DescriptionUpdate ninja to v120715
On both mac and linux, I ran:
git checkout release-120715
./ninja ninja_test
./ninja_test # all passed
strip ninja
Changes since the last push:
* ninja now has a functional -V flag that prints version information
* ninja is a lot faster. On my MBP, empty builds go from 1.8s to 1.1s,
on my linux box from 1.4s to 0.9s
* ninja now has a -l N flag to do parallelsim based on load average
On linux, the binary grew 24 bytes, from 129920 to 129944. I used
gcc 4.4.3 to build ninja.
On mac, it grew from 4200 byte from 120904 to 125104 (likely caused by me
using a newer clang). I used clang r159409 to build ninja.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : #Patch Set 3 : #Messages
Total messages: 6 (0 generated)