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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_user_service.h

Issue 11826059: Add ManagedUserService for profile-specific managed user data. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: win fix Created 7 years, 11 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_user_service.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_user_service.h b/chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_user_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f2f7db9b70045d078ee419b45e14c8ee89df187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_user_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/prefs/public/pref_change_registrar.h"
+#include "base/string16.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/management_policy.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_mode_url_filter.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
+class ManagedModeURLFilter;
+class ManagedModeSiteList;
+class PrefServiceSyncable;
+class Profile;
+// This class handles all the information related to a given managed profile
+// (e.g. the installed content packs, the default URL filtering behavior, or
+// manual whitelist/blacklist overrides).
+class ManagedUserService : public ProfileKeyedService,
+ public extensions::ManagementPolicy::Provider,
+ public content::NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ typedef std::vector<string16> CategoryList;
+ explicit ManagedUserService(Profile* profile);
+ virtual ~ManagedUserService();
+ bool ProfileIsManaged() const;
+ static void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefServiceSyncable* prefs);
+ // Returns the URL filter for the IO thread, for filtering network requests
+ // (in ManagedModeResourceThrottle).
+ scoped_refptr<const ManagedModeURLFilter> GetURLFilterForIOThread();
+ // Returns the URL filter for the UI thread, for filtering navigations and
+ // classifying sites in the history view.
+ ManagedModeURLFilter* GetURLFilterForUIThread();
+ // Returns the URL's category, obtained from the installed content packs.
+ int GetCategory(const GURL& url);
+ // Returns the list of all known human-readable category names, sorted by ID
+ // number. Called in the critical path of drawing the history UI, so needs to
+ // be fast.
+ void GetCategoryNames(CategoryList* list);
+ // The functions that handle manual whitelists use |url_pattern| or lists
+ // of "url patterns". An "url pattern" is a pattern in the format used by the
+ // policy::URLBlacklist filter. A description of the format used can be found
+ // here:
+ // They all receive the |is_whitelist| parameter which dictates whether they
+ // act on the whitelist (for |is_whitelist| == true) or on the blacklist (for
+ // |is_whitelist| == false).
+ // Checks if the |url_pattern| is in the manual whitelist.
+ bool IsInManualList(const bool is_whitelist, const std::string& url_pattern);
+ // Appends |list| to the manual white/black list (according to |is_whitelist|)
+ // both in URL filter and in preferences.
+ void AddToManualList(const bool is_whitelist, const base::ListValue& list);
+ // Removes |list| from the manual white/black list (according to
+ // |is_whitelist|) both in URL filter and in preferences.
+ void RemoveFromManualList(const bool is_whitelist,
+ const base::ListValue& list);
+ // Updates the whitelist and the blacklist from the prefs.
+ void UpdateManualLists();
+ void SetElevatedForTesting(bool is_elevated);
+ // Initializes this object. This method does nothing if the profile is not
+ // managed. This method should only be called for testing, to do
+ // initialization after the profile has been manually set to managed,
+ // otherwise it is called automatically,
+ void Init();
+ // ExtensionManagementPolicy::Provider implementation:
+ virtual std::string GetDebugPolicyProviderName() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool UserMayLoad(const extensions::Extension* extension,
+ string16* error) const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool UserMayModifySettings(const extensions::Extension* extension,
+ string16* error) const OVERRIDE;
+ // content::NotificationObserver implementation:
+ virtual void Observe(int type,
+ const content::NotificationSource& source,
+ const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ friend class ManagedUserServiceExtensionTest;
+ // A bridge from ManagedMode (which lives on the UI thread) to the
+ // ManagedModeURLFilters, one of which lives on the IO thread. This class
+ // mediates access to them and makes sure they are kept in sync.
+ class URLFilterContext {
+ public:
+ URLFilterContext();
+ ~URLFilterContext();
+ ManagedModeURLFilter* ui_url_filter() const;
+ ManagedModeURLFilter* io_url_filter() const;
+ void SetDefaultFilteringBehavior(
+ ManagedModeURLFilter::FilteringBehavior behavior);
+ void LoadWhitelists(ScopedVector<ManagedModeSiteList> site_lists);
+ void SetManualLists(scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> whitelist,
+ scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> blacklist);
+ void AddURLPatternToManualList(const bool isWhitelist,
+ const std::string& url);
+ private:
+ // ManagedModeURLFilter is refcounted because the IO thread filter is used
+ // both by ProfileImplIOData and OffTheRecordProfileIOData (to filter
+ // network requests), so they both keep a reference to it.
+ // Clients should not keep references to the UI thread filter, however
+ // (the filter will live as long as the profile lives, and afterwards it
+ // should not be used anymore either).
+ scoped_refptr<ManagedModeURLFilter> ui_url_filter_;
+ scoped_refptr<ManagedModeURLFilter> io_url_filter_;
+ };
+ // Internal implementation for ExtensionManagementPolicy::Delegate methods.
+ // If |error| is not NULL, it will be filled with an error message if the
+ // requested extension action (install, modify status, etc.) is not permitted.
+ bool ExtensionManagementPolicyImpl(string16* error) const;
+ // Returns a list of all installed and enabled site lists in the current
+ // managed profile.
+ ScopedVector<ManagedModeSiteList> GetActiveSiteLists();
+ void OnDefaultFilteringBehaviorChanged();
+ void UpdateSiteLists();
+ // Adds the |url_pattern| to the manual lists in the URL filter. This is used
+ // by AddToManualListImpl().
+ void AddURLPatternToManualList(const bool is_whitelist,
+ const std::string& url_pattern);
+ // Returns a copy of the manual whitelist which is stored in each profile.
+ scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> GetWhitelist();
+ // Returns a copy of the manual blacklist which is stored in each profile.
+ scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> GetBlacklist();
+ // Owns us via the ProfileKeyedService mechanism.
+ Profile* profile_;
+ // If ManagedUserService is in an elevated state, a custodian user has
+ // authorized making changes (to install additional content packs, for
+ // example).
+ bool is_elevated_;
+ content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
+ URLFilterContext url_filter_context_;

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