DescriptionHandle updating depot_tools repos that are git cloned.
Until recently, no proper Git clone of depot_tools existed.
All Git clones were set up locally via git svn clone. The
way repos of that type are updated is via 'git svn rebase'.
Now, a supported Git clone of depot_tools exists. The
update process for repos of this type is via 'git fetch'
and 'git rebase'.
Modify the update_depot_tools* scripts so they can update
depot_tools for git cloned or git svn cloned methods. This
also means that git svn is no longer required, so move that
test after we check for git cloned repos.
TEST=Linux + git clone: on Linux, git clone Apply
and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run
'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run
'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'.
Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this
TEST=Linux + git svn clone: on Linux, git svn clone
Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash
of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick
HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify
depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change.
TEST=Windows command prompt + git clone: on Windows command prompt,
run Linux+git clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify
depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change.
TEST=Windows command prompt + git svn clone: on Windows command
prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test, except use
update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest
available revision + this change.
TEST=Windows cygwin + git clone: on Windows command prompt,
run Linux+git clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest
available revision + this change.
TEST=Windows cygwin + git svn clone: on Windows command
prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated
to latest available revision + this change.
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 2 : fix errorlevel check on windows #Patch Set 3 : comment #
Total comments: 2
Patch Set 4 : #Patch Set 5 : redirect output to null #Messages
Total messages: 17 (0 generated)