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Unified Diff: ui/app_list/

Issue 11784034: Skeleton for app_list on OSX, and refactoring for enable_app_list=1 on OS=="mac". (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase for 175876 and 175961 Created 7 years, 11 months ago
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Index: ui/app_list/
diff --git a/ui/app_list/ b/ui/app_list/
deleted file mode 100644
index b37186b809b9bd55e3902427adb67db06a151dbb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/app_list/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,793 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ui/app_list/apps_grid_view.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "ui/app_list/app_list_item_view.h"
-#include "ui/app_list/apps_grid_view_delegate.h"
-#include "ui/app_list/page_switcher.h"
-#include "ui/app_list/pagination_model.h"
-#include "ui/app_list/pulsing_block_view.h"
-#include "ui/base/animation/animation.h"
-#include "ui/base/events/event.h"
-#include "ui/views/border.h"
-#include "ui/views/view_model_utils.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
-#include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
-namespace {
-// Padding space in pixels for fixed layout.
-const int kLeftRightPadding = 20;
-const int kTopPadding = 1;
-// Padding space in pixels between pages.
-const int kPagePadding = 40;
-// Preferred tile size when showing in fixed layout.
-const int kPreferredTileWidth = 88;
-const int kPreferredTileHeight = 98;
-// Width in pixels of the area on the sides that triggers a page flip.
-const int kPageFlipZoneSize = 40;
-// Delay in milliseconds to do the page flip.
-const int kPageFlipDelayInMs = 1000;
-// RowMoveAnimationDelegate is used when moving an item into a different row.
-// Before running the animation, the item's layer is re-created and kept in
-// the original position, then the item is moved to just before its target
-// position and opacity set to 0. When the animation runs, this delegate moves
-// the layer and fades it out while fading in the item at the same time.
-class RowMoveAnimationDelegate
- : public views::BoundsAnimator::OwnedAnimationDelegate {
- public:
- RowMoveAnimationDelegate(views::View* view,
- ui::Layer* layer,
- const gfx::Rect& layer_target)
- : view_(view),
- layer_(layer),
- layer_start_(layer ? layer->bounds() : gfx::Rect()),
- layer_target_(layer_target) {
- }
- virtual ~RowMoveAnimationDelegate() {}
- // ui::AnimationDelegate overrides:
- virtual void AnimationProgressed(const ui::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE {
- view_->layer()->SetOpacity(animation->GetCurrentValue());
- view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw();
- if (layer_) {
- layer_->SetOpacity(1 - animation->GetCurrentValue());
- layer_->SetBounds(animation->CurrentValueBetween(layer_start_,
- layer_target_));
- layer_->ScheduleDraw();
- }
- }
- virtual void AnimationEnded(const ui::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE {
- view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f);
- view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw();
- }
- virtual void AnimationCanceled(const ui::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE {
- view_->layer()->SetOpacity(1.0f);
- view_->layer()->ScheduleDraw();
- }
- private:
- // The view that needs to be wrapped. Owned by views hierarchy.
- views::View* view_;
- scoped_ptr<ui::Layer> layer_;
- const gfx::Rect layer_start_;
- const gfx::Rect layer_target_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RowMoveAnimationDelegate);
-} // namespace
-namespace app_list {
-AppsGridView::AppsGridView(AppsGridViewDelegate* delegate,
- PaginationModel* pagination_model)
- : model_(NULL),
- delegate_(delegate),
- pagination_model_(pagination_model),
- page_switcher_view_(new PageSwitcher(pagination_model)),
- cols_(0),
- rows_per_page_(0),
- selected_view_(NULL),
- drag_view_(NULL),
- drag_pointer_(NONE),
- page_flip_target_(-1),
- page_flip_delay_in_ms_(kPageFlipDelayInMs),
- ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(bounds_animator_(this)) {
- pagination_model_->AddObserver(this);
- AddChildView(page_switcher_view_);
-AppsGridView::~AppsGridView() {
- if (model_) {
- model_->RemoveObserver(this);
- model_->apps()->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- pagination_model_->RemoveObserver(this);
-void AppsGridView::SetLayout(int icon_size, int cols, int rows_per_page) {
- icon_size_.SetSize(icon_size, icon_size);
- cols_ = cols;
- rows_per_page_ = rows_per_page;
- set_border(views::Border::CreateEmptyBorder(kTopPadding,
- kLeftRightPadding,
- 0,
- kLeftRightPadding));
-void AppsGridView::SetModel(AppListModel* model) {
- if (model_) {
- model_->RemoveObserver(this);
- model_->apps()->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- model_ = model;
- if (model_) {
- model_->AddObserver(this);
- model_->apps()->AddObserver(this);
- }
- Update();
-void AppsGridView::SetSelectedView(views::View* view) {
- if (IsSelectedView(view) || IsDraggedView(view))
- return;
- Index index = GetIndexOfView(view);
- if (IsValidIndex(index))
- SetSelectedItemByIndex(index);
-void AppsGridView::ClearSelectedView(views::View* view) {
- if (view && IsSelectedView(view)) {
- selected_view_->SchedulePaint();
- selected_view_ = NULL;
- }
-bool AppsGridView::IsSelectedView(const views::View* view) const {
- return selected_view_ == view;
-void AppsGridView::EnsureViewVisible(const views::View* view) {
- if (pagination_model_->has_transition())
- return;
- Index index = GetIndexOfView(view);
- if (IsValidIndex(index))
- pagination_model_->SelectPage(, false);
-void AppsGridView::InitiateDrag(views::View* view,
- Pointer pointer,
- const ui::LocatedEvent& event) {
- if (drag_view_ || pulsing_blocks_model_.view_size())
- return;
- drag_view_ = view;
- drag_start_ = event.location();
-void AppsGridView::UpdateDrag(views::View* view,
- Pointer pointer,
- const ui::LocatedEvent& event) {
- if (!dragging() && drag_view_ &&
- ExceededDragThreshold(event.location() - drag_start_)) {
- drag_pointer_ = pointer;
- // Move the view to the front so that it appears on top of other views.
- ReorderChildView(drag_view_, -1);
- bounds_animator_.StopAnimatingView(drag_view_);
- }
- if (drag_pointer_ != pointer)
- return;
- ExtractDragLocation(event, &last_drag_point_);
- const Index last_drop_target = drop_target_;
- CalculateDropTarget(last_drag_point_, false);
- MaybeStartPageFlipTimer(last_drag_point_);
- gfx::Point page_switcher_point(last_drag_point_);
- views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(this, page_switcher_view_,
- &page_switcher_point);
- page_switcher_view_->UpdateUIForDragPoint(page_switcher_point);
- if (last_drop_target != drop_target_)
- AnimateToIdealBounds();
- drag_view_->SetPosition(
- gfx::PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(last_drag_point_ - drag_start_));
-void AppsGridView::EndDrag(bool cancel) {
- if (!cancel && dragging() && drag_view_) {
- CalculateDropTarget(last_drag_point_, true);
- if (IsValidIndex(drop_target_))
- MoveItemInModel(drag_view_, drop_target_);
- }
- drag_pointer_ = NONE;
- drop_target_ = Index();
- if (drag_view_) {
- drag_view_ = NULL;
- AnimateToIdealBounds();
- }
- page_flip_timer_.Stop();
- page_flip_target_ = -1;
-bool AppsGridView::IsDraggedView(const views::View* view) const {
- return drag_view_ == view;
-gfx::Size AppsGridView::GetPreferredSize() {
- const gfx::Insets insets(GetInsets());
- const gfx::Size tile_size = gfx::Size(kPreferredTileWidth,
- kPreferredTileHeight);
- const int page_switcher_height =
- page_switcher_view_->GetPreferredSize().height();
- return gfx::Size(
- tile_size.width() * cols_ + insets.width(),
- tile_size.height() * rows_per_page_ +
- page_switcher_height + insets.height());
-void AppsGridView::Layout() {
- if (bounds_animator_.IsAnimating())
- bounds_animator_.Cancel();
- CalculateIdealBounds();
- for (int i = 0; i < view_model_.view_size(); ++i) {
- views::View* view = view_model_.view_at(i);
- if (view != drag_view_)
- view->SetBoundsRect(view_model_.ideal_bounds(i));
- }
- views::ViewModelUtils::SetViewBoundsToIdealBounds(pulsing_blocks_model_);
- const int page_switcher_height =
- page_switcher_view_->GetPreferredSize().height();
- gfx::Rect rect(GetContentsBounds());
- rect.set_y(rect.bottom() - page_switcher_height);
- rect.set_height(page_switcher_height);
- page_switcher_view_->SetBoundsRect(rect);
-bool AppsGridView::OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) {
- bool handled = false;
- if (selected_view_)
- handled = selected_view_->OnKeyPressed(event);
- if (!handled) {
- switch (event.key_code()) {
- case ui::VKEY_LEFT:
- MoveSelected(0, -1);
- return true;
- case ui::VKEY_RIGHT:
- MoveSelected(0, 1);
- return true;
- case ui::VKEY_UP:
- MoveSelected(0, -cols_);
- return true;
- case ui::VKEY_DOWN:
- MoveSelected(0, cols_);
- return true;
- case ui::VKEY_PRIOR: {
- MoveSelected(-1, 0);
- return true;
- }
- case ui::VKEY_NEXT: {
- MoveSelected(1, 0);
- return true;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return handled;
-bool AppsGridView::OnKeyReleased(const ui::KeyEvent& event) {
- bool handled = false;
- if (selected_view_)
- handled = selected_view_->OnKeyReleased(event);
- return handled;
-void AppsGridView::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add,
- views::View* parent,
- views::View* child) {
- if (!is_add && parent == this) {
- if (selected_view_ == child)
- selected_view_ = NULL;
- if (drag_view_ == child)
- EndDrag(true);
- bounds_animator_.StopAnimatingView(child);
- }
-void AppsGridView::Update() {
- DCHECK(!selected_view_ && !drag_view_);
- view_model_.Clear();
- if (model_ && model_->apps()->item_count())
- ListItemsAdded(0, model_->apps()->item_count());
-void AppsGridView::UpdatePaging() {
- if (!view_model_.view_size() || !tiles_per_page()) {
- pagination_model_->SetTotalPages(0);
- return;
- }
- pagination_model_->SetTotalPages(
- (view_model_.view_size() - 1) / tiles_per_page() + 1);
-void AppsGridView::UpdatePulsingBlockViews() {
- const int available_slots =
- tiles_per_page() - model_->apps()->item_count() % tiles_per_page();
- const int desired = model_->status() == AppListModel::STATUS_SYNCING ?
- available_slots : 0;
- if (pulsing_blocks_model_.view_size() == desired)
- return;
- while (pulsing_blocks_model_.view_size() > desired) {
- views::View* view = pulsing_blocks_model_.view_at(0);
- pulsing_blocks_model_.Remove(0);
- delete view;
- }
- while (pulsing_blocks_model_.view_size() < desired) {
- views::View* view = new PulsingBlockView(
- gfx::Size(kPreferredTileWidth, kPreferredTileHeight), true);
- pulsing_blocks_model_.Add(view, 0);
- AddChildView(view);
- }
-views::View* AppsGridView::CreateViewForItemAtIndex(size_t index) {
- DCHECK_LT(index, model_->apps()->item_count());
- AppListItemView* view = new AppListItemView(this,
- model_->apps()->GetItemAt(index));
- view->SetIconSize(icon_size_);
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
- view->SetPaintToLayer(true);
- view->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(false);
- return view;
-void AppsGridView::SetSelectedItemByIndex(const Index& index) {
- if (GetIndexOfView(selected_view_) == index)
- return;
- views::View* new_selection = GetViewAtIndex(index);
- if (!new_selection)
- return; // Keep current selection.
- if (selected_view_)
- selected_view_->SchedulePaint();
- selected_view_ = new_selection;
- EnsureViewVisible(selected_view_);
- selected_view_->SchedulePaint();
- if (GetWidget()) {
- GetWidget()->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(
- selected_view_, ui::AccessibilityTypes::EVENT_FOCUS, true);
- }
-bool AppsGridView::IsValidIndex(const Index& index) const {
- return >= 0 && < pagination_model_->total_pages() &&
- index.slot >= 0 && index.slot < tiles_per_page() &&
- * tiles_per_page() + index.slot < view_model_.view_size();
-AppsGridView::Index AppsGridView::GetIndexOfView(
- const views::View* view) const {
- const int model_index = view_model_.GetIndexOfView(view);
- if (model_index == -1)
- return Index();
- return Index(model_index / tiles_per_page(), model_index % tiles_per_page());
-views::View* AppsGridView::GetViewAtIndex(const Index& index) const {
- if (!IsValidIndex(index))
- return NULL;
- const int model_index = * tiles_per_page() + index.slot;
- return view_model_.view_at(model_index);
-void AppsGridView::MoveSelected(int page_delta, int slot_delta) {
- if (!selected_view_)
- return SetSelectedItemByIndex(Index(0, 0));
- const Index& selected = GetIndexOfView(selected_view_);
- int target_slot = selected.slot + slot_delta;
- if (target_slot < 0) {
- page_delta += (target_slot + 1) / tiles_per_page() - 1;
- target_slot = tiles_per_page() + (target_slot + 1) % tiles_per_page() - 1;
- } else if (target_slot > tiles_per_page()) {
- page_delta += target_slot / tiles_per_page();
- target_slot %= tiles_per_page();
- }
- int target_page = std::min(pagination_model_->total_pages() - 1,
- std::max( + page_delta, 0));
- SetSelectedItemByIndex(Index(target_page, target_slot));
-void AppsGridView::CalculateIdealBounds() {
- gfx::Rect rect(GetContentsBounds());
- if (rect.IsEmpty())
- return;
- gfx::Size tile_size(kPreferredTileWidth, kPreferredTileHeight);
- gfx::Rect grid_rect(gfx::Size(tile_size.width() * cols_,
- tile_size.height() * rows_per_page_));
- grid_rect.Intersect(rect);
- // Page width including padding pixels. A tile.x + page_width means the same
- // tile slot in the next page.
- const int page_width = grid_rect.width() + kPagePadding;
- // If there is a transition, calculates offset for current and target page.
- const int current_page = pagination_model_->selected_page();
- const PaginationModel::Transition& transition =
- pagination_model_->transition();
- const bool is_valid =
- pagination_model_->is_valid_page(transition.target_page);
- // Transition to right means negative offset.
- const int dir = transition.target_page > current_page ? -1 : 1;
- const int transition_offset = is_valid ?
- transition.progress * page_width * dir : 0;
- const int total_views =
- view_model_.view_size() + pulsing_blocks_model_.view_size();
- int slot_index = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < total_views; ++i) {
- if (i < view_model_.view_size() && view_model_.view_at(i) == drag_view_)
- continue;
- int page = slot_index / tiles_per_page();
- int slot = slot_index % tiles_per_page();
- if ( == page && drop_target_.slot == slot) {
- ++slot_index;
- page = slot_index / tiles_per_page();
- slot = slot_index % tiles_per_page();
- }
- // Decides an x_offset for current item.
- int x_offset = 0;
- if (page < current_page)
- x_offset = -page_width;
- else if (page > current_page)
- x_offset = page_width;
- if (is_valid) {
- if (page == current_page || page == transition.target_page)
- x_offset += transition_offset;
- }
- const int row = slot / cols_;
- const int col = slot % cols_;
- gfx::Rect tile_slot(
- gfx::Point(grid_rect.x() + col * tile_size.width() + x_offset,
- grid_rect.y() + row * tile_size.height()),
- tile_size);
- if (i < view_model_.view_size()) {
- view_model_.set_ideal_bounds(i, tile_slot);
- } else {
- pulsing_blocks_model_.set_ideal_bounds(i - view_model_.view_size(),
- tile_slot);
- }
- ++slot_index;
- }
-void AppsGridView::AnimateToIdealBounds() {
- const gfx::Rect visible_bounds(GetVisibleBounds());
- CalculateIdealBounds();
- for (int i = 0; i < view_model_.view_size(); ++i) {
- views::View* view = view_model_.view_at(i);
- if (view == drag_view_)
- continue;
- const gfx::Rect& target = view_model_.ideal_bounds(i);
- if (bounds_animator_.GetTargetBounds(view) == target)
- continue;
- const gfx::Rect& current = view->bounds();
- const bool current_visible = visible_bounds.Intersects(current);
- const bool target_visible = visible_bounds.Intersects(target);
- const bool visible = current_visible || target_visible;
- const int y_diff = target.y() - current.y();
- if (visible && y_diff && y_diff % kPreferredTileHeight == 0) {
- AnimationBetweenRows(view,
- current_visible,
- current,
- target_visible,
- target);
- } else {
- bounds_animator_.AnimateViewTo(view, target);
- }
- }
-void AppsGridView::AnimationBetweenRows(views::View* view,
- bool animate_current,
- const gfx::Rect& current,
- bool animate_target,
- const gfx::Rect& target) {
- // Determine page of |current| and |target|. -1 means in the left invisible
- // page, 0 is the center visible page and 1 means in the right invisible page.
- const int current_page = current.x() < 0 ? -1 :
- current.x() >= width() ? 1 : 0;
- const int target_page = target.x() < 0 ? -1 :
- target.x() >= width() ? 1 : 0;
- const int dir = current_page < target_page ||
- (current_page == target_page && current.y() < target.y()) ? 1 : -1;
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
- scoped_ptr<ui::Layer> layer;
- if (animate_current) {
- layer.reset(view->RecreateLayer());
- layer->SuppressPaint();
- view->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(false);
- view->layer()->SetOpacity(0.f);
- }
- gfx::Rect current_out(current);
- current_out.Offset(dir * kPreferredTileWidth, 0);
- gfx::Rect target_in(target);
- if (animate_target)
- target_in.Offset(-dir * kPreferredTileWidth, 0);
- view->SetBoundsRect(target_in);
- bounds_animator_.AnimateViewTo(view, target);
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
- bounds_animator_.SetAnimationDelegate(
- view,
- new RowMoveAnimationDelegate(view, layer.release(), current_out),
- true);
-void AppsGridView::ExtractDragLocation(const ui::LocatedEvent& event,
- gfx::Point* drag_point) {
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
- // Use root location of |event| instead of location in |drag_view_|'s
- // coordinates because |drag_view_| has a scale transform and location
- // could have integer round error and causes jitter.
- *drag_point = event.root_location();
- // GetWidget() could be NULL for tests.
- if (GetWidget()) {
- aura::Window::ConvertPointToTarget(
- GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow()->GetRootWindow(),
- GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow(),
- drag_point);
- }
- views::View::ConvertPointFromWidget(this, drag_point);
- // For non-aura, root location is not clearly defined but |drag_view_| does
- // not have the scale transform. So no round error would be introduced and
- // it's okay to use View::ConvertPointToTarget.
- *drag_point = event.location();
- views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(drag_view_, this, drag_point);
-void AppsGridView::CalculateDropTarget(const gfx::Point& drag_point,
- bool use_page_button_hovering) {
- const int current_page = pagination_model_->selected_page();
- if (use_page_button_hovering &&
- page_switcher_view_->bounds().Contains(drag_point)) {
- gfx::Point page_switcher_point(drag_point);
- views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(this, page_switcher_view_,
- &page_switcher_point);
- int page = page_switcher_view_->GetPageForPoint(page_switcher_point);
- if (pagination_model_->is_valid_page(page)) {
- = page;
- drop_target_.slot = tiles_per_page() - 1;
- }
- } else {
- const int drop_row = drag_point.y() / kPreferredTileHeight;
- const int drop_col = std::min(cols_ - 1,
- drag_point.x() / kPreferredTileWidth);
- = current_page;
- drop_target_.slot = std::max(0, std::min(
- tiles_per_page() - 1,
- drop_row * cols_ + drop_col));
- }
- // Limits to the last possible slot on last page.
- if ( == pagination_model_->total_pages() - 1) {
- drop_target_.slot = std::min(
- (view_model_.view_size() - 1) % tiles_per_page(),
- drop_target_.slot);
- }
-void AppsGridView::MaybeStartPageFlipTimer(const gfx::Point& drag_point) {
- int new_page_flip_target = -1;
- if (page_switcher_view_->bounds().Contains(drag_point)) {
- gfx::Point page_switcher_point(drag_point);
- views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(this, page_switcher_view_,
- &page_switcher_point);
- new_page_flip_target =
- page_switcher_view_->GetPageForPoint(page_switcher_point);
- }
- // TODO(xiyuan): Fix this for RTL.
- if (new_page_flip_target == -1 && drag_point.x() < kPageFlipZoneSize)
- new_page_flip_target = pagination_model_->selected_page() - 1;
- if (new_page_flip_target == -1 &&
- drag_point.x() > width() - kPageFlipZoneSize) {
- new_page_flip_target = pagination_model_->selected_page() + 1;
- }
- if (new_page_flip_target == page_flip_target_)
- return;
- if (pagination_model_->is_valid_page(new_page_flip_target)) {
- page_flip_target_ = new_page_flip_target;
- page_flip_timer_.Stop();
- if (page_flip_target_ != pagination_model_->selected_page()) {
- page_flip_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(page_flip_delay_in_ms_),
- this, &AppsGridView::OnPageFlipTimer);
- }
- } else {
- page_flip_target_ = -1;
- page_flip_timer_.Stop();
- }
-void AppsGridView::OnPageFlipTimer() {
- DCHECK(pagination_model_->is_valid_page(page_flip_target_));
- pagination_model_->SelectPage(page_flip_target_, true);
-void AppsGridView::MoveItemInModel(views::View* item_view,
- const Index& target) {
- int current_model_index = view_model_.GetIndexOfView(item_view);
- DCHECK_GE(current_model_index, 0);
- int target_model_index = * tiles_per_page() + target.slot;
- if (target_model_index == current_model_index)
- return;
- model_->apps()->RemoveObserver(this);
- model_->apps()->Move(current_model_index, target_model_index);
- view_model_.Move(current_model_index, target_model_index);
- model_->apps()->AddObserver(this);
- if (pagination_model_->selected_page() !=
- pagination_model_->SelectPage(, false);
-void AppsGridView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
- const ui::Event& event) {
- if (dragging())
- return;
- if (sender->GetClassName() != AppListItemView::kViewClassName)
- return;
- if (delegate_) {
- delegate_->ActivateApp(static_cast<AppListItemView*>(sender)->model(),
- event.flags());
- }
-void AppsGridView::ListItemsAdded(size_t start, size_t count) {
- EndDrag(true);
- for (size_t i = start; i < start + count; ++i) {
- views::View* view = CreateViewForItemAtIndex(i);
- view_model_.Add(view, i);
- AddChildView(view);
- }
- UpdatePaging();
- UpdatePulsingBlockViews();
- Layout();
- SchedulePaint();
-void AppsGridView::ListItemsRemoved(size_t start, size_t count) {
- EndDrag(true);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- views::View* view = view_model_.view_at(start);
- view_model_.Remove(start);
- delete view;
- }
- UpdatePaging();
- UpdatePulsingBlockViews();
- Layout();
- SchedulePaint();
-void AppsGridView::ListItemMoved(size_t index, size_t target_index) {
- EndDrag(true);
- view_model_.Move(index, target_index);
- UpdatePaging();
- AnimateToIdealBounds();
-void AppsGridView::ListItemsChanged(size_t start, size_t count) {
-void AppsGridView::TotalPagesChanged() {
-void AppsGridView::SelectedPageChanged(int old_selected, int new_selected) {
- if (dragging()) {
- CalculateDropTarget(last_drag_point_, true);
- Layout();
- MaybeStartPageFlipTimer(last_drag_point_);
- } else {
- Layout();
- }
-void AppsGridView::TransitionChanged() {
- // Update layout for valid page transition only since over-scroll no longer
- // animates app icons.
- const PaginationModel::Transition& transition =
- pagination_model_->transition();
- if (pagination_model_->is_valid_page(transition.target_page))
- Layout();
-void AppsGridView::OnAppListModelStatusChanged() {
- UpdatePulsingBlockViews();
- Layout();
- SchedulePaint();
-} // namespace app_list
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