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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_node.h

Issue 10147003: [Sync] Move 'syncapi_core' and 'sync_unit_tests' targets to sync/ (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fix Win update errors Created 8 years, 8 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_node.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_node.h b/chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_node.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c55ddd0c9207924f17465cd4cee905262c3ad06..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_node.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/base_node.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/model_type.h"
-namespace browser_sync {
-class Cryptographer;
-class TestBookmarkModelAssociator;
-namespace syncable {
-class Entry;
-class MutableEntry;
-namespace sync_pb {
-class AppSpecifics;
-class AutofillSpecifics;
-class AutofillProfileSpecifics;
-class BookmarkSpecifics;
-class EntitySpecifics;
-class ExtensionSpecifics;
-class SessionSpecifics;
-class NigoriSpecifics;
-class PasswordSpecificsData;
-class ThemeSpecifics;
-class TypedUrlSpecifics;
-namespace sync_api {
-class WriteTransaction;
-// WriteNode extends BaseNode to add mutation, and wraps
-// syncable::MutableEntry. A WriteTransaction is needed to create a WriteNode.
-class WriteNode : public BaseNode {
- public:
- // Create a WriteNode using the given transaction.
- explicit WriteNode(WriteTransaction* transaction);
- virtual ~WriteNode();
- // A client must use one (and only one) of the following Init variants to
- // populate the node.
- // BaseNode implementation.
- virtual InitByLookupResult InitByIdLookup(int64 id) OVERRIDE;
- virtual InitByLookupResult InitByClientTagLookup(
- syncable::ModelType model_type,
- const std::string& tag) OVERRIDE;
- // Create a new node with the specified parent and predecessor. |model_type|
- // dictates the type of the item, and controls which EntitySpecifics proto
- // extension can be used with this item. Use a NULL |predecessor|
- // to indicate that this is to be the first child.
- // |predecessor| must be a child of |new_parent| or NULL. Returns false on
- // failure.
- bool InitByCreation(syncable::ModelType model_type,
- const BaseNode& parent,
- const BaseNode* predecessor);
- // Create nodes using this function if they're unique items that
- // you want to fetch using client_tag. Note that the behavior of these
- // items is slightly different than that of normal items.
- // Most importantly, if it exists locally, this function will
- // actually undelete it
- // Client unique tagged nodes must NOT be folders.
- bool InitUniqueByCreation(syncable::ModelType model_type,
- const BaseNode& parent,
- const std::string& client_tag);
- // Each server-created permanent node is tagged with a unique string.
- // Look up the node with the particular tag. If it does not exist,
- // return false.
- InitByLookupResult InitByTagLookup(const std::string& tag);
- // These Set() functions correspond to the Get() functions of BaseNode.
- void SetIsFolder(bool folder);
- void SetTitle(const std::wstring& title);
- // External ID is a client-only field, so setting it doesn't cause the item to
- // be synced again.
- void SetExternalId(int64 external_id);
- // Remove this node and its children.
- void Remove();
- // Set a new parent and position. Position is specified by |predecessor|; if
- // it is NULL, the node is moved to the first position. |predecessor| must
- // be a child of |new_parent| or NULL. Returns false on failure..
- bool SetPosition(const BaseNode& new_parent, const BaseNode* predecessor);
- // Set the bookmark specifics (url and favicon).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == BOOKMARK.
- void SetBookmarkSpecifics(const sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics& specifics);
- // Legacy, bookmark-specific setters that wrap SetBookmarkSpecifics() above.
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == BOOKMARK.
- // TODO(ncarter): Remove these two datatype-specific accessors.
- void SetURL(const GURL& url);
- void SetFaviconBytes(const std::vector<unsigned char>& bytes);
- // Generic set specifics method. Will extract the model type from |specifics|.
- void SetEntitySpecifics(const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics);
- // Resets the EntitySpecifics for this node based on the unencrypted data.
- // Will encrypt if necessary.
- void ResetFromSpecifics();
- // TODO(sync): Remove the setters below when the corresponding data
- // types are ported to the new sync service API.
- // Set the app specifics (id, update url, enabled state, etc).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == APPS.
- void SetAppSpecifics(const sync_pb::AppSpecifics& specifics);
- // Set the autofill specifics (name and value).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == AUTOFILL.
- void SetAutofillSpecifics(const sync_pb::AutofillSpecifics& specifics);
- void SetAutofillProfileSpecifics(
- const sync_pb::AutofillProfileSpecifics& specifics);
- // Set the nigori specifics.
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == NIGORI.
- void SetNigoriSpecifics(const sync_pb::NigoriSpecifics& specifics);
- // Set the password specifics.
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == PASSWORD.
- void SetPasswordSpecifics(const sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData& specifics);
- // Set the theme specifics (name and value).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == THEME.
- void SetThemeSpecifics(const sync_pb::ThemeSpecifics& specifics);
- // Set the typed_url specifics (url, title, typed_count, etc).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == TYPED_URLS.
- void SetTypedUrlSpecifics(const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& specifics);
- // Set the extension specifics (id, update url, enabled state, etc).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == EXTENSIONS.
- void SetExtensionSpecifics(const sync_pb::ExtensionSpecifics& specifics);
- // Set the session specifics (windows, tabs, navigations etc.).
- // Should only be called if GetModelType() == SESSIONS.
- void SetSessionSpecifics(const sync_pb::SessionSpecifics& specifics);
- // Implementation of BaseNode's abstract virtual accessors.
- virtual const syncable::Entry* GetEntry() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual const BaseTransaction* GetTransaction() const OVERRIDE;
- private:
- friend class browser_sync::TestBookmarkModelAssociator;
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, EncryptBookmarksWithLegacyData);
- void* operator new(size_t size); // Node is meant for stack use only.
- // Helper to set model type. This will clear any specifics data.
- void PutModelType(syncable::ModelType model_type);
- // Helper to set the previous node.
- bool PutPredecessor(const BaseNode* predecessor) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
- // Sets IS_UNSYNCED and SYNCING to ensure this entry is considered in an
- // upcoming commit pass.
- void MarkForSyncing();
- // The underlying syncable object which this class wraps.
- syncable::MutableEntry* entry_;
- // The sync API transaction that is the parent of this node.
- WriteTransaction* transaction_;
-} // namespace sync_api
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