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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/bluetooth_options_handler.h

Issue 11075006: Moved bluetooth adapter files to device/bluetooth/. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: renamed 'bluetooth' target to 'device_bluetooth'. Created 8 years, 2 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/bluetooth_options_handler.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/bluetooth_options_handler.h b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/bluetooth_options_handler.h
index b98763ae6c898365952a5aedd85c9493dec029a8..80d2d7526c9d1f0b5b35beed3755d9d2ed5b4719 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/bluetooth_options_handler.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/bluetooth_options_handler.h
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/options_ui.h"
+#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
+#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ namespace chromeos {
namespace options {
// Handler for Bluetooth options on the system options page.
-class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
- public chromeos::BluetoothAdapter::Observer,
- public BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate {
+class BluetoothOptionsHandler
+ : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
+ public device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer,
+ public device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate {
virtual ~BluetoothOptionsHandler();
@@ -40,10 +41,10 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// Sends a notification to the Web UI of the status of a Bluetooth device.
// |device| is the Bluetooth device.
// |params| is an optional set of parameters.
- void SendDeviceNotification(const BluetoothDevice* device,
+ void SendDeviceNotification(const device::BluetoothDevice* device,
base::DictionaryValue* params);
- // BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
+ // device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires a
// PIN Code for authentication of the device |device|, the UI will display
@@ -51,9 +52,9 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// PIN Codes are generally required for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier devices
// for which there is no automatic pairing or special handling.
- virtual void RequestPinCode(BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void RequestPinCode(device::BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
- // BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
+ // device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires a
// Passkey for authentication of the device |device|, the UI will display
@@ -63,9 +64,9 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// Passkeys are generally required for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices
// which cannot provide input or display on their own, and don't accept
// passkey-less pairing.
- virtual void RequestPasskey(BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void RequestPasskey(device::BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
- // BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
+ // device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
// user enter the PIN code |pincode| into the device |device| so that it
@@ -75,10 +76,10 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// This is used for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier keyboard devices, the
// |pincode| will always be a six-digit numeric in the range 000000-999999
// for compatibilty with later specifications.
- virtual void DisplayPinCode(BluetoothDevice* device,
+ virtual void DisplayPinCode(device::BluetoothDevice* device,
const std::string& pincode) OVERRIDE;
- // BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
+ // device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
// user enter the Passkey |passkey| into the device |device| so that it
@@ -89,9 +90,10 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// but not display, such as keyboards. The Passkey is a numeric in the
// range 0-999999 and should be always presented zero-padded to six
// digits.
- virtual void DisplayPasskey(BluetoothDevice* device, uint32 passkey) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void DisplayPasskey(
+ device::BluetoothDevice* device, uint32 passkey) OVERRIDE;
- // BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
+ // device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
// user confirm that the Passkey |passkey| is displayed on the screen
@@ -102,9 +104,10 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// such as other computers or phones. The Passkey is a numeric in the
// range 0-999999 and should be always present zero-padded to six
// digits.
- virtual void ConfirmPasskey(BluetoothDevice* device, uint32 passkey) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void ConfirmPasskey(
+ device::BluetoothDevice* device, uint32 passkey) OVERRIDE;
- // BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
+ // device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate override.
// This method will be called when any previous DisplayPinCode(),
// DisplayPasskey() or ConfirmPasskey() request should be concluded
@@ -117,41 +120,41 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
// string if the error is not specific to a single device.
void ReportError(const std::string& error, const std::string& address);
- // BluetoothAdapter::Observer implementation.
- virtual void AdapterPresentChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
+ // device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer implementation.
+ virtual void AdapterPresentChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool present) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void AdapterPoweredChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
+ virtual void AdapterPoweredChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool powered) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void DeviceAdded(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
- BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void DeviceChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
- BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void DeviceRemoved(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
- BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void DeviceAdded(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
+ device::BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void DeviceChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
+ device::BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void DeviceRemoved(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
+ device::BluetoothDevice* device) OVERRIDE;
- // Called by BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to change the power
- // status of the adapter.
+ // Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to
+ // change the power status of the adapter.
void EnableChangeError();
- // Called by BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to set the adapter into
- // discovery mode.
+ // Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to
+ // set the adapter into discovery mode.
void FindDevicesError();
- // Called by BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to remove the adapter
- // from discovery mode.
+ // Called by device::BluetoothAdapter in response to a failure to
+ // remove the adapter from discovery mode.
void StopDiscoveryError();
- // Called by BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to connect to the device
- // with bluetooth address |address|.
+ // Called by device::BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to
+ // connect to the device with bluetooth address |address|.
void ConnectError(const std::string& address);
- // Called by BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to disconnect the device
- // with bluetooth address |address|.
+ // Called by device::BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to
+ // disconnect the device with bluetooth address |address|.
void DisconnectError(const std::string& address);
- // Called by BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to disconnect and unpair
- // the device with bluetooth address |address|.
+ // Called by device::BluetoothDevice in response to a failure to
+ // disconnect and unpair the device with bluetooth address |address|.
void ForgetError(const std::string& address);
// Called when the 'Enable bluetooth' checkbox value is changed.
@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ class BluetoothOptionsHandler : public ::options::OptionsPageUIHandler,
void GetPairedDevicesCallback(const base::ListValue* args);
// Default bluetooth adapter, used for all operations.
- scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter_;
+ scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter_;
// Weak pointer factory for generating 'this' pointers that might live longer
// than this object does.

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