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Side by Side Diff: content/public/android/java/res/values/strings.xml

Issue 12259017: Maintain Android strings in grd files. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: fix behavior for targets that don't generate strings.xml Created 7 years, 9 months ago
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1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 3
4 Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 4 Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 found in the LICENSE file. 5 found in the LICENSE file.
6 --> 6 -->
7 7
8 <resources xmlns:android="" xmlns:xlif f="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 8 <!-- DO NOT ADD STRINGS HERE.
9 <!-- Contextual action bar item for sharing a block of text via email, or
10 other method. [CHAR-LIMIT=24] -->
11 <string name="actionbar_share">Share</string>
12 <!-- Contextual action bar item for using the selected text in a internet
13 search. [CHAR-LIMIT=24] -->
14 <string name="actionbar_web_search">Web search</string>
15 9
16 <!-- Content description for the content view that holds the web contents [C HAR-LIMIT=32] --> 10 Android content strings now live in
17 <string name="accessibility_content_view">Web View</string> 11 content/public/android/java/strings/android_content_strings.grd
18 12
19 <!-- Date/time picker dialog strings --> 13 See
20 <!-- Label for 'set' button in date picker dialog, used to replace the conte nts of a field with the chosen date [CHAR-LIMIT=12] --> 14 -->
21 <string name="date_picker_dialog_set">Set</string>
22 <!-- Label for 'clear' button in date picker dialog, used to replace the con tents of a field with the empty string [CHAR-LIMIT=12] -->
23 <string name="date_picker_dialog_clear">Clear</string>
24 <!-- Title for the date picker dialog, which can be used to choose a date. [ CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
25 <string name="date_picker_dialog_title">Set date</string>
26 <!-- Title for the date/time picker dialog, which can be used to choose a da te and time. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
27 <string name="date_time_picker_dialog_title">Set date and time</string>
28 <!-- Title for the month picker dialog, which can be used to choose a month. [CHAR-LIMIT=32] -->
29 <string name="month_picker_dialog_title">Set month</string>
30 <!-- Content description for the date time picker date component. [CHAR-LIMI T=32] -->
31 <string name="accessibility_datetime_picker_date">Date</string>
32 <!-- Content description for the date time picker time component. [CHAR-LIMI T=32] -->
33 <string name="accessibility_datetime_picker_time">Time</string>
34 <!-- Content description for the date time picker month component. [CHAR-LIM IT=32] -->
35 <string name="accessibility_date_picker_month">Month</string>
36 <!-- Content description for the date time picker year component. [CHAR-LIMI T=32] -->
37 <string name="accessibility_date_picker_year">Year</string>
38 15
39 <!-- Media player --> 16 <resources/>
41 <string name="media_player_error_title">Cannot play video</string>
43 <string name="media_player_error_text_invalid_progressive_playback">
44 Sorry, this video is not valid for streaming to this device.</string>
46 <string name="media_player_error_text_unknown">
47 Sorry, this video cannot be played.</string>
49 <string name="media_player_error_button">OK</string>
51 <string name="media_player_loading_video">Loading video</string>
53 </resources>

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