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Unified Diff: ui/base/resource/

Issue 11358014: Cleanup resource_bundle_unittest (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: rebased, fixed android unittest disabled Created 8 years, 1 month ago
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Index: ui/base/resource/
diff --git a/ui/base/resource/ b/ui/base/resource/
index eadfd9e530032f9ffa506da688e0ef7d6b382948..76018d14e10d4d4bb4ade4ded596c79b4fedef4c 100644
--- a/ui/base/resource/
+++ b/ui/base/resource/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "base/base_paths.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h"
@@ -94,9 +95,39 @@ void CreateDataPackWithSingleBitmap(const FilePath& path,
} // namespace
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetPathForResourcePack) {
+class ResourceBundleTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ ResourceBundleTest() : resource_bundle_(NULL) {
+ }
+ virtual ~ResourceBundleTest() {
+ }
+ // Overridden from testing::Test:
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ delete resource_bundle_;
+ }
+ // Returns new ResoureBundle with the specified |delegate|. The
+ // ResourceBundleTest class manages the lifetime of the returned
+ // ResourceBundle.
+ ResourceBundle* CreateResourceBundle(ResourceBundle::Delegate* delegate) {
+ DCHECK(!resource_bundle_);
+ resource_bundle_ = new ResourceBundle(delegate);
+ return resource_bundle_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle_;
+ private:
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetPathForResourcePack) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
FilePath pack_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/path/to/test_path.pak"));
ui::ScaleFactor pack_scale_factor = ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P;
@@ -108,12 +139,12 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetPathForResourcePack) {
- resource_bundle.AddDataPackFromPath(pack_path, pack_scale_factor);
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(pack_path, pack_scale_factor);
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetPathForLocalePack) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetPathForLocalePack) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
std::string locale = "en-US";
@@ -123,38 +154,38 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetPathForLocalePack) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(resource_bundle.LocaleDataPakExists(locale));
- EXPECT_EQ("", resource_bundle.LoadLocaleResources(locale));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resource_bundle->LocaleDataPakExists(locale));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", resource_bundle->LoadLocaleResources(locale));
// Allow the load to proceed.
EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPathForLocalePack(_, locale))
- EXPECT_TRUE(resource_bundle.LocaleDataPakExists(locale));
- EXPECT_EQ(locale, resource_bundle.LoadLocaleResources(locale));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resource_bundle->LocaleDataPakExists(locale));
+ EXPECT_EQ(locale, resource_bundle->LoadLocaleResources(locale));
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetImageNamed) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetImageNamed) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
- gfx::Image empty_image = resource_bundle.GetEmptyImage();
+ gfx::Image empty_image = resource_bundle->GetEmptyImage();
int resource_id = 5;
EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetImageNamed(resource_id))
- gfx::Image result = resource_bundle.GetImageNamed(resource_id);
+ gfx::Image result = resource_bundle->GetImageNamed(resource_id);
EXPECT_EQ(empty_image.ToSkBitmap(), result.ToSkBitmap());
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetNativeImageNamed) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetNativeImageNamed) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
- gfx::Image empty_image = resource_bundle.GetEmptyImage();
+ gfx::Image empty_image = resource_bundle->GetEmptyImage();
int resource_id = 5;
// Some platforms delegate GetNativeImageNamed calls to GetImageNamed.
@@ -166,13 +197,13 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetNativeImageNamed) {
.Times(Between(0, 1))
- gfx::Image result = resource_bundle.GetNativeImageNamed(resource_id);
+ gfx::Image result = resource_bundle->GetNativeImageNamed(resource_id);
EXPECT_EQ(empty_image.ToSkBitmap(), result.ToSkBitmap());
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateLoadDataResourceBytes) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateLoadDataResourceBytes) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
// Create the data resource for testing purposes.
unsigned char data[] = "My test data";
@@ -187,13 +218,13 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateLoadDataResourceBytes) {
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedStaticMemory> result =
- resource_bundle.LoadDataResourceBytesForScale(resource_id, scale_factor);
+ resource_bundle->LoadDataResourceBytesForScale(resource_id, scale_factor);
EXPECT_EQ(static_memory, result);
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetRawDataResource) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetRawDataResource) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
// Create the string piece for testing purposes.
char data[] = "My test data";
@@ -206,14 +237,14 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetRawDataResource) {
- base::StringPiece result = resource_bundle.GetRawDataResource(
+ base::StringPiece result = resource_bundle->GetRawDataResource(
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetLocalizedString) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetLocalizedString) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
string16 data = ASCIIToUTF16("My test data");
int resource_id = 5;
@@ -222,13 +253,13 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetLocalizedString) {
- string16 result = resource_bundle.GetLocalizedString(resource_id);
+ string16 result = resource_bundle->GetLocalizedString(resource_id);
EXPECT_EQ(data, result);
-TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetFont) {
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetFont) {
MockResourceBundleDelegate delegate;
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(&delegate);
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(&delegate);
// Should be called once for each font type. When we return NULL the default
// font will be created.
@@ -238,134 +269,142 @@ TEST(ResourceBundle, DelegateGetFont) {
const gfx::Font* font =
- &resource_bundle.GetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
+ &resource_bundle->GetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
-TEST(ResourceBundle, LoadDataResourceBytes) {
- // On Windows, the default data is compiled into the binary so this does
- // nothing.
- ScopedTempDir dir;
- ASSERT_TRUE(dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- FilePath data_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample.pak"));
- // Put the ResourceBundle in a different scope so that it's destroyed before
- // the ScopedTempDir.
- {
- // Verify that we don't crash when trying to load a resource that is not
- // found. In some cases, we fail to mmap resources.pak, but try to keep
- // going anyway.
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(NULL);
- // Dump contents into the pak file.
- ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(data_path, kSamplePakContents,
- kSamplePakSize),
- static_cast<int>(kSamplePakSize));
- // Create a resource bundle from the file.
- resource_bundle.LoadTestResources(data_path, data_path);
- const int kUnfoundResourceId = 10000;
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, resource_bundle.LoadDataResourceBytes(
- kUnfoundResourceId));
- // Give a .pak file that doesn't exist so we will fail to load it.
- resource_bundle.AddDataPackFromPath(
- FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("non-existant-file.pak")),
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, resource_bundle.LoadDataResourceBytes(
- kUnfoundResourceId));
- }
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleTest, LocaleDataPakExists) {
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(NULL);
+ // Check that ResourceBundle::LocaleDataPakExists returns the correct results.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resource_bundle->LocaleDataPakExists("en-US"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resource_bundle->LocaleDataPakExists("not_a_real_locale"));
-TEST(ResourceBundle, GetRawDataResource) {
- // On Windows, the default data is compiled into the binary so this does
- // nothing.
- ScopedTempDir dir;
- ASSERT_TRUE(dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- FilePath locale_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("empty.pak"));
- FilePath data_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample.pak"));
- FilePath data_2x_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample_2x.pak"));
- {
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(NULL);
- // Dump contents into the pak files.
- ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(locale_path, kEmptyPakContents,
- kEmptyPakSize), static_cast<int>(kEmptyPakSize));
- ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(data_path, kSamplePakContents,
- kSamplePakSize), static_cast<int>(kSamplePakSize));
- ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(data_2x_path, kSamplePakContents2x,
- kSamplePakSize2x), static_cast<int>(kSamplePakSize2x));
- // Load the regular and 2x pak files.
- resource_bundle.LoadTestResources(data_path, locale_path);
- resource_bundle.AddDataPackFromPath(data_2x_path, SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
- // Resource ID 4 exists in both 1x and 2x paks, so we expect a different
- // result when requesting the 2x scale.
- EXPECT_EQ("this is id 4", resource_bundle.GetRawDataResourceForScale(4,
- EXPECT_EQ("this is id 4 2x", resource_bundle.GetRawDataResourceForScale(4,
- // Resource ID 6 only exists in the 1x pak so we expect the same resource
- // for both scale factor requests.
- EXPECT_EQ("this is id 6", resource_bundle.GetRawDataResourceForScale(6,
- EXPECT_EQ("this is id 6", resource_bundle.GetRawDataResourceForScale(6,
+class ResourceBundleImageTest : public ResourceBundleTest {
+ public:
+ ResourceBundleImageTest() : locale_pack_(NULL) {
-TEST(ResourceBundle, LocaleDataPakExists) {
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(NULL);
+ virtual ~ResourceBundleImageTest() {
+ }
- // Check that ResourceBundle::LocaleDataPakExists returns the correct results.
- EXPECT_TRUE(resource_bundle.LocaleDataPakExists("en-US"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(resource_bundle.LocaleDataPakExists("not_a_real_locale"));
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ // Create a temporary directory to write test resource bundles to.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ }
+ // Returns resource bundle which uses an empty data pak for locale data.
+ ui::ResourceBundle* CreateResourceBundleWithEmptyLocalePak() {
+ // Write an empty data pak for locale data.
+ const FilePath& locale_path = dir_path().Append(
+ FILE_PATH_LITERAL("locale.pak"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(locale_path, kEmptyPakContents,
+ kEmptyPakSize),
+ static_cast<int>(kEmptyPakSize));
+ ui::ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundle(NULL);
+ // Load the empty locale data pak.
+ resource_bundle->LoadTestResources(FilePath(), locale_path);
+ return resource_bundle;
+ }
+ // Returns the path of temporary directory to write test data packs into.
+ const FilePath& dir_path() { return dir_.path(); }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<DataPack> locale_pack_;
+ ScopedTempDir dir_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResourceBundleImageTest);
+// Verify that we don't crash when trying to load a resource that is not found.
+// In some cases, we fail to mmap resources.pak, but try to keep going anyway.
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleImageTest, LoadDataResourceBytes) {
+ FilePath data_path = dir_path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample.pak"));
+ // Dump contents into the pak files.
+ ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(data_path, kEmptyPakContents,
+ kEmptyPakSize), static_cast<int>(kEmptyPakSize));
+ // Create a resource bundle from the file.
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundleWithEmptyLocalePak();
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(data_path, SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
+ const int kUnfoundResourceId = 10000;
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, resource_bundle->LoadDataResourceBytes(
+ kUnfoundResourceId));
+ // Give a .pak file that doesn't exist so we will fail to load it.
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(
+ FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("non-existant-file.pak")),
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, resource_bundle->LoadDataResourceBytes(
+ kUnfoundResourceId));
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleImageTest, GetRawDataResource) {
+ FilePath data_path = dir_path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample.pak"));
+ FilePath data_2x_path = dir_path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample_2x.pak"));
+ // Dump contents into the pak files.
+ ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(data_path, kSamplePakContents,
+ kSamplePakSize), static_cast<int>(kSamplePakSize));
+ ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(data_2x_path, kSamplePakContents2x,
+ kSamplePakSize2x), static_cast<int>(kSamplePakSize2x));
+ // Load the regular and 2x pak files.
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundleWithEmptyLocalePak();
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(data_path, SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(data_2x_path, SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
+ // Resource ID 4 exists in both 1x and 2x paks, so we expect a different
+ // result when requesting the 2x scale.
+ EXPECT_EQ("this is id 4", resource_bundle->GetRawDataResourceForScale(4,
+ EXPECT_EQ("this is id 4 2x", resource_bundle->GetRawDataResourceForScale(4,
+ // Resource ID 6 only exists in the 1x pak so we expect the same resource
+ // for both scale factor requests.
+ EXPECT_EQ("this is id 6", resource_bundle->GetRawDataResourceForScale(6,
+ EXPECT_EQ("this is id 6", resource_bundle->GetRawDataResourceForScale(6,
// Test requesting image reps at various scale factors from the image returned
// via ResourceBundle::GetImageNamed().
-TEST(ResourceBundle, GetImageNamed) {
- // On Windows, the default data is compiled into the binary so this does
- // nothing.
- ScopedTempDir dir;
- ASSERT_TRUE(dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- FilePath locale_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("empty.pak"));
- FilePath data_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample.pak"));
- FilePath data_2x_path = dir.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample_2x.pak"));
- {
- // Create the pak files.
- ASSERT_EQ(file_util::WriteFile(locale_path, kEmptyPakContents,
- kEmptyPakSize), static_cast<int>(kEmptyPakSize));
- CreateDataPackWithSingleBitmap(data_path, 10);
- CreateDataPackWithSingleBitmap(data_2x_path, 20);
- // Load the regular and 2x pak files.
- ResourceBundle resource_bundle(NULL);
- resource_bundle.LoadTestResources(data_path, locale_path);
- resource_bundle.AddDataPackFromPath(data_2x_path, SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
- gfx::ImageSkia* image_skia = resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(3);
- // Resource ID 3 exists in both 1x and 2x paks. Image reps should be
- // available for both scale factors in |image_skia|.
- gfx::ImageSkiaRep image_rep =
- image_skia->GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P, image_rep.scale_factor());
- image_rep = image_skia->GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P, image_rep.scale_factor());
- // The 1.4x pack was not loaded. Requesting the 1.4x resource should return
- // either the 1x or the 2x resource.
- image_rep = image_skia->GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_140P);
- EXPECT_TRUE(image_rep.scale_factor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P ||
- image_rep.scale_factor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
- }
+TEST_F(ResourceBundleImageTest, GetImageNamed) {
+ FilePath data_path = dir_path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample.pak"));
+ FilePath data_2x_path = dir_path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sample_2x.pak"));
+ // Create the pak files.
+ CreateDataPackWithSingleBitmap(data_path, 10);
+ CreateDataPackWithSingleBitmap(data_2x_path, 20);
+ // Load the regular and 2x pak files.
+ ResourceBundle* resource_bundle = CreateResourceBundleWithEmptyLocalePak();
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(data_path, SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
+ resource_bundle->AddDataPackFromPath(data_2x_path, SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
+ gfx::ImageSkia* image_skia = resource_bundle->GetImageSkiaNamed(3);
+ // Resource ID 3 exists in both 1x and 2x paks. Image reps should be
+ // available for both scale factors in |image_skia|.
+ gfx::ImageSkiaRep image_rep =
+ image_skia->GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P, image_rep.scale_factor());
+ image_rep = image_skia->GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P, image_rep.scale_factor());
+ // The 1.4x pack was not loaded. Requesting the 1.4x resource should return
+ // either the 1x or the 2x resource.
+ image_rep = image_skia->GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_140P);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(image_rep.scale_factor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P ||
+ image_rep.scale_factor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
} // namespace ui
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