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Unified Diff: chrome/test/gpu/webgl_conformance_test_expectations.txt

Issue 10916334: Enable webgl conformance tests under content/test/gpu in content_browsertests (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: namespace fixup Created 8 years, 3 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/gpu/webgl_conformance_test_expectations.txt
diff --git a/chrome/test/gpu/webgl_conformance_test_expectations.txt b/chrome/test/gpu/webgl_conformance_test_expectations.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b16fe08d29c7a8a7d9202d50cadb0939408e5383..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/test/gpu/webgl_conformance_test_expectations.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This file contains a list of defective WebGL conformance tests. The expected
-// format is:
-// MODIFIERS can be a combination of the below list:
-// 0x**** (this is a gpu's PCI device ID)
-// TEST_NAME can be a specific test name, or have a '*' in the end, which
-// indicates a prefix matching.
-// Any tests whose expectations are not PASS will be skipped on the bots.
-// Examples:
-// 91530 MAC WIN LINUX : context_lost_restored = TIMEOUT
-// 91533 WIN : gl_min_uniforms = FAIL
-// 91531 MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_more_* = SKIP
-// 91532 MAC NVIDIA 0x0640 : tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_video = PASS FAIL
-134743 WIN : conformance_extensions_oes_standard_derivatives = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_more_* = SKIP
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_ogles_* = SKIP
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_state_gl_get_calls = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_attribs_gl_vertex_attrib_render = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC DEBUG : conformance_uniforms_uniform_samplers_test = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN : conformance_uniforms_uniform_samplers_test = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX NVIDIA AMD : conformance_uniforms_uniform_samplers_test = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN MAC : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_short_circuiting_operators = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN LINUX : conformance_textures_texture_attachment_formats = FAIL
-125963 MAC AMD : conformance_programs_use_program_crash_with_discard_in_fragment_shader = FAIL
-125963 MAC AMD : conformance_typedarrays_data_view_test = FAIL
-125864 WIN : conformance_canvas_texture_bindings_unaffected_on_resize = FAIL
-125864 WIN : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_comma_assignment = FAIL
-125864 WIN : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_comma_conditional_assignment = FAIL
-125864 WIN : conformance_programs_gl_bind_attrib_location_long_names_test = FAIL
-125864 WIN : conformance_textures_texture_upload_cube_maps = FAIL
-131260 WIN DEBUG : conformance_extensions_oes_texture_float_with_video = FLAKY
-131260 WIN DEBUG : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_video = FLAKY
-131260 WIN DEBUG : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_video_rgb565 = FLAKY
-125864 MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_uniforms_uniform_default_values = FAIL
-125864 LINUX : conformance_extensions_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic = FAIL
-125864 MAC : conformance_glsl_misc_glsl_vertex_branch = FAIL
-125864 MAC : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_gles_1_frag = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_conditional_scoping = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_do_scoping = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_for_scoping = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_functional_scoping = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_hex_int_constant_macro = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_vec4_vec3_vec4_conditional = FAIL
-125679 MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_buffers_index_validation = FAIL
-125679 MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_context_context_creation_and_destruction = FAIL
-125679 WIN LINUX : conformance_glsl_misc_shader_with_non_reserved_words = FAIL
-113695 MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_misc_instanceof_test = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC WIN LINUX : conformance_textures_origin_clean_conformance = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_atan = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_atan_xy = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN : conformance_glsl_misc_struct_nesting_under_maximum = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN : conformance_extensions_webgl_compressed_texture_s3tc = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN : conformance_glsl_samplers_glsl_function_texture2d_bias = FAIL
-UNFILED XP NVIDIA : conformance_textures_texture_mips = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_context_context_attributes_alpha_depth_stencil_antialias = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_context_context_lost_restored = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_context_premultiplyalpha_test = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_extensions_oes_texture_float = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_limits_gl_min_attribs = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_limits_gl_max_texture_dimensions = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_limits_gl_min_textures = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_limits_gl_min_uniforms = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_rendering_gl_clear = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_copy_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_gl_teximage = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_array_buffer_view = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_image_data = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_image_with_format_and_type = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_sub_image_2d = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texparameter_test = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_active_bind_2 = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_active_bind = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_complete = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_formats_test = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_mips = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_npot = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_size_cube_maps = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_asin = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_glsl_variables_gl_fragcoord = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_glsl_variables_gl_pointcoord = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_misc_delayed_drawing = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_clear = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_glsl_samplers_glsl_function_texture2dlod = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_attribs_gl_disabled_vertex_attrib = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_extensions_oes_texture_float_with_image_data = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_glsl_samplers_glsl_function_texture2dproj = FLAKY
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_renderbuffers_framebuffer_state_restoration = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_image_data_rgb565 = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_image_data_rgba4444 = FAIL
-UNFILED WIN7 INTEL : conformance_textures_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d_with_image_data_rgba5551 = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_asin = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_dot = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_faceforward = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_length = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_normalize = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_reflect = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_smoothstep_gentype = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_glsl_variables_gl_pointcoord = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_limits_gl_max_texture_dimensions = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC INTEL : conformance_rendering_line_loop_tri_fan = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_attribs_gl_vertex_attrib = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_attribs_gl_vertexattribpointer_offsets = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_attribs_gl_vertexattribpointer = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_misc_type_conversion_test = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_renderbuffers_framebuffer_object_attachment = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_textures_copy_tex_image_and_sub_image_2d = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_typedarrays_array_unit_tests = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_distance = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_dot = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_length = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_glsl_variables_gl_pointcoord = FAIL
-UNFILED MAC AMD : conformance_reading_read_pixels_test = TIMEOUT
-122651 MAC AMD : conformance_misc_object_deletion_behaviour = TIMEOUT
-// Retina Macbook bots
-144312 MAC NVIDIA 0x0fd5 : conformance_textures_gl_teximage = FLAKY
-UNFILED LINUX NVIDIA : conformance_uniforms_uniform_location = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX NVIDIA : conformance_textures_texture_mips = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_renderbuffers_framebuffer_object_attachment = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_state_gl_object_get_calls = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_npot = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_variables_gl_pointcoord = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_extensions_webgl_compressed_texture_s3tc = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_samplers_glsl_function_texture2dlod = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_cos = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX INTEL : conformance_canvas_framebuffer_bindings_unaffected_on_resize = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX AMD : conformance_misc_object_deletion_behaviour = FAIL
-UNFILED LINUX AMD : conformance_textures_texture_mips = FAIL
-121139 MAC : conformance_textures_texture_size = FAIL
-121139 WIN INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_size = FAIL
-121139 LINUX AMD : conformance_textures_texture_size = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_acos = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_asin = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_atan = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_atan_xy = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_glsl_functions_glsl_function_sin = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_reading_read_pixels_test = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_rendering_point_size = FAIL
-137892 LINUX INTEL : conformance_textures_texture_mips = FAIL
-// Temprory entries: they should be removed once the bugs are fixed.
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