Index: |
diff --git a/ b/ |
new file mode 100755 |
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66b5c2da7e2520b8462550675382e03ebdea119d |
--- /dev/null |
+++ b/ |
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@ |
+#!/usr/bin/env python |
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
+# found in the LICENSE file. |
+ |
+"""Get stats about your activity. |
+ |
+Example: |
+ - for stats for the current week (last week on mondays). |
+ - -Q for stats for last quarter. |
+ - -Y for stats for this year. |
+ - -b 4/5/12 for stats since 4/5/12. |
+ - -b 4/5/12 -e 6/7/12 for stats between 4/5/12 and 6/7/12. |
+""" |
+ |
+# These services typically only provide a created time and a last modified time |
+# for each item for general queries. This is not enough to determine if there |
+# was activity in a given time period. So, we first query for all things created |
+# before end and modified after begin. Then, we get the details of each item and |
+# check those details to determine if there was activity in the given period. |
+# This means that query time scales mostly with (today() - begin). |
+ |
+import cookielib |
+import datetime |
+from datetime import datetime |
+from datetime import timedelta |
+from functools import partial |
+import json |
+import optparse |
+import os |
+import subprocess |
+import sys |
+import urllib |
+import urllib2 |
+ |
+import rietveld |
+from third_party import upload |
+ |
+try: |
+ from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta # pylint: disable=F0401 |
+except ImportError: |
+ print 'python-dateutil package required' |
+ exit(1) |
+ |
+# python-keyring provides easy access to the system keyring. |
+try: |
+ import keyring # pylint: disable=W0611,F0401 |
+except ImportError: |
+ print 'Consider installing python-keyring' |
+ |
+ |
+rietveld_instances = [ |
+ { |
+ 'url': '', |
+ 'shorturl': '', |
+ 'supports_owner_modified_query': True, |
+ 'requires_auth': False, |
+ 'email_domain': '', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'url': '', |
+ 'shorturl': 'go/chromerev', |
+ 'supports_owner_modified_query': True, |
+ 'requires_auth': True, |
+ 'email_domain': '', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'url': '', |
+ 'supports_owner_modified_query': True, |
+ 'requires_auth': False, |
+ 'email_domain': '', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'url': '', |
+ 'supports_owner_modified_query': False, |
+ 'requires_auth': False, |
+ 'email_domain': '', |
+ }, |
+] |
+ |
+gerrit_instances = [ |
+ { |
+ 'url': '', |
+ 'port': 29418, |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'url': '', |
+ 'port': 29419, |
+ }, |
+] |
+ |
+google_code_projects = [ |
+ { |
+ 'name': 'chromium', |
+ 'shorturl': '', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'name': 'chromium-os', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'name': 'chrome-os-partner', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'name': 'google-breakpad', |
+ }, |
+ { |
+ 'name': 'gyp', |
+ } |
+] |
+ |
+ |
+# Uses ClientLogin to authenticate the user for Google Code issue trackers. |
+def get_auth_token(email): |
+ error = Exception() |
+ for _ in xrange(3): |
+ email, password = ( |
+ upload.KeyringCreds('', '', email) |
+ .GetUserCredentials()) |
+ url = '' |
+ data = urllib.urlencode({ |
+ 'Email': email, |
+ 'Passwd': password, |
+ 'service': 'code', |
+ 'source': 'chrome-my-activity', |
+ 'accountType': 'GOOGLE', |
+ }) |
+ req = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers={'Accept': 'text/plain'}) |
+ try: |
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req) |
+ response_body = |
+ response_dict = dict(x.split('=') |
+ for x in response_body.split('\n') if x) |
+ return response_dict['Auth'] |
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e: |
+ error = e |
+ |
+ raise error |
+ |
+ |
+def username(email): |
+ """Keeps the username of an email address.""" |
+ return email and email.split('@', 1)[0] |
+ |
+ |
+def get_quarter_of(date): |
+ begin = date - relativedelta(months=(date.month % 3) - 1, days=( - 1)) |
+ return begin, begin + relativedelta(months=3) |
+ |
+ |
+def get_year_of(date): |
+ begin = date - relativedelta(months=(date.month - 1), days=( - 1)) |
+ return begin, begin + relativedelta(years=1) |
+ |
+ |
+def get_week_of(date): |
+ begin = date - timedelta(days=date.weekday()) |
+ return begin, begin + timedelta(days=7) |
+ |
+ |
+def get_yes_or_no(msg): |
+ while True: |
+ response = raw_input(msg + ' yes/no [no] ') |
+ if response == 'y' or response == 'yes': |
+ return True |
+ elif not response or response == 'n' or response == 'no': |
+ return False |
+ |
+ |
+def datetime_from_rietveld(date_string): |
+ return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') |
+ |
+ |
+def datetime_from_google_code(date_string): |
+ return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') |
+ |
+ |
+class MyActivity(object): |
+ def __init__(self, options): |
+ self.options = options |
+ self.modified_after = options.begin |
+ self.modified_before = options.end |
+ self.user = options.user |
+ self.changes = [] |
+ = [] |
+ self.issues = [] |
+ self.check_cookies() |
+ self.google_code_auth_token = None |
+ |
+ # Check the codereview cookie jar to determine which Rietveld instances to |
+ # authenticate to. |
+ def check_cookies(self): |
+ cookie_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.codereview_upload_cookies') |
+ cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar(cookie_file) |
+ if not os.path.exists(cookie_file): |
+ exit(1) |
+ |
+ try: |
+ cookie_jar.load() |
+ print 'Found cookie file: %s' % cookie_file |
+ except (cookielib.LoadError, IOError): |
+ exit(1) |
+ |
+ filtered_instances = [] |
+ |
+ def has_cookie(instance): |
+ for cookie in cookie_jar: |
+ if == 'SACSID' and cookie.domain == instance['url']: |
+ return True |
+ if self.options.auth: |
+ return get_yes_or_no('No cookie found for %s. Authorize for this ' |
+ 'instance? (may require application-specific ' |
+ 'password)' % instance['url']) |
+ filtered_instances.append(instance) |
+ return False |
+ |
+ for instance in rietveld_instances: |
+ instance['auth'] = has_cookie(instance) |
+ |
+ if filtered_instances: |
+ print ('No cookie found for the following Rietveld instance%s:' % |
+ ('s' if len(filtered_instances) > 1 else '')) |
+ for instance in filtered_instances: |
+ print '\t' + instance['url'] |
+ print 'Use --auth if you would like to authenticate to them.\n' |
+ |
+ def rietveld_search(self, instance, owner=None, reviewer=None): |
+ if instance['requires_auth'] and not instance['auth']: |
+ return [] |
+ |
+ |
+ email = None if instance['auth'] else '' |
+ remote = rietveld.Rietveld('https://' + instance['url'], email, None) |
+ |
+ # See def search() in to see all the filters you can use. |
+ query_modified_after = None |
+ |
+ if instance['supports_owner_modified_query']: |
+ query_modified_after = self.modified_after.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
+ |
+ # Rietveld does not allow search by both created_before and modified_after. |
+ # (And some instances don't allow search by both owner and modified_after) |
+ owner_email = None |
+ reviewer_email = None |
+ if owner: |
+ owner_email = owner + '@' + instance['email_domain'] |
+ if reviewer: |
+ reviewer_email = reviewer + '@' + instance['email_domain'] |
+ issues = |
+ owner=owner_email, |
+ reviewer=reviewer_email, |
+ modified_after=query_modified_after, |
+ with_messages=True) |
+ |
+ issues = filter( |
+ lambda i: (datetime_from_rietveld(i['created']) < self.modified_before), |
+ issues) |
+ issues = filter( |
+ lambda i: (datetime_from_rietveld(i['modified']) > self.modified_after), |
+ issues) |
+ |
+ should_filter_by_user = True |
+ issues = map(partial(self.process_rietveld_issue, instance), issues) |
+ issues = filter( |
+ partial(self.filter_issue, should_filter_by_user=should_filter_by_user), |
+ issues) |
+ issues = sorted(issues, key=lambda i: i['modified'], reverse=True) |
+ |
+ return issues |
+ |
+ def process_rietveld_issue(self, instance, issue): |
+ ret = {} |
+ ret['owner'] = issue['owner_email'] |
+ ret['author'] = ret['owner'] |
+ |
+ ret['reviewers'] = set(username(r) for r in issue['reviewers']) |
+ |
+ shorturl = instance['url'] |
+ if 'shorturl' in instance: |
+ shorturl = instance['shorturl'] |
+ |
+ ret['review_url'] = 'http://%s/%d' % (shorturl, issue['issue']) |
+ ret['header'] = issue['description'].split('\n')[0] |
+ |
+ ret['modified'] = datetime_from_rietveld(issue['modified']) |
+ ret['created'] = datetime_from_rietveld(issue['created']) |
+ ret['replies'] = self.process_rietveld_replies(issue['messages']) |
+ |
+ return ret |
+ |
+ @staticmethod |
+ def process_rietveld_replies(replies): |
+ ret = [] |
+ for reply in replies: |
+ r = {} |
+ r['author'] = reply['sender'] |
+ r['created'] = datetime_from_rietveld(reply['date']) |
+ r['content'] = '' |
+ ret.append(r) |
+ return ret |
+ |
+ def gerrit_search(self, instance, owner=None, reviewer=None): |
+ max_age = - self.modified_after |
+ max_age = max_age.days * 24 * 3600 + max_age.seconds |
+ |
+ # See |
+ # Gerrit doesn't allow filtering by created time, only modified time. |
+ user_filter = 'owner:%s' % owner if owner else 'reviewer:%s' % reviewer |
+ gquery_cmd = ['ssh', '-p', str(instance['port']), instance['url'], |
+ 'gerrit', 'query', |
+ '--format', 'JSON', |
+ '--comments', |
+ '--', |
+ '-age:%ss' % str(max_age), |
+ user_filter] |
+ [stdout, _] = subprocess.Popen(gquery_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() |
+ issues = str(stdout).split('\n')[:-2] |
+ issues = map(json.loads, issues) |
+ |
+ # TODO(cjhopman): should we filter abandoned changes? |
+ issues = map(self.process_gerrit_issue, issues) |
+ issues = filter(self.filter_issue, issues) |
+ issues = sorted(issues, key=lambda i: i['modified'], reverse=True) |
+ |
+ return issues |
+ |
+ def process_gerrit_issue(self, issue): |
+ ret = {} |
+ ret['review_url'] = issue['url'] |
+ ret['header'] = issue['subject'] |
+ ret['owner'] = issue['owner']['email'] |
+ ret['author'] = ret['owner'] |
+ ret['created'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(issue['createdOn']) |
+ ret['modified'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(issue['lastUpdated']) |
+ if 'comments' in issue: |
+ ret['replies'] = self.process_gerrit_issue_replies(issue['comments']) |
+ else: |
+ ret['replies'] = [] |
+ return ret |
+ |
+ @staticmethod |
+ def process_gerrit_issue_replies(replies): |
+ ret = [] |
+ replies = filter(lambda r: 'email' in r['reviewer'], replies) |
+ for reply in replies: |
+ r = {} |
+ r['author'] = reply['reviewer']['email'] |
+ r['created'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(reply['timestamp']) |
+ r['content'] = '' |
+ ret.append(r) |
+ return ret |
+ |
+ def google_code_issue_search(self, instance): |
+ time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%T' |
+ # See |
+ # q=<owner> does a full text search for <owner> |
+ # This will accept the issue if owner is the owner or in the cc list. Might |
+ # have some false positives, though. |
+ |
+ # Don't filter normally on modified_before because it can filter out things |
+ # that were modified in the time period and then modified again after it. |
+ gcode_url = ('' % |
+ instance['name']) |
+ |
+ gcode_data = urllib.urlencode({ |
+ 'alt': 'json', |
+ 'max-results': '100000', |
+ 'q': '%s' % self.user, |
+ 'published-max': self.modified_before.strftime(time_format), |
+ 'updated-min': self.modified_after.strftime(time_format), |
+ }) |
+ |
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener() |
+ opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % |
+ self.google_code_auth_token)] |
+ gcode_get = + '?' + gcode_data) |
+ gcode_json = json.load(gcode_get) |
+ gcode_get.close() |
+ |
+ if 'entry' not in gcode_json['feed']: |
+ return [] |
+ |
+ issues = gcode_json['feed']['entry'] |
+ issues = map(partial(self.process_google_code_issue, instance), issues) |
+ issues = filter(self.filter_issue, issues) |
+ issues = sorted(issues, key=lambda i: i['modified'], reverse=True) |
+ return issues |
+ |
+ def process_google_code_issue(self, project, issue): |
+ ret = {} |
+ ret['created'] = datetime_from_google_code(issue['published']['$t']) |
+ ret['modified'] = datetime_from_google_code(issue['updated']['$t']) |
+ |
+ ret['owner'] = '' |
+ if 'issues:owner' in issue: |
+ ret['owner'] = issue['issues:owner'][0]['issues:username'][0]['$t'] |
+ ret['author'] = issue['author'][0]['name']['$t'] |
+ |
+ if 'shorturl' in project: |
+ issue_id = issue['id']['$t'] |
+ issue_id = issue_id[issue_id.rfind('/') + 1:] |
+ ret['url'] = 'http://%s/%d' % (project['shorturl'], int(issue_id)) |
+ else: |
+ issue_url = issue['link'][1] |
+ if issue_url['rel'] != 'alternate': |
+ raise RuntimeError |
+ ret['url'] = issue_url['href'] |
+ ret['header'] = issue['title']['$t'] |
+ |
+ ret['replies'] = self.get_google_code_issue_replies(issue) |
+ return ret |
+ |
+ def get_google_code_issue_replies(self, issue): |
+ """Get all the comments on the issue.""" |
+ replies_url = issue['link'][0] |
+ if replies_url['rel'] != 'replies': |
+ raise RuntimeError |
+ |
+ replies_data = urllib.urlencode({ |
+ 'alt': 'json', |
+ 'fields': 'entry(published,author,content)', |
+ }) |
+ |
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener() |
+ opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % |
+ self.google_code_auth_token)] |
+ try: |
+ replies_get =['href'] + '?' + replies_data) |
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, _: |
+ return [] |
+ |
+ replies_json = json.load(replies_get) |
+ replies_get.close() |
+ return self.process_google_code_issue_replies(replies_json) |
+ |
+ @staticmethod |
+ def process_google_code_issue_replies(replies): |
+ if 'entry' not in replies['feed']: |
+ return [] |
+ |
+ ret = [] |
+ for entry in replies['feed']['entry']: |
+ e = {} |
+ e['created'] = datetime_from_google_code(entry['published']['$t']) |
+ e['content'] = entry['content']['$t'] |
+ e['author'] = entry['author'][0]['name']['$t'] |
+ ret.append(e) |
+ return ret |
+ |
+ @staticmethod |
+ def print_change(change): |
+ print '%s %s' % ( |
+ change['review_url'], |
+ change['header'], |
+ ) |
+ |
+ @staticmethod |
+ def print_issue(issue): |
+ print '%s %s' % ( |
+ issue['url'], |
+ issue['header'], |
+ ) |
+ |
+ def filter_issue(self, issue, should_filter_by_user=True): |
+ def maybe_filter_username(email): |
+ return not should_filter_by_user or username(email) == self.user |
+ if (maybe_filter_username(issue['author']) and |
+ self.filter_modified(issue['created'])): |
+ return True |
+ if (maybe_filter_username(issue['owner']) and |
+ (self.filter_modified(issue['created']) or |
+ self.filter_modified(issue['modified']))): |
+ return True |
+ for reply in issue['replies']: |
+ if self.filter_modified(reply['created']): |
+ if not should_filter_by_user: |
+ break |
+ if (username(reply['author']) == self.user |
+ or (self.user + '@') in reply['content']): |
+ break |
+ else: |
+ return False |
+ return True |
+ |
+ def filter_modified(self, modified): |
+ return self.modified_after < modified and modified < self.modified_before |
+ |
+ def auth_for_changes(self): |
+ #TODO(cjhopman): Move authentication check for getting changes here. |
+ pass |
+ |
+ def auth_for_reviews(self): |
+ # Reviews use all the same instances as changes so no authentication is |
+ # required. |
+ pass |
+ |
+ def auth_for_issues(self): |
+ self.google_code_auth_token = ( |
+ get_auth_token(self.options.local_user + '')) |
+ |
+ def get_changes(self): |
+ for instance in rietveld_instances: |
+ self.changes += self.rietveld_search(instance, owner=self.user) |
+ |
+ for instance in gerrit_instances: |
+ self.changes += self.gerrit_search(instance, owner=self.user) |
+ |
+ def print_changes(self): |
+ if self.changes: |
+ print '\nChanges:' |
+ for change in self.changes: |
+ self.print_change(change) |
+ |
+ def get_reviews(self): |
+ for instance in rietveld_instances: |
+ += self.rietveld_search(instance, reviewer=self.user) |
+ |
+ for instance in gerrit_instances: |
+ reviews = self.gerrit_search(instance, reviewer=self.user) |
+ reviews = filter(lambda r: not username(r['owner']) == self.user, reviews) |
+ += reviews |
+ |
+ def print_reviews(self): |
+ if |
+ print '\nReviews:' |
+ for review in |
+ self.print_change(review) |
+ |
+ def get_issues(self): |
+ for project in google_code_projects: |
+ self.issues += self.google_code_issue_search(project) |
+ |
+ def print_issues(self): |
+ if self.issues: |
+ print '\nIssues:' |
+ for c in self.issues: |
+ self.print_issue(c) |
+ |
+ def print_activity(self): |
+ self.print_changes() |
+ self.print_reviews() |
+ self.print_issues() |
+ |
+ |
+def main(): |
+ # Silence |
+ rietveld.upload.verbosity = 0 |
+ |
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__) |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-u', '--user', metavar='<email>', |
+ default=os.environ.get('USER'), |
+ help='Filter on user, default=%default') |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-b', '--begin', metavar='<date>', |
+ help='Filter issues created after the date') |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-e', '--end', metavar='<date>', |
+ help='Filter issues created before the date') |
+ quarter_begin, quarter_end = get_quarter_of( - |
+ relativedelta(months=2)) |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-Q', '--last_quarter', action='store_true', |
+ help='Use last quarter\'s dates, e.g. %s to %s' % ( |
+ quarter_begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), quarter_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-Y', '--this_year', action='store_true', |
+ help='Use this year\'s dates') |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-w', '--week_of', metavar='<date>', |
+ help='Show issues for week of the date') |
+ parser.add_option( |
+ '-a', '--auth', |
+ action='store_true', |
+ help='Ask to authenticate for instances with no auth cookie') |
+ |
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Activity Types', |
+ 'By default, all activity will be looked up and ' |
+ 'printed. If any of these are specified, only ' |
+ 'those specified will be searched.') |
+ group.add_option( |
+ '-c', '--changes', |
+ action='store_true', |
+ help='Show changes.') |
+ group.add_option( |
+ '-i', '--issues', |
+ action='store_true', |
+ help='Show issues.') |
+ group.add_option( |
+ '-r', '--reviews', |
+ action='store_true', |
+ help='Show reviews.') |
+ parser.add_option_group(group) |
+ |
+ # Remove description formatting |
+ parser.format_description = ( |
+ lambda _: parser.description) # pylint: disable=E1101 |
+ |
+ options, args = parser.parse_args() |
+ options.local_user = os.environ.get('USER') |
+ if args: |
+ parser.error('Args unsupported') |
+ if not options.user: |
+ parser.error('USER is not set, please use -u') |
+ |
+ options.user = username(options.user) |
+ |
+ if not options.begin: |
+ if options.last_quarter: |
+ begin, end = quarter_begin, quarter_end |
+ elif options.this_year: |
+ begin, end = get_year_of( |
+ elif options.week_of: |
+ begin, end = (get_week_of(datetime.strptime(options.week_of, '%m/%d/%y'))) |
+ else: |
+ begin, end = (get_week_of( - timedelta(days=1))) |
+ else: |
+ begin = datetime.strptime(options.begin, '%m/%d/%y') |
+ if options.end: |
+ end = datetime.strptime(options.end, '%m/%d/%y') |
+ else: |
+ end = |
+ options.begin, options.end = begin, end |
+ |
+ print 'Searching for activity by %s' % options.user |
+ print 'Using range %s to %s' % (options.begin, options.end) |
+ |
+ my_activity = MyActivity(options) |
+ |
+ if not (options.changes or or options.issues): |
+ options.changes = True |
+ options.issues = True |
+ = True |
+ |
+ # First do any required authentication so none of the user interaction has to |
+ # wait for actual work. |
+ if options.changes: |
+ my_activity.auth_for_changes() |
+ if |
+ my_activity.auth_for_reviews() |
+ if options.issues: |
+ my_activity.auth_for_issues() |
+ |
+ print 'Looking up activity.....' |
+ |
+ if options.changes: |
+ my_activity.get_changes() |
+ if |
+ my_activity.get_reviews() |
+ if options.issues: |
+ my_activity.get_issues() |
+ |
+ print '\n\n\n' |
+ |
+ my_activity.print_changes() |
+ my_activity.print_reviews() |
+ my_activity.print_issues() |
+ return 0 |
+ |
+ |
+if __name__ == '__main__': |
+ sys.exit(main()) |