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Unified Diff: src/heap-snapshot-generator.h

Issue 12314027: Split profile-generator (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 10 months ago
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Index: src/heap-snapshot-generator.h
diff --git a/src/profile-generator.h b/src/heap-snapshot-generator.h
similarity index 64%
copy from src/profile-generator.h
copy to src/heap-snapshot-generator.h
index 43c737ea19a5e58c2dae8bcb606451aefcef417a..77c659a9959ad9ed6953aeabcae2083215e0edfe 100644
--- a/src/profile-generator.h
+++ b/src/heap-snapshot-generator.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
@@ -25,428 +25,12 @@
-#include "allocation.h"
-#include "hashmap.h"
-#include "../include/v8-profiler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
-class TokenEnumerator {
- public:
- TokenEnumerator();
- ~TokenEnumerator();
- int GetTokenId(Object* token);
- static const int kNoSecurityToken = -1;
- static const int kInheritsSecurityToken = -2;
- private:
- static void TokenRemovedCallback(v8::Isolate* isolate,
- v8::Persistent<v8::Value> handle,
- void* parameter);
- void TokenRemoved(Object** token_location);
- List<Object**> token_locations_;
- List<bool> token_removed_;
- friend class TokenEnumeratorTester;
-// Provides a storage of strings allocated in C++ heap, to hold them
-// forever, even if they disappear from JS heap or external storage.
-class StringsStorage {
- public:
- StringsStorage();
- ~StringsStorage();
- const char* GetCopy(const char* src);
- const char* GetFormatted(const char* format, ...);
- const char* GetVFormatted(const char* format, va_list args);
- const char* GetName(String* name);
- const char* GetName(int index);
- inline const char* GetFunctionName(String* name);
- inline const char* GetFunctionName(const char* name);
- size_t GetUsedMemorySize() const;
- private:
- static const int kMaxNameSize = 1024;
- INLINE(static bool StringsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) {
- return strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key1),
- reinterpret_cast<char*>(key2)) == 0;
- }
- const char* AddOrDisposeString(char* str, uint32_t hash);
- // Mapping of strings by String::Hash to const char* strings.
- HashMap names_;
-class CodeEntry {
- public:
- // CodeEntry doesn't own name strings, just references them.
- INLINE(CodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- const char* name_prefix,
- const char* name,
- const char* resource_name,
- int line_number,
- int security_token_id));
- INLINE(bool is_js_function() const) { return is_js_function_tag(tag_); }
- INLINE(const char* name_prefix() const) { return name_prefix_; }
- INLINE(bool has_name_prefix() const) { return name_prefix_[0] != '\0'; }
- INLINE(const char* name() const) { return name_; }
- INLINE(const char* resource_name() const) { return resource_name_; }
- INLINE(int line_number() const) { return line_number_; }
- INLINE(int shared_id() const) { return shared_id_; }
- INLINE(void set_shared_id(int shared_id)) { shared_id_ = shared_id; }
- INLINE(int security_token_id() const) { return security_token_id_; }
- INLINE(static bool is_js_function_tag(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag));
- void CopyData(const CodeEntry& source);
- uint32_t GetCallUid() const;
- bool IsSameAs(CodeEntry* entry) const;
- static const char* const kEmptyNamePrefix;
- private:
- Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag_;
- const char* name_prefix_;
- const char* name_;
- const char* resource_name_;
- int line_number_;
- int shared_id_;
- int security_token_id_;
-class ProfileTree;
-class ProfileNode {
- public:
- INLINE(ProfileNode(ProfileTree* tree, CodeEntry* entry));
- ProfileNode* FindChild(CodeEntry* entry);
- ProfileNode* FindOrAddChild(CodeEntry* entry);
- INLINE(void IncrementSelfTicks()) { ++self_ticks_; }
- INLINE(void IncreaseSelfTicks(unsigned amount)) { self_ticks_ += amount; }
- INLINE(void IncreaseTotalTicks(unsigned amount)) { total_ticks_ += amount; }
- INLINE(CodeEntry* entry() const) { return entry_; }
- INLINE(unsigned self_ticks() const) { return self_ticks_; }
- INLINE(unsigned total_ticks() const) { return total_ticks_; }
- INLINE(const List<ProfileNode*>* children() const) { return &children_list_; }
- double GetSelfMillis() const;
- double GetTotalMillis() const;
- void Print(int indent);
- private:
- INLINE(static bool CodeEntriesMatch(void* entry1, void* entry2)) {
- return reinterpret_cast<CodeEntry*>(entry1)->IsSameAs(
- reinterpret_cast<CodeEntry*>(entry2));
- }
- INLINE(static uint32_t CodeEntryHash(CodeEntry* entry)) {
- return entry->GetCallUid();
- }
- ProfileTree* tree_;
- CodeEntry* entry_;
- unsigned total_ticks_;
- unsigned self_ticks_;
- // Mapping from CodeEntry* to ProfileNode*
- HashMap children_;
- List<ProfileNode*> children_list_;
-class ProfileTree {
- public:
- ProfileTree();
- ~ProfileTree();
- void AddPathFromEnd(const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path);
- void AddPathFromStart(const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path);
- void CalculateTotalTicks();
- void FilteredClone(ProfileTree* src, int security_token_id);
- double TicksToMillis(unsigned ticks) const {
- return ticks * ms_to_ticks_scale_;
- }
- ProfileNode* root() const { return root_; }
- void SetTickRatePerMs(double ticks_per_ms);
- void ShortPrint();
- void Print() {
- root_->Print(0);
- }
- private:
- template <typename Callback>
- void TraverseDepthFirst(Callback* callback);
- CodeEntry root_entry_;
- ProfileNode* root_;
- double ms_to_ticks_scale_;
-class CpuProfile {
- public:
- CpuProfile(const char* title, unsigned uid)
- : title_(title), uid_(uid) { }
- // Add pc -> ... -> main() call path to the profile.
- void AddPath(const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path);
- void CalculateTotalTicks();
- void SetActualSamplingRate(double actual_sampling_rate);
- CpuProfile* FilteredClone(int security_token_id);
- INLINE(const char* title() const) { return title_; }
- INLINE(unsigned uid() const) { return uid_; }
- INLINE(const ProfileTree* top_down() const) { return &top_down_; }
- INLINE(const ProfileTree* bottom_up() const) { return &bottom_up_; }
- void UpdateTicksScale();
- void ShortPrint();
- void Print();
- private:
- const char* title_;
- unsigned uid_;
- ProfileTree top_down_;
- ProfileTree bottom_up_;
-class CodeMap {
- public:
- CodeMap() : next_shared_id_(1) { }
- void AddCode(Address addr, CodeEntry* entry, unsigned size);
- void MoveCode(Address from, Address to);
- CodeEntry* FindEntry(Address addr);
- int GetSharedId(Address addr);
- void Print();
- private:
- struct CodeEntryInfo {
- CodeEntryInfo(CodeEntry* an_entry, unsigned a_size)
- : entry(an_entry), size(a_size) { }
- CodeEntry* entry;
- unsigned size;
- };
- struct CodeTreeConfig {
- typedef Address Key;
- typedef CodeEntryInfo Value;
- static const Key kNoKey;
- static const Value NoValue() { return CodeEntryInfo(NULL, 0); }
- static int Compare(const Key& a, const Key& b) {
- return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
- }
- };
- typedef SplayTree<CodeTreeConfig> CodeTree;
- class CodeTreePrinter {
- public:
- void Call(const Address& key, const CodeEntryInfo& value);
- };
- void DeleteAllCoveredCode(Address start, Address end);
- // Fake CodeEntry pointer to distinguish shared function entries.
- static CodeEntry* const kSharedFunctionCodeEntry;
- CodeTree tree_;
- int next_shared_id_;
-class CpuProfilesCollection {
- public:
- CpuProfilesCollection();
- ~CpuProfilesCollection();
- bool StartProfiling(const char* title, unsigned uid);
- bool StartProfiling(String* title, unsigned uid);
- CpuProfile* StopProfiling(int security_token_id,
- const char* title,
- double actual_sampling_rate);
- List<CpuProfile*>* Profiles(int security_token_id);
- const char* GetName(String* name) {
- return function_and_resource_names_.GetName(name);
- }
- const char* GetName(int args_count) {
- return function_and_resource_names_.GetName(args_count);
- }
- CpuProfile* GetProfile(int security_token_id, unsigned uid);
- bool IsLastProfile(const char* title);
- void RemoveProfile(CpuProfile* profile);
- bool HasDetachedProfiles() { return detached_profiles_.length() > 0; }
- CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- String* name, String* resource_name, int line_number);
- CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name);
- CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- const char* name_prefix, String* name);
- CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, int args_count);
- CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(int security_token_id);
- // Called from profile generator thread.
- void AddPathToCurrentProfiles(const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path);
- // Limits the number of profiles that can be simultaneously collected.
- static const int kMaxSimultaneousProfiles = 100;
- private:
- const char* GetFunctionName(String* name) {
- return function_and_resource_names_.GetFunctionName(name);
- }
- const char* GetFunctionName(const char* name) {
- return function_and_resource_names_.GetFunctionName(name);
- }
- int GetProfileIndex(unsigned uid);
- List<CpuProfile*>* GetProfilesList(int security_token_id);
- int TokenToIndex(int security_token_id);
- INLINE(static bool UidsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) {
- return key1 == key2;
- }
- StringsStorage function_and_resource_names_;
- List<CodeEntry*> code_entries_;
- List<List<CpuProfile*>* > profiles_by_token_;
- // Mapping from profiles' uids to indexes in the second nested list
- // of profiles_by_token_.
- HashMap profiles_uids_;
- List<CpuProfile*> detached_profiles_;
- // Accessed by VM thread and profile generator thread.
- List<CpuProfile*> current_profiles_;
- Semaphore* current_profiles_semaphore_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CpuProfilesCollection);
-class SampleRateCalculator {
- public:
- SampleRateCalculator()
- : result_(Logger::kSamplingIntervalMs * kResultScale),
- ticks_per_ms_(Logger::kSamplingIntervalMs),
- measurements_count_(0),
- wall_time_query_countdown_(1) {
- }
- double ticks_per_ms() {
- return result_ / static_cast<double>(kResultScale);
- }
- void Tick();
- void UpdateMeasurements(double current_time);
- // Instead of querying current wall time each tick,
- // we use this constant to control query intervals.
- static const unsigned kWallTimeQueryIntervalMs = 100;
- private:
- // As the result needs to be accessed from a different thread, we
- // use type that guarantees atomic writes to memory. There should
- // be <= 1000 ticks per second, thus storing a value of a 10 ** 5
- // order should provide enough precision while keeping away from a
- // potential overflow.
- static const int kResultScale = 100000;
- AtomicWord result_;
- // All other fields are accessed only from the sampler thread.
- double ticks_per_ms_;
- unsigned measurements_count_;
- unsigned wall_time_query_countdown_;
- double last_wall_time_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SampleRateCalculator);
-class ProfileGenerator {
- public:
- explicit ProfileGenerator(CpuProfilesCollection* profiles);
- INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- String* name,
- String* resource_name,
- int line_number)) {
- return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, name, resource_name, line_number);
- }
- INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- const char* name)) {
- return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, name);
- }
- INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- const char* name_prefix,
- String* name)) {
- return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, name_prefix, name);
- }
- INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
- int args_count)) {
- return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, args_count);
- }
- INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(int security_token_id)) {
- return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(security_token_id);
- }
- void RecordTickSample(const TickSample& sample);
- INLINE(CodeMap* code_map()) { return &code_map_; }
- INLINE(void Tick()) { sample_rate_calc_.Tick(); }
- INLINE(double actual_sampling_rate()) {
- return sample_rate_calc_.ticks_per_ms();
- }
- static const char* const kAnonymousFunctionName;
- static const char* const kProgramEntryName;
- static const char* const kGarbageCollectorEntryName;
- private:
- INLINE(CodeEntry* EntryForVMState(StateTag tag));
- CpuProfilesCollection* profiles_;
- CodeMap code_map_;
- CodeEntry* program_entry_;
- CodeEntry* gc_entry_;
- SampleRateCalculator sample_rate_calc_;
class HeapEntry;
class HeapSnapshot;
@@ -1106,6 +690,8 @@ class HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer {
} } // namespace v8::internal

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