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Unified Diff: media/base/

Issue 10796074: Move VideoRenderer out of Filter heirarchy. (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src
Patch Set: GetMediaTime Created 8 years, 5 months ago
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diff --git a/media/base/ b/media/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44aeaadee7287c3d38c8ccdc64428889eaff87d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/media/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "media/base/composite_filter.h"
-#include "media/base/mock_callback.h"
-#include "media/base/mock_filter_host.h"
-#include "media/base/mock_filters.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::InSequence;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SaveArg;
-using ::testing::StrictMock;
-namespace media {
-class CompositeFilterTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- CompositeFilterTest();
- virtual ~CompositeFilterTest();
- // Sets up a new CompositeFilter in |composite_|, creates |filter_1_| and
- // |filter_2_|, and adds these filters to |composite_|.
- void SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- // Helper enum that indicates what filter method to call.
- enum MethodToCall {
- };
- // Helper method that adds a filter method call expectation based on the value
- // of |method_to_call|.
- //
- // |method_to_call| - Indicates which method we expect a call for.
- // |filter| - The MockFilter to add the expectation to.
- // |seek_time| - The time to pass to the Seek() call if |method_to_call|
- // equals SEEK.
- void ExpectFilterCall(MethodToCall method_to_call, MockFilter* filter,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time);
- // Helper method that calls a filter method based on the value of
- // |method_to_call|.
- //
- // |method_to_call| - Indicates which method to call.
- // |filter| - The Filter to make the method call on.
- // |seek_time| - The time to pass to the Seek() call if |method_to_call|
- // equals SEEK.
- // |callback| - The callback object to pass to the method.
- // |expected_status| - Some filter methods use a PipelineStatusCB instead of
- // a Closure. For these methods this function
- // creates a PipelineStatusCB that makes sure the status
- // passed to the callback matches |expected_status| and
- // then calls |callback|.
- void DoFilterCall(MethodToCall method_to_call, Filter* filter,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time,
- const base::Closure& callback,
- PipelineStatus expected_status);
- // Creates an expectation sequence based on the value of method_to_call.
- //
- // |method_to_call| - Indicates which method we want a success sequence for.
- // |seek_time| - The time to pass in the Seek() call if |method_to_call|
- // equals SEEK.
- void ExpectSuccess(MethodToCall method_to_call,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time = base::TimeDelta());
- // Issue a Play(), Pause(), Flush(), Stop(), or Seek() on the composite and
- // verify all the expected calls on the filters.
- void DoPlay();
- void DoPause();
- void DoFlush();
- void DoStop();
- void DoSeek(base::TimeDelta time);
- // Issue a Play(), Pause(), Flush(), or Seek() and expect the calls to fail
- //
- // |method_to_call| - Indicates whick method to call.
- // |seek_time| - The time to pass to the Seek() call if |method_to_call|
- // equals SEEK.
- void ExpectInvalidStateFail(MethodToCall method_to_call,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time = base::TimeDelta());
- // Returns whether |filter_1_cb_| or |filter_1_status_cb_| is set.
- bool HasFilter1Callback() const;
- // Run the callback stored in |filter_1_cb_| or |filter_2_status_cb_|.
- void RunFilter1Callback();
- // Returns whether |filter_2_cb_| or |filter_2_status_cb_| is set.
- bool HasFilter2Callback() const;
- // Run the callback stored in |filter_2_cb_| or |filter_2_status_cb_|.
- void RunFilter2Callback();
- protected:
- MessageLoop message_loop_;
- // The composite object being tested.
- scoped_refptr<CompositeFilter> composite_;
- // First filter added to the composite.
- scoped_refptr<StrictMock<MockFilter> > filter_1_;
- // Callback passed to |filter_1_| during last Play(), Pause(), Flush(),
- // or Stop() call.
- base::Closure filter_1_cb_;
- // Status to pass to |filter_1_status_cb_|.
- PipelineStatus filter_1_status_;
- // Callback passed to |filter_1_| during last Seek() call.
- PipelineStatusCB filter_1_status_cb_;
- // Second filter added to the composite.
- scoped_refptr<StrictMock<MockFilter> > filter_2_;
- // Callback passed to |filter_2_| during last Play(), Pause(), Flush(),
- // Stop(), or Seek() call.
- base::Closure filter_2_cb_;
- // Status to pass to |filter_2_status_cb_|.
- PipelineStatus filter_2_status_;
- // Callback passed to |filter_2_| during last Seek() call.
- PipelineStatusCB filter_2_status_cb_;
- // FilterHost implementation passed to |composite_| via SetHost().
- scoped_ptr<StrictMock<MockFilterHost> > mock_filter_host_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CompositeFilterTest);
-CompositeFilterTest::CompositeFilterTest() :
- composite_(new CompositeFilter(message_loop_.message_loop_proxy())),
- filter_1_status_(PIPELINE_OK),
- filter_2_status_(PIPELINE_OK),
- mock_filter_host_(new StrictMock<MockFilterHost>()) {
-CompositeFilterTest::~CompositeFilterTest() {}
-void CompositeFilterTest::SetupAndAdd2Filters() {
- mock_filter_host_.reset(new StrictMock<MockFilterHost>());
- composite_ = new CompositeFilter(message_loop_.message_loop_proxy());
- composite_->SetHost(mock_filter_host_.get());
- // Setup |filter_1_| and arrange for methods to set
- // |filter_1_cb_| when they are called.
- filter_1_ = new StrictMock<MockFilter>();
- filter_1_cb_.Reset();
- filter_1_status_ = PIPELINE_OK;
- filter_1_status_cb_.Reset();
- ON_CALL(*filter_1_, Play(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_1_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_1_, Pause(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_1_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_1_, Flush(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_1_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_1_, Stop(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_1_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_1_, Seek(_,_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<1>(&filter_1_status_cb_));
- // Setup |filter_2_| and arrange for methods to set
- // |filter_2_cb_| when they are called.
- filter_2_ = new StrictMock<MockFilter>();
- filter_2_cb_.Reset();
- filter_2_status_ = PIPELINE_OK;
- filter_2_status_cb_.Reset();
- ON_CALL(*filter_2_, Play(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_2_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_2_, Pause(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_2_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_2_, Flush(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_2_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_2_, Stop(_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<0>(&filter_2_cb_));
- ON_CALL(*filter_2_, Seek(_,_))
- .WillByDefault(SaveArg<1>(&filter_2_status_cb_));
- composite_->AddFilter(filter_1_);
- composite_->AddFilter(filter_2_);
-void CompositeFilterTest::ExpectFilterCall(MethodToCall method_to_call,
- MockFilter* filter,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time) {
- switch(method_to_call) {
- case PLAY:
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter, Play(_));
- break;
- case PAUSE:
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter, Pause(_));
- break;
- case FLUSH:
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter, Flush(_));
- break;
- case STOP:
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter, Stop(_));
- break;
- case SEEK:
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter, Seek(seek_time, _));
- break;
- };
-void OnStatusCB(PipelineStatus expected_status, const base::Closure& callback,
- PipelineStatus status) {
- EXPECT_EQ(status, expected_status);
- callback.Run();
-void CompositeFilterTest::DoFilterCall(MethodToCall method_to_call,
- Filter* filter,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time,
- const base::Closure& callback,
- PipelineStatus expected_status) {
- filter_1_status_ = expected_status;
- filter_2_status_ = expected_status;
- switch(method_to_call) {
- case PLAY:
- filter->Play(callback);
- break;
- case PAUSE:
- filter->Pause(callback);
- break;
- case FLUSH:
- filter->Flush(callback);
- break;
- case STOP:
- filter->Stop(callback);
- break;
- case SEEK:
- filter->Seek(seek_time, base::Bind(&OnStatusCB, expected_status,
- callback));
- break;
- };
-void CompositeFilterTest::ExpectSuccess(MethodToCall method_to_call,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time) {
- InSequence seq;
- bool is_parallel_call = (method_to_call == FLUSH);
- ExpectFilterCall(method_to_call, filter_1_.get(), seek_time);
- if (is_parallel_call) {
- ExpectFilterCall(method_to_call, filter_2_.get(), seek_time);
- }
- // Make method call on the composite.
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- DoFilterCall(method_to_call, composite_.get(), seek_time,
- base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback),
- if (is_parallel_call) {
- // Make sure both filters have their callbacks set.
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasFilter1Callback());
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasFilter2Callback());
- RunFilter1Callback();
- } else {
- // Make sure that only |filter_1_| has its callback set.
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasFilter1Callback());
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter2Callback());
- ExpectFilterCall(method_to_call, filter_2_.get(), seek_time);
- RunFilter1Callback();
- // Verify that |filter_2_| was called by checking the callback pointer.
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasFilter2Callback());
- }
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- RunFilter2Callback();
-void CompositeFilterTest::DoPlay() {
- ExpectSuccess(PLAY);
-void CompositeFilterTest::DoPause() {
- ExpectSuccess(PAUSE);
-void CompositeFilterTest::DoFlush() {
- ExpectSuccess(FLUSH);
-void CompositeFilterTest::DoStop() {
- ExpectSuccess(STOP);
-void CompositeFilterTest::DoSeek(base::TimeDelta time) {
- ExpectSuccess(SEEK, time);
-void CompositeFilterTest::ExpectInvalidStateFail(MethodToCall method_to_call,
- base::TimeDelta seek_time) {
- InSequence seq;
- if (method_to_call != SEEK) {
- .WillOnce(Return());
- }
- DoFilterCall(method_to_call, composite_, seek_time, NewExpectedClosure(),
- // Make sure that neither of the filters were called by
- // verifying that the callback pointers weren't set.
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter1Callback());
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter2Callback());
-bool CompositeFilterTest::HasFilter1Callback() const {
- CHECK(filter_1_cb_.is_null() || filter_1_status_cb_.is_null());
- return !filter_1_cb_.is_null() || !filter_1_status_cb_.is_null();
-void CompositeFilterTest::RunFilter1Callback() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasFilter1Callback());
- if (!filter_1_status_cb_.is_null()) {
- base::ResetAndReturn(&filter_1_status_cb_).Run(filter_1_status_);
- filter_1_status_ = PIPELINE_OK;
- return;
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(!filter_1_cb_.is_null());
- base::Closure callback = filter_1_cb_;
- filter_1_cb_.Reset();
- callback.Run();
-bool CompositeFilterTest::HasFilter2Callback() const {
- CHECK(filter_2_cb_.is_null() || filter_2_status_cb_.is_null());
- return !filter_2_cb_.is_null() || !filter_2_status_cb_.is_null();
-void CompositeFilterTest::RunFilter2Callback() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasFilter2Callback());
- if (!filter_2_status_cb_.is_null()) {
- base::ResetAndReturn(&filter_2_status_cb_).Run(filter_2_status_);
- filter_2_status_ = PIPELINE_OK;
- return;
- }
- EXPECT_FALSE(filter_2_cb_.is_null());
- base::Closure callback = filter_2_cb_;
- filter_2_cb_.Reset();
- callback.Run();
-// Test successful AddFilter() cases.
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestAddFilter) {
- composite_->SetHost(mock_filter_host_.get());
- // Add a filter.
- scoped_refptr<StrictMock<MockFilter> > filter = new StrictMock<MockFilter>();
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, filter->host());
- composite_->AddFilter(filter);
- EXPECT_TRUE(filter->host() != NULL);
-class CompositeFilterDeathTest : public CompositeFilterTest {
- public:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- // To avoid googletest warning in "fast" mode.
- ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe";
- }
-// Test AddFilter() failure cases.
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterDeathTest, TestAddFilterFailCases) {
- // Test adding a null pointer.
- EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(composite_->AddFilter(NULL), "");
- scoped_refptr<StrictMock<MockFilter> > filter = new StrictMock<MockFilter>();
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, filter->host());
- // Test failing because SetHost() hasn't been called yet.
- EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(composite_->AddFilter(filter), "");
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestPlay) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- // Verify successful call to Play().
- DoPlay();
- // At this point we are now in the kPlaying state.
- // Try calling Play() again to make sure that we simply get a callback.
- // We are already in the Play() state so there is no point calling the
- // filters.
- composite_->Play(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Verify that neither of the filter callbacks were set.
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter1Callback());
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter2Callback());
- // Stop playback.
- DoStop();
- // At this point we should be in the kStopped state.
- // Try calling Stop() again to make sure neither filter is called.
- composite_->Stop(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Verify that neither of the filter callbacks were set.
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter1Callback());
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter2Callback());
- // Try calling Play() again to make sure we get an error.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PLAY);
-// Test errors in the middle of a serial call sequence like Play().
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestPlayErrors) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Play(_));
- // Call Play() on the composite.
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Play(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_2_, Play(_));
- // Run callback to indicate that |filter_1_|'s Play() has completed.
- RunFilter1Callback();
- // At this point Play() has been called on |filter_2_|. Simulate an
- // error by calling SetError() on its FilterHost interface.
- filter_2_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE);
- // Expect error to be reported and "play done" callback to be called.
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_filter_host_, SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE));
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- // Run callback to indicate that |filter_2_|'s Play() has completed.
- RunFilter2Callback();
- // Verify that Play/Pause/Flush/Seek fail now that an error occured.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PLAY);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PAUSE);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(FLUSH);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(SEEK);
- // Make sure you can still Stop().
- DoStop();
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestPause) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- // Try calling Pause() to make sure we get an error because we aren't in
- // the playing state.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PAUSE);
- // Transition to playing state.
- DoPlay();
- // Issue a successful Pause().
- DoPause();
- // At this point we are paused.
- // Try calling Pause() again to make sure that the filters aren't called
- // because we are already in the paused state.
- composite_->Pause(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Verify that neither of the filter callbacks were set.
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter1Callback());
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter2Callback());
- // Verify that we can transition pack to the play state.
- DoPlay();
- // Go back to the pause state.
- DoPause();
- // Transition to the stop state.
- DoStop();
- // Try calling Pause() to make sure we get an error because we aren't in
- // the playing state.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PAUSE);
-// Test errors in the middle of a serial call sequence like Pause().
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestPauseErrors) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- DoPlay();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Pause(_));
- // Call Pause() on the composite.
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Pause(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- // Simulate an error by calling SetError() on |filter_1_|'s FilterHost
- // interface.
- filter_1_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE);
- // Expect error to be reported and "pause done" callback to be called.
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_filter_host_, SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE));
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- RunFilter1Callback();
- // Make sure |filter_2_cb_| was not set.
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasFilter2Callback());
- // Verify that Play/Pause/Flush/Seek fail now that an error occured.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PLAY);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PAUSE);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(FLUSH);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(SEEK);
- // Make sure you can still Stop().
- DoStop();
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestFlush) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- // Make sure Flush() works before calling Play().
- DoFlush();
- // Transition to playing state.
- DoPlay();
- // Call Flush() to make sure we get an error because we are in
- // the playing state.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(FLUSH);
- // Issue a successful Pause().
- DoPause();
- // Make sure Flush() works after pausing.
- DoFlush();
- // Verify that we can transition back to the play state.
- DoPlay();
- // Transition to the stop state.
- DoStop();
- // Try calling Flush() to make sure we get an error because we are stopped.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(FLUSH);
-// Test errors in the middle of a parallel call sequence like Flush().
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestFlushErrors) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Flush(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_2_, Flush(_));
- // Call Flush() on the composite.
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Flush(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- // Simulate an error by calling SetError() on |filter_1_|'s FilterHost
- // interface.
- filter_1_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE);
- RunFilter1Callback();
- // Expect error to be reported and "pause done" callback to be called.
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_filter_host_, SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE));
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- RunFilter2Callback();
- // Verify that Play/Pause/Flush/Seek fail now that an error occured.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PLAY);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(PAUSE);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(FLUSH);
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(SEEK);
- // Make sure you can still Stop().
- DoStop();
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestSeek) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- // Verify that seek is allowed to be called before a Play() call.
- DoSeek(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5));
- // Verify we can issue a Play() after the Seek().
- DoPlay();
- // Try calling Seek() while playing to make sure we get an error.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(SEEK);
- // Transition to paused state.
- DoPause();
- // Verify that seek is allowed after pausing.
- DoSeek(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5));
- // Verify we can still play again.
- DoPlay();
- // Stop playback.
- DoStop();
- // Try calling Seek() to make sure we get an error.
- ExpectInvalidStateFail(SEEK);
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestStop) {
- InSequence sequence;
- // Test Stop() before any other call.
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- DoStop();
- // Test error during Stop() sequence.
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Stop(_));
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Stop(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- // Have |filter_1_| signal an error.
- filter_1_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_READ);
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_2_, Stop(_));
- RunFilter1Callback();
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- RunFilter2Callback();
-// Test stopping in the middle of a serial call sequence.
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestStopWhilePlayPending) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Play(_));
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Play(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- // Note: Play() is pending on |filter_1_| right now.
- callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Stop(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Stop(_));
- // Run |filter_1_|'s callback again to indicate Play() has completed.
- RunFilter1Callback();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_2_, Stop(_));
- // Run |filter_1_|'s callback again to indicate Stop() has completed.
- RunFilter1Callback();
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- // Run |filter_2_|'s callback to indicate Stop() has completed.
- RunFilter2Callback();
-// Test stopping in the middle of a parallel call sequence.
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestStopWhileFlushPending) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Flush(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_2_, Flush(_));
- StrictMock<MockClosure>* callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Flush(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- // Note: |filter_1_| and |filter_2_| have pending Flush() calls at this point.
- callback = new StrictMock<MockClosure>();
- composite_->Stop(base::Bind(&MockClosure::Run, callback));
- // Run callback to indicate that |filter_1_|'s Flush() has completed.
- RunFilter1Callback();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_1_, Stop(_));
- // Run callback to indicate that |filter_2_|'s Flush() has completed.
- RunFilter2Callback();
- EXPECT_CALL(*filter_2_, Stop(_));
- // Run callback to indicate that |filter_1_|'s Stop() has completed.
- RunFilter1Callback();
- EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
- // Run callback to indicate that |filter_2_|'s Stop() has completed.
- RunFilter2Callback();
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestErrorWhilePlaying) {
- InSequence sequence;
- SetupAndAdd2Filters();
- DoPlay();
- // Simulate an error on |filter_2_| while playing.
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_filter_host_, SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE));
- filter_2_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE);
- DoPause();
- // Simulate an error on |filter_2_| while paused.
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_filter_host_, SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK));
- filter_2_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- DoStop();
- // Verify that errors are not passed to |mock_filter_host_|
- // after Stop() has been called.
- filter_2_->host()->SetError(PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
-// Make sure that state transitions act as expected even
-// if the composite doesn't contain any filters.
-TEST_F(CompositeFilterTest, TestEmptyComposite) {
- InSequence sequence;
- composite_->SetHost(mock_filter_host_.get());
- // Issue a Play() and expect no errors.
- composite_->Play(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Issue a Pause() and expect no errors.
- composite_->Pause(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Issue a Flush() and expect no errors.
- composite_->Flush(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Issue a Seek() and expect no errors.
- composite_->Seek(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5),
- NewExpectedStatusCB(PIPELINE_OK));
- // Issue a Play() and expect no errors.
- composite_->Play(NewExpectedClosure());
- // Issue a Stop() and expect no errors.
- composite_->Stop(NewExpectedClosure());
-} // namespace media
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