket args to bucket wildcards
+ # (e.g., gs://bucket/*), to prevent the operation from being applied to
+ # the buckets themselves.
+ if self.recursion_requested:
+ for i in range(len(uri_args)):
+ uri = self.suri_builder.StorageUri(uri_args[i])
+ if uri.names_bucket():
+ uri_args[i] = uri.clone_replace_name('*').uri
+ else:
+ # Handle bucket ACL setting operations single-threaded, because
+ # our threading machinery currently assumes it's working with objects
+ # (name_expansion_iterator), and normally we wouldn't expect users to need
+ # to set ACLs on huge numbers of buckets at once anyway.
+ for i in range(len(uri_args)):
+ uri_str = uri_args[i]
+ if self.suri_builder.StorageUri(uri_str).names_bucket():
+ self._RunSingleThreadedSetAcl(acl_arg, uri_args)
+ return
+ name_expansion_iterator = NameExpansionIterator(
+ self.command_name, self.proj_id_handler, self.headers, self.debug,
+ self.bucket_storage_uri_class, uri_args, self.recursion_requested,
+ self.recursion_requested, all_versions=self.all_versions)
+ # Perform requests in parallel (-m) mode, if requested, using
+ # configured number of parallel processes and threads. Otherwise,
+ # perform requests with sequential function calls in current process.
+ self.Apply(_SetAclFunc, name_expansion_iterator, _SetAclExceptionHandler)
+ if not self.everything_set_okay:
+ raise CommandException('ACLs for some objects could not be set.')
+ def _RunSingleThreadedSetAcl(self, acl_arg, uri_args):
+ some_matched = False
+ for uri_str in uri_args:
+ for blr in self.WildcardIterator(uri_str):
+ if blr.HasPrefix():
+ continue
+ some_matched = True
+ uri = blr.GetUri()
+ if self.command_name == 'setdefacl':
+ print 'Setting default object ACL on %s...' % uri
+ if self.canned:
+ uri.set_def_acl(acl_arg, uri.object_name, False, self.headers)
+ else:
+ uri.set_def_xml_acl(acl_arg, False, self.headers)
+ else:
+ print 'Setting ACL on %s...' % uri
+ if self.canned:
+ uri.set_acl(acl_arg, uri.object_name, False, self.headers)
+ else:
+ uri.set_xml_acl(acl_arg, uri.object_name, False, self.headers)
+ if not some_matched:
+ raise CommandException('No URIs matched')
+ def GetAclCommandHelper(self):
+ """Common logic for getting ACLs. Gets the standard ACL or the default
+ object ACL depending on self.command_name."""
+ # Resolve to just one object.
+ # Handle wildcard-less URI specially in case this is a version-specific
+ # URI, because WildcardIterator().IterUris() would lose the versioning info.
+ if not ContainsWildcard(self.args[0]):
+ uri = self.suri_builder.StorageUri(self.args[0])
+ else:
+ uris = list(self.WildcardIterator(self.args[0]).IterUris())
+ if len(uris) == 0:
+ raise CommandException('No URIs matched')
+ if len(uris) != 1:
+ raise CommandException('%s matched more than one URI, which is not '
+ 'allowed by the %s command' % (self.args[0], self.command_name))
+ uri = uris[0]
+ if not uri.names_bucket() and not uri.names_object():
+ raise CommandException('"%s" command must specify a bucket or '
+ 'object.' % self.command_name)
+ if self.command_name == 'getdefacl':
+ acl = uri.get_def_acl(False, self.headers)
+ else:
+ acl = uri.get_acl(False, self.headers)
+ # Pretty-print the XML to make it more easily human editable.
+ parsed_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(acl.to_xml().encode('utf-8'))
+ print parsed_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ')
+ def GetXmlSubresource(self, subresource, uri_arg):
+ """Print an xml subresource, e.g. logging, for a bucket/object.
+ Args:
+ subresource: The subresource name.
+ uri_arg: URI for the bucket/object. Wildcards will be expanded.
+ Raises:
+ CommandException: if errors encountered.
+ """
+ # Wildcarding is allowed but must resolve to just one bucket.
+ uris = list(self.WildcardIterator(uri_arg).IterUris())
+ if len(uris) != 1:
+ raise CommandException('Wildcards must resolve to exactly one item for '
+ 'get %s' % subresource)
+ uri = uris[0]
+ xml_str = uri.get_subresource(subresource, False, self.headers)
+ # Pretty-print the XML to make it more easily human editable.
+ parsed_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str.encode('utf-8'))
+ print parsed_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ')
+ def Apply(self, func, name_expansion_iterator, thr_exc_handler,
+ shared_attrs=None):
+ """Dispatch input URI assignments across a pool of parallel OS
+ processes and/or Python threads, based on options (-m or not)
+ and settings in the user's config file. If non-parallel mode
+ or only one OS process requested, execute requests sequentially
+ in the current OS process.
+ Args:
+ func: Function to call to process each URI.
+ name_expansion_iterator: Iterator of NameExpansionResult.
+ thr_exc_handler: Exception handler for ThreadPool class.
+ shared_attrs: List of attributes to manage across sub-processes.
+ Raises:
+ CommandException if invalid config encountered.
+ """
+ # Set OS process and python thread count as a function of options
+ # and config.
+ if self.parallel_operations:
+ process_count = boto.config.getint(
+ 'GSUtil', 'parallel_process_count',
+ gslib.commands.config.DEFAULT_PARALLEL_PROCESS_COUNT)
+ if process_count < 1:
+ raise CommandException('Invalid parallel_process_count "%d".' %
+ process_count)
+ thread_count = boto.config.getint(
+ 'GSUtil', 'parallel_thread_count',
+ gslib.commands.config.DEFAULT_PARALLEL_THREAD_COUNT)
+ if thread_count < 1:
+ raise CommandException('Invalid parallel_thread_count "%d".' %
+ thread_count)
+ else:
+ # If -m not specified, then assume 1 OS process and 1 Python thread.
+ process_count = 1
+ thread_count = 1
+ if self.debug:
+'process count: %d', process_count)
+'thread count: %d', thread_count)
+ if self.parallel_operations and process_count > 1:
+ procs = []
+ # If any shared attributes passed by caller, create a dictionary of
+ # shared memory variables for every element in the list of shared
+ # attributes.
+ shared_vars = None
+ if shared_attrs:
+ for name in shared_attrs:
+ if not shared_vars:
+ shared_vars = {}
+ shared_vars[name] = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
+ # Construct work queue for parceling out work to multiprocessing workers,
+ # setting the max queue length of 50k so we will block if workers don't
+ # empty the queue as fast as we can continue iterating over the bucket
+ # listing. This number may need tuning; it should be large enough to
+ # keep workers busy (overlapping bucket list next-page retrieval with
+ # operations being fed from the queue) but small enough that we don't
+ # overfill memory when runing across a slow network link.
+ work_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(50000)
+ for shard in range(process_count):
+ # Spawn a separate OS process for each shard.
+ if self.debug:
+'spawning process for shard %d', shard)
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._ApplyThreads,
+ args=(func, work_queue, shard,
+ thread_count, thr_exc_handler,
+ shared_vars))
+ procs.append(p)
+ p.start()
+ last_name_expansion_result = None
+ try:
+ # Feed all work into the queue being emptied by the workers.
+ for name_expansion_result in name_expansion_iterator:
+ last_name_expansion_result = name_expansion_result
+ work_queue.put(name_expansion_result)
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write('Failed URI iteration. Last result (prior to '
+ 'exception) was: %s\n'
+ % repr(last_name_expansion_result))
+ finally:
+ # We do all of the process cleanup in a finally cause in case the name
+ # expansion iterator throws an exception. This will send EOF to all the
+ # child processes and join them back into the parent process.
+ # Send an EOF per worker.
+ for shard in range(process_count):
+ work_queue.put(_EOF_NAME_EXPANSION_RESULT)
+ # Wait for all spawned OS processes to finish.
+ failed_process_count = 0
+ for p in procs:
+ p.join()
+ # Count number of procs that returned non-zero exit code.
+ if p.exitcode != 0:
+ failed_process_count += 1
+ # Propagate shared variables back to caller's attributes.
+ if shared_vars:
+ for (name, var) in shared_vars.items():
+ setattr(self, name, var.value)
+ # Abort main process if one or more sub-processes failed. Note that this
+ # is outside the finally clause, because we only want to raise a new
+ # exception if an exception wasn't already raised in the try clause above.
+ if failed_process_count:
+ plural_str = ''
+ if failed_process_count > 1:
+ plural_str = 'es'
+ raise Exception('unexpected failure in %d sub-process%s, '
+ 'aborting...' % (failed_process_count, plural_str))
+ else:
+ # Using just 1 process, so funnel results to _ApplyThreads using facade
+ # that makes NameExpansionIterator look like a Multiprocessing.Queue
+ # that sends one EOF once the iterator empties.
+ work_queue = NameExpansionIteratorQueue(name_expansion_iterator,
+ self._ApplyThreads(func, work_queue, 0, thread_count, thr_exc_handler,
+ None)
+ def HaveFileUris(self, args_to_check):
+ """Checks whether args_to_check contain any file URIs.
+ Args:
+ args_to_check: Command-line argument subset to check.
+ Returns:
+ True if args_to_check contains any file URIs.
+ """
+ for uri_str in args_to_check:
+ if uri_str.lower().startswith('file://') or uri_str.find(':') == -1:
+ return True
+ return False
+ ######################
+ # Private functions. #
+ ######################
+ def _HaveProviderUris(self, args_to_check):
+ """Checks whether args_to_check contains any provider URIs (like 'gs://').
+ Args:
+ args_to_check: Command-line argument subset to check.
+ Returns:
+ True if args_to_check contains any provider URIs.
+ """
+ for uri_str in args_to_check:
+ if re.match('^[a-z]+://$', uri_str):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _ConfigureNoOpAuthIfNeeded(self):
+ """Sets up no-op auth handler if no boto credentials are configured."""
+ config = boto.config
+ if not util.HasConfiguredCredentials():
+ if self.config_file_list:
+ if (config.has_option('Credentials', 'gs_oauth2_refresh_token')
+ and not HAVE_OAUTH2):
+ raise CommandException(
+ 'Your gsutil is configured with OAuth2 authentication '
+ 'credentials.\nHowever, OAuth2 is only supported when running '
+ 'under Python 2.6 or later\n(unless additional dependencies are '
+ 'installed, see README for details); you are running Python %s.' %
+ sys.version)
+ raise CommandException('You have no storage service credentials in any '
+ 'of the following boto config\nfiles. Please '
+ 'add your credentials as described in the '
+ 'gsutil README file, or else\nre-run '
+ '"gsutil config" to re-create a config '
+ 'file:\n%s' % self.config_file_list)
+ else:
+ # With no boto config file the user can still access publicly readable
+ # buckets and objects.
+ from gslib import no_op_auth_plugin
+ def _ApplyThreads(self, func, work_queue, shard, num_threads,
+ thr_exc_handler=None, shared_vars=None):
+ """
+ Perform subset of required requests across a caller specified
+ number of parallel Python threads, which may be one, in which
+ case the requests are processed in the current thread.
+ Args:
+ func: Function to call for each request.
+ work_queue: shared queue of NameExpansionResult to process.
+ shard: Assigned subset (shard number) for this function.
+ num_threads: Number of Python threads to spawn to process this shard.
+ thr_exc_handler: Exception handler for ThreadPool class.
+ shared_vars: Dict of shared memory variables to be managed.
+ (only relevant, and non-None, if this function is
+ run in a separate OS process).
+ """
+ # Each OS process needs to establish its own set of connections to
+ # the server to avoid writes from different OS processes interleaving
+ # onto the same socket (and garbling the underlying SSL session).
+ # We ensure each process gets its own set of connections here by
+ # closing all connections in the storage provider connection pool.
+ connection_pool = StorageUri.provider_pool
+ if connection_pool:
+ for i in connection_pool:
+ connection_pool[i].connection.close()
+ if num_threads > 1:
+ thread_pool = ThreadPool(num_threads, thr_exc_handler)
+ try:
+ while True: # Loop until we hit EOF marker.
+ name_expansion_result = work_queue.get()
+ if name_expansion_result == _EOF_NAME_EXPANSION_RESULT:
+ break
+ exp_src_uri = self.suri_builder.StorageUri(
+ name_expansion_result.GetExpandedUriStr())
+ if self.debug:
+'process %d shard %d is handling uri %s',
+ os.getpid(), shard, exp_src_uri)
+ if (self.exclude_symlinks and exp_src_uri.is_file_uri()
+ and os.path.islink(exp_src_uri.object_name)):
+'Skipping symbolic link %s...', exp_src_uri)
+ elif num_threads > 1:
+ thread_pool.AddTask(func, name_expansion_result)
+ else:
+ func(name_expansion_result)
+ # If any Python threads created, wait here for them to finish.
+ if num_threads > 1:
+ thread_pool.WaitCompletion()
+ finally:
+ if num_threads > 1:
+ thread_pool.Shutdown()
+ # If any shared variables (which means we are running in a separate OS
+ # process), increment value for each shared variable.
+ if shared_vars:
+ for (name, var) in shared_vars.items():
+ var.value += getattr(self, name)

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