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Unified Diff: build/android/

Issue 10908188: Moved RunMonkeyTests out of (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 8 years, 3 months ago
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Index: build/android/
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
index ab759156d1b190adf4479ccaa53a1389797073f7..7103cb5800275b6f703ef7d37de77f174dda13ce 100755
--- a/build/android/
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
"""Runs the Monkey tests on one or more devices."""
import logging
import optparse
+import random
import time
from pylib import android_commands
from pylib import python_test_base
-from pylib import python_test_caller
from pylib import python_test_sharder
from pylib import test_options_parser
from pylib import test_result
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ class MonkeyTest(python_test_base.PythonTestBase):
start_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000
# Launch and wait for Chrome to launch.
- self.adb.StartActivity(self.options['package_name'],
- self.options.pop('activity_name'),
+ self.adb.StartActivity(self.options.package_name,
+ self.options.activity_name,
# Chrome crashes are not always caught by Monkey test runner.
# Verify Chrome has the same PID before and after the test.
- before_pids = self.adb.ExtractPid(self.options['package_name'])
+ before_pids = self.adb.ExtractPid(self.options.package_name)
# Run the test.
output = ''
duration_ms = 0
if before_pids:
- output = '\n'.join(self.adb.RunMonkey(**self.options))
+ output = '\n'.join(self._LaunchMonkeyTest())
duration_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000 - start_ms
- after_pids = self.adb.ExtractPid(self.options['package_name'])
+ after_pids = self.adb.ExtractPid(self.options.package_name)
crashed = (not before_pids or not after_pids
or after_pids[0] != before_pids[0])
@@ -55,13 +55,50 @@ class MonkeyTest(python_test_base.PythonTestBase):
return results
+ def _LaunchMonkeyTest(self):
+ """Runs monkey test for a given package.
+ Looks at the following parameters in the options object provided
+ in class initializer:
+ package_name: Allowed package.
+ category: A list of allowed categories.
+ throttle: Delay between events (ms).
+ seed: Seed value for pseduo-random generator. Same seed value
+ generates the same sequence of events. Seed is randomized by
+ default.
+ event_count: Number of events to generate.
+ verbosity: Verbosity level [0-3].
+ extra_args: A string of other args to pass to the command verbatim.
+ """
+ category = self.options.category or []
+ seed = self.options.seed or random.randint(1, 100)
+ throttle = self.options.throttle or 100
+ event_count = self.options.event_count or 10000
+ verbosity = self.options.verbosity or 1
+ extra_args = self.options.extra_args or ''
+ timeout_ms = event_count * throttle * 1.5
+ cmd = ['monkey',
+ '-p %s' % self.options.package_name,
+ ' '.join(['-c %s' % c for c in category]),
+ '--throttle %d' % throttle,
+ '-s %d' % seed,
+ '-v ' * verbosity,
+ '--monitor-native-crashes',
+ '--kill-process-after-error',
+ extra_args,
+ '%d' % event_count]
+ return self.adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(cmd), timeout_time=timeout_ms)
def DispatchPythonTests(options):
"""Dispatches the Monkey tests, sharding it if there multiple devices."""
logger = logging.getLogger()
- build_type = options.pop('build_type')
available_tests = [MonkeyTest('testMonkey', options)]
attached_devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()
if not attached_devices:
@@ -73,16 +110,14 @@ def DispatchPythonTests(options):
sharder = python_test_sharder.PythonTestSharder(
attached_devices, 1, available_tests)
result = sharder.RunShardedTests()
- result.LogFull('Monkey', 'Monkey', build_type)
+ result.LogFull('Monkey', 'Monkey', options.build_type)
def main():
desc = 'Run the Monkey tests on 1 or more devices.'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc)
- parser.add_option('--package-name',
- help='Allowed package.')
+ parser.add_option('--package-name', help='Allowed package.')
help='Name of the activity to start [default: %default].')
@@ -91,16 +126,16 @@ def main():
parser.add_option('--throttle', default=100, type='int',
help='Delay between events (ms) [default: %default]. ')
parser.add_option('--seed', type='int',
- help='Seed value for pseduo-random generator. Same seed'
- ' value generates the same sequence of events. Seed is'
- ' randomized by default.')
+ help=('Seed value for pseduo-random generator. Same seed '
+ 'value generates the same sequence of events. Seed '
+ 'is randomized by default.'))
parser.add_option('--event-count', default=10000, type='int',
help='Number of events to generate [default: %default].')
parser.add_option('--verbosity', default=1, type='int',
help='Verbosity level [0-3] [default: %default].')
parser.add_option('--extra-args', default='',
- help='String of other args to pass to the command verbatim'
- ' [default: "%default"].')
+ help=('String of other args to pass to the command verbatim'
+ ' [default: "%default"].'))
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if args:
@@ -112,7 +147,7 @@ def main():
if options.category:
options.category = options.category.split(',')
- DispatchPythonTests(vars(options))
+ DispatchPythonTests(options)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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