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Unified Diff: chrome/test/data/web_database/version_44_backup_corrupt.sql

Issue 11493003: Remove the protector service. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fix implicit ExtensionSystem -> TemplateURLService dependency Created 8 years ago
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Index: chrome/test/data/web_database/version_44_backup_corrupt.sql
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/web_database/version_44_backup_corrupt.sql b/chrome/test/data/web_database/version_44_backup_corrupt.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 46eda48a167b3177e37dff34623f63d897ee3624..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/test/data/web_database/version_44_backup_corrupt.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
-INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('version','44');
-INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('last_compatible_version','44');
-INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('Default Search Provider ID Backup','0');
-INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('Default Search Provider ID Backup Signature','0');
-CREATE TABLE keywords (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,short_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,keyword VARCHAR NOT NULL,favicon_url VARCHAR NOT NULL,url VARCHAR NOT NULL,show_in_default_list INTEGER,safe_for_autoreplace INTEGER,originating_url VARCHAR,date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0,usage_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,input_encodings VARCHAR,suggest_url VARCHAR,prepopulate_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,autogenerate_keyword INTEGER DEFAULT 0,logo_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,created_by_policy INTEGER DEFAULT 0,instant_url VARCHAR,last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0,sync_guid VARCHAR);
-CREATE TABLE keywords_backup(
- id INT,
- short_name TEXT,
- keyword TEXT,
- favicon_url TEXT,
- url TEXT,
- safe_for_autoreplace INT,
- originating_url TEXT,
- date_created INT,
- usage_count INT,
- input_encodings TEXT,
- show_in_default_list INT,
- suggest_url TEXT,
- prepopulate_id INT,
- autogenerate_keyword INT,
- logo_id INT,
- created_by_policy INT,
- instant_url TEXT,
- last_modified INT,
- sync_guid TEXT
-CREATE TABLE autofill (name VARCHAR, value VARCHAR, value_lower VARCHAR, pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, count INTEGER DEFAULT 1);
-CREATE TABLE credit_cards ( guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, name_on_card VARCHAR, expiration_month INTEGER, expiration_year INTEGER, card_number_encrypted BLOB, date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);
-CREATE TABLE autofill_dates ( pair_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0);
-CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles ( guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, company_name VARCHAR, address_line_1 VARCHAR, address_line_2 VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, zipcode VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, country_code VARCHAR, date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);
-CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_names ( guid VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR, middle_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR);
-CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_emails ( guid VARCHAR, email VARCHAR);
-CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_phones ( guid VARCHAR, type INTEGER DEFAULT 0, number VARCHAR);
-CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles_trash ( guid VARCHAR);
-CREATE TABLE logins (origin_url VARCHAR NOT NULL, action_url VARCHAR, username_element VARCHAR, username_value VARCHAR, password_element VARCHAR, password_value BLOB, submit_element VARCHAR, signon_realm VARCHAR NOT NULL,ssl_valid INTEGER NOT NULL,preferred INTEGER NOT NULL,date_created INTEGER NOT NULL,blacklisted_by_user INTEGER NOT NULL,scheme INTEGER NOT NULL,UNIQUE (origin_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, submit_element, signon_realm));
-CREATE TABLE ie7_logins (url_hash VARCHAR NOT NULL, password_value BLOB, date_created INTEGER NOT NULL,UNIQUE (url_hash));
-CREATE TABLE web_app_icons (url LONGVARCHAR,width int,height int,image BLOB, UNIQUE (url, width, height));
-CREATE TABLE token_service (service VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,encrypted_token BLOB);
-CREATE TABLE web_intents (service_url LONGVARCHAR,action VARCHAR,type VARCHAR,title LONGVARCHAR,disposition VARCHAR,UNIQUE (service_url, action, type));
-CREATE TABLE web_intents_defaults (action VARCHAR,type VARCHAR,url_pattern LONGVARCHAR,user_date INTEGER,suppression INTEGER,service_url LONGVARCHAR,UNIQUE (action, type, url_pattern));
-CREATE INDEX autofill_name ON autofill (name);
-CREATE INDEX autofill_name_value_lower ON autofill (name, value_lower);
-CREATE INDEX autofill_dates_pair_id ON autofill_dates (pair_id);
-CREATE INDEX logins_signon ON logins (signon_realm);
-CREATE INDEX ie7_logins_hash ON ie7_logins (url_hash);
-CREATE INDEX web_apps_url_index ON web_apps (url);
-CREATE INDEX web_intents_index ON web_intents (action);
-CREATE INDEX web_intents_default_index ON web_intents_defaults (action);
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